891 resultados para Immunodeficient mice


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The therapeutic efficacy of amphotericin B and voriconazole alone and in combination with one another were evaluated in immunodeficient mice (BALB/c-SCID) infected with a fluconazole-resistant strain of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii. The animals were infected intravenously with 3 x 10(5) cells and intraperitoneally treated with amphotericin B (1.5 mg/kg/day) in combination with voriconazole (40 mg/kg/days). Treatment began 1 day after inoculation and continued for 7 and 15 days post-inoculation. The treatments were evaluated by survival curves and yeast quantification (CFUs) in brain and lung tissues. Treatments for 15 days significantly promoted the survival of the animals compared to the control groups. Our results indicated that amphotericin B was effective in assuring longest-term survival of infected animals, but these animals still harbored the highest CFU of C. neoformans in lungs and brain at the end of the experiment. Voriconazole was not as effective alone, but in combination with amphotericin B, it prolonged survival for the second-longest time period and provided the lowest colonization of target organs by the fungus. None of the treatments were effective in complete eradication of the fungus in mice lungs and brain at the end of the experiment.


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Systemic injection of pilocarpine in rodents induces status epilepticus (SE) and reproduces the main characteristics of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Different mechanisms are activated by SE contributing to cell death and immune system activation. We used BALB/c nude mice, a mutant that is severely immunocompromised, to characterize seizure pattern, neurochemical changes, cell death and c-Fos activation secondarily to pilocarpine-induced SE. The behavioral seizures were less severe in BALB/c nude than in BALB/c wild type mice. However, nude mice presented more tonic clonic episodes and higher mortality rate during SE. The c-Fos expression was most prominent in the caudate-putamen, CA3 (p < 0.05), dentate gyrus, entorhinal cortex (p < 0.001), basolateral nucleus of amygdala (p < 0.01) and piriform cortex (p < 0.05) of BALB/c nude mice than of BALB/c. Besides, nude mice subjected to SE presented high number of Fluorojade-B (FJB) stained cells in the piriform cortex, amygdala (p < 0.05) and hilus (p < 0.05) in comparison with BALB/c mice. A significant increase in the level of glutamate and GABA was found in the hippocampus and cortex of BALB/c mice presenting SE in comparison to controls. However, the level of glutamate was higher in the brains of BALB nude mice than in the brains of BALB/c wild type mice, while the levels of GABA were unchanged. These results indicate that the brains of immunodeficient nude mice are more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of pilocarpine-induced SE as they present intense activation, increased glutamate levels and more cell death. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Animal models have been relevant to study the molecular mechanisms of cancer and to develop new antitumor agents. Anyway, the huge divergence in mouse and human evolution made difficult the translation of the gained achievements in preclinical mouse based studies. The generation of clinically relevant murine models requires their humanization both concerning the creation of transgenic models and the generation of humanized mice in which to engraft a functional human immune system, and reproduce the physiological effects and molecular mechanisms of growth and metastasization of human tumors. In particular, the availability of genotypically stable immunodepressed mice able to accept tumor injection and allow human tumor growth and metastasization would be important to develop anti-tumor and anti-metastatic strategies. Recently, Rag2-/-;gammac-/- mice, double knockout for genes involved in lymphocyte differentiation, had been developed (CIEA, Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Japan). Studies of human sarcoma metastasization in Rag2-/-; gammac-/- mice (lacking B, T and NK functionality) revealed their high metastatic efficiency and allowed the expression of human metastatic phenotypes not detectable in the conventionally used nude murine model. In vitro analysis to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the specific pattern of human sarcomas metastasization revealed the importance of liver-produced growth and motility factors, in particular the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs). The involvement of this growth factor was then demonstrated in vivo through inhibition of IGF signalling pathway. Due to the high growth and metastatic propensity of tumor cells, Rag2-/-;gammac-/- mice were used as model to investigate the metastatic behavior of rhabdomyosarcoma cells engineered to improve the differentiation. It has been recently shown that this immunodeficient model can be reconstituted with a human immune system through the injection of human cord blood progenitor cells. The work illustrated in this thesis revealed that the injection of different human progenitor cells (CD34+ or CD133+) showed peculiar engraftment and differentiation abilities. Experiments of cell vaccination were performed to investigate the functionality of the engrafted human immune system and the induction of specific human immune responses. Results from such experiments will allow to collect informations about human immune responses activated during cell vaccination and to define the best reconstitution and experimental conditions to create a humanized model in which to study, in a preclinical setting, immunological antitumor strategies.


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Immunantwort von immundefizienten Mäusen gegenüber Infektionen mit Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer, protozoischer Krankheitserreger, der im immunkompromittierten Wirt zu lebensbedrohender Enteritis führen kann. CD4+ T-Zellen und Interferon (IFN)-γ spielen wesentliche Rollen bei der Wirtsimmunantwort gegen die Infektion. Dennoch sind die Effektormechanismen, die zur Resistenz führen nur wenig verstanden. In dieser Studie wurde die Immunantwort von IFN-γ- und Interleukin (IL)-12-Defektmäusen parallel zu Wildtypmäusen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse identifizierten IFN-γ als Schlüsselzytokin bei der natürlichen und erworbenen Immunität während der Erst- und Folgeinfektion mit C. parvum. Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF)-α ist möglicherweise ein Induktor der frühen IFN-γ-Antwort in IL-12 Knockout-Mäusen. Weiterhin tragen offenbar sowohl Th1- als auch Th2-Zytokine zur Überwindung der Primärinfektion bei, die ersten mehr als die letztgenannten. Zytokingene waren am Ort der Infektion (Ileum) dramatisch verändert, nicht aber in den lokalen Lymphknoten und der Milz. Nach Folgeinfektion ergab sich in Abwesenheit von IFN-γ eine signifikante Erhöhung der Th2-Zytokine IL-5 and IL-13. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass das Th1-Zytokin IL-18 zur Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum beiträgt, möglicherweise durch verschiedene Immunfunktionen, wie der Regulation von Serum-IFN-γ während der Infektion und/oder der Erhaltung der Homeostase der Th1/Th2-Zytokine durch Regulation der Th2-Zytokine. Weiterhin zeigten diese Untersuchungen den Transfer von Resistenz gegenüber C. parvum von infizierten auf naïve Mäuse mittels stimulierter intraepithelialer Lymphozyten und CD4+ T-Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die Gegenwart von C. parvum-spezifischen CD4+ T-Zellen in anderen lymphatischen Geweben neben der Darmmukosa hin. Eine Stimulation der Spendertiere durch Infektion war notwendig für eine übertragbare schützende Immunität. Dennoch konnte die übertragene Immunität nicht die Infektion der Empfängertiere vollständig verhindern; eine Verdopplung der Spenderzellen führte zu keinem besseren Ergebnis. Weiterhin ergab der Transfer von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen (Pan-T-Zellen) keinen erhöhten Schutz der naiven Empfängertiere als der alleinige Transfer von CD4+ T-Zellen. Dies weist auf die fehlende Bedeutung der CD8+ T-Zellen beim Schutz vor C. parvum-Infektion hin.


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IL-2 and -15 belong to the four α-helix bundle family of cytokines and display a spectrum of overlapping immune functions because of shared signal transducing receptor components of the IL-2 receptor complex. However, recent evidence suggests a nonredundant unique role for IL-15 in the establishment and perhaps maintenance of peripheral natural killer (NK) cell populations in vivo. To explore the contribution of locally released IL-15 on peripheral NK-cell-mediated innate immune responses, we generated a recombinant vaccinia virus that expresses IL-15 and evaluated the course of vaccinial disease in athymic nude mice. Coexpression of IL-15 resulted in the attenuation of virulence of vaccinia virus, and mice inoculated with 105 plaque-forming units or less resolved the infection successfully. In contrast, mice inoculated with a similar dose of the control vaccinia virus failed to eliminate the virus and died of generalized vaccinial disease. Enhanced expression of IL-12 and IFN-γ as well as induction of chemokines were evident in the mice inoculated with IL-15-expressing vaccinia virus in addition to an increase in NK cells in the spleen. However, in this model system, the degree of attenuation in viral virulence attained with coexpression of IL-15 was much less than that achieved with coexpression of IL-2, suggesting that the peripheral NK-cell-mediated events are more responsive to IL-2 than to IL-15.


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Because of species selectivity, HIV research is largely restricted to in vitro or clinical studies, both limited in their ability to rapidly assess new strategies to fight the virus. To prospectively study some aspects of HIV in vivo, immunodeficient mice, transplanted with either human peripheral blood leukocytes or human fetal tissues, have been developed. Although these are susceptible to HIV infection, xenoreactivity, and short infection spans, resource and ethical constraints, as well as biased HIV coreceptor tropic strain infection, pose substantial problems in their use. Rag2(-/-)gamma(c)(-/-) mice, transplanted as newborns with human CD34(+) cells, were recently shown to develop human B, T, and dendritic cells, constituting lymphoid organs in situ. Here we tested these mice as a model system for HIV-1 infection. HIV RNA levels peaked to up to 2 x 10(6) copies per milliliter of plasma early after infection, and viremia was observed for up to 190 days, the longest time followed. A marked relative CD4(+) T cell depletion in peripheral blood occurred in CXCR4-tropic strain-infected mice, whereas this was less pronounced in CCR5-tropic strain-infected animals. Thymus infection was almost exclusively observed in CXCR4-tropic strain-infected mice, whereas spleen and lymph node HIV infection occurred irrespective of coreceptor selectivity, consistent with respective coreceptor expression on human CD4(+) T cells. Thus, this straightforward to generate and cost-effective in vivo model closely resembles HIV infection in man and therefore should be valuable to study virus-induced pathology and to rapidly evaluate new approaches aiming to prevent or treat HIV infection.


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HOX11, a divergent homeodomain-containing transcription factor, was isolated from the breakpoint of the nonrandom t(10;14)(q24;q11) chromosome translocation found in human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias. The translocation places the HOX11 coding sequence under the transcriptional control of TCR α/δ regulatory elements, resulting in ectopic expression of a normal HOX11 protein in thymocytes. To investigate the oncogenic potential of HOX11, we targeted its expression in lymphocytes of transgenic mice by placing the human cellular DNA under the transcriptional control of Ig heavy chain or LCK regulatory sequences. Only IgHμ-HOX11 mice expressing low levels of HOX11 were viable. During their second year of life, all HOX11 transgenic mice became terminally ill with more than 75% developing large cell lymphomas in the spleen, which frequently disseminated to thymus, lymph nodes, and other nonhematopoietic tissues. Lymphoma cells were predominantly clonal IgM+IgD+ mature B cells. Repopulation of severe combined immunodeficient mice with cells from hyperplastic spleens indicated that the HOX11 tumor phenotype was transplantable. Before tumor development, expression of the transgene did not result in perturbations in lymphopoiesis; however, lymphoid hyperplasia involving the splenic marginal zones was present in 20% of spleens. Our studies provide direct evidence that expression of HOX11 in lymphocytes leads to malignant transformation. These mice are a useful model system to study mechanisms involved in transformation from B-lineage hyperplasia to malignant lymphoma and for testing novel approaches to therapy. They represent a novel animal model for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of peripheral mature B cell origin.


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Passive and active immunization against outer surface protein A (OspA) has been successful in protecting laboratory animals against subsequent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Antibodies (Abs) to OspA convey full protection, but only when they are present at the time of infection. Abs inactivate spirochetes within the tick and block their transmission to mammals, but do not affect established infection because of the loss of OspA in the vertebrate host. Our initial finding that the presence of high serum titers of anti-OspC Abs (5 to 10 μg/ml) correlates with spontaneous resolution of disease and infection in experimentally challenged immunocompetent mice suggested that therapeutic vaccination with OspC may be feasible. We now show that polyclonal and monospecific mouse immune sera to recombinant OspC, but not to OspA, of B. burgdorferi resolve chronic arthritis and carditis and clear disseminated spirochetes in experimentally infected C.B.-17 severe combined immunodeficient mice in a dose-dependent manner. This was verified by macroscopical and microscopical examination of affected tissues and recultivation of spirochetes from ear biopsies. Complete resolution of disease and infection was achieved, independent of whether OspC-specific immune sera (10 μg OspC-specific Abs) were repeatedly given (4× in 3- to 4-day intervals) before the onset (day 10 postinfection) or at the time of fully established arthritis and carditis (days 19 or 60 postinfection). The results indicate that in mice spirochetes constitutively express OspC and are readily susceptible to protective OspC-specific Abs throughout the infection. Thus, an OspC-based vaccine appears to be a candidate for therapy of Lyme disease.


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We recently have shown that mice deficient for the 86-kDa component (Ku80) of the DNA-dependent protein kinase exhibit growth retardation and a profound deficiency in V(D)J (variable, diversity, and joining) recombination. These defects may be related to abnormalities in DNA metabolism that arise from the inability of Ku80 mutant cells to process DNA double-strand breaks. To further characterize the role of Ku80 in DNA double-strand break repair, we have generated embryonic stem cells and pre-B cells and examined their response to ionizing radiation. Ku80−/− embryonic stem cells are more sensitive than controls to γ-irradiation, and pre-B cells derived from Ku80 mutant mice display enhanced spontaneous and γ-ray-induced apoptosis. We then determined the effects of ionizing radiation on the survival, growth, and lymphocyte development in Ku80-deficient mice. Ku80−/− mice display a hypersensitivity to γ-irradiation, characterized by loss of hair pigmentation, severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract, and enhanced mortality. Exposure of newborn Ku80−/− mice to sublethal doses of ionizing radiation enhances their growth retardation and results in the induction of T cell-specific differentiation. However, unlike severe combined immunodeficient mice, radiation-induced T cell development in Ku80−/− mice is not accompanied by extensive thymocyte proliferation. The response of Ku80-deficient cell lines and mice to DNA-damaging agents provides important insights into the role of Ku80 in growth regulation, lymphocyte development, and DNA repair.


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A mammalian A-type cyclin, cyclin A1, is highly expressed in testes of both human and mouse and targeted mutagenesis in the mouse has revealed the unique requirement for cyclin A1 in the progression of male germ cells through the meiotic cell cycle. While very low levels of cyclin A1 have been reported in the human hematopoietic system and brain, the sites of elevated levels of expression of human cyclin A1 were several leukemia cell lines and blood samples from patients with hematopoietic malignances, notably acute myeloid leukemia. To evaluate whether cyclin A1 is directly involved with the development of myeloid leukemia, mouse cyclin A1 protein was overexpressed in the myeloid lineage of transgenic mice under the direction of the human cathepsin G (hCG) promoter. The resulting transgenic mice exhibited an increased proportion of immature myeloid cells in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, and spleen. The abnormal myelopoiesis developed within the first few months after birth and progressed to overt acute myeloid leukemia at a low frequency (≈15%) over the course of 7–14 months. Both the abnormalities in myelopoiesis and the leukemic state could be transplanted to irradiated SCID (severe combined immunodeficient) mice. The observations suggest that cyclin A1 overexpression results in abnormal myelopoiesis and is necessary, but not sufficient in the cooperative events inducing the transformed phenotype. The data further support an important role of cyclin A1 in hematopoiesis and the etiology of myeloid leukemia.


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Orally administered live Lactobacillus acidophilus was assessed for its capacity to enhance clearance from the oral cavity of DBA/2 mice shown previously to be 'infection prone'. L. acidophilus fed to DBA/2 mice significantly shortened the duration of colonization of the oral cavity compared to controls. Enhanced clearance of Candida albicans correlated with both early mRNA gene expression for interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-gamma and expression of their secreted products in cultures of cervical lymph nodes stimulated with Candida antigen. In addition rapid clearance correlated with higher levels of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide in saliva. Delayed clearance, less pronounced levels of the cytokine response, saliva IFN-gamma and nitric oxide, and later mRNA expression for IL-4 and IFN-gamma relative to feeding with the L. acidophilus isolate were noted in mice fed a different Lactobacillus isolate (L. fermentum). These observations indicate significant variations in individual isolates to activate the common mucosal system.


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The function of CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1), a recently described transmembrane protein expressed on the surface of hematopoietic stem cells and normal and malignant cells of different tissue origin, is not well defined. The contribution of CDCP1 to tumor metastasis was analyzed by using HeLa carcinoma cells overexpressing CDCP1 (HeLa-CDCP1) and a high-disseminating variant of prostate carcinoma PC-3 naturally expressing high levels of CDCP1 (PC3-hi/diss). CDCP1 expression rendered HeLa cells more aggressive in experimental metastasis in immunodeficient mice. Metastatic colonization by HeLa-CDCP1 was effectively inhibited with subtractive immunization-generated, CDCP1-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) 41-2, suggesting that CDCP1 facilitates relatively late stages of the metastatic cascade. In the chick embryo model, time- and dose-dependent inhibition of HeLa-CDCP1 colonization by mAb 41-2 was analyzed quantitatively to determine when and where CDCP1 functions during metastasis. Quantitative PCR and immunohistochemical analyses indicated that CDCP1 facilitated tumor cell survival soon after vascular arrest. Live cell imaging showed that the function-blocking mechanism of mAb 41-2 involved enhancement of tumor cell apoptosis, confirmed by attenuation of mAb 41-2–mediated effects with the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk. Under proapoptotic conditions in vitro, CDCP1 expression conferred HeLa-CDCP1 cells with resistance to doxorubicin-induced apoptosis, whereas ligation of CDCP1 with mAb 41-2 caused additional enhancement of the apoptotic response. The functional role of naturally expressed CDCP1 was shown by mAb 41-2–mediated inhibition of both experimental and spontaneous metastasis of PC3-hi/diss. These findings confirm that CDCP1 functions as an antiapoptotic molecule and indicate that during metastasis CDCP1 facilitates tumor cell survival likely during or soon after extravasation.


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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) increases cell migration and invasion, and facilitates metastasis in multiple carcinoma types, but belies epithelial similarities between primary and secondary tumors. This study addresses the importance of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) in the formation of clinically significant metastasis. The previously described bladder carcinoma TSU-Pr1 (T24) progression series of cell lines selected in vivo for increasing metastatic ability following systemic seeding was used in this study. It was found that the more metastatic sublines had acquired epithelial characteristics. Epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes were confirmed in the TSU-Pr1 series by cytoskeletal and morphologic analysis, and by performance in a panel of in vitro assays. Metastatic ability was examined following inoculation at various sites. Epithelial characteristics associated with dramatically increased bone and soft tissue colonization after intracardiac or intratibial injection. In contrast, the more epithelial sublines showed decreased lung metastases following orthotopic inoculation, supporting the concept that EMT is important for the escape of tumor cells from the primary tumor. We confirmed the overexpression of the IIIc subtype of multiple fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) through the TSU-Pr1 series, and targeted abrogation of FGFR2IIIc reversed the MET and associated functionality in this system and increased survival following in vivo inoculation in severe combined immunodeficient mice. This model is the first to specifically model steps of the latter part of the metastatic cascade in isogenic cell lines, and confirms the suspected role of MET in secondary tumor growth.


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We have recently shown that Matrigel-filled chambers containing fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and placed around an epigastric pedicle in the mouse were highly adipogenic. Contact of this construct with pre-existing tissue or a free adipose graft was required. To further investigate the mechanisms underpinning formation of new adipose tissue, we seeded these chambers with human adipose biopsies and human adipose-derived cell populations in severe combined immunodeficient mice and assessed the origin of the resultant adipose tissue after 6 weeks using species-specific probes. The tissues were negative for human-specific vimentin labeling, suggesting that the fat originates from the murine host rather than the human graft. This was supported by the strong presence of mouse-specific Cot-1 deoxyribonucleic acid labeling, and the absence of human Cot-1 labeling in the new fat. Even chambers seeded with FGF2/Matrigel containing cultured human stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) labeled strongly only for human vimentin in cells that did not have a mature adipocyte phenotype; the newly formed fat tissue was negative for human vimentin. These findings indicate that grafts placed in the chamber have an inductive function for neo-adipogenesis, rather than supplying adipocyte-precursor cells to generate the new fat tissue, and preliminary observations implicate the SVF in producing inductive factors. This surprising finding opens the door for refinement of current adipose tissue-engineering approaches.