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This thesis studies the intermolecular interactions in (i) boron-nitrogen based systems for hydrogen splitting and storage, (ii) endohedral complexes, A@C60, and (iii) aurophilic dimers. We first present an introduction of intermolecular interactions. The theoretical background is then described. The research results are summarized in the following sections. In the boron-nitrogen systems, the electrostatic interaction is found to be the leading contribution, as 'Coulomb Pays for Heitler and London' (CHL). For the endohedral complex, the intermolecular interaction is formulated by a one-center expansion of the Coulomb operator 1/rab. For the aurophilic attraction between two C2v monomers, a London-type formula was derived by fully accounting for the anisotropy and point-group symmetry of the monomers.


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The importance of intermolecular interactions to chemistry, physics, and biology is difficult to overestimate. Without intermolecular forces, condensed phase matter could not form. The simplest way to categorize different types of intermolecular interactions is to describe them using van der Waals and hydrogen bonded (H-bonded) interactions. In the H-bond, the intermolecular interaction appears between a positively charged hydrogen atom and electronegative fragments and it originates from strong electrostatic interactions. H-bonding is important when considering the properties of condensed phase water and in many biological systems including the structure of DNA and proteins. Vibrational spectroscopy is a useful tool for studying complexes and the solvation of molecules. Vibrational frequency shift has been used to characterize complex formation. In an H-bonded system A∙∙∙H-X (A and X are acceptor and donor species, respectively), the vibrational frequency of the H-X stretching vibration usually decreases from its value in free H-X (red-shift). This frequency shift has been used as evidence for H-bond formation and the magnitude of the shift has been used as an indicator of the H-bonding strength. In contrast to this normal behavior are the blue-shifting H-bonds, in which the H-X vibrational frequency increases upon complex formation. In the last decade, there has been active discussion regarding these blue-shifting H-bonds. Noble-gases have been considered inert due to their limited reactivity with other elements. In the early 1930 s, Pauling predicted the stable noble-gas compounds XeF6 and KrF6. It was not until three decades later Neil Bartlett synthesized the first noble-gas compound, XePtF6, in 1962. A renaissance of noble-gas chemistry began in 1995 with the discovery of noble-gas hydride molecules at the University of Helsinki. The first hydrides were HXeCl, HXeBr, HXeI, HKrCl, and HXeH. These molecules have the general formula of HNgY, where H is a hydrogen atom, Ng is a noble-gas atom (Ar, Kr, or Xe), and Y is an electronegative fragment. At present, this class of molecules comprises 23 members including both inorganic and organic compounds. The first and only argon-containing neutral chemical compound HArF was synthesized in 2000 and its properties have since been investigated in a number of studies. A helium-containing chemical compound, HHeF, was predicted computationally, but its lifetime has been predicted to be severely limited by hydrogen tunneling. Helium and neon are the only elements in the periodic table that do not form neutral, ground state molecules. A noble-gas matrix is a useful medium in which to study unstable and reactive species including ions. A solvated proton forms a centrosymmetric NgHNg+ (Ng = Ar, Kr, and Xe) structure in a noble-gas matrix and this is probably the simplest example of a solvated proton. Interestingly, the hypothetical NeHNe+ cation is isoelectronic with the water-solvated proton H5O2+ (Zundel-ion). In addition to the NgHNg+ cations, the isoelectronic YHY- (Y = halogen atom or pseudohalogen fragment) anions have been studied with the matrix-isolation technique. These species have been known to exist in alkali metal salts (YHY)-M+ (M = alkali metal e.g. K or Na) for more than 80 years. Hydrated HF forms the FHF- structure in aqueous solutions, and these ions participate in several important chemical processes. In this thesis, studies of the intermolecular interactions of HNgY molecules and centrosymmetric ions with various species are presented. The HNgY complexes show unusual spectral features, e.g. large blue-shifts of the H-Ng stretching vibration upon complexation. It is suggested that the blue-shift is a normal effect for these molecules, and that originates from the enhanced (HNg)+Y- ion-pair character upon complexation. It is also found that the HNgY molecules are energetically stabilized in the complexed form, and this effect is computationally demonstrated for the HHeF molecule. The NgHNg+ and YHY- ions also show blue-shifts in their asymmetric stretching vibration upon complexation with nitrogen. Additionally, the matrix site structure and hindered rotation (libration) of the HNgY molecules were studied. The librational motion is a much-discussed solid state phenomenon, and the HNgY molecules embedded in noble-gas matrices are good model systems to study this effect. The formation mechanisms of the HNgY molecules and the decay mechanism of NgHNg+ cations are discussed. A new electron tunneling model for the decay of NgHNg+ absorptions in noble-gas matrices is proposed. Studies of the NgHNg+∙∙∙N2 complexes support this electron tunneling mechanism.


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Both short-range and long-range intermolecular interaction energies between two aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, both in their ground state, separated by a range of interplanar distances of 3 ∼ 4 Aring, are estimated using the standard perturbation theory. The results show that aromatic hydrocarbons can form weak sandwich dimers with larger separation between them than is normally believed in their excimers. The non-sandwich form of dimer in which the long in-plane axes of the monomers are parallel and their short in-plane axes inclined, represents an unstable orientation because this form can pass to the perfect sandwich form without an energy barrier.


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Metribuzin, 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-methylthio- 1,2,4-triazin-5-one, exhibits polymorphic behaviour, crystallizing as plates and needles, driven by variation in solvent polarity, a delicate balance of weak intermolecular forces generating different molecular assemblies.


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Evaluation of intermolecular interactions in terms of both experimental and theoretical charge density analyses has produced a unified picture with which to classify strong and weak hydrogen bonds, along with van der Waals interactions, into three regions.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.


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The light green coloured complexes of general formula [(ReO)-O-V(L)CI(OH2)]Cl have been synthesised in good yields by reacting [RcvOCl(3)(AsPh3)21 with HL in dichloromethane in dinitrogen atmosphere. Here, L- is the deprotonated form of N',N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (HL1); N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-N',N'-dimethylethylenediamine (HL2) and N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-N',N-diethylethylenediamine (HL3). Single crystal X-ray structure determination of [(ReO)-O-V(L-1)Cl(OH2)Cl confirms the amido binding of ReO3+ species. In the solid state of [(ReO)-O-V(L-1)Cl(OH2)]Cl, the coordinated and counter chloride ions are engaged in Re-Cl... H-C(ring), Cl...H-C(ring) and Re(OH2)...Cl hydrogen bonding and forming of a supramolecular network in the solid state. The subunit of the supramolecular network consists of one eight-membered and two nine-membered hydrogen bonded rings. The average diameters of eight-membered and nine-membered rings are similar to 3.70 and similar to 5.26 angstrom, respectively.


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Six crystal structures of substituted 2-chloroquinoline derivatives have been analysed to evaluate the role of Cl atom as a self recognizing unit resulting in the formation of Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl and C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions to generate supramolecular assembly in the solid state. The features of Type I and Type II geometries associated with Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions have been analysed to show directional preferences leading to differences in the packing motifs in these crystal structures. C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions are generated exclusively in structures depicting Type II Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interaction have been observed in these structures.


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The experimental charge density distribution in three compounds, 2-chloro-3-quinolinyl methanol, 2-chloro-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-chloro-3-chloromethyl-8-methylquinoline, has been obtained using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K based on the aspherical multipole modeling of electron density. These compounds represent type I (cis), type I (trans), and type II geometries, respectively, as defined for short Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features derived from the Bader's theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) approach unequivocally suggest that both cis and trans type I geometries show decreased repulsion, whereas type II geometry is attractive based on the nature of polar flattening of the electron density around the Cl atom.


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Conformational features and supramolecular structural organization in three aryl biscarbonates and an aryl biscarbamate with rigid acetylenic unit providing variable spacer lengths have been probed to gain insights into the packing features associated with molecular symmetry and the intermolecular interactions involving `organic' fluorine. Four structures but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbonate), 1; but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(4-fluorophenylcarbonate), 2; but-2-yne-1,4-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbamate), 3 and hexa-2,4-diyne-1,6-diyl bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylcarbonate), 4 have been analyzed in this context. Compound 1 adopts a non-centrosymmetric ``twisted'' (syn) conformation, whereas 2, 3 and 4 acquire a centrosymmetric ``extended'' (anti) conformation. Weak intermolecular interactions and in particular those involving fluorine are found to dictate this conformational variation in the crystal structure of 1. A single-crystal neutron diffraction study at 90 K was performed on 1 to obtain further insights into these interactions involving `organic' fluorine.


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Experimental charge density distribution in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid and 4-fluorobenzamide has been carried out using high resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K using Hansen-Coppens multipolar formalism of electron density. These compounds display short Cl center dot center dot center dot F and F center dot center dot center dot F interactions, respectively. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features were derived from Bader's ``atoms in molecules'' (AIM) approach. Intermolecular Cl center dot center dot center dot F interaction in 2-chloro-4-fluorobenzoic acid is attractive in nature (type II interaction) while the nature of F center dot center dot center dot F interactions in 4-fluorobenzamide shows indication of a minor decrease in repulsion (type I interaction), though the extent of polarization on the fluorine atom is arguably small.


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An experimental charge-density analysis of pyrazinamide (a first line antitubercular drug) was performed using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data (sin theta/lambda)(max) = 1.1 angstrom(-1)] measured at 100 (2) K. The structure was solved by direct methods using SHELXS97 and refined by SHELXL97. The total electron density of the pyrazinamide molecule was modeled using the Hansen-Coppens multipole formalism implemented in the XD software. The topological properties of electron density determined from the experiment were compared with the theoretical results obtained from CRYSTAL09 at the B3LYP/6-31G** level of theory. The crystal structure was stabilized by N-H center dot center dot center dot N and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds, in which the N3-H3B center dot center dot center dot N1 and N3-H3A center dot center dot center dot O1 interactions form two types of dimers in the crystal. Hirshfeld surface analysis was carried out to analyze the intermolecular interactions. The fingerprint plot reveals that the N center dot center dot center dot H and O center dot center dot center dot H hydrogen-bonding interactions contribute 26.1 and 18.4%, respectively, of the total Hirshfeld surface. The lattice energy of the molecule was calculated using density functional theory (B3LYP) methods with the 6-31G** basis set. The molecular electrostatic potential of the pyrazinamide molecule exhibits extended electronegative regions around O1, N1 and N2. The existence of a negative electrostatic potential (ESP) region just above the upper and lower surfaces of the pyrazine ring confirm the pi-electron cloud.


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Systematic structural perturbation has been used to fine-tune and understand the luminescence properties of three new 1,8-naphthalimides (NPIs) in solution and aggregates. The NPIs show blue emission in the solution state and their fluorescence quantum yields are dependent upon their molecular rigidity. In concentrated solutions of the NPIs, intermolecular interactions were found to quench the fluorescence due to the formation of excimers. In contrast, upon aggregation (in THF/H2O mixtures), the NPIs show aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AIEE). The NPIs also show moderately high solid-state emission quantum yields (ca. 10-12.7 %). The AIEE behaviour of the NPIs depends on their molecular rigidity and the nature of their intermolecular interactions. The NPIs 1-3 show different extents of intermolecular (pi-pi and C-H center dot center dot center dot O) interactions in their solid-state crystal structures depending on their substituents. Detailed photophysical, computational and structural investigations suggest that an optimal balance of structural flexibility and intermolecular communication is necessary for achieving AIEE characteristics in these NPIs.


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This thesis deals with the so-called Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE) from both a methodological and a practical point of view. The purpose of the present thesis is twofold: (a) to contribute step ahead in the correct characterization of weakly bound complexes and, (b) to shed light the understanding of the actual implications of the basis set extension effects in the ab intio calculations and contribute to the BSSE debate. The existing BSSE-correction procedures are deeply analyzed, compared, validated and, if necessary, improved. A new interpretation of the counterpoise (CP) method is used in order to define counterpoise-corrected descriptions of the molecular complexes. This novel point of view allows for a study of the BSSE-effects not only in the interaction energy but also on the potential energy surface and, in general, in any property derived from the molecular energy and its derivatives A program has been developed for the calculation of CP-corrected geometry optimizations and vibrational frequencies, also using several counterpoise schemes for the case of molecular clusters. The method has also been implemented in Gaussian98 revA10 package. The Chemical Hamiltonian Approach (CHA) methodology has been also implemented at the RHF and UHF levels of theory for an arbitrary number interacting systems using an algorithm based on block-diagonal matrices. Along with the methodological development, the effects of the BSSE on the properties of molecular complexes have been discussed in detail. The CP and CHA methodologies are used for the determination of BSSE-corrected molecular complexes properties related to the Potential Energy Surfaces and molecular wavefunction, respectively. First, the behaviour of both BSSE-correction schemes are systematically compared at different levels of theory and basis sets for a number of hydrogen-bonded complexes. The Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit of both uncorrected and CP-corrected molecular properties like stabilization energies and intermolecular distances has also been determined, showing the capital importance of the BSSE correction. Several controversial topics of the BSSE correction are addressed as well. The application of the counterpoise method is applied to internal rotational barriers. The importance of the nuclear relaxation term is also pointed out. The viability of the CP method for dealing with charged complexes and the BSSE effects on the double-well PES blue-shifted hydrogen bonds is also studied in detail. In the case of the molecular clusters the effect of high-order BSSE effects introduced with the hierarchical counterpoise scheme is also determined. The effect of the BSSE on the electron density-related properties is also addressed. The first-order electron density obtained with the CHA/F and CHA/DFT methodologies was used to assess, both graphically and numerically, the redistribution of the charge density upon BSSE-correction. Several tools like the Atoms in Molecules topologycal analysis, density difference maps, Quantum Molecular Similarity, and Chemical Energy Component Analysis were used to deeply analyze, for the first time, the BSSE effects on the electron density of several hydrogen bonded complexes of increasing size. The indirect effect of the BSSE on intermolecular perturbation theory results is also pointed out It is shown that for a BSSE-free SAPT study of hydrogen fluoride clusters, the use of a counterpoise-corrected PES is essential in order to determine the proper molecular geometry to perform the SAPT analysis.


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A family of 16 isomolecular salts (3-XpyH)(2)[MX'(4)] (3-XpyH=3-halopyridinium; M=Co, Zn; X=(F), Cl, Br, (I); X'=Cl, Br, I) each containing rigid organic cations and tetrahedral halometallate anions has been prepared and characterized by X-ray single crystal and/or powder diffraction. Their crystal structures reflect the competition and cooperation between non-covalent interactions: N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds, C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds and pi-pi stacking. The latter are essentially unchanged in strength across the series, but both halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds are modified in strength upon changing the halogens involved. Changing the organic halogen (X) from F to I strengthens the C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds, whereas an analogous change of the inorganic halogen (X') weakens both halogen bonds and N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds. By so tuning the strength of the putative halogen bonds from repulsive to weak to moderately strong attractive interactions, the hierarchy of the interactions has been modified rationally leading to systematic changes in crystal packing. Three classes of crystal structure are obtained. In type A (C-F center dot center dot center dot X'-M) halogen bonds are absent. The structure is directed by N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds and pi-stacking interactions. In type B structures, involving small organic halogens (X) and large inorganic halogens (X'), long (weak) C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M interactions are observed with type I halogen-halogen interaction geometries (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 155 degrees), but hydrogen bonds still dominate. Thus, minor but quite significant perturbations from the type A structure arise. In type C, involving larger organic halogens (X) and smaller inorganic halogens (X'), stronger halogen bonds are formed with a type II halogen-halogen interaction geometry (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to 180 degrees; X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 110 degrees) that is electrostatically attractive. The halogen bonds play a major role alongside hydrogen bonds in directing the type C structures, which as a result are quite different from type A and B.