108 resultados para Indigo.
Multidrug-resistant microbial infections represent an exponentially growing problem affecting communities worldwide. Photodynamic therapy is a promising treatment based on the combination of light, oxygen, and a photosensitizer that leads to reactive oxygen species production, such as superoxide (type I mechanism) and singlet oxygen (type II mechanism) that cause massive oxidative damage and consequently the host cell death. Indigofera genus has gained considerable interest due its mutagenic, cytotoxic, and genotoxic activity. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate the effect of crude extracts, alkaloidal fraction, and isolated substance derived from Indigofera truxillensis in photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy on the viability of bacteria and yeast and evaluation of mechanisms involved. Our results showed that all samples resulted in microbial photoactivation in subinhibitory concentration, with indigo alkaloid presenting a predominant photodynamic action through type I mechanism. The use of CaCl2 and MgCl2 as cell permeabilizing additives also increased gram-negative bacteria susceptibility to indigo.
(Morpho-anatomical studies of seeds and seedlings of wild indigo, ""anileira"", Indigofera-Leguminosae). The common name ""wild indigo"" specifies Indigofera will L., I. suffruticosa Mill. (legitimate name) and I. truxillensis Kunth (legitimate name) that are very similar due to their external morphology. This work analyzed diagnostic characteristics of seeds and seedlings of these species since such features are widely used in taxonomic approaches within Leguminosae. We studied surface features and morpho-anatomy of seeds and cotyledons with scanning electronic microscopy and light microscopy, and described seedling phases. Although seedlings are similar, seed characteristics (size, shape, surface ornamentation, shape of the hilum and embryo size) and cotyledon characteristics (shape, trichome ornamentation, organization of spongy parenchyma along central veins and metabolite distribution in the tissues) have diagnostic features for the species. I. anil differs from I. suffruticosa in its larger seeds and acuminate-margined cotyledons. I. truxillensis is recognized by its cylindrical seeds and kidney-shaped cotyledons with large oil drops. We assume that the characteristics examined, plus fruit morphology and foliar anatomy suggest that I. anil, I. suffruticosa and I. truxillensis should not be synonymized.
Throughout history indigo was derived from various plants for example Dyer’s Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) in Europe. In the 19th century were the synthetic dyes developed and nowadays indigo is mainly synthesized from by-products of fossil fuels. Indigo is a so-called vat dye, which means that it needs to be reduced to its water soluble leucoform before dyeing. Nowadays, most of the industrial reduction is performed chemically by sodium dithionite. However, this is considered environmentally unfavourable because of waste waters contaminating degradation products. Therefore there has been interest to find new possibilities to reduce indigo. Possible alternatives for the application of dithionite as the reducing agent are biologically induced reduction and electrochemical reduction. Glucose and other reducing sugars have recently been suggested as possible environmentally friendly alternatives as reducing agents for sulphur dyes and there have also been interest in using glucose to reduce indigo. In spite of the development of several types of processes, very little is known about the mechanism and kinetics associated with the reduction of indigo. This study aims at investigating the reduction and electrochemical analysis methods of indigo and give insight on the reduction mechanism of indigo. Anthraquinone as well as it’s derivative 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone were discovered to act as catalysts for the glucose induced reduction of indigo. Anthraquinone introduces a strong catalytic effect which is explained by invoking a molecular “wedge effect” during co-intercalation of Na+ and anthraquinone into the layered indigo crystal. The study includes also research on the extraction of plant-derived indigo from woad and the examination of the effect of this method to the yield and purity of indigo. The purity has been conventionally studied spectrophotometrically and a new hydrodynamic electrode system is introduced in this study. A vibrating probe is used in following electrochemically the leuco-indigo formation with glucose as a reducing agent.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
The continuing importance of blue denim maintains indigo as an important vat dye industrially. In this review, we examine the various methods that have been used in the past and are currently used to reduce and dissolve indigo for dyeing. We discuss recent insights into the bacterial fermentation technology, the advantages and disadvantages of the direct chemical methods that have predominated for the last century and potentially cleaner technologies of catalytic hydrogenation and electrochemistry, which are becoming increasingly important. With considerations of environmental impact high on the dyeing industry's agenda, we also discuss the developments that have led to the production of pre-reduced indigo.
Anthraquinone immobilised onto the surface of indigo microcrystals enhances the reductive dissolution of indigo to leuco-indigo. Indigo reduction is driven by glucose in aqueous NaOH and a vibrating gold disc electrode is employed to monitor the increasing leuco-indigo concentration with time. Anthraquinone introduces a strong catalytic effect which is explained by invoking a molecular "wedge effect'' during co-intercalation of Na+ and anthraquinone into the layered indigo crystal structure. The glucose-driven indigo reduction, which is in effective in 0.1 M NaOH at 65 degrees C, becomes facile and goes to completion in the presence of anthraquinone catalyst. Electron microscopy of indigo crystals before and after reductive dissolution confirms a delamination mechanism initiated at the edges of the plate-like indigo crystals. Catalysis occurs when the anthraquinone-indigo mixture reaches a molar ratio of 1:400 (at 65 degrees C; corresponding to 3 mu M anthraquinone) with excess of anthraquinone having virtually no effect. A strong temperature effect ( with a composite E-A approximate to 120 kJ mol(-1)) is observed for the reductive dissolution in the presence of anthraquinone. The molar ratio and temperature effects are both consistent with the heterogeneous nature of the anthraquinone catalysis in the aqueous reaction mixture.
Electrochemical determination of redox active dye species is demonstrated in indigo samples contaminated with high levels of organic and inorganic impurities. The use of a hydrodynamic electrode system based on a vibrating probe (250 Hz, 200 mu m lateral amplitude) allows time-independent diffusion controlled signals to be enhanced and reliable concentration data to be obtained under steady state conditions at relatively fast scan rates up to 4 V s-1In this work the indigo content of a complex plant-derived indigo sample (dye content typically 30%) is determined after indigo is reduced by addition of glucose in aqueous 0.2 M NaOH. The soluble leuco-indigo is measured by its oxidation response at a vibrating electrode. The vibrating electrode, which consisted of a laterally vibrating 500 mu m diameter gold disc, is calibrated with Fe(CN)(6) 3-/4- in 0.1 M KCl and employed for indigo determination at 55, 65, and 75 C in 0.2 M NaOH. Determinations of the indigo content of 25 different samples of plant-derived indigo are compared with those obtained by conventional spectrophotometry. This comparison suggests a significant improvement by the electrochemical method, which appears to be less sensitive to impurities.
The reduction of indigo (dispersed in water) to leuco-indigo (dissolved in water) is an important industrial process and investigated here for the case of glucose as an environmentally benign reducing agent. In order to quantitatively follow the formation of leuco-indigo two approaches based on (i) rotating disk voltammetry and (ii) sonovoltammetry are developed. Leuco-indigo, once formed in alkaline solution, is readily monitored at a glassy carbon electrode in the mass transport limit employing hydrodynamic voltammetry. The presence of power ultrasound further improves the leuco-indigo determination due to additional agitation and homogenization effects. While inactive at room temperature, glucose readily reduces indigo in alkaline media at 65 degrees C. In the presence of excess glucose, a surface dissolution kinetics limited process is proposed following the rate law d eta(leuco-indigo)/dt = k x c(OH-) x S-indigo where eta(leuco-indigo) is the amount of leuco-indigo formed, k = 4.1 x 10(-9) m s(-1) (at 65 degrees C, assuming spherical particles of I gm diameter) is the heterogeneous dissolution rate constant,c(OH-) is the concentration of hydroxide, and Sindigo is the reactive surface area. The activation energy for this process in aqueous 0.2 M NaOH is E-A = 64 U mol(-1) consistent with a considerable temperature effects. The redox mediator 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone is shown to significantly enhance the reaction rate by catalysing the electron transfer between glucose and solid indigo particles. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.
Colloidal indigo is reduced to an aqueous solution of leuco-indigo in a mediated two-electron process converting the water-insoluble dye into the water-soluble leuco form. The colloidal dye does not interact directly with the electrode surface, and to employ an electrochemical process for this reduction, the redox mediator 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (1,8-DHAQ) is used to transfer electrons from the electrode to the dye. The mediated reduction process is investigated at a (500-kHz ultrasound-assisted) rotating disc electrode, and the quantitative analysis of voltammetric data is attempted employing the Digisim numerical simulation software package. At the most effective temperature, 353 K, the diffusion coefficient for 1,8-DHAQ is (0.84 +/- 0.08)x10(-9) m(2) s(-1), and it is shown that an apparently kinetically controlled reaction between the reduced form of the mediator and the colloidal indigo occurs within the diffusion layer at the electrode surface. The apparent bimolecular rate constant k (app)=3 mol m(-3) s(-1) for the rate law d[leuco-indigo]/dt = k(app) x [mediator] x [indigo] is determined and attributed to a mediator diffusion controlled dissolution of the colloid particles. The average particle size and the number of molecules per particles are estimated from the apparent bimolecular rate constant and confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.