1000 resultados para Jean Bodin
Este artigo pretende discutir os conceitos de direito natural e propriedade no Iuri universi distributio (1578) e as suas conseqüências políticas no Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (1566) e no Les Six Livres de la République (1576), de Jean Bodin.
Apreciando as representações figuradas na ideia de uma Clio Tucidideana por fins do século XVI, propõe-se refletir sobre a associação entre a concepção antiga de herói e a moderna de gênio como parâmetro epistemológico que catalisa a apreciação da excelência da práxis historiográfica. Aborda-se essa reflexão tomando em particular as proposições elaboradas sobre a escrita da História no Metodus de Jean Bodin que juntamente com La Popelinière e Thomas Hobbes configuram historiograficamente a ideia da Clio Tucidideana conceituada por Cesare Ripa.
Jakob Guttmann
Jakob Guttmann
[…] Il va sans dire que la vie et l'oeuvre de Bodin suscitent les objections de nombreux opposants. Parmi les multiples formes de répression exercée sur la pensée et l'action bodiniennes, nous nous intéressons à la censure inquisitoriale qui touche l'œuvre écrite de notre auteur. Le but précis de cette recherche consiste à étudier Jean Bodin en tant que victime d'une répression, nous allons mentionner le phénomène de l'établissement de la censure à la Renaissance et son fonctionnement. Nous nous attarderons plus longuement sur les divers index qui condamnent et expurgent les oeuvres de Bodin. Nous serons ainsi en mesure de juger de l'étendue de cette censure. Cette étape terminée, nous cernerons de plus près le corps du sujet qui consiste en une étude thématique des passages expurgés. Ceux-ci se rapportent à deux oeuvres : La méthode de l'histoire et Le théâtre de la nature universelle. D'abord, nous examinons le contenu de ces extraits en les regroupant par thèmes : histoire, politique, philosophie et religion. En effet, nous constatons que les expurgations touchent certaines conceptions historiques, politiques, philosophiques et religieuses. Dans la mesure de nos connaissances, nous tentons de percevoir les motivations des censeurs et la pertinence de leurs condamnations. Nous nous interrogeons à savoir pour quelles raisons la pensée de Bodin était suspecte.[…]
The word ‘sovereignty’ provides a forceful example of the social power of language as an organic instrument playing a leading role in the continuous and continuing process of creating and transforming human reality. The paper examines a pivotal episode in the history of the word ‘sovereignty’ — its formal introduction in the 16th century by Jean Bodin in his Six Livres de la Republique. It focuses on the social effects ‘sovereignty’ has had on the shared consciousness of humanity, including that of the international community. The proposed metalogical inquiry adopts a method that draws from the hermeneutic school of historical knowledge. The argument is that Bodin used ‘sovereignty’ for the purpose of attributing to the ruler (the French king) supreme power in the hierarchical organisational structure of society. This idea of a pyramid of authority is found in different elements of the discourse in Six Livres de la Republique, which is examined in the immediate context of Bodin’s personal background as well as the extended social, political and intellectual context of 16th century France. The conclusion shows that Bodin’s work was the first seminal step in the development of contemporary ideas of ‘internal sovereignty’ and ‘external sovereignty’. It is thus part of the history of the true power that the word at hand has exercised in framing the international state system and hence the international legal system.
Primer vol. de la serie "Réformateurs et publicistes de l'Europe" publicada por el autor.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliographic review study on the evolution of Documentary Languages and its field of study, the documentary linguistics. Based upon the researches developed by the french approach in Europe notably by jean-claude gardin and in brazil by grupo temma. It is proposes a framework of the main characteristics of documentary languages having the appropriation of the structural linguistics by the documentation as a focus. It anayses the evolution of the denomination of documentary languages, their functions, and it compares both approaches.