999 resultados para Isomorphism-problem


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The isomorphism problem of arbitrary algebraic structures plays always a central role in the study of a given algebraic object. In this paper we give the first investigations and also some basic results on the isomorphism problem of commutative group algebras in Bulgaria.


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Extracting frequent subtrees from the tree structured data has important applications in Web mining. In this paper, we introduce a novel canonical form for rooted labelled unordered trees called the balanced-optimal-search canonical form (BOCF) that can handle the isomorphism problem efficiently. Using BOCF, we define a tree structure guided scheme based enumeration approach that systematically enumerates only the valid subtrees. Finally, we present the balanced optimal search tree miner (BOSTER) algorithm based on BOCF and the proposed enumeration approach, for finding frequent induced subtrees from a database of labelled rooted unordered trees. Experiments on the real datasets compare the efficiency of BOSTER over the two state-of-the-art algorithms for mining induced unordered subtrees, HybridTreeMiner and UNI3. The results are encouraging.


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We associate some graphs to a ring R and we investigate the interplay between the ring-theoretic properties of R and the graph-theoretic properties of the graphs associated to R. Let Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of R. We define an undirected graph ᴦ(R) with nonzero zero-divisors as vertices and distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if xy=0 or yx=0. We investigate the Isomorphism Problem for zero-divisor graphs of group rings RG. Let Sk denote the sphere with k handles, where k is a non-negative integer, that is, Sk is an oriented surface of genus k. The genus of a graph is the minimal integer n such that the graph can be embedded in Sn. The annihilating-ideal graph of R is defined as the graph AG(R) with the set of ideals with nonzero annihilators as vertex such that two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if IJ=(0). We characterize Artinian rings whose annihilating-ideal graphs have finite genus. Finally, we extend the definition of the annihilating-ideal graph to non-commutative rings.


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We determine the structure of the semisimple group algebra of certain groups over the rationals and over those finite fields where the Wedderburn decompositions have the least number of simple components We apply our work to obtain similar information about the loop algebras of mdecomposable RA loops and to produce negative answers to the isomorphism problem over various fields (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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A group is termed parafree if it is residually nilpotent and has the same nilpotent quotients as a given free group. Since free groups are residually nilpotent, they are parafree. Nonfree parafree groups abound and they all have many properties in common with free groups. Finitely presented parafree groups have solvable word problems, but little is known about the conjugacy and isomorphism problems. The conjugacy problem plays an important part in determining whether an automorphism is inner, which we term the inner automorphism problem. We will attack these and other problems about parafree groups experimentally, in a series of papers, of which this is the first and which is concerned with the isomorphism problem. The approach that we take here is to distinguish some parafree groups by computing the number of epimorphisms onto selected finite groups. It turns out, rather unexpectedly, that an understanding of the quotients of certain groups leads to some new results about equations in free and relatively free groups. We touch on this only lightly here but will discuss this in more depth in a future paper.


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Methods for representing equivalence problems of various combinatorial objects as graphs or binary matrices are considered. Such representations can be used for isomorphism testing in classification or generation algorithms. Often it is easier to consider a graph or a binary matrix isomorphism problem than to implement heavy algorithms depending especially on particular combinatorial objects. Moreover, there already exist well tested algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem (nauty) and the binary matrix isomorphism problem as well (Q-Extension). ACM Computing Classification System (1998): F.2.1, G.4.


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We develop some new techniques to calculate the Schur indicator for self-dual irreducible Langlands quotients of the principal series representations. Using these techniques we derive some new formulas for the Schur indicator and the real-quaternionic indicator. We make progress towards developing an algorithm to decide whether or not two root data are isomorphic. When the derived group has cyclic center, we solve the isomorphism problem completely. An immediate consequence is a clean and precise classification theorem for connected complex reductive groups whose derived groups have cyclic center.


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We consider the problem of determining if two finite groups are isomorphic. The groups are assumed to be represented by their multiplication tables. We present an O(n) algorithm that determines if two Abelian groups with n elements each are isomorphic. This improves upon the previous upper bound of O(n log n) [Narayan Vikas, An O(n) algorithm for Abelian p-group isomorphism and an O(n log n) algorithm for Abelian group isomorphism, J. Comput. System Sci. 53 (1996) 1-9] known for this problem. We solve a more general problem of computing the orders of all the elements of any group (not necessarily Abelian) of size n in O(n) time. Our algorithm for isomorphism testing of Abelian groups follows from this result. We use the property that our order finding algorithm works for any group to design a simple O(n) algorithm for testing whether a group of size n, described by its multiplication table, is nilpotent. We also give an O(n) algorithm for determining if a group of size n, described by its multiplication table, is Abelian. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The structure of groups which have at most two isomorphism classes of derived subgroups (D-2-groups) is investigated. A complete description of D-2-groups is obtained in the case where the derived subgroup is finite: the solution leads an interesting number theoretic problem. In addition, detailed information is obtained about soluble D-2-groups, especially those with finite rank, where algebraic number fields play an important role. Also, detailed structural information about insoluble D-2-groups is found, and the locally free D-2-groups are characterized.


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In this work we consider several instances of the following problem: "how complicated can the isomorphism relation for countable models be?"' Using the Borel reducibility framework, we investigate this question with regard to the space of countable models of particular complete first-order theories. We also investigate to what extent this complexity is mirrored in the number of back-and-forth inequivalent models of the theory. We consider this question for two large and related classes of theories. First, we consider o-minimal theories, showing that if T is o-minimal, then the isomorphism relation is either Borel complete or Borel. Further, if it is Borel, we characterize exactly which values can occur, and when they occur. In all cases Borel completeness implies lambda-Borel completeness for all lambda. Second, we consider colored linear orders, which are (complete theories of) a linear order expanded by countably many unary predicates. We discover the same characterization as with o-minimal theories, taking the same values, with the exception that all finite values are possible except two. We characterize exactly when each possibility occurs, which is similar to the o-minimal case. Additionally, we extend Schirrman's theorem, showing that if the language is finite, then T is countably categorical or Borel complete. As before, in all cases Borel completeness implies lambda-Borel completeness for all lambda.


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A new solution to the millionaire problem is designed on the base of two new techniques: zero test and batch equation. Zero test is a technique used to test whether one or more ciphertext contains a zero without revealing other information. Batch equation is a technique used to test equality of multiple integers. Combination of these two techniques produces the only known solution to the millionaire problem that is correct, private, publicly verifiable and efficient at the same time.