999 resultados para Interações nucleon-nucleon
Supressão de J/[psi] em processos próton-núcleo e núcleo-núcleo devido aos efeitos de alta densidade
A supressão da produção do méson J/Ψ em colisões de íons pesados tem sido apontada como um sinal da formação de um estado desconfinado da matéria - o Plasma de Quarks e Glúons. Este sinal, por em, não e inequívoco e muitos modelos, que não assumem a formação do plasma, podem descrever igualmente bem os resultados da colaboração NA50, no CERN, que apontou uma supressão anômala, não explicada pela absorção nuclear, nas colisões mais centrais entre íons de chumbo. De modo geral, estes modelos, considerando ou não a formação do plasma, procuram explicar os resultados experimentais através de mecanismos que causam a supressão no estado final da colisão, isto e, mecanismos que agem sobre as partículas produzidas na colisão. Por outro lado, para núcleos pesados e em processos envolvendo altas energias, as distribuições partônicas nucleares são alteradas em relação as distribuições para nucleons livres. Estas alterações ocorrem devido ao fato das dimensões do nucleon serem um limite geométrico para o crescimento das distribuições - seu vínculo de unitariedade - pois o meio nuclear, em altas energias, apresenta uma alta densidade partônica. A existência deste vínculo de unitariedade requer modificações das distribuições partônicas, o que deve ser considerado nos cálculos das seções de choque nucleares. Tais modificações afetam a produção de hádrons no estado final, diminuindo sua taxa de produção. Nesse trabalho, investigamos a inclusão dos efeitos de alta densidade nas distribuições partônicas para o tratamento da supressão de J/Ψ em colisões envolvendo alvos nucleares. Estes efeitos são decorrentes do aumento da distribuição de glúions na região de pequeno x (altas energias). A evolução DGLAP, que considera apenas a emissão de pártons, prevê um crescimento ilimitado da distribuição de glúons nesta região, quebrando assim o vínculo da unitariedade. Por isso, o mecanismo de recombinação partônica passa a contribuir para restaurar a unitariedade. Estes efeitos de recombinação, basicamente, são tratados como os efeitos de alta densidade referidos nesse trabalho, alterando as distribuições partônicas nucleares. Utilizamos processos próton-núcleo para estimar a magnitude destes efeitos, uma vez que estes processos não apresentam um meio nuclear tão denso quanto o proporcionado por colisões núcleo-núcleo. Esta premissa torna os processos próton-núcleo testes mais confiaveis para a investigação dos efeitos de alta densidade. Analisamos em especial a razão entre as taxas de produção do méson J/Ψ e do par de léptons, via processo Drell- Yan, uma vez que este observável e utilizado para apontar a supressão na produção de J/Ψ . Estendemos esta análise para processos núcleo-núcleo, onde novos mecanismos de supressão, entre eles a formação do Plasma de Quarks e Glúons são esperados. Os resultados aqui apresentados mostram que a inclusão dos efeitos de alta densidade introduz uma supressão adicional na produção de J/Ψ , que se torna mais significativa com o aumento da energia do processo. Nossa conclusão e, portanto, que estes efeitos devem ser incorporados na análise deste sinal em experimentos realizados em RHIC e LHC.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work we describe a subtle effect in nuclear physics, associated with three-nucleon forces, which is nevertheless fundamental in the interpretation of experimental results. It is important to notice that three-body effects are of non-pertubative origins, which makes this problem more involving theoretically. The use of Quantum Chromodynamics is fundamental in the understanding of the physics process.
We present transverse momentum (p(T)) spectra of charged hadrons measured in deuteron-gold and nucleon-gold collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV for four centrality classes. Nucleon-gold collisions were selected by tagging events in which a spectator nucleon was observed in one of two forward rapidity detectors. The spectra and yields were investigated as a function of the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions, nu, suffered by deuteron nucleons. A comparison of charged particle yields to those in p+p collisions show that yield per nucleon-nucleon collision saturates with nu for high momentum particles. We also present the charged hadron to neutral pion ratios as a function of p(T).
We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.
Various modern nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials yield a very accurate fit to the nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts. The differences between these interactions in describing properties of nuclear matter are investigated. Various contributions to the total energy are evaluated employing the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. Special attention is paid to the two-nucleon correlation functions derived from these interactions. Differences in the predictions of the various interactions can be traced back to the inclusion of nonlocal terms.
We reanalyze the decay mode of Lambda hypernuclei induced by two nucleons modifying previous numerical results and the interpretation of the process. The repercussions of this channel in the ratio of neutron to proton induced Lambda decay is studied in detail in connection with the present experimental data. This leads to ratios that are in greater contradiction with usual one pion exchange models than those deduced before.
Although ab initio calculations of relativistic Brueckner theory lead to large scalar isovector fields in nuclear matter, at present, successful versions of covariant density functional theory neglect the interactions in this channel. A new high-precision density functional DD-MEδ is presented which includes four mesons, σ, ω, δ, and ρ, with density-dependent meson-nucleon couplings. It is based to a large extent on microscopic ab initiocalculations in nuclear matter. Only four of its parameters are determined by adjusting to binding energies and charge radii of finite nuclei. The other parameters, in particular the density dependence of the meson-nucleon vertices, are adjusted to nonrelativistic and relativistic Brueckner calculations of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter. The isovector effective mass mp*−mn* derived from relativistic Brueckner theory is used to determine the coupling strength of the δ meson and its density dependence.
We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.
Various modern nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials yield a very accurate fit to the nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts. The differences between these interactions in describing properties of nuclear matter are investigated. Various contributions to the total energy are evaluated employing the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. Special attention is paid to the two-nucleon correlation functions derived from these interactions. Differences in the predictions of the various interactions can be traced back to the inclusion of nonlocal terms.
In this work we present a double folding optical model analysis of new near-barrier quasi-elastic experimental data for the (6,7)Li + (120)Sn systems. From the analysis, it was possible to confirm the ground-state nucleon densities assumed for the weakly bound (6,7)Li isotopes. The apparent discrepancies between the experimental densities and those based on Dirac-Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov (DHB) calculations were removed. A new approach that simulates the projectile break-up and a positive polarization from couplings of (6,7)Li bound states with the continuum was considered in the reaction mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
By considering a statistical model for the quark content of the nucleon, where the quark levels are generated by a Dirac equation with a harmonic scalar-plus-vector potential, we note that a good fit for the ratio between the structure functions of the neutron and proton, F-2(n)/F-2(p), can be obtained if different strengths are used for the effective confining potentials of the up and down quarks.
Effect of bound nucleon internal structure change on nuclear structure functions is investigated based on local quark-hadron duality. The bound nucleon structure functions calculated for charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering are all enhanced in symmetric nuclear matter at large Bjorken-x (x greater than or similar to 0.85) relative to those in a free nucleon. This implies that a part of the enhancement observed in the nuclear structure function F-2 (in the resonance region) at large Bjorken-x (the EMC effect) is due to the effect of the bound nucleon internal structure change. However, the x dependence for the charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering is different. The former (latter) is enhanced (quenched) in the region 0.8 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.9 (0.7 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.85) due to the difference of the contribution from axial vector forrn factor. Because of these differences charge symmetry breaking in parton distributions will be enhanced in nuclei. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.