964 resultados para INNATE IMMUNE
The recombinant apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) and 19-kDa fragment of merozoite surface protein (MSP-1(19)) are the lead candidates for inclusion in a vaccine against blood stages of malaria due to encouraging protective studies in humans and animals. Despite the importance of an efficacious malaria vaccine, vaccine-related research has focused on identifying antigens that result in protective immunity rather than determining the nature of anti-malarial immune effector mechanisms. Moreover, emphasis has been placed on adaptive rather than innate immune responses. In this study, we investigated the effect of Plasmodium vivax vaccine candidates Pv-AMA-1 and Pv-MSP-1(19) on the immune response of malaria-naive donors. Maturation of dendritic cells is altered by Pv-AMA-1 but not Pv-MSP-1(19), as observed by differential expression of cell surface markers. In addition, Pv-AMA-1 induced an increased production of MIP-1 alpha/CCL3 and decreased production of TARC/CCL17 levels in both dendritic cells (DCs) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Finally, a significant pro-inflammatory response was elicited by Pv-AMA-1-stimulated PBMCs. These results suggest that the recombinant vaccine candidate Pv-AMA-1 may play a direct role on innate immune response and might be involved in parasite destruction. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The expression of ABO(H) blood group antigens causes deletion of cells that generate self-specific antibodies to these antigens but this deletion limits adaptive immunity toward pathogens bearing cognate blood group antigens. To explore potential defense mechanisms against such pathogens, given these limitations in adaptive immunity, we screened for innate proteins that could recognize human blood group antigens. Here we report that two innate immune lectins, galectin-4 (Gal-4) and Gal-8, which are expressed in the intestinal tract, recognize and kill human blood group antigen-expressing Escherichia coli while failing to alter the viability of other E. coli strains or other Gram-negative or Gram-positive organisms both in vitro and in vivo. The killing activity of both Gal-4 and Gal-8 is mediated by their C-terminal domains, occurs rapidly and independently of complement and is accompanied by disruption of membrane integrity. These results demonstrate that innate defense lectins can provide immunity against pathogens that express blood group-like antigens on their surface.
Few studies have demonstrated that innate lymphocytes play a major role in preventing spontaneous tumor formation. We evaluated the development of spontaneous tumors in mice lacking beta-2 microglobulin (beta2m; and thus MHC class I, CD1d, and CD16) and/or perform, since these tumor cells would be expected to activate innate effector cells. Approximately half the cohort of perform gene-targeted mice succumbed to spontaneous disseminated B cell lymphomas and in mice that also lacked beta2m, the lymphomas developed earlier (by more than 100 d) and with greater incidence (84%). B cell lymphomas from perforin/beta2m gene-targeted mice effectively primed cell-mediated cytotoxicity and perform, but not IFN-gamma, IL-12, or IL-18, was absolutely essential for tumor rejection. Activated NK1.1(+) and gammadeltaTCR(+) T cells were abundant at the tumor site, and transplanted tumors were strongly rejected by either, or both, of these cell types. Blockade of a number of different known costimulatory pathways failed to prevent tumor rejection. These results reflect a critical role for NK cells and gammadeltaTCP(+) T cells in innate immune surveillance of B cell lymphomas, mediated by as yet undetermined pathway(s) of tumor recognition.
The objective of the present study was to characterize the innate immune responses induced by in vitro stimulation of bovine primary mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) using gram-negative lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and gram-positive lipoteichoic acid (LTA) bacterial cell wall components. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was employed to examine the mRNA expression of a panel of 22 cytokines, chemokines, beta-defensins and components of the Toll-Like Receptor signaling pathway. Stimulation of bMEC with LPS for 24 h elicited a marked increase in mRNA expression for IL-1 beta, IL-8, TNF alpha, CXCL6 and beta-defensin while members of the Toll-Like Receptor pathway.. although present, were largely unaffected. Surprisingly, stimulation of these cells with LTA for 24 h did not significantly alter the expression of these genes. A time course of the expression of IL-1 beta, IL-8, TNF alpha, CXCL6 and beta-defensin was subsequently performed. The mRNA levels of all genes increased rapidly after stimulation for 2-4 h with both LPS and LTA but only the former treatment resulted in sustained responses. In contrast, the increased gene expression for LTA stimulated cells returned to resting levels after 8-16 h with the exception of beta-defensin, which remained up-regulated. The limited and unsustained cytokine response to LTA may explain why mastitis caused by gram-positive bacteria has greater potential for chronic intra-mammary infection than gram-negative infection. It was concluded that bovine mammary epithelial cells have a strong but differential capacity to mount innate immune responses to bacterial cell wall components. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Innate immunity plays a vital role in the protection of the bovine mammary gland against mastitis. Until recently, the migration of effector cells such as neutrophils and monocytes into the mammary gland was thought to provide the only defence against invading pathogens. However, mammary epithelial cells may also play an important role in the immune response, contributing to the innate defence of the mammary tissue through secretion of antimicrobial peptides and attraction of circulating immune effector cells. This paper reviews the innate immune pathways in mammary epithelial cells and examines their role in the initiation of an innate immune response to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Background: Microarray transcript profiling has the potential to illuminate the molecular processes that are involved in the responses of cattle to disease challenges. This knowledge may allow the development of strategies that exploit these genes to enhance resistance to disease in an individual or animal population. Results: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray developed in this study consists of 1480 characterised genes identified by literature searches, 31 positive and negative control elements and 5376 cDNAs derived from subtracted and normalised libraries. The cDNA libraries were produced from 'challenged' bovine epithelial and leukocyte cells. The microarray was found to have a limit of detection of 1 pg/mu g of total RNA and a mean slide-to-slide correlation co-efficient of 0.88. The profiles of differentially expressed genes from Concanavalin A ( ConA) stimulated bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. Three distinct profiles highlighted 19 genes that were rapidly up-regulated within 30 minutes and returned to basal levels by 24 h; 76 genes that were upregulated between 2 - 8 hours and sustained high levels of expression until 24 h and 10 genes that were down-regulated. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR on selected genes was used to confirm the results from the microarray analysis. The results indicate that there is a dynamic process involving gene activation and regulatory mechanisms re-establishing homeostasis in the ConA activated lymphocytes. The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray was also used to determine the cross-species hybridisation capabilities of an ovine PBL sample. Conclusion: The Bovine Innate Immune Microarray has been developed which contains a set of well-characterised genes and anonymous cDNAs from a number of different bovine cell types. The microarray can be used to determine the gene expression profiles underlying innate immune responses in cattle and sheep.
Galectin-3 is a p-galactoside-binding lectin implicated in the fine-tuning of innate immunity. Rhodococcus equi, a facultative intracellular bacterium of macrophages, causes severe granulomatous bronchopneumonia in young horses and immunocompromised humans. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of galectin-3 in the innate resistance mechanism against R. equi infection. The bacterial challenge of galectin-3-deficient mice (gal3(-/-)) and their wild-type counterpart (gal3(+/+)) revealed that the LD50 for the gal3(-/-) mice was about seven times higher than that for the gal3(+/+) mice. When challenged with a sublethal dose, gal3(-/-) mice showed lower bacteria counts and higher production of IL-12 and IFN-gamma production, besides exhibiting a delayed although increased inflammatory reaction. Gal3(-/-) macrophages exhibited a decreased frequency of bacterial replication and survival, and higher transcript levels of IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, TLR2 and MyD88. R. equi-infected gal3(+/+) macrophages showed decreased expression of TLR2, whereas R. equi-infected gal3(-/-) macrophages showed enhanced expression of this receptor. Furthermore, galectin-3 deficiency in macrophages may be responsible for the higher IL-1 beta serum levels detected in infected gal3(-/-) mice. Therefore galectin-3 may exert a regulatory role in innate immunity by diminishing IL-1 beta production and thus affecting resistance to R. equi infection.
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome is a mendelian mimic of congenital infection and also shows overlap with systemic lupus erythematosus at both a clinical and biochemical level. The recent identification of mutations in TREX1 and genes encoding the RNASEH2 complex and studies of the function of TREX1 in DNA metabolism have defined a previously unknown mechanism for the initiation of autoimmunity by interferon-stimulatory nucleic acid. Here we describe mutations in SAMHD1 as the cause of AGS at the AGS5 locus and present data to show that SAMHD1 may act as a negative regulator of the cell-intrinsic antiviral response.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
La enfermedad de Chagas, causada por Trypanosoma cruzi, constituye la principal miocarditis infecciosa a nivel mundial. Crecientes evidencias revelan que la respuesta inmune innata tendría un rol determinante en la fisiopatología de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La inmunidad innata es la primera línea de defensa, no específica, preprogramada para combatir agentes infecciosos. Este sistema censa la presencia de antígenos extraños a través de los receptores tipo toll (TLR) produciendo citoquinas y activando mecanismos microbicidas. Sin embargo, los TLRs también se hayan distribuidos en las células parenquimales no inmunes, jugando un importante rol tanto en la defensa como en la homeostasis de cada tejido. Durante la etapa aguda de la infección, el T. cruzi invade y se replica dentro de una amplia variedad de células y tejidos. Pero posteriormente, los parásitos son efectivamente eliminados de la mayoría de los tejidos persistiendo durante toda la vida en las células del músculo cardíaco y esquelético de los pacientes infectados. Debido a que el mantenimiento de la célula cardíaca infectada es crítica para la patogénesis de la enfermedad, los mecanismos que participan en la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos están siendo foco de nuestro estudio. Hemos demostrado, que la infección ejerce efectos antiapoptóticos sobre células cardíacas aisladas. Nuestra hipótesis es que la inmunidad innata cardíaca estaría involucrada en el mantenimiento de la sobrevida de los miocitos así como en la defensa contra el parásito. Objetivo general: determinar la participación de la respuesta inmune innata cardíaca en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Chagas experimental murina. Objetivos específicos: 1) Analizar el compromiso de TLRs en la respuesta anti-apoptótica y de autofagia de cardiomiocitos aislados de ratones salvajes y de ratones deficientes en TLR4, TLR2 y en MyD88, molécula adaptadora de la señalización por TLRs, sometidos a la infección con el parásito. 2) Determinar la importancia de la actividad cisteín proteasa parasitaria en el grado de infectividad y la sobrevida de cultivos primarios de ratones salvajes infectados con parásitos transgénicos que poseen disminuída o nula actividad cisteín proteasa. 3) Establecer la cinética de expresión de TLR2/TLR6, TLR4 y TLR9, factores antiapoptóticos (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, etc.), daño cardíaco y la carga parasitaria en el tejido cardíaco de ratones infectados salvajes y/o deficientes antes mencionados. Materiales y Métodos: Los animales serán infectados i.p. con 5x103 parásitos y se determinará la cinética de expresión de los mediadores mencionados por western blot e inmunofluorescencia, la carga parasitaria será determinada por qRT-PCR. Como controles se procesarán animales inyectados con solución salina. En cultivos primarios de cardiomiocitos de ratones neonatos salvajes y deficientes infectados se estudiará la carga parasitaria, la activación de los mecanismos microbicidas (producción de óxido nítrico, metabolitos reactivos del oxígeno y del nitrógeno, ciclooxigenasa, etc.), producción de citoquinas y expresión de moléculas anti-apoptóticas (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, etc.). Se explorará la tasa de apoptosis en cultivos deprivados de suero. La autofagia se analizará por microscopia electrónica. Cultivos controles serán mantenidos en medio o tratados con ligandos de los diferentes TLRs. Resultados preliminares sugieren que tanto TLR2 como Bcl-2 se incrementan en tejido cardíaco infectado. Esto nos lleva a profundizar en los mecanismos observados en cultivos y estudiarlos en un modelo in vivo, analizando la posible importancia que tiene la inmunidad innata cardíaca en el control del establecimiento de la infección. La comprensión de los mecanismos que mantienen la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos y su respuesta a la infección es importante ya que el conocimiento de las bases moleculares es fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes quimioterapéuticos. Chagas disease is endemic in Central and South America and causes the most common myocarditis worldwide. We have previously reported that the cardiotrophic parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, its etiological agent, protects cardiomyocytes against apoptosis induced by growth factor deprivation activating the PI3K/Akt and MEK1/ERK signaling pathways. Recent studies have shown that local innate immunity plays a key role in initiating and coordinating homeostatic as well as defense responses in the heart. One of the mechanisms by which the innate immune system senses the presence of foreign antigens is through TLRs. The stimulation of these receptors leads to the activation and nuclear translocation of NF-kB transcription factor and the production of cytokines. Proinflammatory cytokines, in turn, appear to play a central role in the orchestration and timing of the intrinsic cardiac stress response providing, under different situations, instantaneous anti-apoptotic cytoprotective signals, which allow tissue repair and/or remodeling. The aim of the present project is to study the cardiomyocyte innate immune responses to T. cruzi infection and its role in target cell protection from apoptosis. Specific objectives: 1) Study the mechanism triggered by TLR in the anti-apoptotic response and parasite load of infected cardiomyocyte primary cultures from wild type and mice deficient in TLR2, TLR4 or MyD88. 2) Determine the effect of parasite cisteín protease activity on primary cultures from wild type mice. 3) Determine the TLR signaling-involvement in parasite load and survival indicators in deficient mice. Preliminary results showed us that cardiac-TLR2 may be involved in the anti-apoptotic effect elicited by the parasite and prompted us to establish the mechanisms triggered by the innate immunity that mediate parasite persistence within the host cell.
Sirtuins (SIRT1-7) are NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylases (HDACs) that play an important role in the control of metabolism and proliferation and the development of age-associated diseases like oncologic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Cambinol was originally described as a compound inhibiting the activity of SIRT1 and SIRT2, with efficient anti-tumor activity in vivo. Here, we studied the effects of cambinol on microbial sensing by mouse and human immune cells and on host innate immune responses in vivo. Cambinol inhibited the expression of cytokines (TNF, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12p40, and IFN-γ), NO and CD40 by macrophages, dendritic cells, splenocytes and whole blood stimulated with a broad range of microbial and inflammasome stimuli. Sirtinol, an inhibitor of SIRT1 and SIRT2 structurally related to cambinol, also decreased macrophage response to TLR stimulation. On the contrary, selective inhibitors of SIRT1 (EX-527 and CHIC-35) and SIRT2 (AGK2 and AK-7) used alone or in combination had no inhibitory effect, suggesting that cambinol and sirtinol act by targeting more than just SIRT1 and SIRT2. Cambinol and sirtinol at anti-inflammatory concentrations also did not inhibit SIRT6 activity in in vitro assay. At the molecular level, cambinol impaired stimulus-induced phosphorylation of MAPKs and upstream MEKs. Going well along with its powerful anti-inflammatory activity, cambinol reduced TNF blood levels and bacteremia and improved survival in preclinical models of endotoxic shock and septic shock. Altogether, our data suggest that pharmacological inhibitors of sirtuins structurally related to cambinol may be of clinical interest to treat inflammatory diseases.
Sepsis is among the leading causes of death worldwide and its incidence is increasing. Defined as the host response to infection, sepsis is a clinical syndrome considered to be the expression of a dysregulated immune reaction induced by danger signals that may lead to organ failure and death. Remarkable progresses have been made in our understanding of the molecular basis of host defenses in recent years. The host defense response is initiated by innate immune sensors of danger signals designated under the collective name of pattern-recognition receptors. Members of the family of microbial sensors include the complement system, the Toll-like receptors, the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domainlike receptors, the RIG-I-like helicases and the C-type lectin receptors. Ligand-activated pattern-recognition receptors kick off a cascade of intracellular events resulting in the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and release of effector molecules playing a fundamental role in the initiation of the innate and adaptive immune responses. Fine tuning of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory reactions is critical for keeping the innate immune response in check. Overwhelming or dysregulated responses induced by infectious stimuli may have dramatic consequences for the host as shown by the profound derangements observed in sepsis. Unfortunately, translational research approaches aimed at the development of therapies targeting newly identified innate immune pathways have not held their promises. Indeed, all recent clinical investigations of adjunctive anti-sepsis treatments had little, if any, impact on morbidity and all-cause mortality of sepsis. Dissecting the mechanisms underlying the transition from infection to sepsis is essential for solving the sepsis enigma. Important components of the puzzle have already been identified, but the hunt must go on in the laboratory and at the bedside.
Macrophages are essential effector cells of innate immunity that play a pivotal role in the recognition and elimination of invasive microorganisms. Mediators released by activated macrophages orchestrate innate and adaptive immune host responses. The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an integral mediator of the innate immune system. Monocytes and macrophages constitutively express large amounts of MIF, which is rapidly released after exposure to bacterial toxins and cytokines. MIF exerts potent proinflammatory activities and is an important cytokine of septic shock. Recent investigations of the mechanisms by which MIF regulates innate immune responses to endotoxin and gram-negative bacteria indicate that MIF acts by modulating the expression of Toll-like receptor 4, the signal-transducing molecule of the lipopolysaccharide receptor complex. Given its role in innate immune responses to bacterial infections, MIF is a novel target for therapeutic intervention in patients with septic shock.
SUMMARYThe innate immune system plays a central role in host defenses against invading pathogens. Innate immune cells sense the presence of pathogens through pattern recognition receptors that trigger intracellular signaling, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory mediators like cytokines, which shape innate and adaptive immune responses. Both by excess and by default inflammation may be detrimental to the host. Indeed, severe sepsis and septic shock are lethal complications of infections characterized by a dysregulated inflammatory response.In recent years, members of the superfamily of histone deacetylases have been the focus of great interest. In mammals, histone deacetylases are broadly classified into two main subfamilies comprising histone deacetylases 1-11 (HDAC1-11) and sirtuins 1-7 (SIRT1-7). These enzymes influence gene expression by deacetylating histones and numerous non-histone proteins. Histone deacetylases have been involved in the development of oncologic, metabolic, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. Pharmacological modulators of histone deacetylase activity, principally inhibitors, have been developed for the treatment of cancer and metabolic diseases. When we initiated this project, several studies suggested that inhibitors of HDAC 1-11 have anti-inflammatory activity. Yet, their influence on innate immune responses was largely uncharacterized. The present study was initiated to fill in this gap.In the first part of this work, we report the first comprehensive study of the effects of HDAC 1- 11 inhibitors on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Strikingly, expression studies revealed that HDAC1-11 inhibitors act essentially as negative regulators of basal and microbial product- induced expression of critical immune receptors and antimicrobial products by mouse and human innate immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells. Furthermore, we describe a new molecular mechanism whereby HDAC1-11 inhibitors repress pro-inflammatory cytokine expression through the induction of the expression and the activity of the transcriptional repressor Μί-2β. HDAC1-11 inhibitors also impair the potential of macrophages to engulf and kill bacteria. Finally, mice treated with an HDAC inhibitor are more susceptible to non-severe bacterial and fungal infection, but are protected against toxic and septic shock. Altogether these data support the concept that HDAC 1-11 inhibitors have potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities in vitro and in vivo.Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a central role in innate immune responses, cell proliferation and oncogenesis. In the second part of this manuscript, we demonstrate that HDAC1-11 inhibitors inhibit MIF expression in vitro and in vivo and describe a novel molecular mechanism accounting for these effects. We propose that inhibition of MIF expression by HDAC 1-11 inhibitors may contribute to the antitumorigenic and anti-inflammatory effects of these drugs.NAD+ is an essential cofactor of sirtuins activity and one of the major sources of energy within the cells. Therefore, sirtuins link deacetylation to NAD+ metabolism and energy status. In the last part of this thesis, we report preliminary results indicating that a pharmacological inhibitor of SIRT1-2 drastically decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine production (RNA and protein) and interferes with MAP kinase intracellular signal transduction pathway in macrophages. Moreover, administration of the SIRT1-2 inhibitor protects mice from lethal endotoxic shock and septic shock.Overall, our studies demonstrate that inhibitors of HDAC1-11 and sirtuins are powerful anti-inflammatory molecules. Given their profound negative impact on the host antimicrobial defence response, these inhibitors might increase the susceptibility to opportunistic infections, especially in immunocompromised cancer patients. Yet, these inhibitors might be useful to control the inflammatory response in severely ill septic patients or in patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.
BACKGROUND: Myocardial contractile failure in septic shock may develop following direct interactions, within the heart itself, between molecular motifs released by pathogens and their specific receptors, notably those belonging to the toll-like receptor (TLR) family. Here, we determined the ability of bacterial flagellin, the ligand of mammalian TLR5, to trigger myocardial inflammation and contractile dysfunction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: TLR5 expression was determined in H9c2 cardiac myoblasts, in primary rat cardiomyocytes, and in whole heart extracts from rodents and humans. The ability of flagellin to activate pro-inflammatory signaling pathways (NF-kappaB and MAP kinases) and the expression of inflammatory cytokines was investigated in H9c2 cells, and, in part, in primary cardiomyocytes, as well as in the mouse myocardium in vivo. The influence of flagellin on left ventricular function was evaluated in mice by a conductance pressure-volume catheter. Cardiomyocytes and intact myocardium disclosed significant TLR5 expression. In vitro, flagellin activated NF-kappaB, MAP kinases, and the transcription of inflammatory genes. In vivo, flagellin induced cardiac activation of NF-kappaB, expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, MIP-2 and MCP-1), and provoked a state of reversible myocardial dysfunction, characterized by cardiac dilation, reduced ejection fraction, and decreased end-systolic elastance. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These results are the first to indicate that flagellin has the ability to trigger cardiac innate immune responses and to acutely depress myocardial contractility.