998 resultados para Kaluza-Klein, Teorias de


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In this graduate work we will perform the dimensional reduction of particles of spin s=0, s=1 and s=2 via Kaluza Klein mechanism. The method of Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction is introduced by the dimensional reduction from D to D


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The squashed Kaluza-Klien (KK) black holes differ from the Schwarzschild black holes with asymptotic flatness or the black strings even at energies for which the KK modes are not excited yet, so that squashed KK black holes open a window in higher dimensions. Another important feature is that the squashed KK black holes are apparently stable and, thereby, let us avoid the Gregory-Laflamme instability. In the present paper, the evolution of scalar and gravitational perturbations in time and frequency domains is considered for these squashed KK black holes. The scalar field perturbations are analyzed for general rotating squashed KK black holes. Gravitational perturbations for the so-called zero mode are shown to be decayed for nonrotating black holes, in concordance with the stability of the squashed KK black holes. The correlation of quasinormal frequencies with the size of extra dimension is discussed.


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Neutrino telescopes with cubic kilometer volumes have the potential to discover new particles. Among them are next to lightest supersymmetric (NLSPs) and next to lightest Kaluza-Klein (NLKPs) particles. Two NLSPs or NLKPs will transverse the detector simultaneously producing parallel charged tracks. The track separation inside the detector can be a few hundred meters. As these particles might propagate a few thousand kilometers before reaching the detector, multiple scattering could enhance the pair separation at the detector. We find that the multiple scattering will alter the separation distribution enough to increase the number of NLKP pairs separated by more than 100 meters (a reasonable experimental cut) by up to 46% depending on the NLKP mass. Vertical upcoming NLSPs will have their separation increased by 24% due to multiple scattering.


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In theories with universal extra dimensions, all standard model fields propagate in the bulk and the lightest state of the first Kaluza-Klein (KK) level can be made stable by imposing a Z(2) parity. We consider a framework where the lightest KK particle (LKP) is a neutral, extremely weakly interacting particle such as the first KK excitation of the graviton, while the next-to-lightest KK particle (NLKP) is the first KK mode of a charged right-handed lepton. In such a scenario, due to its very small couplings to the LKP, the NLKP is long-lived. We investigate the production of these particles from the interaction of high energy neutrinos with nucleons in the Earth and determine the rate of NLKP events in neutrino telescopes. Using the Waxman-Bahcall limit for the neutrino flux, we find that the rate can be as large as a few hundreds of events a year for realistic values of the NLKP mass.


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region to the other. We also present a C-type solution that describes neutral bubbles in uniform acceleration, and we use it to construct an instanton that mediates the breaking of a cosmic string by forming bubbles at its ends. The rate for this process is also calculated. Finally, we argue that a similar solution can be constructed for magnetic bubbles, and that it can be used to describe a semiclassical instability of the two-timing vacuum against production of massless monopole pairs.


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We extend the recent microscopic analysis of extremal dyonic Kaluza-Klein (D0-D6) black holes to cover the regime of fast rotation in addition to slow rotation. Fastly rotating black holes, in contrast to slow ones, have nonzero angular velocity and possess ergospheres, so they are more similar to the Kerr black hole. The D-brane model reproduces their entropy exactly, but the mass gets renormalized from weak to strong coupling, in agreement with recent macroscopic analyses of rotating attractors. We discuss how the existence of the ergosphere and superradiance manifest themselves within the microscopic model. In addition, we show in full generality how Myers-Perry black holes are obtained as a limit of Kaluza-Klein black holes, and discuss the slow and fast rotation regimes and superradiance in this context.


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The scalar sector of the effective low-energy six-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory is seen to represent an anisotropic fluid composed of two perfect fluids if the extra space metric has a Euclidean signature, or a perfect fluid of geometric strings if it has an indefinite signature. The Einstein field equations with such fluids can be explicitly integrated when the four-dimensional space-time has two commuting Killing vectors.


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Based on the equivalence between a gauge theory for the translation group and general relativity, a teleparallel version of the non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein theory is constructed. In this theory, only the fiber-space turns out to be higher dimensional, spacetime being kept always four dimensional. The resulting model is a gauge theory that unifies, in the Kaluza-Klein sense, gravitational and gauge fields. In contrast with the ordinary Kaluza-Klein models, this theory defines a natural length scale for the compact submanifold of the fiber space, which is shown to be of the order of the Planck length.


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Relying upon the equivalence between a gauge theory for the translation group and general relativity, a teleparallel version of the original Kaluza-Klein theory is developed. In this model, only the internal space (fiber) turns out to be five dimensional, spacetime being kept always four dimensional. A five-dimensional translational gauge theory is obtained which unifies, in the sense of Kaluza-Klein theories, gravitational and electromagnetic interactions. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Neste trabalho investigamos soluções solitônicas em modelos de Kaluza-Klein com um número arbitrário de espaços internos toroidais, que descrevem o campo gravitacional de um objeto massivo compacto. Cada toro di-dimensional possui um fator de escala independente Ci, i = 1, ..., N, que é caracterizado pelo parâmetro ᵞi. Destacamos a solução fisicamente interessante correspondente à massa puntual. Para a solução geral obtemos equações de estado nos espaços externo e interno. Estas equações demonstram que a massa pontual solitônica possui equações de estado tipo poeira em todos os espaços. Obtemos também os parâmetros pósnewtonianos que nos possibilitam encontrar as fórmulas da precessão do periélio, do desvio da luz e do atraso no tempo de ecos de radar. Além disso, os experimentos gravitacionais levam a uma forte limitação nos parâmetros do modelo: T = ƩNi=1 diYi = −(2, 1±2, 3)×10−5. A solução para massa pontual com Y1 = . . . = YN = (1+ƩNi=1 di)−1 contradiz esta restrição. A imposição T = 0 satisfaz essa limitação experimental e define uma nova classe de soluções que são indistinguíveis para a relatividade geral. Chamamos estas soluções de sólitons latentes. Cordas negras e membranas negras com Yi = 0 pertencem a esta classe. Além disso, a condição de estabilidade dos espaços internos destaca cordas/membranas negras de sólitons latentes, conduzindo exclusivamente para as equações de estado de corda/membrana negra pi = −ε/2, i = 1, . . . ,N, nos espaços internos e ao número de dimensões externas d0 = 3. As investigações do fluido perfeito multidimensional estático e esfericamente simétrico com equação de estado tipo poeira no espaço externo confirmam os resultados acima.


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Una teoria di unificazione ha il notevole compito di fornire un modello in grado di unificare le forze fondamentali della natura in una sola. Storicamente uno dei primi tentativi è rappresentato dal modello di Kaluza, che propone una formulazione unificata di gravità ed elettromagnetismo. In 4 dimensioni il campo gravitazionale e il campo elettromagnetico sono entità nettamente separate. Tale dualismo può essere superato estendendo la teoria della Relatività Generale ad uno spaziotempo a 5 dimensioni. Se alle consuete 4 si aggiunge una quinta dimensione spaziale, allora si dimostra che la gravità e l’elettromagnetismo possono essere visti come la manifestazione di un unico campo di forza, che è interpretabile in termini della geometria dello spaziotempo a 5 dimensioni. Nonostante i suoi intrinseci limiti, il modello di Kaluza rappresenta comunque un punto di partenza per molte altre teorie di campo unificato più moderne e a più di 5 dimensioni. L'obiettivo è di sviluppare le linee fondamentali del modello di Kaluza. Preliminarmente si riportano i risultati principali dell'elettromagnetismo e della Relatività Generale, dato che il modello si formula a partire da questi. Si stabilisce la condizione di cilindro, secondo cui le quantità fisiche non subiscono variazioni nella quinta dimensione. Si ipotizza un ansatz per il tensore metrico 5D e si scrivono le equazioni di campo unitario e della geodetica, come estensioni a 5 dimensioni di quelle in 4. Si dimostra che il campo unitario in 4 dimensioni si separa nel campo scalare costante, nel campo elettromagnetico e nel campo gravitazionale. Le componenti quadridimensionali della geodetica 5D riconducono a quella 4D e alle leggi del moto 4D in presenza dei campi gravitazionale ed elettromagnetico. Inoltre si interpreta la carica elettrica come la quinta componente della velocità covariante 5D.


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We consider a model where sterile neutrinos can propagate in a large compactified extra dimension giving rise to Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and the standard model left-handed neutrinos are confined to a 4-dimensional spacetime brane. The KK modes mix with the standard neutrinos modifying their oscillation pattern. We examine former and current experiments such as CHOOZ, KamLAND, and MINOS to estimate the impact of the possible presence of such KK modes on the determination of the neutrino oscillation parameters and simultaneously obtain limits on the size of the largest extra dimension. We found that the presence of the KK modes does not essentially improve the quality of the fit compared to the case of the standard oscillation. By combining the results from CHOOZ, KamLAND, and MINOS, in the limit of a vanishing lightest neutrino mass, we obtain the stronger bound on the size of the extra dimension as similar to 1.0(0.6) mu m at 99% C.L. for normal (inverted) mass hierarchy. If the lightest neutrino mass turns out to be larger, 0.2 eV, for example, we obtain the bound similar to 0.1 mu m. We also discuss the expected sensitivities on the size of the extra dimension for future experiments such as Double CHOOZ, T2K, and NO nu A.


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Models of warped extra dimensions with custodial symmetry usually predict the existence of a light Kaluza-Klein fermion arising as a partner of the right-handed top quark, sometimes called light custodians which we will denote (b) over tilde (R). The production of these particles at the LHC can give rise to multi-W events which could be observed in same-sign dilepton channels, but its mass reconstruction is challenging. In this paper we study the possibility of finding a signal for the pair production of this new particle at the LHC focusing on a rarer, but cleaner decay mode of a light custodian into a Z boson and a b-quark. In this mode it would be possible to reconstruct the light custodian mass. In addition to the dominant standard model QCD production processes, we include the contribution of a Kaluza-Klein gluon first mode. We find that (b) over tilde (R) stands out from the background as a peak in the bZ invariant mass. However, when taking into account only the electronic and muonic decay modes of the Z boson and b-tagging efficiencies, the LHC will have access only to the very light range of masses, m((b) over tilde) = O(500) GeV.