1000 resultados para Juniperus thurifera
El present treball es centra en la fusta en roll per a ús estructural de savina turífera (Juniperus thurifera L.) de Castella i Lleó. En ell s'ha caracteritzat mecànicament aquest material, determinant la resistència a flexió, el mòdul d'elasticitat i la densitat. En funció d'aquests tres paràmetres s'ha assignat una classe resistent al material. S'han avaluat diferents classificacions visuals per agrupar la població en subgrups en funció de les seves singularitats visuals, caracteritzant mecànicament cada un d'aquests subgrups. Així mateix s'ha avaluat el mètode de freqüència de ressonància com a estimador dels paràmetres mecànics. Aquesta metodologia està basada en la lectura de la freqüència sonora del material, a partir d'aquesta freqüència s'han proposat models per a estimar el mòdul d'elasticitat i la resistència a flexió del roll de savina.
Because climate can affect xylem cell anatomy, series of intra-annual cell anatomical features have the potential to retrospectively supply seasonal climatic information. In this study, we explored the ability to extract information about water stress conditions from tracheid features of the Mediterranean conifer Juniperus thurifera L. Tracheidograms of four climatic years from two drought-sensitive sites in Spain were compared to evaluate whether it is possible to link intra-annual cell size patterns to seasonal climatic conditions. Results indicated site-specific anatomical adjustment such as smaller and thicker tracheids at the dryer site but also showed a strong climatic imprint on the intra-annual pattern of tracheid size. Site differences in cell size reflected expected structural adjustments against cavitation failures. Differences between intra-annual patterns, however, indicated a response to seasonal changes in water availability whereby cells formed under drought conditions were smaller and thicker, and vice versa. This relationship was more manifest and stable at the dryer site
An increased understanding of intraspecific seed packaging (i.e. seed size/number strategy) variation across different environments may improve current knowledge of the ecological forces that drive seed evolution in plants. In particular, pre-dispersal seed predation may influence seed packaging strategies, triggering a reduction of the resources allocated to undamaged seeds within the preyed fruits. Assessing plant reactions to pre-dispersal seed predation is crucial to a better understanding of predation effects, but the response of plants to arthropod attacks remains unexplored. We have assessed the effect of cone predation on the size and viability of undamaged seeds in populations of Juniperus thurifera with contrasting seed packaging strategies, namely, North African populations with single-large-seeded cones and South European populations with multi-small-seeded cones. Our results show that the incidence of predation was lower on the single-large-seeded African cones than on the multi-small-seeded European ones. Seeds from non-preyed cones were also larger and had a higher germination success than uneaten seeds from preyed cones, but only in populations with multi-seeded cones and in cones attacked by Trisetacus sp., suggesting a differential plastic response to predation. It is possible that pre-dispersal seed predation has been a strong selective pressure in European populations with high cone predation rates, being a process which maintains multi-small-seeded cones and empty seeds as a strategy to save some seeds from predation. Conversely, pre-dispersal predation might not have a strong effect in the African populations with single-large-seeded cones characterized by seed germination and filling rates higher than those in the European populations. Our results indicate that differences in pre-dispersal seed predators and predation levels may affect both selection on and intraspecific variation in seed packaging.
Forest dynamics will depend upon the physiological performance of individual tree species under more stressful conditions caused by climate change. In order to compare the idiosyncratic responses of Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) coexisting in forests of central Spain, we evaluated the temporal changes in secondary growth (basal area increment; BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) during the last four decades, determined how coexisting species are responding to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) and drought stress, and assessed the relationship among iWUE and growth during climatically contrasting years. All species increased their iWUE (ca. +15 to +21 %) between the 1970s and the 2000s. This increase was positively related to Ca for J. thurifera and to higher Ca and drought for Q. faginea and P. nigra. During climatically favourable years the study species either increased or maintained their growth at rising iWUE, suggesting a higher CO2 uptake. However, during unfavourable climatic years Q. faginea and especially P. nigra showed sharp declines in growth at enhanced iWUE, likely caused by a reduced stomatal conductance to save water under stressful dry conditions. In contrast, J. thurifera showed enhanced growth also during unfavourable years at increased iWUE, denoting a beneficial effect of Ca even under climatically harsh conditions. Our results reveal significant inter-specific differences in growth driven by alternative physiological responses to increasing drought stress. Thus, forest composition in the Mediterranean region might be altered due to contrasting capacities of coexisting tree species to withstand increasingly stressful conditions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Se ha procedido al análisis estadístico de un banco de datos de algo más de nueve mil probetas de tamaño estructural ensayadas a lo largo de la década final del s. XX y la inicial del s. XXI, provenientes de masas forestales de coníferas españolas. Las especies estudiadas (pinus sylsvestris, p. halepensis, p. pinaster, p. radiata, p. nigra) representan más del 80% de la superficie forestal española cubierta por coníferas, y ninguna especie de relevancia por volumen potencial de corta a medio plazo ha quedado excluida (quizá con la única excepción de p. pinea, y, con matices juniperus thurifera). Por lo tanto, puede considerarse una información razonablemente representativa de la población de coníferas españolas (en adelante, población objetivo), si bien los procedimientos de muestreo presentan marcadas diferencias en función de las especies. Los procedimientos de ensayo se han atenido, esencialmente, a la normativa europea de referencia, así como a la normativa española de clasificación de madera aserrada, básicamente UNE 56544, con los matices propios de las sucesivas ediciones de las indicadas normas durante un período de unos veinte años. El estudio se ha realizado con el objeto de caracterizar el estado de naturaleza de los principales parámetros resistentes la población objetivo (densidad, módulo de elasticidad longitudinal, y tensión de rotura en flexión pura), así como identificar posibles inconsistencias en la normativa vigente relacionada. Los resultados se han elaborado de forma operativa para su utilización, en una primera aproximación, en la ejecución de cálculos directos de fiabilidad estructural, tal como se plantean en las normativas ISO 2394, ISO 12491, ISO 13822, UNE EN 1990, Código Técnico de la Edificación español y Código Modelo Probabilístico. Inequívocamente, las variables resistentes de referencia de las coníferas españolas susceptibles de uso estructural presentan una variabilidad significativamente superior a la habitual en coníferas de origen en el Centro y Norte de Europa, así como en Norteamérica (en adelante, poblaciones de comparación). Esta diferencia es extrema en el caso de la resistencia, importante en el caso de la rigidez, y prácticamente testimonial en el caso de la densidad. Por otra parte, la rigidez y la densidad de la población objetivo es mucho mayor, para el mismo valor de la resistencia, que las de las poblaciones de comparación. Asimismo, las correlaciones entre las tres variables básicas son inferiores en la población objetivo respecto a la de comparación. Estos hechos llevan a que la aplicación del sistema de clases resistentes en uso conduzca a situaciones de dimensionado poco racionales, y marcadamente antieconómicas. Si bien el objeto del estudio no es el establecimiento de una “jerarquía” estructural de especies, sí deben subrayarse algunos aspectos particulares por especies. El p. nigra tiene los mayores valores centrales y los menores de dispersión de toda la población objetivo, y mayores valores centrales que cualquier referencia de la población de comparación: para la misma fiabilidad objetivo en supuestos habituales, en p.nigra puede ser necesario en torno a un 20% menos de volumen de madera que en p. sylvestris, y en torno a un 40% que en p. radiata . El p. radiata y el p. pinaster presentan los menores valores de centralidad y los mayores de dispersión, de toda la muestra objetivo en formatos aserrados (con la excepción de la densidad: el p. radiata presenta valores muy bajos, pero atípicamente baja variabilidad). Especies habitualmente “no consideradas” como el p. pinea, presentan valores notablemente altos de centralidad, especialmente en la variable densidad. Otro caso de interés es p. halepensis, con prestaciones estructurales muy elevadas, teniendo en cuenta la proveniencia de masas carentes de un manejo adecuado (a efectos de producción maderable). Al contrario que en las poblaciones de comparación, la densidad de las coníferas españolas se representa claramente por distribuciones lognormales, frente a las distribuciones normales que se consideran en la literatura para la misma variable básica. Esto no tiene consecuencias relevantes en la fiabilidad estructural de las uniones, debido a los bajos coeficientes de variación (entre el 10 y 13%, típicamente). Para la tensión de rotura en flexión, parece haber una marcada diferencia entre el tipo de distribución que representa a las poblaciones no clasificadas o rechazadas (que es claramente Lognormal) y la que representa a las poblaciones clasificadas (que parece ser de tipo Weibull de tres parámetros). La distinción va más allá de la sutileza matemática: si la distribución fuese lognormal para todos los casos, la ineficiencia de la aplicación del sistema de clases resistentes aún sería más acusada que lo anteriormente indicado. La distribución normal, sólo representa adecuadamente el estado de naturaleza del módulo de elasticidad y la tensión de rotura de maderas no escuadradas (cilindradas, descortezadas, o simplemente desramadas), y del módulo de elasticidad de las muestras rechazadas. Las coníferas no clasificadas, arrojan valores relativamente elevados de resistencia, lo que hace pensar en la conveniencia de la definición de un “protocolo de mínimos” para posibilitar su uso en el marco normativo actual. Se ha ejemplificado cómo de la aplicación de técnicas probabilísticas utilizando como fundamento los resultados del análisis realizado, resulta un ahorro material potencialmente notable en la población objetivo (en la horquilla del 30 al 60%, dependiendo del estado límite que gobierne el dimensionamiento), respecto a la aplicación directa de los protocolos normativos a partir de la aplicación de la norma de clasificación española. Complementariamente, se han elaborado modelos de variabilidad de los parámetros de las distribuciones propuestas, al objeto de facilitar la aplicación de técnicas de actualización bayesiana. Estas técnicas tienen particular relevancia en el entorno español, por dos razones. Una de ellas, es que suponen, de hecho, la única manera de tratar la cuestión de la seguridad de estructuras prexistentes en un marco matemático-formal consistente con la normativa. La otra, es que permiten la utilización de maderas procedentes de medios de producción con niveles de control de calidad mínimos, incluso casi inexistentes, con inversiones en coste de ensayos comparativamente irrelevantes. ABSTRACT A group of databases making a total of ca. 9.000 beams produced by sawing coniferous species from Spain, tested according EN 384 (1) and visually graded according Spanish standards were analyzed. The main goal was to reach a detailed comprehension about the true state of nature of the three reference structural properties (density, MOR and MOE), in the conditions the material reaches the real market. This goal has been addressed through the detailed adjustment of the proper probabilistic model to the data available. The most important outcome has been the proposal of a set of distribution parameters for the target species, ready to be used in direct probabilistic calculation. This use is exemplified through structural reliability calculations, establishing a priori data for Bayesian reliability updating, Spanish code calibration suggestions, and parameters proposal for the Probabilistic Model Code (2).
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants was carried out in the Central Middle Atlas in the years 2013 and 2014 to establish the catalog of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes. Thus, 1560 people were interviewed, using questionnaires. The latter enabled us to gather information on traditional healing practices of the local population including scientific name, French name, vernacular name, plant parts used , therapeutic indications , revenues and mode of administration. The results show that 76 medicinal species were inventoried in the study area. These plant species are included into 67 genus and 40 families. The most represented families are: Lamiaceae (12 species), Asteraceae and Brassicaceae species with 14 each. Of 76 medicinal species found in the region, four species are reported for the first time in the traditional treatment of diabetes in Morocco. They are Pistacia atlantica, Ptychotis verticillata, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Alyssum spinosum, Cistus albidus, Juniperus thurifera, Ephedra nebrodensis, Thymus algeriensis, Th. munbyanus, Th. zygis, Abelmoschus esculentus, Fraxinus augustifolia, Sorghum vulgare and, Eriobotrya japonica. The leaves are the most used organs (38%). The decoction is the dominant mode of preparation (50%) and administration is mostly for oral use (97%).
Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
REDCAT: Natural Products and related Redox Catalysts: Basic Research and Applications in Medicine and Agriculture, Aveiro, 25-27 Novembro de 2012.
10º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica e 1º Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Química Orgânica, Lisboa, 4-6 Setembro de 2013
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
Projecte tècnic de tractaments silvícoles encaminats a millorar l’estat actual, assegurar la regeneració natural i garantir la persistència de la massa de savinar que pobla una superfície de 16,6 ha de la finca “Mas Grimau”, al terme municipal de Tarragona (Tarragonès), de manera que evolucioni cap a un estadi més madur, al mateix temps que es contribueix a disminuir el risc d’incendi forestal. L’anterior, respon tant a l’elevat valor ecològic com al considerable interès que desenvolupa aquesta massa, principalment per ser l’única representació existent a tot el territori de Catalunya.
Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar) is encroaching into mesic prairies of the southern Great Plains, USA, and is altering the hydrologic cycle. We used the thermal dissipation technique to quantify daily water use of J. virginiana into a mesic prairie by measuring 19 trees of different sizes from different density stands located in north-central Oklahoma during 2011. We took the additional step to calibrate our measurements by comparing thermal dissipation technique estimates to volumetric water use for a subset of trees. Except for days with maximum air temperature below -3 degrees C, J. virginiana trees used water year round, reached a peak in late May, and exhibited reduced water use in summer when soil water availability was low. Overall daily average water use was 24 l (+/- 21.81 s.d.) per tree. Trees in low density stands used more water than trees with similar diameters from denser stands. However, there was no difference in water use between trees in different density stands when expressed on a canopy area basis. Approximately 50% of variation in water use that remained after accounting for the factors site, tree, and day was explained using a physiologically-based model that included daily potential evapotranspiration, maximum vapour pressure deficit, maximum temperature, solar radiation, and soil water storage between 0 and 10 cm. Our model suggested that a J. virginiana woodland with a closed canopy is capable of transpiring almost all precipitation reaching the soil in years with normal precipitation, indicating the potential for encroachment to reduce water yield for streamflow and groundwater recharge. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Abstract The purpose of this research was to study the sex distribution and energy allocation of dioecious Eastern Red Cedars (Juniperus virginiana) along an environmental resource gradient. The trees surveyed were growing in a canyon located at the University of Nebraska’s Cedar Point Biological Research Station in Ogallala, Nebraska. Due to the geography of this canyon, environmental factors necessary for plant growth should vary depending on the tree’s location within the canyon. These factors include water availability, sun exposure, ground slope, and soil nitrogen content, all of which are necessary for carbon acquisition. Juniperus virginiana is a dioecious conifer. Dioecious plants maintain male and female reproductive structures on separate individuals. Therefore, proximal spatial location is essential for pollination and successful reproduction. Typically female reproductive structures are more costly and require a greater investment of carbon and nitrogen. For this reason, growth, survival and successful reproduction are more likely to be limited by environmental resources for females than for male individuals. If this is true for Juniperus virginiana, females should be located in more nutrient and water rich areas than males. This also assumes that females can not be reproductively successful in areas of poor environmental quality. Therefore, reproductive males should be more likely to inhabit environments with relatively lower resource availability than females. Whether the environment affects sexual determination or just limits survival of different sexes is still relatively unknown. In order to view distribution trends along the environmental gradient, the position of the tree in the canyon transect was compared to its sex. Any trend in sex should correspond with varying environmental factors in the canyon, ie: sunlight availability, aspect, and ground slope. The individuals’ allocation to growth and reproduction was quantified first by comparing trunk diameter at six inches above ground to sex and location of the tree. The feature of energy allocation was further substantiated by comparing carbon and nitrogen content in tree leaf tissue and soil to location and sex of each individual. Carbon and nitrogen in soil indicate essential nutrient availability to the individual, while C and N in leaf tissue indicate nutrient limitation experienced by the tree. At the conclusion of this experiment, there is modest support that survival and fecundity of females demands environments relatively richer in nutrients, than needed by males to survive and be reproductively active. Side of the canyon appeared to have an influence on diameter of trees, frequency of sex and carbon and nitrogen leaf content. While this information indicated possible trends in the relation of sex to nutrient availability, most of the environmental variables presumed responsible for the sex distribution bias differed minutely and may not have been biologically significant to tree growth.