247 resultados para J.A.F. Nicholls


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A letter from 2nd Vice President and General Manager of Canadian General Electric Company, Frederic Nicholls to W. B. Rankine regarding a bid for contract. The letter mentions that the bid for two alternating generators for the Canadian side of Niagara Falls was won by Westinghouse Eletric and Manufacturing Co. Nicholls also mentions that there will be other opportunites to win contracts as more machines are required. Nicholls also implies that Westinghouse may have bid under cost in an effort to secure the first of many contracts with the Canadian Niagara Power Company.


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A letter from Second V.P. Frederic Nicholls of Canadian General Electric Co. to W.B. Rankine in regards to transformers. The Canadian Niagara Power Co. has agreed to an order of nine transformers (1250 Killowatt) to be installed in the Power House at Niagara Falls. The transformers will cost the Canadian Niagara Power Company forty three thousand two hundred dollars.


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Receipt from McNay and Nicholls, Importers and Dressmakers, New York for clothing, Sept. 1, 1886.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F05582


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F05583


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F09415

Motion for a Resolution tabled by the following Members: van Aerssen, Adonnino, Aigner, Alber, Albers, von Alemann, Almirante, Ansquer, Antoniozzi, Arndt, Baduel-Glorioso, Bangemann, Barbagli, Barbi, Battersby, Baudis, Berkhouwer, Bersani, Lord Bethell, Bettiza, Beumer, Beyer de Ryke, von Bismarck, Bocklet, Bombard, Bonaccini, Boot, Bord, Bournias, Boyes, Brok, Calvez, Cerettoni Romagnoli, Casanmagnano-Cerretti, Sir Fred Catherwood, Cecovini, Chanterie, Clinton, Colleselli, Collins, Collomb, Costanzo, Couste, Cronin, Croux, Curry, Dalsass, D'Angelosante, Davern, De Gucht, Delatte, Del Duca, Deleau, Delorozoy, Deschamps, Diana, Diligent, Lord Douro, Dury, Eisma, Lady Elles, Enright, Estgen, Ewing, Fellermaier, Fergusson, de Ferranti, Ferrero, Ferri, Fich, Filippi, Fischbach, Flanagan, Focke, Franz, Ingo Friedrich, Fruh, Karl Fuchs, Fuillet, Gabert, Gaiotti de Biase, Gallacher, Awronski, Gerokostopoulos, Geursten, Ghergo, Giavazzi, Glinne, de Goede, Gontikas, Goppel, Gouthier, Gredal, Haagerup, Habsburg, Hansch, Hahn, Lord Harmar-Nicholls, von Hassel, Helms, Herklotz, Herman, van den Heuvel, Hoff, K.H. Hoffmann, Hooper, Hopper, Hord, Hume, Ippolito, Irmer, Israel, Robert Jackson, Jakobsen, Janssen van Raay, Johnson, Jonker, Jurgens, Kallias, Kaloyannis, Katzer, Kazazis, Kellett-Bowman, M. Elaine Kellett-Bowman, Key, Klepsch, Klinkenborg, Kuhn, Lagakos, Langes, Lecanuet, Lega, Lemmer, Lentz-Cornette, Lenz, Leonardi, Ligios, Louwes, Lucker, Luster, Macario, McCartin, Maher, Maij-Weggen, Majonica, Malangre, de la Malene, Marck, Mart, Simone Martin, Mertens, Michel, van Minnen, Modiano, Moller, Mommersteeg, Moorhouse, Jacques Moreau, Moreland, Mouchel, Muller-Hermann, Muntingh, Narducci, Newton Dunn, J.B. Nielsen, Calliopi Nikolaou, Konstantinos Nikolaou, Nord, Normanton, Notenboom, Nyborg, O'Donnel, Lord O'Hagan, d'Ormesson, Paisley, Pennella, Papaefstratiou, Patterson, Paulhan, Pauwelyn, Decaestecker, Pearce, Pedini, Pelikan, Penders, Pery, Pesmazoglou, Peters, Pfennig, Pflimlin, Phlix, Plaskovitis, Pottering, Poniatowski, Price, Protopapadakis, Pruvot, Purvis, Rabbethge, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, Rieger, Rinsche, Ripa di Meana, Roberts, Rogalla, Rogers, Ruffolo, Rumor, Ryan, Salzer, Sassano, Prinz Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Schall, Schieler, Schinzel, Schleicher, Schmid, Schnitker, Karl Schon, Konrad Schon, Schwencke, Sir James Scott-Hopkins, Scrivener, Seal, Seefeld, Seeler, Segre, Seibel-Emmerling, Seitlinger, Seligmann, Sherlock, Sieglerschmidt, Simmonds, Simonnet, Simpson, Spencer, Spicer, Spinelli, Squarcialupi, Stella, Sir John Stewart-Clark, Sutra, Tolman, Travaglini, Tuckman, Turner, Tyrrell, Vandewiele, Sir Peter Vanneck, van Rompuy, Vergeer, Veronesi, Verroken, Vetter, von der Vring, Walz, Sir Fred Warner, Wawrzik, Weber, Wedekind, Welsh, Wieczorek-Zeul, von Wogau and Zecchino, pursuant to Rule 47 of the Rules of Procedure on the foundation of a Euro-Arab University for postgraduate students at one of the traditional meeting places of Islamic and European culture on Spanish Soil, Working Documents 1982-1983, Document 1-515/82, 16 July 1982


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