958 resultados para Inorganic compounds.
Brazilian sugarcane spirits were analyzed to elucidate similarities and dissimilarities by principal component analysis. Nine aldehydes, six alcohols, and six metal cations were identified and quantified. Isobutanol (LD 202.9 mu gL-1), butiraldehyde (0.08-0.5 mu gL-1), ethanol (39-47% v/v), and copper (371-6068 mu gL-1) showed marked similarities, but the concentration levels of n-butanol (1.6-7.3 mu gL-1), sec-butanol (LD 89 mu gL-1), formaldehyde (0.1-0.74 mu gL-1), valeraldehyde (0.04-0.31 mu gL-1), iron (8.6-139.1 mu gL-1), and magnesium (LD 1149 mu gL-1) exhibited differences from samples.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Ocean drilling has revealed the existence of vast microbial populations in the deep subseafloor, but to date little is known about their metabolic activities. To better understand the biogeochemical processes in the deep biosphere, we investigate the stable carbon isotope chemistry of acetate and other carbon-bearing metabolites in sediment pore-waters. Acetate is a key metabolite in the cycling of carbon in anoxic sediments. Its stable carbon isotopic composition provides information on the metabolic processes dominating acetate turnover in situ. This study reports our findings for a methane-rich site at the northern Cascadia Margin (NE Pacific) where Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) sampled the upper 190 m of sediment. At Site U1329, d13C values of acetate span a wide range from -46.0 per mill to -11.0 per mill vs. VPDB and change systematically with sediment depth. In contrast, d13C values of both the bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (-21.6 ± 1.3 per mill vs. VPDB) and the low-molecular-weight compound lactate (-20.9 ± 1.8 per mill vs. VPDB) show little variability. These species are interpreted to represent the carbon isotopic composition of fermentation products. Relative to DOC, acetate is up to 23.1 per mill depleted and up to 9.1 per mill enriched in 13C. Broadly, 13C-depletions of acetate relative to DOC indicate flux of carbon from acetogenesis into the acetate pool while 13C-enrichments of pore-water acetate relative to DOC suggest consumption of acetate by acetoclastic methanogenesis. Isotopic relationships between acetate and lactate or DOC provide new information on the carbon flow and the presence and activity of specific functional microbial communities in distinct biogeochemical horizons of the sediment. In particular, they suggest that acetogenic CO2-reduction can coexist with methanogenic CO2-reduction, a notion contrary to the hypothesis that hydrogen levels are controlled by the thermodynamically most favorable electron-accepting process. Further, the isotopic relationship suggests a relative increase in acetate flow to acetoclastic methanogenesis with depth although its contribution to total methanogenesis is probably small. Our study demonstrates how the stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of acetate can be used to identify pathways of microbial carbon turnover in subsurface environments. Our observations also raise new questions regarding the factors controlling acetate turnover in marine sediments.
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The surface behaviour of materials is crucial to our everyday lives. Studies of the corrosive, reactive, optical and electronic properties of surfaces are thus of great importance to a wide range of industries including the chemical and electronics sectors. The surface properties of polymers can also be tuned for use in packaging, non stick coatings or for use in medical applications. Methods to characterise surface composition and reactivity are thus critical to the development of next generation materials. This report will outline the basic principles of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and how it can be applied to analyse the surfaces of inorganic materials. The role of XPS in understanding the nature of the active site in heterogeneous catalysts will also be discussed.
The principles of design of information-analytical system (IAS) intended for design of new inorganic compounds are considered. IAS includes the integrated system of databases on properties of inorganic substances and materials, the system of the programs of pattern recognition, the knowledge base and managing program. IAS allows a prediction of inorganic compounds not yet synthesized and estimation of their some properties.
In this paper the main problems for computer design of materials, which would have predefined properties, with the use of artificial intelligence methods are presented. The DB on inorganic compound properties and the system of DBs on materials for electronics with completely assessed information: phase diagram DB of material systems with semiconducting phases and DB on acousto-optical, electro-optical, and nonlinear optical properties are considered. These DBs are a source of information for data analysis. Using the DBs and artificial intelligence methods we have predicted thousands of new compounds in ternary, quaternary and more complicated chemical systems and estimated some of their properties (crystal structure type, melting point, homogeneity region etc.). The comparison of our predictions with experimental data, obtained later, showed that the average reliability of predicted inorganic compounds exceeds 80%. The perspectives of computational material design with the use of artificial intelligence methods are considered.
Parameters of provision of the phytoplankton community with inorganic nitrogen compounds in the western Black Sea in April 1993 are analyzed (specifically, dependence of rates of uptake of nitrates and ammonium by microplankton on substrate concentration, diurnal dynamics of assimilation of mineral nitrogen, values of f-ratios, and proportions of carbon and nitrogen fluxes). In most cases all the parameters of degree of phytoplankton provision with mineral nitrogen are shown to vary unidirectionally, both at the surface and in the photosynthesis zone. Individual areas of a relatively small region studied differed markedly in their level of provision of algae with inorganic nitrogen compounds - from complete saturation to high degree of limitation of phytoplankton development due to nitrogen deficiency in the environment. Obtained results allow to estimate provision of Black Sea phytoplankton with nitrogen in terms of limitation of rates of uptake of its inorganic compounds.
Orgaanisten yhdisteiden negatiivinen retentio nanosuodatuksessa on ilmiö, jota eiole kovin paljon tutkittu. Negatiivisen retentioon vaikuttavat syyt tai tekijäteivät ole kovin hyvin tiedossa. Erotusmenetelmänä negatiivinen retentio voi olla käyttökelpoinen tietyissä sovelluksissa. Työn kirjallisuusosa käsittelee nanosuodatuksen erotusmekanismeja ja retentioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Myös joitakin malleja on esitetty. Nanosuodatus on monimutkainen prosessi, josta ei voida löytää vain yhtä erotusmekanismia tai retentioon vaikuttavaa tekijää. Prosessit ovat kokonaisuuksia, joissa erottumiseen vaikuttavat syöttöliuoksen, erotettavan komponentin ja kalvon ominaisuudet, ja niiden väliset vuorovaikutukset. Työn kokeellisessa osassa koottiin mahdollisimman paljon esimerkkejä, joissa monosakkaridien negatiivinen retentio ilmenee. Muita orgaanisia ja epäorgaanisia yhdisteitä käytettiin 'häiriöyhdisteinä' syöttöliuoksessa monosakkaridien kanssa. Kokeet suoritettiin kahdella laboratoriomittakaavan suodatuslaitteella käyttäen kahta kaupallista nanosuodatuskalvoa. Negatiivinen retentio ilmeni useissa tapauksissa. Permeaattivuon ja 'häiriöyhdisteiden' pitoisuuksien havaittiin vaikuttavan voimakkaasti negatiivisen retention ilmenemiseen.
The ability of macroheterocyclic compounds to complex with ionic species has led to the synthesis and investigation of many multidentate macroheterocyclic species. The most stable complexes are formed between macrocyclic polyetheral ligands (crown ethers) with alkali or alkaline earth metal iona. There is an excellent correlation of the stability of these complexes with the size of the cation and the site of the cavity in the macrocyclic ligand. Additional factors, such as the basicity of the ligand and the solvating ability of the solvent, also play important roles in the stabilization of the complex. The stability of such complexes has been advantageously used to increase anionic reactivity and has been successfully applied to several organic fluorinations, oxidations, and similar reactions. The use of macrocyclic ligands in inorganic syntheses of otherwise difficult to obtain fluoro compounds has not been reported. O-carborane and m-carborane, C2BlOHl2, are icosahedral cage systems derived from Bl2H122- by replacement of BH with the isoelectronic CH group. These stable molecules exhibit electron-deficient bonding which can best be explained by delocalization of electrons. This delocalization gives rise to stability similar to that found in aromatic hydrocarbons. Crown ether activated potassium fluoride has been successfully employed in the conversion of alkyl, acyl and aryl halides to their respective fluorides. Analogously halide substituted carboranes were prepared, but their fluoro-derivatives were not obtained. The application of crown ethers in the synthesis of transition metal complexes is relatively unexplored. The usual synthesis of fluoro-derivative transition metal complexes involves highly reactive and toxic fluorinating agents such as antimony trifluoride, antimony penta fluoride. bromine trifluoride and hydrogen fluoride, An attempted preparation of the hexafluoroosmate (IV) ion via a crown activated, or naked fluoride~was unsuccessful. Potassium hexafluoroosmate (IV), K208F6. was eventually prepared using bromine trifluoride as a fluorinating and oxidizing agent .
Cyclometallated palladium(II) complexes are reactive inorganic compounds employed in several biological studies because of their antitumour potential and interaction with immune system. In the present study, the immune and citotoxic response induced by two organopalladated complexes: [{Pd(N,C-dmba)} 2(μ-NCS) 2] (1), [Pd(C-dmba)(NCS)(dppp)] (2) [dmba = N,N′-dimethylbenzylamine, dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] and cisplatin (cis-DDP), as standard, were investigated in mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumour. The mice were divided into five groups and inoculated with the compounds (1) or (2) or cisplatin, or only vehicle or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Many parameters were evaluated, such as tumour cell percentage in the peritoneal exsudate, levels of seric nitric oxide (NO) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and increase in life span. Analysis of all data revealed, for compound (2), an activity similar to that presented by cisplatin, resulting in increased life span, lower levels of seric TNF-α and increase in NO production. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
This thesis is concerned with in-situ time-, temperature- and pressure-resolved synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction investigations of a variety of inorganic compounds with twodimensional layer structures and three-dimensional framework structures. In particular, phase stability, reaction kinetics, thermal expansion and compressibility at non-ambient conditions has been studied for 1) Phosphates with composition MIV(HPO4)2·nH2O (MIV = Ti, Zr); 2) Pyrophosphates and pyrovanadates with composition MIVX2O7 (MIV = Ti, Zr and X = P, V); 3) Molybdates with composition ZrMo2O8. The results are compiled in seven published papers and two manuscripts. Reaction kinetics for the hydrothermal synthesis of α-Ti(HPO4)2·H2O and intercalation of alkane diamines in α-Zr(HPO4)2·H2O was studied using time-resolved experiments. In the high-temperature transformation of γ-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4)·2H2O to TiP2O7 three intermediate phases, γ'-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4)·(2-x)H2O, β-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4) and Ti(PO4)(H2P2O7)0.5 were found to crystallise at 323, 373 and 748 K, respectively. A new tetragonal three-dimensional phosphate phase called τ-Zr(HPO4)2 was prepared, and subsequently its structure was determined and refined using the Rietveld method. In the high-temperature transformation from τ-Zr(HPO4)2 to cubic α-ZrP2O7 two new orthorhombic intermediate phases were found. The first intermediate phase, ρ-Zr(HPO4)2, forms at 598 K, and the second phase, β-ZrP2O7, at 688 K. Their respective structures were solved using direct methods and refined using the Rietveld method. In-situ high-pressure studies of τ-Zr(HPO4)2 revealed two new phases, tetragonal ν-Zr(HPO4)2 and orthorhombic ω-Zr(HPO4)2 that crystallise at 1.1 and 8.2 GPa. The structure of ν-Zr(HPO4)2 was solved and refined using the Rietveld method. The high-pressure properties of the pyrophosphates ZrP2O7 and TiP2O7, and the pyrovanadate ZrV2O7 were studied up to 40 GPa. Both pyrophosphates display smooth compression up to the highest pressures, while ZrV2O7 has a phase transformation at 1.38 GPa from cubic to pseudo-tetragonal β-ZrV2O7 and becomes X-ray amorphous at pressures above 4 GPa. In-situ high-pressure studies of trigonal α-ZrMo2O8 revealed the existence of two new phases, monoclinic δ-ZrMo2O8 and triclinic ε-ZrMo2O8 that crystallises at 1.1 and 2.5 GPa, respectively. The structure of δ-ZrMo2O8 was solved by direct methods and refined using the Rietveld method.
Polymer/inorganic nanoparticle nanocomposites have garnered considerable academic and industrial interest over recent decades in the development of advanced materials for a wide range of applications. In this respect, the dispersion of so-called inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles, e.g., tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) or molybdenum disulfide (IF-MoS2), into polymeric matrices is emerging as a new strategy. The surprising properties of these layered metal dichalcogenides such as high impact resistance and superior tribological behavior, attributed to their nanoscale size and hollow quasi-spherical shape, open up a wide variety of opportunities for applications of these inorganic compounds. The present work presents a detailed overview on research in the area of IF-based polymer nanocomposites, with special emphasis on the use of IF-WS2 nanoparticles as environmentally friendly reinforcing fillers. The incorporation of IF particles has been shown to be efficient for improving thermal, mechanical and tribological properties of various thermoplastic polymers, such as polypropylene, nylon-6, poly(phenylene sulfide), poly(ether ether ketone), where nanocomposites were fabricated by simple melt-processing routes without the need for modifiers or surfactants. This new family of nanocomposites exhibits similar or enhanced performance when compared with nanocomposites that incorporate carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers or nanoclays, but are substantially more cost-effective, efficient and environmentally satisfactory. Most recently, innovative approaches have been described that exploit synergistic effects to produce new materials with enhanced properties, including the combined use of micro- and nanoparticles such as IF-WS2/nucleating agent or IF-WS2/carbon fiber, as well as dual nanoparticle systems such as SWCNT/IF-WS2 where each nanoparticle has different characteristics. The structure–property relationships of these nanocomposites are discussed and potential applications proposed ranging from medicine to the aerospace, automotive and electronics industries.