998 resultados para Laue diffraction


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The design of a new microfurnace for use for Laue diffraction studies of solid-state transformations is described. The furnace operates in the temperature range 298-573 K with a thermal stability of about ± 0.1 K. The potential of the synchrotron-radiation Laue diffraction technique for studies of structural phase transitions is demonstrated. Experimental data on phase transitions in caesium periodate, potassium tetrachlorozincate and pentaerythritol are presented.


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High-brightness synchrotron X-rays together with precision achromatic focusing optics on beamline 7.3.3 at the Advanced Light Source have been applied for Laue microdiffraction analysis of mineralogical phases in Egyptian pigments. Although this task is usually performed using monochromatic X-ray diffraction, the Laue technique was both faster and more reliable for the present sample. In this approach, white-beam diffraction patterns are collected as the sample is raster scanned across the incident beam (0.8 µm × 0.8 µm). The complex Laue diffraction patterns arising from illumination of multiple grains are indexed using the white-beam crystallographic software package XMAS, enabling a mineralogical map as a function of sample position. This methodology has been applied to determine the mineralogy of colour pigments taken from the ancient Egyptian coffin of Tjeseb, a priestess of the Apis bull dating from the Third Intermediate to Late period, 25th Dynasty to early 26th Dynasty (747 to 600 BC). For all pigments, a ground layer of calcite and quartz was identified. For the blue pigment, cuprorivaite (CuCaSi4O10) was found to be the primary colouring agent with a grain size ranging from ∼10 to 50 µm. In the green and yellow samples, malachite [Cu2(OH)2CO3] and goethite [FeO(OH)] were identified, respectively. Grain sizes from these pigments were significantly smaller. It was possible to index some malachite grains up to ∼20 µm in size, while the majority of goethite grains displayed a nanocrystalline particle size. The inability to obtain a complete mineralogical map for goethite highlights the fact that the incident probe size is considerably larger than the grain size. This limit will continue to improve as the present trend is toward focusing optics approaching the diffraction limit (∼1000× smaller beam area).


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We have used a recently developed x-ray structural microscopy technique to make nondestructive, submicron-resolution measurements of the deformation microstructure below a 100mN maximum load Berkovich nanoindent in single crystal Cu. Direct observations of plastic deformation under the indent were obtained using a ~0.5 µm polychromatic microbeam and diffracted beam depth profiling to make micron-resolution spatially-resolved x-ray Laue diffraction measurements. The local lattice rotations underneath the nanoindent were found to be heterogeneous in nature as revealed by geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) densities determined for positions along lines beneath a flat indent face and under the sharp Berkovich indent blade edges. Measurements of the local rotation-axes and misorientation-angles along these lines are discussed in terms of crystallographic slip systems.


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This work was focused on studies of the metal hydride materials having a potential in building hydrogen storage systems with high gravimetric and volumetric efficiencies of H storage and formed / decomposed with high rates of hydrogen exchange. In situ diffraction studies of the metal-hydrogen systems were explored as a valuable tool in probing both the mechanism of the phase-structural transformations and their kinetics. Two complementary techniques, namely Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SR XRD) were utilised. High pressure in situ NPD studies were performed at D2 pressures reaching 1000 bar at the D1B diffractometer accommodated at Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble. The data of the time resolved in situ SR XRD were collected at the Swiss Norwegian Beam Lines, ESRF, Grenoble in the pressure range up to 50 bar H2 at temperatures 20-400°C. The systems studied by NPD at high pressures included deuterated Al-modified Laves-type C15 ZrFe2-xAlx intermetallics with x = 0.02; 0.04 and 0.20 and the CeNi5-D2 system. D content, hysteresis of H uptake and release, unit cell expansion and stability of the hydrides systematically change with Al content. Deuteration exhibited a very fast kinetics; it resulted in increase of the unit cells volumes reaching 23.5 % for ZrFe1.98Al0.02D2.9(1) and associated with exclusive occupancy of the Zr2(Fe,Al)2 tetrahedra. For CeNi5 deuteration yielded a hexahydride CeNi5D6.2 (20°C, 776 bar D2) and was accompanied by a nearly isotropic volume expansion reaching 30.1% (∆a/a=10.0%; ∆c/c=7.5%). Deuterium atoms fill three different interstitial sites including Ce2Ni2, Ce2Ni3 and Ni4. Significant hysteresis was observed on the first absorption-desorption cycle. This hysteresis decreased on the absorption-desorption cycling. A different approach to the development of H storage systems is based on the hydrides of light elements, first of all the Mg-based ones. These systems were studied by SR XRD. Reactive ball milling in hydrogen (HRBM) allowed synthesis of the nanostructured Mg-based hydrides. The experimental parameters (PH2, T, energy of milling, ball / sample ratio and balls size), significantly influence rate of hydrogenation. The studies confirmed (a) a completeness of hydrogenation of Mg into MgH2; (b) indicated a partial transformation of the originally formed -MgH2 into a metastable -MgH2 (a ratio / was 3/1); (c) yielded the crystallite size for the main hydrogenation product, -MgH2, as close to 10 nm. Influence of the additives to Mg on the structure and hydrogen absorption/desorption properties and cycle behaviour of the composites was established and will be discussed in the paper.


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The radial distribution functions (RDFs) of five xLi2S.(1 - x)B2S3 glasses (x = 0.55, 0.60, 0.67, 0.71 and 0.75) have been determined from neutron diffraction experiments performed at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. These glasses are prepared by casting a molten mixture of boron, sulphur and Li2S inside a controlled atmosphere glovebox. Addition of the Li2S Modifier is found gradually to suppress all peaks corresponding to interatomic distances > 3.5 angstrom, which implies that the structural entities present in these glasses become segmented, and therefore more ionic, as x increases. The assumption of the existence of four main structural entities based on four- and three-coordinated borons (the latter carrying bridging and/or non-bridging sulphurs) accounts for all the peaks present in the RDFs as a function of composition. Furthermore, in the most modified glass (x = 0.75), that which contains only 'isolated' BS33- triangles, there seems to be evidence for either octahedral or tetrahedral coordination of Li+ by S- ions


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Illustrative extracts from the writings of Paul P. Ewald and of Max von Laue are presented. The latter in turn contains extensive text contributions from William Lawrence Bragg. These selections we have chosen so as to indicate the nature of the discovery of X-ray diffraction from crystals (experiments undertaken by Friedrich, Knipping and von Laue) and its early and prompt application in crystal structure analyses (by William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg). The platform for these discoveries was provided by a macroscopic physics problem dealt with by Ewald in his doctoral thesis with Arnold Sommerfeld in the Munich Physics Department, which is also where von Laue was based. W.L. Bragg was a student in Cambridge who used Trinity College Cambridge as his address on his early papers; experimental work was done by him in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, and also with his father, W.H. Bragg, in the Leeds University Physics Department. Of further historical interest is the award of an Honorary DSc (Doctor of Science) degree in 1936 to Max von Laue by the University of Manchester, UK, while William Lawrence Bragg was Langworthy Professor of Physics there. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This paper presents a deterministic modelling approach to predict diffraction loss for an innovative Multi-User-Single-Antenna (MUSA) MIMO technology, proposed for rural Australian environments. In order to calculate diffraction loss, six receivers have been considered around an access point in a selected rural environment. Generated terrain profiles for six receivers are presented in this paper. Simulation results using classical diffraction models and diffraction theory are also presented by accounting the rural Australian terrain data. Results show that in an area of 900 m by 900 m surrounding the receivers, path loss due to diffraction can range between 5 dB and 35 dB. Diffraction loss maps can contribute to determine the optimal location for receivers of MUSA-MIMO systems in rural areas.


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A pilot experiment was performed using the WOMBAT powder diffraction instrument at ANSTO in which the first neutron diffraction peak (Q0) was measured for D2O flowing in a 2 mm internal diameter aluminium tube. Measurements of Q0 were made at -9, 4.3, 6.9, 12, 18.2 and 21.5 °C. The D2O was circulated using a siphon with water in the lower reservoir returned to the upper reservoir using a small pump. This enabled stable flow to be maintained for several hours. For example, if the pump flow increased slightly, the upper reservoir level rose, increasing the siphon flow until it matched the return flow. A neutron wavelength of 2.4 Å was used and data integrated over 60 minutes for each temperature. A jet of nitrogen from a liquid N2 Dewar was directed over the aluminium tube to vary water temperature. After collection of the data, the d spacing of the aluminium peaks was used to calculate the temperature of the aluminium within the neutron beam and therefore was considered to be an accurate measure of water temperature within the beam. Sigmaplot version 12.3 was used to fit a Weibull five parameter peak fit to the first neutron diffraction peak. The values of Q0 obtained in this experiment showed an increase with temperature consistent with data in the literature [1] but were consistently higher than published values for bulk D20. For example at 21.5 °C we obtained a value of 2.008 Å-1 for Q0 compared to a literature value of 1.988 Å-1 for bulk D2O at 20 °C, a difference of 1%. Further experiments are required to see if this difference is real or artifactual.


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X-ray diffraction structure functions for water flowing in a 1.5 mm diameter siphon in the temperature range 4 – 63 °C were obtained using a 20 keV beam at the Australian Synchrotron. These functions were compared with structure functions obtained at the Advanced Light Source for a 0.5 mm thick sample of water in the temperature range 1 – 77 °C irradiated with an 11 keV beam. The two sets of structure functions are similar, but there are subtle differences in the shape and relative position of the two functions suggesting a possible differences between the structure of bulk and siphon water. In addition, the first structural peak (Q0) for water in a siphon, showed evidence of a step-wise increase in Q0 with increasing temperature rather than a smoothly varying increase. More experiments are required to investigate this apparent difference.