999 resultados para Hull design


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Selon l’image reçue des Vikings, ce peuple incarne l'esprit d’une immense solidarité primitive ayant su résister rudement au joug du christianisme et à la domination du Latin en Europe occidentale. Cette image n’est pas sans ses contradictions et, s’il est vrai que l’écriture était encore inconnue en Scandinavie durant les premiers siècles de l’expansion viking, on sait maintenant que le commerce et la colonisation, autant que les célèbres raids, motivèrent l’irruption des peuples scandinaves sur la scène médiévale. Quant aux navires de ces marchands, colonisateurs, pêcheurs et guerriers, ils apparaissent, un peu à l’image des Vikings eux-mêmes, sur le grand tableau de l’histoire nautique sous l’enseigne d’une originalité et d’une technicité sans parallèle. Comment les Vikings construisaient-ils leurs navires, en leur donnant une symétrie, un équilibre et une finesse si achevés? Les premiers ethnologues qui se sont intéressés à cette question ont privilégié les idées issues d'une tradition acquise par des générations de constructeurs, et d'astuces simples pour équilibrer tribord et bâbord. Puis, ils se sont rapidement tournés vers les techniques inhérentes à la construction à clin : utilisation de planches fendues et non sciées et de rivets abondants témoignant d’une sidérurgie acquise depuis peu. Le problème que présentent ces navires, est que leur construction artisanale demeure conforme à l’image reçue des Vikings, mais que leur conception architecturale, réalisée selon des connaissances théoriques très exactes, brise la notion d’une Scandinavie médiévale illettrée et coupée des grands centres du savoir. Ce travail s’intéresse précisément à la conception architecturale des navires scandinaves du VIIIe au XIe siècle pour montrer comment ils s’insèrent dans un haut savoir européen dès leur apparition. Il explore ensuite les liens qui unissent ce savoir théorique aux aspects véritablement originaux des navires vikings, en l’occurrence leur construction à clin et leur homogénéité sur une grande région à travers plus de cinq siècles. Au terme de cette recherche, l'analyse réalisée sur le maître-couple de trois épaves vikings, une épave antique et une épave scandinave pré-viking, a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs indices de l'utilisation du système de conception géométrique apparaissant pour la première fois dans les traités d'architecture navale de la Renaissance, et ce, sur chacune de ces épaves. Les résultats obtenus démontrent qu'il est possible d'employer un système transversal de conception pour des navires vraisemblablement construits bordé premier et assemblés à clin.


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This article presents a mathematical method for producing hard-chine ship hulls based on a set of numerical parameters that are directly related to the geometric features of the hull and uniquely define a hull form for this type of ship. The term planing hull is used generically to describe the majority of hard-chine boats being built today. This article is focused on unstepped, single-chine hulls. B-spline curves and surfaces were combined with constraints on the significant ship curves to produce the final hull design. The hard-chine hull geometry was modeled by decomposing the surface geometry into boundary curves, which were defined by design constraints or parameters. In planing hull design, these control curves are the center, chine, and sheer lines as well as their geometric features including position, slope, and, in the case of the chine, enclosed area and centroid. These geometric parameters have physical, hydrodynamic, and stability implications from the design point of view. The proposed method uses two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the control curves and then produces three-dimensional (3-D) definitions using B-spline fitting of the 3-D data points. The fitting considers maximum deviation from the curve to the data points and is based on an original selection of the parameterization. A net of B-spline curves (stations) is then created to match the previously defined 3-D boundaries. A final set of lofting surfaces of the previous B-spline curves produces the hull surface.


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Em geral, uma embarcação de planeio é projetada para atingir elevados níveis de velocidade. Esse atributo de desempenho está diretamente relacionado ao porte da embarcação e à potência instalada em sua planta propulsiva. Tradicionalmente, durante o projeto de uma embarcação, as análises de desempenho são realizadas através de resultados de embarcações já existentes, retirados de séries sistemáticas ou de embarcações já desenvolvidas pelo estaleiro e/ou projetista. Além disso, a determinação dos atributos de desempenho pode ser feita através de métodos empíricos e/ou estatísticos, onde a embarcação é representada através de seus parâmetros geométricos principais; ou a partir de testes em modelos em escala reduzida ou protótipos. No caso específico de embarcações de planeio, o custo dos testes em escala reduzida é muito elevado em relação ao custo de projeto. Isso faz com que a maioria dos projetistas não opte por ensaios experimentais das novas embarcações em desenvolvimento. Ao longo dos últimos anos, o método de Savitsky foi largamente utilizado para se realizar estimativas de potência instalada de uma embarcação de planeio. Esse método utiliza um conjunto de equações semi-empíricas para determinar os esforços atuantes na embarcação, a partir dos quais é possível determinar a posição de equilíbrio de operação e a força propulsora necessária para navegar em uma dada velocidade. O método de Savitsky é muito utilizado nas fases iniciais de projeto, onde a geometria do casco ainda não foi totalmente definida, pois utiliza apenas as características geométricas principais da embarcação para realização das estimativas de esforços. À medida que se avança nas etapas de projeto, aumenta o detalhamento necessário das estimativas de desempenho. Para a realização, por exemplo, do projeto estrutural é necessária uma estimativa do campo de pressão atuante no fundo do casco, o qual não pode ser determinado pelo método de Savitsky. O método computacional implementado nesta dissertação, tem o objetivo de determinar as características do escoamento e o campo de pressão atuante no casco de uma embarcação de planeio navegando em águas calmas. O escoamento é determinado através de um problema de valor de contorno, no qual a superfície molhada no casco é considerada um corpo esbelto. Devido ao uso da teoria de corpo esbelto o problema pode ser tratado, separadamente, em cada seção, onde as condições de contorno são forçadamente respeitadas através de uma distribuição de vórtices.


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Cette étude s’intéresse à l’industrie de la construction navale pour le milieu du XVIIIe siècle en France dans la région de Bayonne. L’objectif est de documenter la relation qu’entretiennent les pratiques de construction traditionnelles et innovatrices à cette période. L’architecture de la frégate le Machault est au cœur de cette analyse. Construit en 1757 à Bayonne et perdu en 1760, le Machault a été fouillé, documenté et parallèlement récupéré par les archéologues de Parcs Canada entre 1969 et 1972 à Ristigouche dans la baie des Chaleurs, Québec. Cette étude constitue la première analyse architecturale approfondie menée sur ces vestiges. L’analyse est réalisée en trois temps qui correspondent aux trois grandes étapes de la chaine opératoire de la construction du navire. Tout d’abord, il est question d’aborder l’aspect de la foresterie afin de saisir la nature de la ressource forestière mobilisée pour la construction de la frégate. Ensuite, ce mémoire se penche sur la conception architecturale des navires qui renvoie à un aspect plus théorique, car il relève de la façon dont les formes du navire ont été « pensées ». Enfin, la charpenterie est abordée afin de saisir la séquence d’assemblage du navire. Ensemble, ces trois grands aspects dressent un portrait général de la construction navale pour la région de Bayonne au milieu du XVIIIe siècle.


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Cette étude s’intéresse à l’industrie de la construction navale pour le milieu du XVIIIe siècle en France dans la région de Bayonne. L’objectif est de documenter la relation qu’entretiennent les pratiques de construction traditionnelles et innovatrices à cette période. L’architecture de la frégate le Machault est au cœur de cette analyse. Construit en 1757 à Bayonne et perdu en 1760, le Machault a été fouillé, documenté et parallèlement récupéré par les archéologues de Parcs Canada entre 1969 et 1972 à Ristigouche dans la baie des Chaleurs, Québec. Cette étude constitue la première analyse architecturale approfondie menée sur ces vestiges. L’analyse est réalisée en trois temps qui correspondent aux trois grandes étapes de la chaine opératoire de la construction du navire. Tout d’abord, il est question d’aborder l’aspect de la foresterie afin de saisir la nature de la ressource forestière mobilisée pour la construction de la frégate. Ensuite, ce mémoire se penche sur la conception architecturale des navires qui renvoie à un aspect plus théorique, car il relève de la façon dont les formes du navire ont été « pensées ». Enfin, la charpenterie est abordée afin de saisir la séquence d’assemblage du navire. Ensemble, ces trois grands aspects dressent un portrait général de la construction navale pour la région de Bayonne au milieu du XVIIIe siècle.


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ABSTRACTIn the Amazon, river navigation is very important due to the length of navigable rivers and the lack of alternative road networks. Boats usually operate in unfavorable conditions, since there is no hydrodynamic relation among propellers, geometry, and the dimensions of the boat hull. Currently, there is no methodology for propeller hydrodynamic optimization with low computational cost and easy implementation in the region. The aim of this work was to develop a mathematical approach for marine propeller design applied to boats typically found on Amazon rivers. We developed an optimized formulation for the chord and pitch angle distributions, taking into account the classical model of Glauert. A theoretical analysis for the thrust and torque relationships on an annular control volume was performed. The mathematical model used was based on the Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT). We concluded that the new methodology proposed in this work demonstrates a good physical behavior when compared with the theory of Glauert and the experimental data of the Wageningen B3-50 propeller.


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In order to minimize the risk of failures or major renewals of hull structures during the ship's expected life span, it is imperative that the precaution must be taken with regard to an adequate margin of safety against any one or combination of failure modes including excessive yielding, buckling, brittle fracture, fatigue and corrosion. The most efficient system for combating underwater corrosion is 'cathodic protection'. The basic principle of this method is that the ship's structure is made cathodic, i.e. the anodic (corrosion) reactions are suppressed by the application of an opposing current and the ship is there by protected. This paper deals with state of art in cathodic protection and its programming in ship structure


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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For many years, composting has been used as a result of the recycling of organic matter. There is significative animal carcasses accumulation from teaching and researching activities of the university veterinary hospital. Every year, Unesp University needs to dispose correctly about 180 tones of this waste and the composting seemed to be the most sustainable alternative. Piles of animal carcasses were prepared using peanut hulls and tree pruning as bulking agent and water to the first phase of this process. The extracts pH values no impediments for offering germination and indicated a good addition to the soil management. The germination index showed no impediment to the seeds germination on any type of compost and the extracts concentrations not influenced this biological process. No parameters studied assigns risks of contamination of carcasses for the compost development in Unesp according to the proposed design. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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We deal with the optimization of the production of branched sheet metal products. New forming techniques for sheet metal give rise to a wide variety of possible profiles and possible ways of production. In particular, we show how the problem of producing a given profile geometry can be modeled as a discrete optimization problem. We provide a theoretical analysis of the model in order to improve its solution time. In this context we give the complete convex hull description of some substructures of the underlying polyhedron. Moreover, we introduce a new class of facet-defining inequalities that represent connectivity constraints for the profile and show how these inequalities can be separated in polynomial time. Finally, we present numerical results for various test instances, both real-world and academic examples.


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Computer Fluid Dynamics tools have already become a valuable instrument for Naval Architects during the ship design process, thanks to their accuracy and the available computer power. Unfortunately, the development of RANSE codes, generally used when viscous effects play a major role in the flow, has not reached a mature stage, being the accuracy of the turbulence models and the free surface representation the most important sources of uncertainty. Another level of uncertainty is added when the simulations are carried out for unsteady flows, as those generally studied in seakeeping and maneuvering analysis and URANS equations solvers are used. Present work shows the applicability and the benefits derived from the use of new approaches for the turbulence modeling (Detached Eddy Simulation) and the free surface representation (Level Set) on the URANS equations solver CFDSHIP-Iowa. Compared to URANS, DES is expected to predict much broader frequency contents and behave better in flows where boundary layer separation plays a major role. Level Set methods are able to capture very complex free surface geometries, including breaking and overturning waves. The performance of these improvements is tested in set of fairly complex flows, generated by a Wigley hull at pure drift motion, with drift angle ranging from 10 to 60 degrees and at several Froude numbers to study the impact of its variation. Quantitative verification and validation are performed with the obtained results to guarantee their accuracy. The results show the capability of the CFDSHIP-Iowa code to carry out time-accurate simulations of complex flows of extreme unsteady ship maneuvers. The Level Set method is able to capture very complex geometries of the free surface and the use of DES in unsteady simulations highly improves the results obtained. Vortical structures and instabilities as a function of the drift angle and Fr are qualitatively identified. Overall analysis of the flow pattern shows a strong correlation between the vortical structures and free surface wave pattern. Karman-like vortex shedding is identified and the scaled St agrees well with the universal St value. Tip vortices are identified and the associated helical instabilities are analyzed. St using the hull length decreases with the increase of the distance along the vortex core (x), which is similar to results from other simulations. However, St scaled using distance along the vortex cores shows strong oscillations compared to almost constants for those previous simulations. The difference may be caused by the effect of the free-surface, grid resolution, and interaction between the tip vortex and other vortical structures, which needs further investigations. This study is exploratory in the sense that finer grids are desirable and experimental data is lacking for large α, especially for the local flow. More recently, high performance computational capability of CFDSHIP-Iowa V4 has been improved such that large scale computations are possible. DES for DTMB 5415 with bilge keels at α = 20º were conducted using three grids with 10M, 48M and 250M points. DES analysis for flows around KVLCC2 at α = 30º is analyzed using a 13M grid and compared with the results of DES on the 1.6M grid by. Both studies are consistent with what was concluded on grid resolution herein since dominant frequencies for shear-layer, Karman-like, horse-shoe and helical instabilities only show marginal variation on grid refinement. The penalties of using coarse grids are smaller frequency amplitude and less resolved TKE. Therefore finer grids should be used to improve V&V for resolving most of the active turbulent scales for all different Fr and α, which hopefully can be compared with additional EFD data for large α when it becomes available.


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This paper describes a new category of CAD applications devoted to the definition and parameterization of hull forms, called programmed design. Programmed design relies on two prerequisites. The first one is a product model with a variety of types large enough to face the modeling of any type of ship. The second one is a design language dedicated to create the product model. The main purpose of the language is to publish the modeling algorithms of the application in the designer knowledge domain to let the designer create parametric model scripts. The programmed design is an evolution of the parametric design but it is not just parametric design. It is a tool to create parametric design tools. It provides a methodology to extract the design knowledge by abstracting a design experience in order to store and reuse it. Programmed design is related with the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD applications but not with the development of modeling algorithms. It is built on top and relies on existing algorithms provided by a comprehensive product model. Programmed design can be useful to develop new applications, to support the evolution of existing applications or even to integrate different types of application in a single one. A three-level software architecture is proposed to make the implementation of the programmed design easier. These levels are the conceptual level based on the design language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. Finally, some scenarios of the use of programmed design are discussed. For instance, the development of specialized parametric hull form generators for a ship type or a family of ships or the creation of palettes of hull form components to be used as parametric design patterns. Also two new processes of reverse engineering which can considerably improve the application have been detected: the creation of the mathematical level from the visual level and the creation of the conceptual level from the mathematical level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction


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Nowadays increasing fuel prices and upcoming pollutant emission regulations are becoming a growing concern for the shipping industry worldwide. While fuel prices will keep rising in future years, the new International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and Sulphur Emissions Control Areas (SECA) regulations will forbid ships to use heavy fuel oils at certain situations. To fulfil with these regulations, the next step in the marine shipping business will comprise the use of cleaner fuels on board as well as developing new propulsion concept. In this work a new conceptual marine propulsion system is developed, based on the integration of diesel generators with fuel cells in a 2850 metric tonne of deadweight platform supply vessel. The efficiency of the two 250 kW methanol-fed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system installed on board combined with the hydro dynamically optimized design of the hull of the ship will allow the ship to successfully operate at certain modes of operation while notably reduce the pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. Besides the cogeneration heat obtained from the fuel cell system will be used to answer different heating needs on board the vessel


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Hybrid bioisoster derivatives from N-acylhydrazones and furoxan groups were designed with the objective of obtaining at least a dual mechanism of action: cruzain inhibition and nitric oxide (NO) releasing activity. Fifteen designed compounds were synthesized varying the substitution in N-acylhydrazone and in furoxan group as well. They had its anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity in amastigotes forms, NO releasing potential and inhibitory cruzain activity evaluated. The two most active compounds (6, 14) both in the parasite amastigotes and in the enzyme contain the nitro group in para position of the aromatic ring. The permeability screening in Caco-2 cell and cytotoxicity assay in human cells were performed for those most active compounds and both showed to be less cytotoxic than the reference drug, benznidazole. Compound 6 was the most promising, since besides activity it showed good permeability and selectivity index, higher than the reference drug. Thereby the compound 6 was considered as a possible candidate for additional studies.


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Split-plot design (SPD) and near-infrared chemical imaging were used to study the homogeneity of the drug paracetamol loaded in films and prepared from mixtures of the biocompatible polymers hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethyleneglycol. The study was split into two parts: a partial least-squares (PLS) model was developed for a pixel-to-pixel quantification of the drug loaded into films. Afterwards, a SPD was developed to study the influence of the polymeric composition of films and the two process conditions related to their preparation (percentage of the drug in the formulations and curing temperature) on the homogeneity of the drug dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Chemical images of each formulation of the SPD were obtained by pixel-to-pixel predictions of the drug using the PLS model of the first part, and macropixel analyses were performed for each image to obtain the y-responses (homogeneity parameter). The design was modeled using PLS regression, allowing only the most relevant factors to remain in the final model. The interpretation of the SPD was enhanced by utilizing the orthogonal PLS algorithm, where the y-orthogonal variations in the design were separated from the y-correlated variation.