993 resultados para Humic-acid


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The present study evaluates the possibility of eliminating the purification steps involved in the characterization of HA by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). The HAs of various sources were analyzed, showing different electropherograms by CZE, which depend on the charge and size of HA. The data suggest that the purification of the sample is not necessary to characterize HAs. Based on the results, CZE showed to be a promising tool to characterize HA of different origins without the purification step of the sample.


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Adventitious rooting of ornamental plants can be accelerated by the application of growth regulators, such as auxin. Humic acids, organic matter in soil and organic compounds also have a biostimulant effect. This work evaluated the rooting in cuttings of croton (Codianeum variegatum L. Rumph) and hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) in response to the application of different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse. Apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions at concentrations of: 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg L-1 IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L-1 HA carbon isolated from vermicomposting. Forty-five days after the applications, the cuttings were removed from the pots containing carbonized rice hull and the following variables were measured: rooting number, length and width of leaves, fresh and dry matter of root and aerial part and root area. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the qualitative and quantitative effects of the treatments were compared by contrast and regression, respectively. Regression equations were used to determine the maximum efficiency level of root dry matter according to IBA and HA. Higher accumulation of root dry matter was recorded for the treatments with the doses 579 mg L-1 IBA and 14 mmol L-1 HA and 970 mg L-1 IBA and 50 mmol L-1 HA for root cuttings of croton and hibiscus, respectively. It was found that the application of eiher IBA or HA at the indicated doses accelerates rooting in cuttings of croton and hibiscus and contributes to the formation of vigorous plants.


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The vegetative propagation of ornamental plants can be accelerated by applying plant growth regulators. Amongst them, the use of auxins, plant hormones with physiological effects on cell elongation and rooting have stood out. Alternatively, the application of humic acids, bioactive fraction of soil organic matter, also results in increases in rooting cuttings of ornamental plants. The objective of this work was to study the growth characteristics and the nutritional contents of croton and hibiscus plants during acclimation of seedlings in response to different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA) applied to cuttings for rooting. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, and the apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions with concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1of IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of C from HA. At 45 days of rooting in carbonized rice husk, they were individually transferred to plastic bags of 2.0 dm3 containing a mixture of soil: sand: manure (2: 1: 1) as substrate. At 90 days of acclimation, the plants were collected for measurement of growth and nutritional variables. The results showed that the application of the IBA stimulates the absorption of nutrients and growth of croton cuttings and transplanted hibiscus, contributing to formation of vigorous seedlings. A similar response occurred with the application of HA in hibiscus cuttings


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ABSTRACT Humic acids (HA) are a component of humic substances (HS), which are found in nearly all soils, sediments, and waters. They play a key role in many, if not most, chemical and physical properties in their environment. Despite the importance of HA, their high complexity makes them a poorly understood system. Therefore, understanding the physicochemical properties and interactions of HA is crucial for determining their fundamental role and obtaining structural details. Cationic surfactants are known to interact electrostatically and hydrophobically with HA. Because they are a very well-known and characterized system, they offer a good choice as molecular probes for studying HA. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interaction between cationic surfactants and HA through isothermal titration calorimetry in a thermodynamic manner, aiming to obtain information about the basic structure of HA, the nature of this interaction, and if HA from different origins show different basic structures. Contrary to what the supramolecular model asserts, HA structure is not loosely held, though it may separate depending on the conditions the HA are subjected to in their milieu. It did not show any division or conformational change when interacting with surfactants. The basic structure of the HA remains virtually the same regardless of the different sources and compositions of these HA.


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A direct potentiometric titration method was applied to commercial and soil humic acids in order to determine their carboxyl and phenol group concentrations and apparent and intrinsic pK. In that context, acid-base properties of humic acids are interpreted by selective blocking of carboxylic and phenolic groups by esterification and acetylation. Differences in underivatized and derivatized HA's acid-base properties are ascribed to carboxyl and phenol groups influence on total humic acidity. Potentiometric data were treated with the modified Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Infra red results, the acidic group contents and the average values of apparent and intrinsic pK for underivatized and derivatized HAs confirmed the selectivity of esterification derivatization method. After blocking of the functional groups, the values of acidic group contents decreased, while the value of apparent pK increased after derivatization. Phenol groups cannot be specifically identified by the acetylation method, due to low selectivity of the acetylation method.


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An amperometric sensor was constructed, by using humic acids to immobilize Fe3+ ions on a carbon paste electrode (CPE-HA-Fe), and used for ascorbic acid (H2A) determination. The cyclic voltammogram of the electrode showed electrochemical response due to the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple at E1/2=+0.78 V vs SCE, using 0.5 mol L-1 KCl and 0.2 mol L-1 acetate/0.020 mol L-1 phosphate buffer, at pH = 5.4, as supporting electrolyte. When H2A is added to the electrolyte solution it is observed an oxidation process. The oxidation current, obtained by chronoamperommetry at +0.87 V vs SCE, is proportional to the concentration, represented by the equation I(µA) = 7.6286 [H2A] (mmol L-1) + 1.9583, r = 0.9996, for concentrations between 0.0 and 1.4 mmol L-1. The electrode showed high stability and was used for H2A determination in a natural orange juice.


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Humic substances are complex polymeric structures.No other polymers with such a wide range of properties are so widely distributed in nature.But still their moleculer structures are unknown. A structural knowledge is essential in determining their reactivity with metals.In the present work structural elucidation of humic acids from three different mangrove ecosystems of Cochin area is done with the available data from functional group analysis and various spectroscopic methods.13C NMR spectra of the solid samples with CPMAS,IR and SEM are very promising in revealing the complex structures of these polymeric substances.Sorptional studies on the sediment and humic acid of mangrove ecosystem reveals that the major portion of the organic matter is not extractable with Sodium hydroxide and humic acid only a small portion of the total organic matter. Humic acid is a good complexing agent and scavenger. Due to the nonextractable nature of the organic matter present with the sediment left after alkali extraction it is a better scavenger.


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The present study explores for the first time, the effectiveness of photocatalytic oxidation of. humic acid (HA) in the increasingly important highly saline water. TiO2 (Degussa P25), TiO2 (Anatase), TiO2 (Rutile), TiO2 (Mesoporous) and ZnO dispersions were used as catalysts employing a medium pressure mercury lamp. The effect of platinum loading on P25 and zinc oxide was also investigated. The zinc oxide with 0.3% platinum loading was the most efficient catalyst. The preferred medium for the degradation of HA using ZnO is alkaline, whereas for TiO2 it is acidic. In addition, a comparative study of HA decomposition in artificial seawater (ASW) and natural seawater (NSW) is reported, and the surface areas and band gaps of the catalysts employed were also determined. A spectrophotometric method was used to estimate the extent of degradation of HA. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the first systematic study on the photocatalytic oxidation of humic acid (HA) in artificial seawater (ASW). TiO2 (Degussa P25) dispersions were used as the catalyst with irradiation from a medium-pressure mercury lamp. The optimum quantity of catalyst was found to be between 2 and 2.5 g l(-1); whiled the decomposition was fastest at low pH values (pH 4.5 in the range examined), and the optimum air-flow, using an immersion well reactor with a capacity of 400 ml, was 850 ml min(-1). Reactivity increased with air-flow up to this figure, above which foaming prevented operation of the reactor. Using pure. oxygen, an optimal flow rate was observed at 300 nil min(-1), above which reactivity remains essentially constant. Following treatment for 1 h, low-salinity water (2700 mg l(-1)) was completely mineralised, whereas ASW (46000 mg l(-1)) had traces of HA remaining. These effects are interpreted and kinetic data presented. To avoid problems of precipitation due to change of ionic strength humic substances were prepared directly in ASW, and the effects of ASW on catalyst suspension and precipitation have been taken into account. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model has been shown to be followed only approximately for the catalytic oxidation of HA in ASW. The activation energy for the reaction derived from an Arrhenius treatment was 17 ( +/-0.6) kJ mol(-1). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ordered mesoporous silica with cubic structure, type FDU-1, was synthesized under strong acid media using B-50-6600 poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(butilene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock copolymer (EO(39)BO(47)EO(39)) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Humic acid (HA) was modified to the synthesis process at a concentration of 1.5 mmol per gram of SiO(2). Thermogravimetry, small angle X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption and high resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to characterize the samples. The pristine FDU-1 and FDU-1 with incorporated 1.5 mmol of HA were tested for adsorption of Pb(2+), Cu(2+) and Cd(2+) in aqueous solution. Incorporation of humic acid into the FDU-1 silica afforded an adsorbent with strong affinity for Cd(2+), Cu(2+) and Pb(2+) from single ion solutions. Adsorption of Cu(2+) was significantly enhanced after incorporation of humic acid, a fact that can be explained by the formation of complexes with carboxylic and phenolic groups at low concentrations of the metal cation. The results demonstrated the potential applicability of FDU-1 with incorporated HA in the removal of low concentrations of heavy metal cations from aqueous solution, such as wastewaters, after usual precipitation of metal hydroxides in alkaline medium and proper pH conditioning in the range between 6 and 7. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports experiments involving the electrochemical combustion of humic acid (HA) and removal of algae from pond water. An electrochemical flow reactor with a boron-doped diamond film anode was used and constant current experiments were conducted in batch recirculation mode. The mass transfer characteristics of the electrochemical device were determined by voltammetric experiments in the potential region of water stability, followed by a controlled current experiment in the potential region of oxygen evolution. The average mass transfer coefficient was 5.2 x 10(-5) m s(-1). The pond water was then processed to remove HA and algae in the conditions in which the reaction combustion occurred under mass transfer control. To this end, the mass transfer coefficient was used to estimate the initial limiting current density applied in the electrolytic experiments. As expected, all the parameters analyzed here-solution absorbance at 270 nm, total phenol concentration and total organic carbon concentration-decayed according to first-order kinetics. Since the diamond film anode successfully incinerated organic matter, the electrochemical system proved to be predictable and programmable.


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Humic acids (HAs), naturally occurring biomacromolecules, were incorporated into nanostructured polymeric films using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique, in which HA layers were alternated with layers of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed very smooth films, with mean roughness varying from 0.89 to 1.19 nm for films containing 5 and 15 PAH/HA bilayers, respectively. The films displayed electroactivity, with the presence of only one reduction peak at ca. 0.675 V (vs Ag/AgCl). Such a well-defined electroactivity allowed the films to be used as highly sensitive pesticide sensors, with detection of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in solutions at concentrations as low as 10(-9) mol L(-1).


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In the present work, aquatic humic substances (HS) were extracted by use of adsorbent XAD 8 and the acid humic fraction (AH) was separated throught acidification. After being purified by Hyphan resin and dialyze, the aquatic AH was characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The influence of the aquatic HA and electrolyte concentrations, pH and aquatic AH-metal complexation time on the conformation was investigated using UV/Vis spectroscopic studies, employing the equation suggested by Doty and Steiner. The results indicated that the acid humic flexible macromolecule assumes a condensed form at acid and alkaline pH. Other factors favoring condensed conformations are longer metal complexation time (ageing) and higher aquatic AH and electrolyte concentrations. Thus considering the strong influence of the investigated parameters in the structural conformation of the humic macromolecule, we conclude that studies using UV/Vis spectroscopy to estimate the concentration, aromaticity, humification degree of the aquatic AH and so on, require rigorous control over the experimental conditions employed to provide a correct interpretation of the analytical results. ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.