109 resultados para Isozyme


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Large mysticete whales represent a unique challenge for chemical risk assessment. Few epidemiological investigations are possible due to the low incidence of adult stranding events. Similarly their often extreme life-history adaptations of prolonged migration and fasting challenge exposure assumptions. Molecular biomarkers offer the potential to complement information yielded through tissue chemical analysis, as well as providing evidence of a molecular response to chemical exposure. In this study we confirm the presence of cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 1A1 (CYP1A1) in epidermal tissue of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The detection of CYP1A1 in the integument of the humpback whale affords the opportunity for further quantitative non-destructive investigations of enzyme activity as a function of chemical stress.


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Genotype distributions for GSTP1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 were determined in 91 patients with prostatic carcinoma and 135 patients with bladder carcinoma and compared with those in 127 abdominal surgery patients without malignancies. None of the genotypes differed significantly with respect to age or sex among controls or cancer patients. In the group of prostatic carcinoma patients, GSTT1 null allele homozygotes were more prevalent (25% in carcinoma patients vs 13% in controls, Fisher P=0.02, χ2 P = 0.02, OR = 2.31, CI = 1.17-4.59) and the combined M1-/T1-null genotype was also more frequent (9% vs 3%, χ2 P= 0.02, Fisher P = 0.03). Homozygosity for the GSTM1 null allele was more frequent among bladder carcinoma patients (59% in bladder carcinoma patients vs 45% in controls, Fisher P = 0.03, χ2 P = 0.02, OR = 1.76, CI = 1.08-2.88). In contrast to a previous report, no significant increase in the frequency of the GSTP1b allele was found in the tumor patients. Except for the combined GSTM1-/T1-null genotype in prostatic carcinoma, none of the combined genotypes showed a significant association with either of the cancers. These findings suggest that specific single polymorphic GST genes, that is GSTM1 in the case of bladder cancer and GSTT1 in the case of prostatic carcinoma, are most relevant for the development of these urological malignancies among the general population in Central Europe.


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A variety of molecular approaches have been used to investigate the structural and enzymatic properties of rat brain type ll Ca^(2+) and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (type ll CaM kinase). This thesis describes the isolation and biochemical characterization of a brain-region specific isozyme of the kinase and also the regulation the kinase activity by autophosphorylation.

The cerebellar isozyme of the type ll CaM kinase was purified and its biochemical properties were compared to the forebrain isozyme. The cerebellar isozyme is a large (500-kDa) multimeric enzyme composed of multiple copies of 50-kDa α subunits and 60/58-kDa β/β’ subunits. The holoenzyme contains approximately 2 α subunits and 8 β subunits. This contrasts to the forebrain isozyme, which is also composed of and β/β'subunits, but they are assembled into a holoenzyme of approximately 9 α subunits and 3 β/β ' subunits. The biochemical and enzymatic properties of the two isozymes are similar. The two isozymes differ in their association with subcellular structures. Approximately 85% of the cerebellar isozyme, but only 50% of the forebrain isozyme, remains associated with the particulate fraction after homogenization under standard conditions. Postsynaptic densities purified from forebrain contain the forebrain isozyme, and the kinase subunits make up about 16% of their total protein. Postsynaptic densities purified from cerebellum contain the cerebellar isozyme, but the kinase subunits make up only 1-2% of their total protein.

The enzymatic activity of both isozymes of the type II CaM kinase is regulated by autophosphorylation in a complex manner. The kinase is initially completely dependent on Ca^(2+)/calmodulin for phosphorylation of exogenous substrates as well as for autophosphorylation. Kinase activity becomes partially Ca^(2+) independent after autophosphorylation in the presence of Ca^(2+)/calmodulin. Phosphorylation of only a few subunits in the dodecameric holoenzyme is sufficient to cause this change, suggesting an allosteric interaction between subunits. At the same time, autophosphorylation itself becomes independent of Ca^(2+) These observations suggest that the kinase may be able to exist in at least two stable states, which differ in their requirements for Ca^(2+)/calmodulin.

The autophosphorylation sites that are involved in the regulation of kinase activity have been identified within the primary structure of the α and β subunits. We used the method of reverse phase-HPLC tryptic phosphopeptide mapping to isolate individual phosphorylation sites. The phosphopeptides were then sequenced by gas phase microsequencing. Phosphorylation of a single homologous threonine residue in the α and β subunits is correlated with the production of the Ca^(2+) -independent activity state of the kinase. In addition we have identified several sites that are phosphorylated only during autophosphorylation in the absence of Ca^(2+)/ calmodulin.


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Genetic diversity among four clones (A, D, E, F) of gynogenetic silver crucian carp was studied using transferrin and isozymes in the blood as markers. Of the five proteins investigated, three (transferrin, esterase and superoxide dismutase) indicated polymorphism and eight polymorphic loci were detected. These loci were probably encoded by codominant alleles and their inheritance patterns were analyzed. Intraclonal homogeneity and interclonal heterogeneity were observed in these clones, which allowed us to infer the clonal nature and evolutionary relationship between them. Clonal diversity in this population of silver crucian carp in China was also compared with data reported from gynogenetic crucian carp in Germany.


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The cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P) is implicated in the proteolytic processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) of arenaviruses, a step strictly required for production of infectious progeny. The small molecule SKI-1/S1P inhibitor PF-429242 was shown to have anti-viral activity against Old World arenaviruses. Here we extended these studies and show that PF-429242 also inhibits GPC processing and productive infection of New World arenaviruses, making PF-429242 a broadly active anti-arenaviral drug. In combination therapy, PF-429242 potentiated the anti-viral activity of ribavirin, indicating a synergism between the two drugs. A hallmark of arenaviruses is their ability to establish persistent infection in vitro and in vivo. Notably, PF-429242 was able to efficiently and rapidly clear persistent infection by arenaviruses. Interruption of drug treatment did not result in re-emergence of infection, indicating that PF-429242 treatment leads to virus extinction.


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The genus Capsicum has 20-30 species, of which only a few are cultivated. Capsicum annuum L. is the best known Capsicum all around the world, while the other species are not common outside Latin America. Since it is the best known and commercially the most valuable species, many breeding programs have been conducted on C annuum L., especially on the non-pungent vegetable types. Breeding of other species has received less attention. Therefore, this work was conducted on two species other than C. annuum that are rarely studied-C. baccatum and C. cardenasii. Other results concern linkage groups and association of the marker genes or linkage groups with the chromosomes involved in an interchange. Linkage was detected for two pairs of genes only; these were between Got-1 and Idh-1, and between Pgi-2 and Est-5. No gene was found to show a statistically significant association with chromosomes with interchanged segments.


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Seedling taken from 2 species of Eucalyptus growing in Brazil were electrophoretically analysed at 14 isozyme loci representing 6 enzyme systems: alpha-EST, beta-EST, SKDH, IDH, MDH, and LAP. Genetic variability measures were determined using 11 putative isozyme loci. on average, 81.8% and 54.5% of the loci were found to be polymorphic by the criterion of 95% in E. urophylla and E. grandis, respectively. The mean number of alleles per loci was 3.0 in E. urophylla and 2.5 in E. grandis. Observed mean heterozygosity was 0.283 in E. urophylla and 0.166 in E. grandis. Levels of genetic diversity in these species were similar to those in other Eucalyptus species which have widespread distributions. The possible hybridization of E. urophylla with E. alba is also discussed.


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To assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure parameters, nine populations of Oryza glumaepatula from the Amazon biome, four from the Pantanal biome, and one collected at Rio Xingu, Mato Grosso, totaling 14 populations and 333 individuals were studied with isozyme markers. Six loci were evaluated showing a moderate allozyme variability (A = 1.21, P = 20.7%, Ho = 0.005, He = 0.060). The populations from the Pantanal biome showed higher diversity levels than the Amazon biome. High genetic differentiation among the populations, expected for self-fertilizing species, was observed (FST=0.763), with lower differentiation found among the Pantanal populations (FST=0.501). The average apparent outcrossing rate was higher for the Pantanal populations (t a = 0.092) than for the Amazonian populations (t a = 0.003), while the average for the 14 populations was 0.047, in accordance with a self-fertilization mating system.


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One growth factor receptor commonly altered during prostate tumor progression is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). EGFR signaling regulates Erk1/2 phosphorylation through multiple mechanisms. We hypothesized that PKC isozymes play a role in EGFR-dependent signaling, and that through PKC isozyme selective inhibition, EGFR-dependent Erk1/2 activation can be attenuated in AICaP cells. ^ To test the hypothesis, PKC activation was induced by 12-O-tetradecanoyi-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in PC-3 cells. As a result, Erk1/2 was activated similarly to what was observed upon EGF stimulation. EGF-induced Erk1/2 activation in PC-3 cells was PKC-dependent, as demonstrated through use of a selective PKC inhibitor, GF109203X. This provides evidence for PKC regulatory control over Erk1/2 signaling downstream of EGFR. Next, we demonstrated that when PKC was inhibited by GF109203X, EGF-stimulated Erk1/2 activation was inhibited in PC-3, but not DU145 cells. TPA-stimulated Erk1/2 activation was EGFR-dependent in both DU145 and PC-3 cells, demonstrated through abrogation of Erk1/2 activation by a selective EGFR inhibitor AG1478. These data support PKC control at or upstream of EGFR in AICaP cells. We observed that interfering with ligand/EGFR binding abrogated Erk1/2 signaling in TPA-stimulated cells, revealing a role for PKC upstream of EGFR. ^ Next, we determined which PKC isozymes might be responsible for Erk1/2 regulation. We first determined that human AICaP cell lines express the same PKC isozymes as those observed in clinical prostate cancer specimens (α, ϵ, &zgr;, ι and PKD). Isozyme-selective methods were employed to characterize discrete PKC isozyme function in EGFR-dependent Erk1/2 activation. Pharmacologic inhibitors implicated PKCα in TPA-induced EGFR-dependent Erk1/2 activation in both PC-3 and DU145 cells. Further, the cPKC-specific inhibitor, Gö6976 decreased viablilty of DU145 cells, providing evidence that PKCα is necessary for growth and survival. Finally, resveratrol, a phytochemical with strong cancer therapeutic potential inhibited Erk1/2 activation, and this correlated with selective inhibition of PKCα. These results demonstrate that PKC regulates pathways critical to progression of CaP cells, including those mediated by EGFR. Thus, PKC isozyme-selective targeting is an attractive therapeutic strategy, and understanding the role of specific PKC isozymes in CaP cell growth and survival may aid in development of effective, non-toxic PKC-targeted therapies. ^


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The main objective of this study was to determine if isozyme systems can be used as markers of genetic deterioration in Brassicaceae seed accessions under different storage conditions. Seed samples of Brassica oleracea, Cardaria draba, Erysimum cheiri, Iberis sempervirens and Rapistrum rugosum were stored for periods of 9 to 30 years at -10°C and 3-4% seed moisture content (long-term or LT conditions) and at 5°C and uncontrolled relative humidity (RH) (short-term or ST conditions). Starch Gel Electrophoresis (SGE) was used to analyse six enzyme systems oriented to determine the genetic deterioration of the accessions studied. The results obtained show that long-term storage conditions (LT) were extremely effective in maintaining the viability of seeds of the five Brassicaceae species studied. The final germination percentages reached by seeds from LT samples ranged from 75 to 100%, while the germination percentages of ST samples (except for B. oleracea) were very low (from 0 to 10%). Similar conclusions were obtained studying the integrity of electrophoretic bands for several isozymes. Two enzyme systems were of special interest: malate dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase.


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Prostaglandins formed by cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) or COX-2 produce hyperalgesia in sensory nerve endings. To assess the relative roles of the two enzymes in pain processing, we compared responses of COX-1- or COX-2-deficient homozygous and heterozygous mice with wild-type controls in the hot plate and stretching tests for analgesia. Preliminary observational studies determined that there were no differences in gross parameters of behavior between the different groups. Surprisingly, on the hot plate (55°C), the COX-1-deficient heterozygous groups showed less nociception, because mean reaction time was longer than that for controls. All other groups showed similar reaction times. In the stretching test, there was less nociception in COX-1-null and COX-1-deficient heterozygotes and also, unexpectedly, in female COX-2-deficient heterozygotes, as shown by a decreased number of writhes. Measurements of mRNA levels by reverse transcription–PCR demonstrated a compensatory increase of COX-1 mRNA in spinal cords of COX-2-null mice but no increase in COX-2 mRNA in spinal cords of COX-1-null animals. Thus, compensation for the absence of COX-1 may not involve increased expression of COX-2, whereas up-regulation of COX-1 in the spinal cord may compensate for the absence of COX-2. The longer reaction times on the hot plate of COX-1-deficient heterozygotes are difficult to explain, because nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs have no analgesic action in this test. Reduction in the number of writhes of the COX-1-null and COX-1-deficient heterozygotes may be due to low levels of COX-1 at the site of stimulation with acetic acid. Thus, prostaglandins made by COX-1 mainly are involved in pain transmission in the stretching test in both male and female mice, whereas those made by COX-2 also may play a role in the stretching response in female mice.


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The rat retina contains dopaminergic interplexiform cells that send processes to the outer plexiform layer where dopamine is released in a light-dependent manner. We report herein that physiologically relevant concentrations of dopamine inhibited ouabain-sensitive photoreceptor oxygen consumption in dark- and light-adapted rat retinas and inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase specific activity (EC in a rat rod outer-inner segment preparation. Experiments with the selective D1 agonist fenoldopam or D2 agonist quinpirole and experiments with dopamine plus either the D1 antagonist SCH23390 or D2/D4 antagonist clozapine showed that the inhibition of oxygen consumption and enzyme activity were mediated by D2/D4-like receptors. The amphetamine-induced release of dopamine, monitored by the inhibition of oxygen consumption, was blocked by L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid and kynurenic acid. Pharmacological and biochemical experiments determined that the IC50 values of ouabain for the alpha1-low and alpha3-high ouabain affinity isozymes of photoreceptor Na+,K+-ATPase were approximately 10(-5) and approximately 10(-7) M, respectively, and that the D2/D4-like mediated inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase was exclusively selective for the alpha3 isozyme. The dopamine-mediated inhibition of alpha3 first occurred at 5 nM, was maximal at 100 microM (-47%), had an IC50 value of 382 +/- 23 nM, and exhibited negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient, 0.27). Prior homogenization of the rod outer-inner segment completely prevented the long-lasting inhibition, suggesting that the effect was coupled to a second messenger. Although the physiological significance of our findings to photoreceptor function is unknown, we hypothesize that these results may have relevance for the temporal tuning properties of rods.


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The insertion of the blood retrotransposon into the untranslated region of exon 7 of the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding gene (Gpdh) in Drosophila melanogaster induces a GPDH isozyme-GPDH-4-and alters the pattern of expression of the three normal isozymes-GPDH-1 to GPDH-3. The process of transcript terminus formation inside the retrotransposon insertion reduces the level of the Gpdh transcript that contains exon 8 and increases the level of the transcript that contains exons 1-7. The induced GPDH-4 isozyme is a translation product of the three transcripts that contain fragments of the blood retrotransposon. The mechanism of mutagenesis by the blood insertion is postulated to involve the pause or termination of transcription within the blood sequence, which in turn is caused by the interference of a DNA-binding protein with the RNA polymerase. Thus, we show the formation of a new functional GPDH protein by the insertion of a transposable element and discuss the evolutionary significance of this phenomenon.


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Golgi alpha-mannosidase II (alpha-MII) is an enzyme involved in the processing of N-linked glycans. Using a previously isolated murine cDNA clone as a probe, we have isolated cDNA clones encompassing the human alpha-MII cDNA open reading frame and initiated isolation of human genomic clones. During the isolation of genomic clones, genes related to that encoding alpha-MII were isolated. One such gene was found to encode an isozyme, designated alpha-MIIx. A 5-kb cDNA clone encoding alpha-MIIx was then isolated from a human melanoma cDNA library. However, comparison between alpha-MIIx and alpha-MII cDNAs suggested that the cloned cDNA encodes a truncated polypeptide with 796 amino acid residues, while alpha-MII consists of 1144 amino acid residues. To reevaluate the sequence of alpha-MIIx cDNA, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with lymphocyte mRNAs. Comparison of the sequence of PCR products with the alpha-MIIx genomic sequence revealed that alternative splicing of the alpha-MIIx transcript can result in an additional transcript encoding a 1139-amino acid polypeptide. Northern analysis showed transcription of alpha-MIIx in various tissues, suggesting that the alpha-MIIx gene is a housekeeping gene. COS cells transfected with alpha-MIIx cDNA containing the full-length open reading frame showed an increase of alpha-mannosidase activity. The alpha-MIIx gene was mapped to human chromosome 15q25, whereas the alpha-MII gene was mapped to 5q21-22.


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The nucleotide sequences of four genes encoding Trimeresurus gramineus (green habu snake, crotalinae) venom gland phospholipase A2 (PLA2; phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase, EC isozymes were compared internally and externally with those of six genes encoding Trimeresurus flavoviridis (habu snake, crotalinae) venom gland PLA2 isozymes. The numbers of nucleotide substitutions per site (KN) for the noncoding regions including introns were one-third to one-eighth of the numbers of nucleotide substitutions per synonymous site (KS) for the protein-coding regions of exons, indicating that the noncoding regions are much more conserved than the protein-coding regions. The KN values for the introns were found to be nearly equivalent to those of introns of T. gramineus and T. flavoviridis TATA box-binding protein genes, which are assumed to be a general (nonvenomous) gene. Thus, it is evident that the introns of venom gland PLA2 isozyme genes have evolved at a similar rate to those of nonvenomous genes. The numbers of nucleotide substitutions per nonsynonymous site (KA) were close to or larger than the KS values for the protein-coding regions in venom gland PLA2 isozyme genes. All of the data combined reveal that Darwinian-type accelerated evolution has universally occurred only in the protein-coding regions of crotalinae snake venom PLA2 isozyme genes.