971 resultados para Kearney, Richard: On Stories. Thinking in Action


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The need for sustainable economic growth and environmental stewardship emerged around the start of the twentieth century when society became aware that the traditional development model would lead to the collapse of the terrestrial ecosystem in the long run. Over the years, the international community's environmental efforts have demonstrated unequivocally that the planet's limits are real. And so, the new development approach has laid the groundwork for the future. According to this model, design also plays a key role in ensuring a better future. The design has undergone an ecological and sustainable evolution as a result of the global environmental crisis and the degradation of our ecosystem and biodiversity. In this contest, Prosperity Thinking is inserted, a still evolving methodology developed by the Future Food Institute starting from 2019. The main concepts on which it is based are described, as well as the method that identifies it, which is divided into the following stages: 1) Problem Framing 2) Ideation and Prototyping 3) Test & Analyze. The development of the prosperity thinking toolkit is described, beginning with the search for tools from the literature on sustainable design and ending with its validation with the help of design experts. The testing of some tools will be recounted during a workshop organized by FFI, in which 15 people ranging in age from 14 to 40 will participate, and then the final version of the toolkit will be presented which has been obtained by adding to it the tools proposed by the experts. Finally, a reflection on the future of Prosperity Thinking, a method in constant evolution that must continue to follow societal and environmental changes in order to respond to the ever-increasingly complex challenge of sustainability.


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Philosophers and economists write about collective action from distinct but related points of view. This paper aims to bridge these perspectives. Economists have been concerned with rationality in a strategic context. There, problems posed by “coordination games” seem to point to a form of rational action, “team thinking,” which is not individualistic. Philosophers’ analyses of collective intention, however, sometimes reduce collective action to a set of individually instrumental actions. They do not, therefore, capture the first person plural perspective characteristic of team thinking. Other analyses, problematically, depict intentions ranging over others’ actions. I offer an analysis of collective intention which avoids these problems. A collective intention aims only at causing an individual action, but its propositional content stipulates its mirroring in other minds.


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In this study, we report the protective effects of IAA on diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. BALB/c mice received daily IAA at 50 (T(50)), 250 (T(250)), and 500 (T(500)) mg K(-1) per body mass by gavage for 15 days. At day 15, animals were administered DEN and sacrificed 4 h later. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were analyzed in sera. In addition., hepatomorphologic alterations, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR), gene expression of antioxidant enzymes and DNA integrity were evaluated in the liver. IAA administration did not show any alterations in any of the parameters available, except for a reduction of the gene expression for antioxidant enzyrries by 55, 56, 27, and 28% for SOD, CAT, GPx, and GR upon T(500). respectively compared with the control. Several hepatic alterations were observed by DEN exposure. Moreover, IAA administration at 3 doses was shown to provide a total prevention of the active reduction of CAT and GR induced by DEN exposure compared with the control. IAA at T5(00) was shown to give partial protection (87, 71, 57, and 90% for respectively SOD, CAT. GPx. and GR) on the down-regulation of the enzymes induced by DEN and this auxin showed a partial protection (50%) on DEN-induced DNA fragmentation for both parameters when compared to DEN alone. This work showed IAA hepatocarcinogenesis protection for the first time by means of a DEN-protective effect on CAT and GR activity. and by affecting antioxidant gene expression and DNA fragmentation. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We previously reported that nuclear grade assignment of prostate carcinomas is subject to a cognitive bias induced by the tumor architecture. Here, we asked whether this bias is mediated by the non-conscious selection of nuclei that "match the expectation" induced by the inadvertent glance at the tumor architecture. 20 pathologists were asked to grade nuclei in high power fields of 20 prostate carcinomas displayed on a computer screen. Unknown to the pathologists, each carcinoma was shown twice, once before a background of a low grade, tubule-rich carcinoma and once before the background of a high grade, solid carcinoma. Eye tracking allowed to identify which nuclei the pathologists fixated during the 8 second projection period. For all 20 pathologists, nuclear grade assignment was significantly biased by tumor architecture. Pathologists tended to fixate on bigger, darker, and more irregular nuclei when those were projected before kigh grade, solid carcinomas than before low grade, tubule-rich carcinomas (and vice versa). However, the morphometric differences of the selected nuclei accounted for only 11% of the architecture-induced bias, suggesting that it can only to a small part be explained by the unconscious fixation on nuclei that "match the expectation". In conclusion, selection of « matching nuclei » represents an unconscious effort to vindicate the gravitation of nuclear grades towards the tumor architecture.


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Tämä työ tutkii ja tarkastelee transitio-kokeilua ravinnetaloudessa. Transitio-kokeilu on toimintatutkimusprojekti, joka toteutetaan systeemisen muutoksen ajattelun mukaisesti alhaalta ylöspäin. Ravinnetalous määritetään tarkemmin työn kautta sekä analysoidaan monitaso-perspektiivin näkökulmasta. Ravinnetalous on terminä varsin tuntematon ja tarvitsee enemmän tunnettavuutta laajemman yleisön edessä. Transitio-areenan ja transitio-visioiden kehittäminen ovat työn keskipisteessä, koska ne ovat tärkeimpiä vaiheita transition alkuvaiheessa. Joukko sidosryhmätoimijoita osallistuu transitio areenaan sekä visioiden jatkokehittelyyn. Visio(t) luodaan ensisijaisesti backcasting-menetelmällä, jota myös täydennetään tavanomaisella ennustamisella. Backcasting- menetelmä on osin osallistava ja siinä käytetään ravinteiden planeettarajoja kvantitatiivisina pääperiaatteina, minkä tuloksena myös visiot ovat osin kvantitatiivisia. Transitio areenan kokoaminen ja fasilitointi aiheuttavat hankalia kysymyksiä, jotka tarvitsevat jatko-tutkimusta. Alhaalta-ylöspäin organisoitu transitio-arena houkuttelee niche-toimijoita, mutta epäonnistuu sitouttamaan julkisen vallan toimijoita. Toimintamallin voimasuhteet, politiikka ja transition vakiinnuttaminen tulisivat olla jatko-toimenpiteinä niin tutkimuksessa kuin toiminnassakin.


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Whilst much is known of new technology adopters, little research has addressed the role of their attitudes in adoption decisions; particularly, for technologies with evident economic potential that have not been taken up by farmers. This paper presents recent research that has used a new approach which examines the role that adopters' attitudes play in identifying the drivers of and barriers to adoption. The study was concerned with technologies for livestock farming systems in SW England, specifically oestrus detection, nitrogen supply management, and, inclusion of white clover. The adoption behaviour is analysed using the social-psychology theory of reasoned action to identify factors that affect the adoption of technologies, which are confirmed using principal components analysis. The results presented here relate to the specific adoption behaviour regarding the Milk Development Council's recommended observation times for heat detection. The factors that affect the adoption of this technology are: cost effectiveness, improved detection and conception rates as the main drivers, whilst the threat to demean the personal knowledge and skills of a farmer in 'knowing' their cows is a barrier. This research shows clearly that promotion of a technology and transfer of knowledge for a farming system need to take account of the beliefs and attitudes of potential adopters. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The disuse hypothesis of cognitive aging attributes decrements in fluid intelligence in older adults to reduced cognitively stimulating activity. This study experimentally tested the hypothesis that a period of increased mentally stimulating activities thus would enhance older adults' fluid intelligence performance. Participants (N = 44, mean age 67.82) were administered pre- and post-test measures, including the fluid intelligence measure, Cattell's Culture Fair (CCF) test. Experimental participants engaged in diverse, novel, mentally stimulating activities for 10-12 weeks and were compared to a control condition. Results supported the hypothesis; the experimental group showed greater pre- to post-CCF gain than did controls (effect size d = 0.56), with a similar gain on a spatial-perceptual task (WAIS-R Blocks). Even brief periods of increased cognitive stimulation can improve older adults' problem solving and flexible thinking.


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Pergher PS, Leite-Dellova D, de Mello-Aires M. Direct action of aldosterone on bicarbonate reabsorption in in vivo cortical proximal tubule. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 296: F1185-F1193, 2009. First published February 18, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.90217.2008.-The direct action of aldosterone (10(-12) M) on net bicarbonate reabsorption (J(HCO3)(-)) was evaluated by stationary microperfusion of an in vivo middle proximal tubule (S2) of rat kidney, using H ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Aldosterone in luminally perfused tubules caused a significant increase in J(HCO3)(-) from a mean control value of 2.84 +/- 0.08 [49/19 (n degrees of measurements/n degrees of tubules)] to 4.20 +/- 0.15 nmol.cm(-2).s(-1) (58/10). Aldosterone perfused into peritubular capillaries also increased J(HCO3)(-), compared with basal levels during intact capillary perfusion with blood. In addition, in isolated perfused tubules aldosterone causes a transient increase of cytosolic free calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)), monitored fluorometrically. In the presence of ethanol ( in similar concentration used to prepare the hormonal solution), spironolactone (10(-6) M, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist), actinomycin D (10(-6) M, an inhibitor of gene transcription), or cycloheximide (40 mM, an inhibitor of protein synthesis), the J(HCO3)(-) and the [Ca(2+)](i) were not different from the control value; these drugs also did not prevent the stimulatory effect of aldosterone on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i). However, in the presence of RU 486 alone [10(-6) M, a classic glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist], a significant decrease on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i) was observed; this antagonist also inhibited the stimulatory effect of aldosterone on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i). These studies indicate that luminal or peritubular aldosterone (10(-12) M) has a direct nongenomic stimulatory effect on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i) in proximal tubule and that probably GR participates in this process. The data also indicate that endogenous aldosterone stimulates J(HCO3)(-) in middle proximal tubule.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study was to determine the action of AsGA laser irradiation on bone repair in the tibia of osteopenic rats. The animals were randomly divided into eight experimental groups according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or the absence of the hormone (OVX group), as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.Introduction The development of new techniques to speed the process of bone repair has provided significant advances in the treatment of fractures. Some attention recently focused on the effects of biostimulation on bone.Methods Forty-eight adult rats were randomly divided into eight experimental groups (six animals in each group) according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or absence of the hormone (ovariectomized (OVX) group) as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. For the application of low-level laser therapy, the animals were anesthetized with one third of the dose sufficient to immobilize the animal and irradiated with AsGa laser (904 nm, 50 mJ/cm(2) for 2s, point form and in contact). The control animals received the same type of manipulation as the irradiated animals, but with the laser turned off. Half of the animals were killed 7 days following the confection of the bone defect, and the other half were killed 21 days after the surgery. After complete demineralization, the tibias were cut cross-sectionally in the central region of the bone defect and embedded in paraffin blocks. The blocks were then cut in semi-seriated slices and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Results There was new bone formation in the animals in the OVX group with laser treatment killed after 7 days (p<0.001). The lowest percentage of bone formation was observed in the OVX without laser killed after 7 days (p>0.05). All animals killed after 21 days exhibited linear closure of the lesion.Conclusion Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.


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Neem oil is a biopesticide that disturbs the endocrine and neuroendocrine systems of pests and may interfere with molting, metamorphosis and cocoon spinning. The cocoon serves protective functions for the pupa during metamorphosis, and these functions are dependent on cocoon structure. To assess the changes in cocoon spinning caused by neem oil ingestion, Ceraeochrysa claveri larvae, a common polyphagous predator, were fed with neem oil throughout the larval period. When treated with neem oil, changes were observed on the outer and inner surfaces of the C. claveri cocoon, such as decreased wall thickness and impaired ability to attach to a substrate. These negative effects may reduce the effectiveness of the mechanical and protective functions of cocoons during pupation, which makes the specimen more vulnerable to natural enemies and environmental factors. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.