952 resultados para Jus in Bello


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Esta Tese analisa a possibilidade de responsabilização penal dos brasileiros que têm participado de operações de paz capitaneadas ou delegadas pela Organização das Nações Unidas. Além de apresentar como se procede esta responsabilização no ambiente nacional, também analisa a possibilidade de sua responsabilização internacional diante da evolução que esta tem constatado desde o final do período conhecido como guerra-fria. Para tanto, parte de uma contextualização histórica da evolução e modificação das operações de paz, mostrando como o Brasil também modificou sua inserção nesta questão, em especial depois de 1990. Decorrente desse relevante aumento de responsabilidades e numérico de brasileiros engajados nestas operações apresenta como a fundamentação doutrinária legal e normativa também sofreu significativas mudanças nas últimas décadas. A partir deste ponto, fazendo uso de metodologia analítico-descritiva, apresenta as qualificações jurídicas admitidas, análise dos principais documentos internacionais que abordam a responsabilização penal dos integrantes de operações de paz e como se processa a relação entre estes documentos e o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Procura analisar como se processa, no ambiente interno, a jurisdição e competência para julgamento destas questões. Apresenta como o direito internacional tem sido influenciado pelo crescimento do direito internacional penal e como este pode se manifestar diante de integrantes de operações de paz, fazendo, inclusive, uma abordagem de como outras cortes internacionais têm se manifestado sobre a questão. Parte de decisões de direito interno de outros países, mostra a contribuição que os tribunais Ad Hoc instituídos pela ONU trouxeram para culminar na análise da possibilidade (ou não) de responsabilização destes integrantes pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional, ou mesmo, por terceiros Estados fazendo uso da Jurisdição Universal. Assim, a tese demonstra que efetivamente o Brasil dispõe de meios para exercer sua plena jurisdição perante seus nacionais envolvidos nestas operações internacionais, no entanto, a fim de garantir maior adensamento de juridicidade e sustentação legal, aponta possíveis soluções como contribuição para dirimir eventuais ponderações internas e internacionais.


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In order to bring conceptual clarity to a particular dimension of the relationship between the jus ad bellum and the jus in bello regimes, this article explores the independent sources of a military targeting rule in both branches of international law. The aim is not to displace the jus in bello as the ‘lead’ regime on how targeting decisions must be made, or to undermine the traditional separation between these regimes. Rather, conceptual light is shed on a sometimes assumed but generally neglected dimension of the jus ad bellum’s necessity and proportionality criteria that may, in limited circumstances, have significance for our understanding of human protection during war, by covering possible gaps in the jus in bello targeting rules.


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La théorie de la guerre juste a fournit les principes qui forment la base de nos intuitions concernant l’éthique de la guerre pendant plus de milles ans. Cependant, la nature de la guerre a changé drastiquement dans les derniers 50 ans. Avec les avancés technologiques, tous les aspects de la guerre, du champ de bataille aux armes utilisées, sont aujourd’hui très différents. Ce qui est proposé dans ce texte est que les principes de jus in bello sont malgré tout encore adéquats pour les guerres contemporaines. Spécifiquement, en utilisant une analyse historique, ce texte argumentera contre la condition de l’urgence suprême de Michael Walzer pour proposer une approche qui laisse les principes de bases du jus in bello intactes. Ce texte suggère que les théoriciens de la guerre juste se penchent sur la question des armes prohibées pour avoir un impacte positif dans le domaine de l’éthique de la guerre.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Scoliosis is a three-dimensional spinal deformity which requires surgical correction in progressive cases. In order to optimize correction and avoid complications following scoliosis surgery, patient-specific finite element models (FEM) are being developed and validated by our group. In this paper, the modeling methodology is described and two clinically relevant load cases are simulated for a single patient. Firstly, a pre-operative patient flexibility assessment, the fulcrum bending radiograph, is simulated to assess the model's ability to represent spine flexibility. Secondly, intra-operative forces during single rod anterior correction are simulated. Clinically, the patient had an initial Cobb angle of 44 degrees, which reduced to 26 degrees during fulcrum bending. Surgically, the coronal deformity corrected to 14 degrees. The simulated initial Cobb angle was 40 degrees, which reduced to 23 degrees following the fulcrum bending load case. The simulated surgical procedure corrected the coronal deformity to 14 degrees. The computed results for the patient-specific FEM are within the accepted clinical Cobb measuring error of 5 degrees, suggested that this modeling methodology is capable of capturing the biomechanical behaviour of a scoliotic human spine during anterior corrective surgery.


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The legal power to declare war has traditionally been a part of a prerogative to be exercised solely on advice that passed from the King to the Governor-General no later than 1942. In 2003, the Governor- General was not involved in the decision by the Prime Minister and Cabinet to commit Australian troops to the invasion of Iraq. The authors explore the alternative legal means by which Australia can go to war - means the government in fact used in 2003 - and the constitutional basis of those means. While the prerogative power can be regulated and/or devolved by legislation, and just possibly by practice, there does not seem to be a sound legal basis to assert that the power has been devolved to any other person. It appears that in 2003 the Defence Minister used his legal powers under the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) (as amended in 1975) to give instructions to the service head(s). A powerful argument could be made that the relevant sections of the Defence Act were not intended to be used for the decision to go to war, and that such instructions are for peacetime or in bello decisions. If so, the power to make war remains within the prerogative to be exercised on advice. Interviews with the then Governor-General indicate that Prime Minister Howard had planned to take the matter to the Federal Executive Council 'for noting', but did not do so after the Governor-General sought the views of the then Attorney-General about relevant issues of international law. The exchange raises many issues, but those of interest concern the kinds of questions the Governor-General could and should ask about proposed international action and whether they in any way mirror the assurances that are uncontroversially required for domestic action. In 2003, the Governor-General's scrutiny was the only independent scrutiny available because the legality of the decision to go to war was not a matter that could be determined in the High Court, and the federal government had taken action in March 2002 that effectively prevented the matter coming before the International Court of Justice


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Bd. 24. De elegantia Caesaris sive de commentariorum de b. G. et de b. c. differentiis animadversiones / O. Dernoscheck, 1903--Der Zug des Cimbern und Teutonen / A. Helbling, 1898--Unsere Armeesprache im Dienste der Caesar-Übersetzung / M. Hodermann, 1903--Cäsar, der Eroberer Galliens / R. Lange, 1896--Divico oder die von Caesar den Ost-Galliern und Süd-Germanen gegenüber Vertretene Politik, Lfg. I-III / H. von Müllinen, 1898-1901--Die Unterwerfung Galliens durch Cäsar verglichen mit der Bezwingung Frankreichs durch die deutsche Armee im Feldzuge 1870/71 / A. von Oertzen, 1904.


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This study sets out to provide new information about the interaction between abstract religious ideas and actual acts of violence in the early crusading movement. The sources are asked, whether such a concept as religious violence can be sorted out as an independent or distinguishable source of aggression at the moment of actual bloodshed. The analysis concentrates on the practitioners of sacred violence, crusaders and their mental processing of the use of violence, the concept of the violent act, and the set of values and attitudes defining this concept. The scope of the study, the early crusade movement, covers the period from late 1080 s to the crusader conquest of Jerusalem in 15 July 1099. The research has been carried out by contextual reading of relevant sources. Eyewitness reports will be compared with texts that were produced by ecclesiastics in Europe. Critical reading of the texts reveals both connecting ideas and interesting differences between them. The sources share a positive attitude towards crusading, and have principally been written to propagate the crusade institution and find new recruits. The emphasis of the study is on the interpretation of images: the sources are not asked what really happened in chronological order, but what the crusader understanding of the reality was like. Fictional material can be even more crucial for the understanding of the crusading mentality. Crusader sources from around the turn of the twelfth century accept violent encounters with non-Christians on the grounds of external hostility directed towards the Christian community. The enemies of Christendom can be identified with either non-Christians living outside the Christian society (Muslims), non-Christians living within the Christian society (Jews) or Christian heretics. Western Christians are described as both victims and avengers of the surrounding forces of diabolical evil. Although the ideal of universal Christianity and gradual eradication of the non-Christian is present, the practical means of achieving a united Christendom are not discussed. The objective of crusader violence was thus entirely Christian: the punishment of the wicked and the restoration of Christian morals and the divine order. Meanwhile, the means used to achieve these objectives were not. Given the scarcity of written regulations concerning the use of force in bello, perceptions concerning the practical use of violence were drawn from a multitude of notions comprising an adaptable network of secular and ecclesiastical, pre-Christian and Christian traditions. Though essentially ideological and often religious in character, the early crusader concept of the practise of violence was not exclusively rooted in Christian thought. The main conclusion of the study is that there existed a definable crusader ideology of the use of force by 1100. The crusader image of violence involved several levels of thought. Predominantly, violence indicates a means of achieving higher spiritual rewards; eternal salvation and immortal glory.


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El siguiente trabajo se encuentra dividido en dos grandes capítulos. El primero, trata los aspectos teóricos en los que se sustenta la institución del reconocimiento de beligerancia, así como los desarrollos históricos que ha tenido y que han ayudado a definir su naturaleza. En él también se hace una revisión de sus características, requisitos, bases jurídicas y vigencia de la figura como herramienta del derecho internacional público. El segundo capítulo trata sobre el nacimiento y la evolución de las FARC como organización guerrillera, los intentos por convertirse en fuerza beligerante y los resultados hasta ahora obtenidos en ese sentido a partir del análisis de los requisitos exigidos por la jurisprudencia y la doctrina, comparándolos con la conducta militar y política de las FARC. Finalmente, se exponen las conclusiones que arrojó la investigación sobre el origen y desarrollo del reconocimiento de la beligerancia, enmarcadas dentro de las dos teorías normativas de la guerra, el ius ad bellum y el ius in bello, para así señalar los alcances que tiene esta figura en la actualidad, en especial, frente al conflicto armado con las FARC.


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¿De qué manera los órganos del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos han hecho frente a la noción de “guerra”, concepto que ha ido cambiando con el tiempo, siendo la expresión utilizada hoy la de “conflicto armado”, ya sea interno o internacional? Esta pregunta se halla a la base del análisis desarrollado en la primera parte de este artículo, demostrando que el continente americano ha sido objeto de conflictos de todo tipo. La heterogeneidad de situaciones (conflictos armados, tensiones internas, terrorismo de Estado) ha engendrado una variedad de calificaciones jurídicas que tanto la Comisión como la Corte interamericanas han identificado con detalle en su jurisprudencia. Esta operación de conceptualización es aún más trascendente por su implicación para el Derecho Internacional aplicable a los conflictos armados. A través de este estudio, resurge el eterno debate de la relación entre dos ramas clave del Derecho internacional: la del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y la del Derecho Internacional Humanitario. La segunda parte del análisis tiene por objeto explorar, pues, si el ius in bello ha encontrado su sitio en la jurisprudencia de los órganos del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos. En fin, los cambios que han acompañado buena parte de la historia política del continente americano demuestran igualmente la importancia de tener en cuenta el régimen aplicable a los estados de excepción, muy presente en el trabajo de la Corte y la Comisión Interamericanas.


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Periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) is an effective approach for surgical treatment of hip dysplasia. The aim of PAO is to increase acetabular coverage of the femoral head and to reduce contact pressures by reorienting the acetabulum fragment after PAO. The success of PAO significantly depends on the surgeon’s experience. Previously, we have developed a computer-assisted planning and navigation system for PAO, which allows for not only quantifying the 3D hip morphology for a computer-assisted diagnosis of hip dysplasia but also a virtual PAO surgical planning and simulation. In this paper, based on this previously developed PAO planning and navigation system, we developed a 3D finite element (FE) model to investigate the optimal acetabulum reorientation after PAO. Our experimental results showed that an optimal position of the acetabulum can be achieved that maximizes contact area and at the same time minimizes peak contact pressure in pelvic and femoral cartilages. In conclusion, our computer-assisted planning and navigation system with FE modeling can be a promising tool to determine the optimal PAO planning strategy.


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Includes index.