993 resultados para Kielmeyera coriacea Mart.
This study aimed to investigate the antitumor and cytotoxicity activities of Kielmeyera coriacea and Pyrostegia venusta extracts. Therefore, the hydroalcoholic extracts of P. venusta flowers and K. coriacea leaves were prepared. The extracts were evaporated and the dry extracts were diluted at concentrations of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 mg/ml for carrying out the bioassays. Artemia salina eggs were incubated in saline solution at 28°C for 24 h. The larvae were treated with different extracts concentrations and the mortality was evaluated after 24 and 48 h. Five discs of potato were placed in Petri dishes and 50 μl of inoculum of Agrobacterium tumefaciens were added to it at 28°C for 24 h incubation. So, 50 μl of the extracts in different concentrations were added. Positive and negative controls were made. The P. venusta and K. coriacea extracts did not show statistically significant acute toxicity. K. coriacea extract showed (mean% of tumor ± standard deviation) 15.30 ± 3.24, 6.34 ± 3.82, 7.57 ± 2.92 and 5.77 ± 2.85 and P. venusta showed 25.82 ± 5.15, 38.40 ± 8.28, 15.75 ± 4.44 and 13.38 ± 7.92, with their concentrations for the antitumor bioassay, and the positive control showed 25.80 ± 6.14. According to the obtained results it was established that the K. coriacea and P. venusta extracts showed antitumor activity but did not show significant cytotoxic activity in A. salina test.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Com a finalidade de se determinar a concentração e extração dos macro e micronutrientes, assim como o teor de alumínio, em espécies que vegetam em condições de Cerrado, foram coletadas amostras de Byrsonima coccolobifolia (Sp) Kunth em um Regosolo nos meses de janeiro, agosto e novembro na região de Cajurú no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. No mês de janeiro foram coletadas em igualdade de condições amostras de Kilmeyer coriacea (Sp) Mart, e "Samambaia". Os resultados mostram que: 1 - A estação climática do ano não tem influência marcante nas espécies; 2 - A concentração dos macro e micronutrientes, salvo algumas exceções, é semelhante a das plantas cultivadas; 3 - O xilopódio é órgão armazenador de nutrientes na espécie "samambaia"; 4 - As espécies não são acumuladoras de alumínio.
Kielmeyera coriacea é uma árvore caducifólia, típica dos cerrados do Planalto Central. Neste estudo, investigou-se como as mudanças no potencial da água do solo (Ys) e a luz afetaram a produtividade e a sobrevivência de indivíduos jovens de Kielmeyera coriacea transplantados na matriz herbácea de uma vegetação do cerrado, em que os elementos arbustivos e arbóreos são esparsos (campo sujo). Indivíduos de 2 meses de idade foram transplantados na primeira metade da estação chuvosa (novembro-dezembro) de 1994. A maior parte da mortalidade dos indivíduos de Kielmeyera coriacea ocorreu nos primeiros meses após o transplante, durante a estação chuvosa. A grande maioria das plantas sobreviventes conseguiu atravessar sua primeira estação seca, mostrando que o período de estiagem não influenciou na sobrevivência das mesmas. No entanto, durante a época seca do segundo ano, 35% das plantas sobreviventes foram removidas por tatus do gênero Dasypus spp. Em meados de julho de ambos os anos, quando o Ys alcançou valores inferiores a -2,5 MPa a 5 cm e Ys < -1,0 MPa a 15 cm de profundidade, a grande maioria das plantas já havia perdido suas folhas. Algumas chegaram a perder toda a parte aérea, que rebrotou do solo nos primeiros meses chuvosos quando o Ys atinge valores próximos de zero. As plantas não mostraram grande investimento em altura, aumentando 1,5 cm em média, durante o período estudado (28 meses), e não mais de 3-4 folhas por planta foram produzidas durante a estação chuvosa de cada ano. Dados de disponibilidade de luz indicaram que plantas com folhas horizontais localizadas a 5 cm de altura teriam uma assimilação potencial de CO2 entre 26 e 40% da sua capacidade máxima durante a estação chuvosa, enquanto que a 50 cm do solo, onde não há mais sombreamento pelo estrato graminoso, chegaria a 80% do máximo. Assim sendo, nos primeiros anos de vida, a disponibilidade de água restringiria a produtividade desta espécie na seca, enquanto o sombreamento pelo estrato herbáceo limitaria a sua produtividade na época chuvosa.
The bioassay-guided fractionation of stems from Kielmeyera variabilis, traditionally used in Brazilian folk medicine, yielded assiguxanthone-B (1), kielcorin (4), 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3), and a mixture of xanthones containing assiguxanthone-B (1) and 1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone (2) (1:1 w/w). The xanthone mixture inhibited Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis at a concentration of 6.25 µg/ml. When tested alone, the minimal inhibitory concentration of assiguxanthone-B was 25 µg/ml against B. subtilis. Kielcorin and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid were inactive against both strains. None of the fractions was active against Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Viable cells of S. aureus were reduced by a 1-3 log CFU/ml within 12 h after exposure of one to eight times the MIC of the xanthone mixture. It is not known whether the tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone or other components of the xanthone mixture are responsible for the main antibacterial activity or whether additive or synergistic action is involved
Anonáceas, em geral, são espécies cantarófilas e altamente especializadas, apresentando pétalas espessas, carnosas e nutritivas que formam uma câmara floral com ocorrência de termogênege. Este estudo objetivou verificar os efetivos polinizadores e sistema reprodutivo prevalente em A. coriacea. Flores foram marcadas e acompanhadas durante períodos do dia e da noite para verificar os polinizadores legítimos. Tratamentos de polinização manual foram realizados para determinar o sistema reprodutivo. Besouros escarabeídeos Cyclocephala atricapilla e Cyclocephala quatuordecimpunctata (Dynastinae) foram atraídos pelo odor emitido pelas flores no início da noite já contendo pólen em seus corpos e penetraram na câmara floral, onde permaneceram por até 48h alimentando-se das pétalas e de pólen, copulando, e ao tocarem nos estigmas receptivos, depositaram pólen. Posteriormente, flores em fase masculina liberaram pólen que novamente sujou o corpo dos besouros e, com a queda da flor, voaram para outra flor recém-aberta e em fase feminina, iniciando novo ciclo de polinização. A. coriacea é uma espécie autocompatível e Cyclocephala foram polinizadores muito eficientes.
Methanol extract obtained from Kielmeyera variabilis stems showed significant molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata. The phytochemical studies of the plants stem to the isolation of three xanthones (assiguxanthone-B, kielcorin and 1,3,5,6-tetrahtydroxy-2-prenylxanthone) and a organic acid (2,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid). The structures of these compounds were identified by IR, MS, ¹H and 13C NMR spectral analysis and comparison with literature data.
Purpose: The antitumor activity of Kielmeyera coriacea (Clusiaceae), a medicinal plant used in the treatment of parasitic, as well as fungal and bacterial infections by the Brazilian Cerrado population, was investigated. Methods: A chloroform extract (CE) of K. coriacea was tested in the murine melanoma cell line (B16F10-Nex2) and a panel of human tumor cell lines. Tumor cell migration was determined by the wound-healing assay and the in vivo antitumor activity of CE was investigated in a melanoma cell metastatic model. 1H NMR and GC/MS were used to determine CE chemical composition. Results: We found that CE exhibited strong cytotoxic activity against murine melanoma cells and a panel of human tumor cell lines in vitro. CE also inhibited growth of B16F10- Nex2 cells at sub lethal concentrations, inducing cell cycle arrest at S phase, and inhibition of tumor cell migration. Most importantly, administration of CE significantly reduced the number of melanoma metastatic nodules in vivo. Chemical analysis of CE indicated the presence of the long chain fatty compounds, 1-eicosanol, 1-docosanol, and 2-nonadecanone as main constituents. Conclusion: These results indicate that K. coriacea is a promising medicinal plant in cancer therapy exhibiting antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo against different tumor cell lines.
Pau-santo (Kielmeyera coriacea) é a espécie fornecedora de cortiça mais importante do Cerrado, porém apresenta alto grau de polimorfismo entre os indivíduos, o que pode afetar de forma distinta os testes de germinação de sementes e emergência de plântulas. Diante disso, os objetivos foram correlacionar características de germinação de sementes com a emergência de plântulas da espécie e quantificar o impacto da variabilidade entre os indivíduos na correlação e no teste de significância. Nos testes de germinação e emergência, o delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com sete tratamentos correspondentes aos indivíduos, com três repetições em parcelas compostas de 32 sementes. Dois critérios distintos de avaliação foram adotados, o de protrusão da radícula, no teste de germinação, e de plântula normal, no teste de emergência. Os indivíduos de K. coriacea apresentaram alta capacidade de germinação e emergência, com alto grau de incerteza, baixa sincronia e espalhamento em relação ao tempo médio, embora em ambos os testes os indivíduos tenham apresentado classificação distinta quanto a essas características. As correlações entre medidas de germinação e emergência com dados originais e com resíduos foram diferentes, mostrando que a variabilidade intrínseca do indivíduo interfere no resultado da medida. A significância associada à correlação apenas indicou que o valor encontrado não é zero e, portanto, não pode ser interpretado como relevante na associação entre as características da espécie.
The essential oil of the leaves from Annona coriacea Mart., Annonaceae, was extracted by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID. The oil yield was 0.05% m/m. Sixty compounds were identified, in a complex mixture of sesquiterpenes (76.7%), monoterpenes (20.0%) and other constituents (3.3%). Bicyclogermacrene was its major compound (39.8%) followed by other sesquiterpenes. Most of the monoterpenes were in low concentration (<1%). Only β-pinene and pseudolimonene presented the highest level of 1.6%. The volatile oil presented anti-leishmanial and trypanocidal activity against promastigotes of four species of Leishmania and trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, showing to be more active against Leishmania (L.) chagasi (IC50 39.93 µ g/mL) (95% CI 28.00-56.95 µ g/mL).
The parameters of germination, initial growth, and biomass allocation of three native plant species of Cerrado (Copaifera langsdorffii, Dipteryx alata and Kielmeyera coriacea) were established. The species had germination percentages above 88% and average germination times longer than 139 hours. The average time for the opening of the first leaf pair was more than 538 hours for all three species. The average root length of C. langsdorffii and D. alata seedlings after 80 days of growth was around 40cm, four times larger than the average shoot length (<10cm), although the root and shoot biomasses were similar for both species. The average root length (>20cm) of K. coriacea seedlings was four times larger than the average shoot length (<5cm), and the root biomass was 243% greater than the shoot biomass. Increase in seedling biomass was sustained primarily by the cotyledons in C. langsdorffii and D. alata, which acted as reserve organs and showed progressive weight reductions. Increase in seedling biomass in K. coriacea was sustained primarily by photosynthesis, since the cotyledons showed no significant weight reduction, acting primarily as photosynthetic organs. The length of the root systems was at least four times larger than the length of the shoots parts in all three species. Higher investment in root length rather than in root biomass suggest that the initial growth of these species is primarily to ensure access to water resources, apparently putting off the function of the radicular system as storage organ.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the mutagenicity (clastogenicity/aneugenicity) of a glycolic extract of Ziziphus joazeiro bark (GEZJ) by the micronucleus assay in mice bone marrow. Antimutagenic activity was also assessed using treatments associated with GEZJ and doxorubicin (DXR). Mice were evaluated 24-48 h after exposure to positive (N-nitroso-N-ethylurea, NEU - 50 mg.kg(-1) and DXR - 5 mg.kg(-1)) and negative (150 mM NaCl) controls, as well as treatment with GEZJ (0.5-2 g.kg(-1)), GEZJ (2 g.kg(-1)) + NEU and GEZJ (2 g.kg(-1)) + DXR. There were no significant differences in the frequencies of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes in mice treated with GEJZ and GEJZ + DXR compared to the negative controls, indicating that GEZJ was not mutagenic. Analysis of the polychromatic:normochromatic erythrocyte ratio revealed significant differences in the responses to doses of 0.5 g.kg(-1) and 1-2 g.kg(-1) and the positive control (NEU). These results indicated no systemic toxicity and moderate toxicity at lower and higher doses of GEZJ. The lack of mutagenicity and systemic toxicity in the antimutagenic assays, especially for treatment with GEZJ + DXR, suggested that phytochemical compounds in Z. joazeiro bark attenuated DXR-induced mutagenicity and the moderate systemic toxicity of a high dose of Z. joazeiro bark (2 g.kg(-1)). Further studies on the genotoxicity of Z. joazeiro extracts are necessary to establish the possible health risk in humans and to determine the potential as a chemopreventive agent for therapeutic use.
Several native herbaceous and subshrub species native to the Cerrado in Brazil are geophytes, that is, they survive the unfavorable dry season and low temperatures, that sometimes coincide with fire, with only the underground system intact. Vernonia oxylepis is one of these species and the aim of this study was to describe the morpho-anatomy of the tuberous root and bud formation on this structure. The main axis of this root is perpendicular to the soil surface, and from which aerial shoots arise periodically throughout the life cycle. On the upper portion of the root, self-grafting of the shoots occurs. The root stores lipids and fructans, exhibits contraction and produces reparatory buds; adventitious buds arise from proliferated pericycle. These characteristics may be related to adaptation of this species to conditions in the Cerrado.
The unusual development of branches along the stem of Euterpe edulis is described for the first time. Branches originated at 2 to 190 cm from the ground. Ramified individuals and branches were able to produce reproductive structures and some branches produced roots. A plausible cause for the observed anomaly could be genetic problems due to small population sizes. The better agreement of this process can have a positive effect in the harvest of the heart of palm through the artificial induction of sprouts, what would prevent the death of the individual.