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Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4�75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.


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Uroguanylin, guanylin, and lymphoguanylin are small peptides that activate renal and intestinal receptor guanylate cyclases (GC). They are structurally similar to bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) that cause secretory diarrhea. Uroguanylin, guanylin, and ST elicit natriuresis, kaliuresis, and diuresis by direct actions on kidney GC receptors. A 3,762-bp cDNA characterizing a uroguanylin/guanylin/ST receptor was isolated from opossum kidney (OK) cell RNA/cDNA. This kidney cDNA (OK-GC) encodes a mature protein containing 1,049 residues sharing 72.4-75.8% identity with rat, human, and porcine forms of intestinal GC-C receptors. COS or HEK-293 cells expressing OK-GC receptor protein were activated by uroguanylin, guanylin, or ST13 peptides. The 3.8-kb OK-GC mRNA transcript is most abundant in the kidney cortex and intestinal mucosa, with lower mRNA levels observed in urinary bladder, adrenal gland, and myocardium and with no detectable transcripts in skin or stomach mucosa. We propose that OK-GC receptor GC participates in a renal mechanism of action for uroguanylin and/or guanylin in the physiological regulation of urinary sodium, potassium, and water excretion. This renal tubular receptor GC may be a target for circulating uroguanylin in an endocrine link between the intestine and kidney and/or participate in an intrarenal paracrine mechanism for regulation of kidney function via the intracellular second messenger, cGMP.


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Members of the receptor-guanylate cyclase (rGC) family possess an intracellular catalytic domain that is regulated by an extracellular receptor domain. GC-C, an intestinally expressed rGC, was initially cloned by homology as an orphan receptor. The search for its Ligands has yielded three candidates: STa (a bacterial toxin that causes traveler's diarrhea) and the endogenous peptides uroguanylin and guanylin. Here, by performing Northern and Western blots, and by measuring [I-125]STa binding and STa-dependent elevation of cGMP levels, we investigate whether the distribution of GC-C matches that of its endogenous ligands in the rat intestine. We establish that 1) uroguanylin is essentially restricted to small bowel; 2) guanylin is very low in proximal small bowel, increasing to prominent levels in distal small bowel and throughout colon; 3) GC-C messenger RNA and STa-binding sites are uniformly expressed throughout the intestine; and 4) GC-C-mediated cGMP synthesis peaks at the proximal and distal extremes of the intestine (duodenum and colon), but is nearly absent in the middle (ileum). These observations suggest that GC-C's activity may be posttranslationally regulated, demonstrate that the distribution of GC-C is appropriate to mediate the actions of both uroguanylin and guanylin, and help to refine current hypotheses about the physiological role(s) of these peptides.


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La découverte du système des peptides natriurétiques (NP), au début des années 80, fut une découverte majeure qui révéla le rôle endocrinien du cœur. Les connaissances sur la relaxation vasculaire, la diurèse et la natriurèse provoquées par ce système ont évolué vers un niveau de complexité insoupçonné à cette époque. Nous savons à présent que les NP sont impliqués dans plusieurs autres mécanismes dont la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose, l’inhibition du système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (RAAS) et le métabolisme des adipocytes. Le métabolisme des lipides est maintenant devenu une cible de choix dans la lutte contre l’obésité. Cette condition aux proportions pandémiques est un facteur de risque majeur dans l’apparition de l’hypertension et du syndrome métabolique (MetS). La compréhension des mécanismes et des défauts de la voie des NP pourrait avoir un impact positif sur le contrôle du MetS et de l’hypertension. L’expression du récepteur des peptides natriuretiques de type 1 (NPR1/GCA) est contrôlée par plusieurs agents incluant son propre ligand, le peptide natriurétique de l’oreillette (ANP). La découverte d’une boucle de retro-inhibition, dans les années 90, a été un événement majeur dans le domaine des NP. En effet, suite à une stimulation à l’ANP, le NPR1/GCA peut inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle de son propre gène par un mécanisme dépendant du cGMP. Notre groupe a identifié un élément cis-régulateur responsable de cette sensibilité au cGMP et mon projet consistait à identifier la ou les protéine(s) liant cet élément de réponse au cGMP (cGMP-RE). Nous avons identifié un clone liant le cGMP-RE en utilisant la technique du simple hybride chez la levure et une banque d’ADN complémentaire (ADNc) de rein humain. Ce clone provient d’un ADNc de 1083-bp dont le gène est localisé sur le chromosome 1 humain (1p33.36) et codant pour une protéine dont la fonction était inconnue jusqu’ici. Nous avons nommé cette nouvelle protéine GREBP en raison de sa fonction de cGMP Response Element Binding Protein. Des essais de liaison à l’ADN ont montré que cette protéine possède une affinité 18 fois plus élevée pour le cGMP-RE que le contrôle, tandis que des expériences de retard sur gel (EMSA) ont confirmé la spécificité des interactions protéine-ADN. De plus, l’immuno-précipitation de la chromatine (ChIP) a prouvé que GREBP lie le cGMP-RE dans des conditions physiologiques. La liaison de GREBP au cGMP-RE inhibe l’expression du gène rapporteur luciférase sous contrôle du promoteur de npr1/gca. L’inhibition de GREBP à l’aide d’ARN interférant active le promoteur de npr1/gca. Dans les cellules NCI-H295R, l’ANP stimule l’expression de grebp de 60% après seulement 3 heures et inhibe l’expression de npr1/gca de 30%. GREBP est une protéine nucléaire surtout exprimée dans le cœur et ayant le facteur eIF3F comme partenaire. Les variations nucléotidiques du gène sont plus fréquentes chez les patients hypertendus que chez des patients normotendus ou hypertendus souffrant de MetS. Nous rapportons ici l’existence d’un gène spécifique à l’humain qui agit comme répresseur transcriptionnel de npr1/gca et potentiellement impliqué dans le développement de l’hypertension.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Today it is known that severe burns can be accompanied by the phenomenon of vasoplegic syndrome (VS), which is manifested by persistent and diffuse vasodilation, hypotension and low vascular resistance, resulting in circulatory and respiratory failure. The decrease in systemic vascular resistance observed in VS is associated with excessive production of nitric oxide (NO). In the last 2 decades, studies have reported promising results from the administration of an NO competitor, methylene blue (MB), which is an inhibitor of the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), in the treatment of refractory cases of vasoplegia. This medical hypothesis rationale is focused on the tripod of burns/vasoplegia catecholamine resistant/methylene blue. This article has 3 main objectives: 1) to study the guanylate cyclase inhibition by MB in burns; 2) to suggest MB as a viable, safe and useful co-adjuvant therapeutic tool of fluid resuscitation, and; 3) to suggest MB as burns hypotensive vasoplegia amine-resistant treatment.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Phagocyte function is critical for host defense against infections. Defects in phagocytic function lead to several primary immunodeficiencies characterized by early onset of recurrent and severe infections. In this work, we further investigated the effects of BAY 41-2272, a soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) agonist, on the activation of human peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and THP-1 cells. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH THP-1 cells and PBM viability was evaluated by methylthiazoletetrazolium assay; reactive oxygen species production by lucigenin chemiluminescence; gene and protein expression of NAPDH oxidase components by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively; phagocytosis and microbicidal activity by co-incubation, respectively, with zymosan and Escherichia coli; and cytokine release by elisa. KEY RESULTS BAY 41-2272, compared with the untreated group, increased spreading of monocytes by at least 35%, superoxide production by at least 50%, and gp91PHOX and p67PHOX gene expression 20 to 40 times, in both PBM and THP-1 cells. BAY 41-2272 also augmented phagocytosis of zymosan particles threefold compared with control, doubled microbicidal activity against E. coli and enhanced the release of TNF-a and IL-12p70 by both PBM and THP-1 cells. Finally, by inhibiting sGC with ODQ, we showed that BAY 41-2272-induced superoxide production and phagocytosis is not dependent exclusively on sGC activation. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS In addition to its ability to induce vasorelaxation and its potential application for therapy of vascular diseases, BAY 41-2272 was shown to activate human mononuclear phagocytes. Hence, it is a novel pro-inflammatory drug that may be useful for controlling infections in the immunocompromised host.


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Nitric oxide (NO) functions as a signaling agent by activation of the soluble isoform of guanylate cyclase (sGC), a heterodimeric hemoprotein. NO binds to the heme of sGC and triggers formation of cGMP from GTP. Here we report direct kinetic measurements of the multistep binding of NO to sGC and correlate these presteady state events with activation of enzyme catalysis. NO binds to sGC to form a six-coordinate, nonactivated, intermediate (kon > 1.4 × 108 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C). Subsequent release of the axial histidine heme ligand is shown to be the molecular step responsible for activation of the enzyme. The rate at which this step proceeds also depends on NO concentration (k = 2.4 × 105 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C), thus identifying a novel mode of regulation by NO. NO binding to the isolated heme domain of sGC was also rapid (k = 7.1 ± 2 × 108 M−1⋅s−1 at 4°C); however, no intermediate was observed. The data show that sGC acts as an extremely fast, specific, and highly efficient trap for NO and that cleavage of the iron-histidine bond provides the driving force for activation of sGC. In addition, the kinetic data indicate that transport or stabilization of NO is not necessary for effective signal transmission.


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12/15-Lipoxygenase (LOX) activity is elevated in vascular diseases associated with impaired nitric oxide (⋅NO) bioactivity, such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. In this study, primary porcine monocytes expressing 12/15-LOX, rat A10 smooth muscle cells transfected with murine 12/15-LOX, and purified porcine 12/15-LOX all consumed ⋅NO in the presence of lipid substrate. Suppression of LOX diene conjugation by ⋅NO was also found, although the lipid product profile was unchanged. ⋅NO consumption by porcine monocytes was inhibited by the LOX inhibitor, eicosatetraynoic acid. Rates of arachidonate (AA)- or linoleate (LA)-dependent ⋅NO depletion by porcine monocytes (2.68 ± 0.03 nmol ⋅ min−1 ⋅ 106 cells−1 and 1.5 ± 0.25 nmol ⋅ min−1 ⋅ 106 cells−1, respectively) were several-fold greater than rates of ⋅NO generation by cytokine-activated macrophages (0.1–0.2 nmol ⋅ min−1 ⋅ 106 cells−1) and LA-dependent ⋅NO consumption by primary porcine monocytes inhibited ⋅NO activation of soluble guanylate cyclase. These data indicate that catalytic ⋅NO consumption by 12/15-LOX modulates monocyte ⋅NO signaling and suggest that LOXs may contribute to vascular dysfunction not only by the bioactivity of their lipid products, but also by serving as catalytic sinks for ⋅NO in the vasculature.


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Kinetics of CO association with guanylate cyclase [GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC] and dissociation from carboxy guanylate cyclase have been studied at pH 7.5 by flash photolysis, yielding rate constants at 23 degrees C of 1.2 +/- 0.1 x 10(5) M-1.sec-1 and 28 +/- 2 sec-1, respectively. While the CO combination rate constant is the same as for the T state of hemoglobin, the CO dissociation rate constant is much higher than expected for a six-coordinate carboxyheme protein; yet the absorption spectrum is indicative of a six-coordinate heme. The two observations are reconciled by a reaction mechanism in which CO dissociation proceeds via a five-coordinate intermediate. This intermediate is structurally very similar to the five-coordinate nitrosyl heme derivative of guanylate cyclase and is presumably responsible for the observed 4-fold activation of guanylate cyclase by CO. Thus, we provide a model that explains enzyme activities of the nitrosyl and carboxy forms of the enzyme on the basis of a common mechanism.


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Guanylate cyclase activating proteins are EF-hand containing proteins that confer calcium sensitivity to retinal guanylate cyclase at the outer segment discs of photoreceptor cells. By making the rate of cGMP synthesis dependent on the free intracellular calcium levels set by illumination, GCAPs play a fundamental role in the recovery of the light response and light adaptation. The main isoforms GCAP1 and GCAP2 also localize to the synaptic terminal, where their function is not known. Based on the reported interaction of GCAP2 with Ribeye, the major component of synaptic ribbons, it was proposed that GCAP2 could mediate the synaptic ribbon dynamic changes that happen in response to light. We here present a thorough ultrastructural analysis of rod synaptic terminals in loss-of-function (GCAP1/GCAP2 double knockout) and gain-of-function (transgenic overexpression) mouse models of GCAP2. Rod synaptic ribbons in GCAPs−/− mice did not differ from wildtype ribbons when mice were raised in constant darkness, indicating that GCAPs are not required for ribbon early assembly or maturation. Transgenic overexpression of GCAP2 in rods led to a shortening of synaptic ribbons, and to a higher than normal percentage of club-shaped and spherical ribbon morphologies. Restoration of GCAP2 expression in the GCAPs−/− background (GCAP2 expression in the absence of endogenous GCAP1) had the striking result of shortening ribbon length to a much higher degree than overexpression of GCAP2 in the wildtype background, as well as reducing the thickness of the outer plexiform layer without affecting the number of rod photoreceptor cells. These results indicate that preservation of the GCAP1 to GCAP2 relative levels is relevant for maintaining the integrity of the synaptic terminal. Our demonstration of GCAP2 immunolocalization at synaptic ribbons at the ultrastructural level would support a role of GCAPs at mediating the effect of light on morphological remodeling changes of synaptic ribbons.


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Renoguanylin (REN) is a recently described member of the guanylin family, which was first isolated from eels and is expressed in intestinal and specially kidney tissues. In the present work we evaluate the effects of REN on the mechanisms of hydrogen transport in rat renal tubules by the stationary microperfusion method. We evaluated the effect of 1 mu M and 10 mu M of renoguanylin (REN) on the reabsorption of bicarbonate in proximal and distal segments and found that there was a significant reduction in bicarbonate reabsorption. In proximal segments, REN promoted a significant effect at both 1 and 10 mu M concentrations. Comparing control and REN concentration of 1 mu M, JHCO(3)(-) . nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -1,76 +/- 0.11(control) x 1,29 +/- 0,08(REN) 10 mu m: P<0.05, was obtained. In distal segments the effect of both concentrations of REN was also effective, being significant e.g. at a concentration of 1 mu M (JHCO(3)(-), nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -0.80 +/- 0.07(control) x 0.60 +/- 0.06(REN) 1 mu m; P<0.05), although at a lower level than in the proximal tubule. Our results suggest that the action of REN on hydrogen transport involves the inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and H(+)-ATPase in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules by a PKG dependent pathway. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lessa LM, Carraro-Lacroix LR, Crajoinas RO, Bezerra CN, Dariolli R, Girardi AC, Fonteles MC, Malnic G. Mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effects of uroguanylin on NHE3 transport activity in renal proximal tubule. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 303: F1399-F1408, 2012. First published September 5, 2012; doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00385.2011.-We previously demonstrated that uroguanylin (UGN) significantly inhibits Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE)3-mediated bicarbonate reabsorption. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of UGN on NHE3 in rat renal proximal tubules and in a proximal tubule cell line (LLC-PK1). The in vivo studies were performed by the stationary microperfusion technique, in which we measured H+ secretion in rat renal proximal segments, through a H+-sensitive microelectrode. UGN (1 mu M) significantly inhibited the net of proximal bicarbonate reabsorption. The inhibitory effect of UGN was completely abolished by either the protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor KT5823 or by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H-89. The effects of UGN in vitro were found to be similar to those obtained by microperfusion. Indeed, we observed that incubation of LLC-PK1 cells with UGN induced an increase in the intracellular levels of cAMP and cGMP, as well as activation of both PKA and PKG. Furthermore, we found that UGN can increase the levels of NHE3 phosphorylation at the PKA consensus sites 552 and 605 in LLC-PK1 cells. Finally, treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with UGN reduced the amount of NHE3 at the cell surface. Overall, our data suggest that the inhibitory effect of UGN on NHE3 transport activity in proximal tubule is mediated by activation of both cGMP/PKG and cAMP/PKA signaling pathways which in turn leads to NHE3 phosphorylation and reduced NHE3 surface expression. Moreover, this study sheds light on mechanisms by which guanylin peptides


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BACKGROUND Familial diarrhea disorders are, in most cases, severe and caused by recessive mutations. We describe the cause of a novel dominant disease in 32 members of a Norwegian family. The affected members have chronic diarrhea that is of early onset, is relatively mild, and is associated with increased susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease, small-bowel obstruction, and esophagitis. METHODS We used linkage analysis, based on arrays with single-nucleotide polymorphisms, to identify a candidate region on chromosome 12 and then sequenced GUCY2C, encoding guanylate cyclase C (GC-C), an intestinal receptor for bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins. We performed exome sequencing of the entire candidate region from three affected family members, to exclude the possibility that mutations in genes other than GUCY2C could cause or contribute to susceptibility to the disease. We carried out functional studies of mutant GC-C using HEK293T cells. RESULTS We identified a heterozygous missense mutation (c.2519G -> T) in GUCY2C in all affected family members and observed no other rare variants in the exons of genes in the candidate region. Exposure of the mutant receptor to its ligands resulted in markedly increased production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This may cause hyperactivation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), leading to increased chloride and water secretion from the enterocytes, and may thus explain the chronic diarrhea in the affected family members. CONCLUSIONS Increased GC-C signaling disturbs normal bowel function and appears to have a proinflammatory effect, either through increased chloride secretion or additional effects of elevated cellular cGMP. Further investigation of the relevance of genetic variants affecting the GC-C-CFTR pathway to conditions such as Crohn's disease is warranted. (Funded by Helse Vest Western Norway Regional Health Authority] and the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.)