995 resultados para Japanese Culture
This article focuses on several key philosophical themes in the criticism of Sakaguchi Ango (19061955), one of postwar Japans most influential and controversial writers. Associated with the underground Kasutori culture as well as the Burai-ha of Tamura Taijir (19111983), Oda Sakunosuke (19131947) and Dazai Osamu (19091948), Ango gained fame for two provocative essays on the theme of daraku or decadenceDarakuron and Zoku darakuronpubished in 1946, in the wake of Japans traumatic defeat and the beginnings of the Allied Occupation. Less well-known is the fact that Ango spent his student years studying classical Buddhist texts in Sanskrit, Pali and Tibetan, and that he at at one time aspired to the priesthood. The article analyses the concept of daraku in the two essays noted above, particularly as it relates to Angos vision of a refashioned morality based on an interpretation of human subjectivity vis--vis the themes of illusion and disillusion. It argues that, despite the radical and modernist flavor of Angos essays, his decadence is best understood in terms of Mahyna and Zen Buddhist concepts. Moreover, when the two essays on decadence are read in tandem with Angos wartime essay on Japanese culture (Nihon bunka shikan, 1942), they form the foundation for a postmetaphysical Buddhist critique of culture, one that is pragmatic, humanistic, and non-reductively physicalist.
This essay provides a critical analysis of the aesthetic ideology of Gomanism in the manga of Kobayashi Yoshinori (b. 1953), particularly Yasukuniron (On Yasukuni, 2005) and Tennron (On the Emperor, 2009), in order to flesh out the implications of the authors revisionist approach to Japanese religion, politics and history.
In this thesis, I examine the influences of westernization, the tension between Japanese modernity and tradition, and the stories of Hans Christian Andersen on Ogawa Mimeis childrens stories. I begin the body of my thesis with a brief historical background of Japan, beginning with the start of the Meiji period in 1868. Within the historical section, I focus on societal and cultural elements and changes that pertain to my thesis. I also include the introduction of Hans Christian Andersen in Japan. I wrap up the historical section by a description of Ogawas involvement in the Japanese proletarian literature movement and the rise of the Japanese proletarian childrens literature movement. Then, I launch into an analysis of Ogawas works categorized by thematic elements. These elements include westernization, class conflict, nature and civilization, religion and morals, and children and childhood. When relevant, I also compare and contrast Ogawas stories with Andersens. In the westernization section, I show how some of Ogawas stories demonstrate contact between Japan and the West. In the Class Conflict section, I discuss how Ogawa views class through a socialist lens, whereas Andersen does not dispute class distinctions, but encourages his readers to attempt an upward social climb. In the nature and civilization section, I show how Ogawa and Andersen share common opinions on the impact of civilization on nature. In the religion and morals section, I show how Ogawa incorporates religion, including Christianity, into vii his works. Andersen utilizes religion in a more overt manner in order to convey morals to his audience. Both authors address religious topics like the concept of the afterlife. Finally, in children and childhood, I demonstrate how both Ogawa and Andersen treat their child protagonists and use them and their situations to instruct their readers. Through this case study, I show how westernization and the tensions between Japanese modernization and tradition led to the rise of the proletarian childrens literature movement, which is exemplified by Ogawas stories. The emergence of the proletarian childrens literature movement is an indication of the establishment of a new concept of childhood in Japan. Writers like Ogawa Mimei attempted to write childrens stories that represented the new Japanese culture that was a result of adapting Western ideals to fit Japanese society. Some of Ogawas stories are a direct commentary on his opinion of Japanese interaction with the West. By comparing Ogawas and Andersens stories, I demonstrate how Ogawa borrows certain Western elements and possibly responds directly to Andersen. Ogawa also addresses some of the same topics as Andersen, yet their reactions are not always the same. What I find in my analysis supports my thesis that Ogawa is able to maintain Japanese tradition while infusing his childrens stories with Western and modern elements. In doing so, he reflects a largely popular social and cultural practice of his time.
Hidden Motives: An Analysis of Online English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher Hiring Practices in Japan and Hong Kong is a qualitative research paper examines and compares two large-scale Asian English language teaching programs: Japans Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme (JET Programme, 2010) and Hong Kongs Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme (NET Scheme, 2013). Both government sponsored programs recruit internationally and invite participants to work within each countrys public schools while living amongst local communities and both programs utilize their online presence to attract, inform, and recruit individuals. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the JET and NET websites are transparent with their governmental motives aside from improving their students English language abilities. While JET and NET websites were interrogated, the research questions were regularly revisited to determine if the two sites made any underlying motives clear to the candidates. The research, supported by academic literature, exposed the JET Programme website to be a branch of the Japanese governments soft power campaign, whereby JET teachers were hired firstly as potential advocates for Japan and Japanese culture rather than English teachers. Conversely, the NET Scheme appeared to be solely commissioned for English language improvement as reflected by their website. Findings from the research can provide insight to applicants to help them decide if they want to participant in these programs. Without clearly understanding the background that motivates these programs, participants may unknowingly be used to support the host governments agendas.
Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FFC
Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS
The work aims at an architectural project in the neighborhood of Liberdade in Sao Paulo, from analysis of the spread of Japanese culture in Brazil. Within this theme, the paper focuses on the Japanese urban space and the search for an identity of the Japanese, besides the problems that the neighborhood has. The architectural design is justified by the need for spaces of rest, meetings and green areas, where people can get away a bit of pace that the neighborhood has. The source of this research is based on bibliographic references, reviews of other projects, investigating the experience of urban space and the richest source of contributions that were the memories of living in Japan for eight months. The expected result is the visualization of the project through sketches, experiments and artistic designs for the chosen location
We can know a people through their cultural and artistic assets. One of the many aspects of Japanese culture is origami, a fusion of the verb oru, which means folding, with the word kami meaning paper. In this communication, we describe the course Origami and Kirigami: art and culture as a recreational and educational resource. The course aimed to present these two oriental techniques based on paper and its potential as a source of entertainment and education, at the same time seeking to introduce cultural aspects of these arts of folding and/or cutting paper. This practice is more common than we realize, and is present in our day-to-day life when we perform actions such as folding clothes and papers, and making packages, amongst others. However, few are aware of the benefits that this folding brings to the fields of Arts, Mathematics, and Science, besides its recreational characteristics. Kirigami is a mixed technique that in addition to using folds in the paper (as in origami) also uses cuts (kiru meaning, cut). It can be performed with heavier paper than origami, and by introducing some cuts, the paper can be folded to form the desired shape. It is a simple technique, with impressive results. We conducted eight weekly meetings, each lasting four hours, totaling 32 hours of coursework. In addition to the classes, a visit was made to the Okinawa Club in Bauru (So Paulo), where it was possible for the students of the course and the elderly group (fujinkai) of origamists of the club to exchange experiences. Finally, an exhibition was organized to display the artifacts produced by the course participants and disseminate the work of the students.
Aiming to understand the Japanese aesthetic in Brazilian culture and to produce a photographic exhibition of artistic and ethnographic nature, we performed a symbolic exegesis of the ritual performance of Gara Cherry Festival - SP (Brazil). The event takes place annually and is held in memory and honor of oriental culture. The festival features various elements of Japanese culture through expressive forms such as dance, music, costumes, martial arts and cooking. Therefore, the study was based on the anthropology of performance and visual anthropology with regard to symbolic exegesis of the party and look artistic and ethnographic photographic records of the proceedings. Such procedures supported the realization of artistic display that contributed, in turn, in promoting the local culture to a wider audience, and, methodologically, have contributed in visual identification and interpretation of the cultural elements of the ceremony.
Ps-graduao em Artes - IA
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)