196 resultados para L5
从滇池蓝藻水华集聚区分离获得一株溶藻细菌DC-L5,通过形态及16S rDNA测序分析鉴定为短小芽孢杆菌。用小白鼠进行生物安全实验,小白鼠无中毒症状。研究表明当细菌处于对数生长期时溶藻效果最强,共培养5d使铜锈微囊藻的叶绿素a含量下降83.33%,使惠氏微囊藻、绿色微囊藻、水华束丝藻和水华鱼腥藻4种蓝藻叶绿素a下降率最高为67.6%,最低为58.5%,平均为62.25%。离心沉降后,发现沉淀菌体和无菌上清液对铜锈微囊藻都有溶藻效果,但溶藻效果不及原菌液,推测DC-L5可能是通过直接接触使藻细胞凝聚下沉及进
La spondylolyse et le spondylolisthésis sont une déformité bien connue dans le domaine de l’orthopédie. Par contre, il persiste des confusions et des débats sur différents aspects de cette pathologie incluant l’étiologie, l’histoire naturelle et le traitement. Récemment, deux études ont démontré l’influence significative de la morphologie du sacrum dans le spondylolisthésis par Inoue et al. et Whitesides et al.4,5 Ces trouvailles ont renouvelé l’intérêt dans l’évaluation radiologique de la balance sagittale de cette condition. L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’évaluer l’influence de la forme et l’orientation du sacrum chez les patients atteints de spondylolisthésis. Pour ce faire, nous avons construit une base de données de patients présentant un spondylolisthésis et d’un groupe contrôle. Par la suite les radiographies de ces sujets ont été analysées par un programme d’ordinateur afin de calculer tous les paramètres pertinents. Ce travail nous a tout d’abord permis de déterminer à partir des radiographies de 120 volontaires pédiatriques et plus de 130 patients pédiatriques atteints de la spondylolisthésis, les valeurs moyennes et la variation des paramètres angulaires qui influencent l’équilibre sagittal du rachis. Cette base de données est la première existante dans la population pédiatrique. Ces données seront d’une grande utilité pour le futur lors d’études concernant diverses conditions spinales. Nous avons remarqué une différence significative de la morphologie sacrée chez les sujets présentant le spondylolisthésis. Par ailleurs, l’étude de corrélation nous a également permis d’établir une forte relation entre le sacrum, le bassin et la colonne dans le profil sagittal. Finalement, ce travail a permis une meilleure compréhension globale de la posture sagittale chez les sujets normaux et chez les sujets atteints du spondylolisthésis qui pourra servir pour mieux analyser cette condition et pour ajuster les traitements selon l’analyse.
There is substantial controversy in literature about human dermatomes. We studied L4, L5, and S1 inferior limb dermatomes by comparing clinical signs and symptoms with conduction studies, electromyographical data, neurosurgical findings, and imaging data from computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After analyzing 60 patients, we concluded that L4 is probably located in the medial aspect of the leg, L5 in the lateral aspect of the leg and foot dorsus, and S1 in the posterior aspect of the backside, tight, leg and plantar foot skin. This is the first time that these human dermatomes have been evaluated by combined analysis of clinical, electromyographical, neurosurgical, and imaging data.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Lagrangian points L4 and L5 lie at 60 degrees ahead of and behind Moon in its orbit with respect to the Earth. Each one of them is a third point of an equilateral triangle with the base of the line defined by those two bodies. These Lagrangian points are stable for the Earth-Moon mass ratio. Because of their distance electromagnetic radiations from the Earth arrive on them substantially attenuated. As so, these Lagrangian points represent remarkable positions to host astronomical observatories. However, this same distance characteristic may be a challenge for periodic servicing mission. In this work, we introduce a new low-cost orbital transfer strategy that opportunistically combine chaotic and swing-by transfers to get a very efficient strategy that can be used for servicing mission on astronomical mission placed on Lagrangian points L4 or L5. This strategy is not only efficient with respect to thrust requirement, but also its time transfer is comparable to others known transfer techniques based on time optimization. Copyright ©2010 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved.
An alternative transfer strategy to send spacecrafts to stable orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium points L4 and L5 based in trajectories derived from the periodic orbits around LI is presented in this work. The trajectories derived, called Trajectories G, are described and studied in terms of the initial generation requirements and their energy variations relative to the Earth through the passage by the lunar sphere of influence. Missions for insertion of spacecrafts in elliptic orbits around L4 and L5 are analysed considering the Restricted Three-Body Problem Earth- Moon-particle and the results are discussed starting from the thrust, time of flight and energy variation relative to the Earth. Copyright© (2012) by the International Astronautical Federation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A comparison between an unconstrained and a partially constrained system for in vitro biomechanical testing of the L5-S1 spinal unit was conducted. The objective was to compare the compliance and the coupling of the L5-S1 unit measured with an unconstrained and a partially constrained test for the three major physiological motions of the human spine. Very few studies have compared unconstrained and partially constrained testing systems using the same cadaveric functional spinal units (FSUs). Seven human L5-S1 units were therefore tested on both a pneumatic, unconstrained, and a servohydraulic, partially constrained system. Each FSU was tested along three motions: flexion-extension (FE), lateral bending (LB) and axial rotation (AR). The obtained kinematics on both systems is not equivalent, except for the FE case, where both motions are similar. The directions of coupled motions were similar for both tests, but their magnitudes were smaller in the partially constrained configuration. The use of a partially constrained system to characterize LB and AR of the lumbosacral FSU decreased significantly the measured stiffness of the segment. The unconstrained system is today's "gold standard" for the characterization of FSUs. The selected partially constrained method seems also to be an appropriate way to characterize FSUs for specific applications. Care should be taken using the latter method when the coupled motions are important.