949 resultados para Hospitalization insurance.
Cover title.
[Table des matières] 1. Hospitalisation hors canton : Aspects juridiques (Art. 41 Lamal, Art. 124 Loi sur la santé Valais); Aspects statistiques et financiers; Comparaisons intercantonales; Statistiques médicales. 2. Les problèmes, les enjeux : Habitudes régionales; Continuité des soins; Tourisme; Choix du fournisseur de soins; Planification sanitaire; Enseignement de la médecine; Qualité des soins; Bureaucratie. 3. Solutions envisagées : Abandon de l'art. 41 al. 3; Maintien de l'art. 41 al3 aménagé; Négociations tarifaires sur la base des coûts effectifs; Maintien de l'art. 41 al. 3 avec choix pour le patient en cas de monopole; Démarche administrative indépendante des intérêts.
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued in the series of Legislative documents
Item 1038-A, 1038-B (microfiche)
The aim of this study was to examine the association between determinants of access to healthcare and preventable hospitalizations, based on Davidson et al.'s framework for evaluating the effects of individual and community determinants on access to healthcare. The study population consisted of the low income, non-elderly, hospitalized adults residing in Harris County, Texas in 2004. The objectives of this study were to examine the proportion of the variance in preventable hospitalizations at the ZIP-code level, to analyze the association between the proximity to the nearest safety net clinic and preventable hospitalizations, to examine how the safety net capacity relates to preventable hospitalizations, to compare the relative strength of the associations of health insurance and the proximity to the nearest safety net clinic with preventable hospitalizations, and to estimate and compare the costs of preventable hospitalizations in Harris County with the average cost in the literature. The data were collected from Texas Health Care Information Collection (2004), Census 2000, and Project Safety Net (2004). A total of 61,841 eligible individuals were included in the final data analysis. A random-intercept multi-level model was constructed with two different levels of data: the individual level and the ZIP-code level. The results of this study suggest that ZIP-code characteristics explain about two percent of the variance in preventable hospitalizations and safety net capacity was marginally significantly associated with preventable hospitalizations (p= 0.062). Proximity to the nearest safety net clinic was not related to preventable hospitalizations; however, health insurance was significantly associated with a decreased risk of preventable hospitalization. The average direct cost was $6,466 per preventable hospitalization, which is significantly different from reports in the literature. ^
More than a quarter of patients with HIV in the United States are diagnosed in hospital settings most often with advanced HIV related conditions.(1) There has been little research done on the causes of hospitalization when the patients are first diagnosed with HIV. The aim of this study was to determine if the patients are hospitalized due to an HIV related cause or due to some other co-morbidity. Reduced access to care could be one possible reason why patients are diagnosed late in the course of the disease. This study compared the access to care of patients diagnosed with HIV in hospital and outpatient setting. The data used for the study was a part of the ongoing study “Attitudes and Beliefs and Steps of HIV Care”. The participants in the study were newly diagnosed with HIV and recruited from both inpatient and outpatient settings. The primary and the secondary diagnoses from hospital discharge reports were extracted and a primary reason for hospitalization was ascertained. These were classified as HIV-related, other infectious causes, non–infectious causes, other systemic causes, and miscellaneous causes. Access to care was determined by a score based on responses to a set of questions derived from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS) on a 6 point scale. The mean score of the hospitalized patients and mean score of the patients diagnosed in an outpatient setting was compared. We used multiple linear regressions to compare mean differences in the two groups after adjusting for age, sex, race, household income educational level and health insurance at the time of diagnosis. There were 185 participants in the study, including 78 who were diagnosed in hospital settings and 107 who were diagnosed in outpatient settings. We found that HIV-related conditions were the leading cause of hospitalization, accounting for 60% of admissions, followed by non-infectious causes (20%) and then other infectious causes (17%). The inpatient diagnosed group did not have greater perceived access-to-care as compared to the outpatient group. Regression analysis demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in access-to-care with advancing education level (p=0.04) and with better health insurance (p=0.004). HIV-related causes account for many hospitalizations when patients are first diagnosed with HIV. Many of these HIV-related hospitalizations could have been prevented if patients were diagnosed early and linked to medical care. Programs to increase HIV awareness need to be an integral part of activities aimed at control of spread of HIV in the community. Routine testing for HIV infection to promote early HIV diagnosis can prevent significant morbidity and mortality.^
Preventable Hospitalizations (PHs) are hospitalizations that can be avoided with appropriate and timely care in the ambulatory setting and hence are closely associated with primary care access in a community. Increased primary care availability and health insurance coverage may increase primary care access, and consequently may be significantly associated with risks and costs of PHs. Objective. To estimate the risk and cost of preventable hospitalizations (PHs); to determine the association of primary care availability and health insurance coverage with the risk and costs of PHs, first alone and then simultaneously; and finally, to estimate the impact of expansions in primary care availability and health insurance coverage on the burden of PHs among non-elderly adult residents of Harris County. Methods. The study population was residents of Harris County, age 18 to 64, who had at least one hospital discharge in a Texas hospital in 2008. The primary independent variables were availability of primary care physicians, availability of primary care safety net clinics and health insurance coverage. The primary dependent variables were PHs and associated hospitalization costs. The Texas Health Care Information Collection (THCIC) Inpatient Discharge data was used to obtain information on the number and costs of PHs in the study population. Risk of PHs in the study population, as well as average and total costs of PHs were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression models and two-step Heckman regression models with log-transformed costs were used to determine the association of primary care availability and health insurance coverage with the risk and costs of PHs respectively, while controlling for individual predisposing, enabling and need characteristics. Predicted PH risk and cost were used to calculate the predicted burden of PHs in the study population and the impact of expansions in primary care availability and health insurance coverage on the predicted burden. Results. In 2008, hospitalized non-elderly adults in Harris County had 11,313 PHs and a corresponding PH risk of 8.02%. Congestive heart failure was the most common PH. PHs imposed a total economic burden of $84 billion at an average of $7,449 per PH. Higher primary care safety net availability was significantly associated with the lower risk of PHs in the final risk model, but only in the uninsured. A unit increase in safety net availability led to a 23% decline in PH odds in the uninsured, compared to only a 4% decline in the insured. Higher primary care physician availability was associated with increased PH costs in the final cost model (β=0.0020; p<0.05). Lack of health insurance coverage increased the risk of PH, with the uninsured having 30% higher odds of PHs (OR=1.299; p<0.05), but reduced the cost of a PH by 7% (β=-0.0668; p<0.05). Expansions in primary care availability and health insurance coverage were associated with a reduction of about $1.6 million in PH burden at the highest level of expansion. Conclusions. Availability of primary care resources and health insurance coverage in hospitalized non-elderly adults in Harris County are significantly associated with the risk and costs of PHs. Expansions in these primary care access factors can be expected to produce significant reductions in the burden of PHs in Harris County.^
O objetivo foi analisar a evolução do perfil de utilização de serviços de saúde, entre 2003 e 2008, no Brasil e nas suas macrorregiões. Foram utilizados dados da PNAD. A utilização de serviços de saúde foi medida pela proporção de pessoas que procuraram e foram atendidas nas 2 semanas anteriores e pelos que relataram internação nos últimos 12 meses, segundo SUS e não SUS. Foram analisadas as características socioeconômicas dos usuários, o tipo de atendimento e de serviço e os motivos da procura. A proporção de indivíduos que procuraram serviços de saúde não se alterou, assim como a parcela dos que conseguiram atendimento (96%), entre 2003 e 2008. O SUS respondeu por 56,7% dos atendimentos, realizando a maior parte das internações, vacinação e consultas e somente 1/3 das consultas odontológicas. Em 2008, manteve-se o gradiente de redução de utilização de serviços de saúde SUS conforme o aumento de renda e escolaridade. Houve decréscimo da proporção dos que procuraram serviços de saúde para ações de prevenção e aumento de procura para problemas odontológicos, acidentes e lesões e reabilitação. O padrão de utilização do SUS por região esteve inversamente relacionado à proporção de indivíduos com posse de planos privados de saúde.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores relacionados à determinação e às desigualdades no acesso e uso dos serviços de saúde por idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrante do Projeto Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), no qual foram entrevistados 2.143 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, em 2000. A amostra foi obtida em dois estágios, utilizando-se setores censitários com reposição, probabilidade proporcional à população e complementação da amostra de pessoas de 75 anos. Foi mensurado o uso de serviços hospitalares e ambulatoriais nos quatro meses anteriores à entrevista, relacionando-os com fatores de capacidade, necessidade e predisposição (renda total, escolaridade, seguro saúde, morbidade referida, auto-percepção, sexo e idade). O método estatístico utilizado foi regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,7% referiram ter utilizado a internação hospitalar e 64,4% o atendimento ambulatorial. Dos atendimentos ambulatoriais em serviço público, 24,7% ocorreram em hospital e 24,1% em serviço ambulatorial; dentre os que ocorreram em serviços privados, 14,5% foram em hospital e 33,7% em clínicas. Pela análise multivariada, observou-se associação entre a utilização de serviços e sexo, presença de doenças, auto-percepção de saúde, interação da renda e escolaridade e posse de seguro saúde. A análise isolada com escolaridade apresentou efeito inverso. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observadas desigualdades no uso e acesso aos serviços de saúde e inadequação do modelo de atenção, indicando necessidade de políticas públicas que levem em conta as especificidades dessa população, facilitem o acesso e possam reduzir essas desigualdades.
This paper applies Hierarchical Bayesian Models to price farm-level yield insurance contracts. This methodology considers the temporal effect, the spatial dependence and spatio-temporal models. One of the major advantages of this framework is that an estimate of the premium rate is obtained directly from the posterior distribution. These methods were applied to a farm-level data set of soybean in the State of the Parana (Brazil), for the period between 1994 and 2003. The model selection was based on a posterior predictive criterion. This study improves considerably the estimation of the fair premium rates considering the small number of observations.
Over the years, crop insurance programs became the focus of agricultural policy in the USA, Spain, Mexico, and more recently in Brazil. Given the increasing interest in insurance, accurate calculation of the premium rate is of great importance. We address the crop-yield distribution issue and its implications in pricing an insurance contract considering the dynamic structure of the data and incorporating the spatial correlation in the Hierarchical Bayesian framework. Results show that empirical (insurers) rates are higher in low risk areas and lower in high risk areas. Such methodological improvement is primarily important in situations of limited data.
This article presents a statistical model of agricultural yield data based on a set of hierarchical Bayesian models that allows joint modeling of temporal and spatial autocorrelation. This method captures a comprehensive range of the various uncertainties involved in predicting crop insurance premium rates as opposed to the more traditional ad hoc, two-stage methods that are typically based on independent estimation and prediction. A panel data set of county-average yield data was analyzed for 290 counties in the State of Parana (Brazil) for the period of 1990 through 2002. Posterior predictive criteria are used to evaluate different model specifications. This article provides substantial improvements in the statistical and actuarial methods often applied to the calculation of insurance premium rates. These improvements are especially relevant to situations where data are limited.
This article considers alternative methods to calculate the fair premium rate of crop insurance contracts based on county yields. The premium rate was calculated using parametric and nonparametric approaches to estimate the conditional agricultural yield density. These methods were applied to a data set of county yield provided by the Statistical and Geography Brazilian Institute (IBGE), for the period of 1990 through 2002, for soybean, corn and wheat, in the State of Paran. In this article, we propose methodological alternatives to pricing crop insurance contracts resulting in more accurate premium rates in a situation of limited data.