326 resultados para Hoff, Mickel


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The main subject of this article is to show the parallelism betwen the Ellingham and Van't Hoff diagrams. The first one is a graphic representation of the changes in the standard Gibbs free energy (deltarGtheta) as a function of T and was introduced by Ellingham in 1944, in order to study metallurgic processes involving oxides and sulphides. On the other hand, the Van't Hoff diagram is a representation of the function ln K versus (1/T). The equivalence between both diagrams is easily demonstrated, making simple mathematical manipulations. In order to show the parallelism between both diagrams, they are presented briefly and two examples are discussed. The comparison of the both diagrams surely will be helpful to students and teachers in their learning and teaching activities, and will certainly enrich important aspects of chemical thermodynamics.


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Steam distillation of essential oils of aerial parts of Thymus capitatus and Marrubium vulgare L. collected at North cost of Egypt yielded 0.5% and 0.2%, respectively. Results of Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of the two samples identified 96.27% and 90.19% of the total oil composition for T. capitatus and M. vulgare, respectively. The two oil samples appeared dominated by the oxygenated constituents (88.22% for T. capitatus and 57.50% for M. vulgare), composed of phenols, mainly carvacrol (32.98%) and thymol (32.82%) in essential oil of T. capitatus, and thymol (34.55%) in essential oil of M. vulgare. It was evaluated the molluscicidal activity of T. capitatus and M. vulgare essential oils on adult and eggs of Biomphalaria alexandrina as well as their mosquitocidal activity on Culex pipiens. The LC50 and LC90 of T. capitatus essential oil against adult snails was 200 and 400 ppm/3hrs, respectively, while for M. vulgare it was 50 and 100 ppm/3hrs, respectively. Moreover, M. vulgare showed LC100 ovicidal activity at 200 ppm/24 hrs while T. capitatus oil showed no ovicidal activity. It was verified mosquitocidal activity, with LC50 and LC90 of 100 and 200 ppm/12hrs respectively for larvae, and 200 and 400 ppm/12hrs respectively for pupae of C. pipiens.


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The main subject of this article is to show the parallelism betwen the Ellingham and Van't Hoff diagrams. The first one is a graphic representation of the changes in the standard Gibbs free energy (deltarGtheta) as a function of T and was introduced by Ellingham in 1944, in order to study metallurgic processes involving oxides and sulphides. On the other hand, the Van't Hoff diagram is a representation of the function ln K versus (1/T). The equivalence between both diagrams is easily demonstrated, making simple mathematical manipulations. In order to show the parallelism between both diagrams, they are presented briefly and two examples are discussed. The comparison of the both diagrams surely will be helpful to students and teachers in their learning and teaching activities, and will certainly enrich important aspects of chemical thermodynamics.


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The dissolution enthalpy (ΔH0soln) of sodium sulfacetamide in water was determined by means of isoperibolic solution calorimetry. It was found that ΔH0soln diminishes as the drug concentration increases. Otherwise, the calorimetric values obtained as a function of the drug concentration were significantly different than those predicted by the van't Hoff method. It was demonstrated that the later is not a fully reliable method for the determination of ΔH0soln values in the specific case of highly soluble sodium salts. The observed phenomenon could be explained by the presence of strong solute-solute interactions at high salt concentrations, in addition to solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions.


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Claes Wilhelm Gyldén (1802-1872) oli maanmittauksen ja metsänhoidon ylihallituksen ylitirehtööri vuosina 1854-72. Ylitirehtööri omisti paljon aikaansa metsänhoidon ja maanjakotoiminnan lisäksi myös maamme kartastotoiminnalle. Hän julkaisi vuonna 1853 Suomenmaan korko-kartan, joka on maailman ensimmäisiä korkeusvyöhykekarttoja. Myös Suomen yleiskartan 1:400 000 (Karta över Finland) ensimmäisen painoksen karttalehdet painettiin vuosina 1864-1872 hänen johtajakaudellaan. Vuosina 1837-1843 toimiessaan maanmittausinsinöörinä maanmittaushallituksessa C. W. Gyldén julkaisi Suomen kaikkien silloisten kaupunkien kaupunkikartat, yhteensä 31 karttalehteä. Nämä asemakaavakartat painettiin kaikki samassa koossa 50,8 x 65,9 cm. Tästä johtuen karttojen mittakaavat vaihtelivat asteikkojen 1:3200 – 1:10000 välillä. Kaupungin asemakaavan lisäksi jokaisessa kartassa on yleissilmäyskartta, julkisten rakennusten luettelo sekä niiden sijainti. Lisäksi hän julkaisi vuonna 1844 näiden kaupunkien historiaa ja tilastotietoja kuvaavan selityskirjan.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the use of maximal running distance performed on Hoff test to predict the anaerobic threshold speed (sAnT). METHODS: Ten young soccer players (age of 17 ± 1 years and body mass of 64.3 ± 2.1 kg) were subjects of the study. The subjects performed 12-min test, lactate minimum test to estimate the anaerobic threshold speed and a field test called Hoff. The purpose of Hoff test was to cover the maximum distance during a period of 10min moving a soccer ball through the track by dribbling. RESULTS: The distance covered during 12-min was 2673.2 ± 64.7 m, the sAnT was 11.6 ± 0.3 km.h-1 and distance covered during test Hoff test was 1458.7 ± 49.6 m. The distance covered during Hoff test was not significantly correlated with sAnT (r = -0.20; P > 0.05) and distance covered during 12-min test (r = -0.15; P > 0.05). The sAnT did not differ of speed correspondent 90% at 12-min speed and they were statistically correlated (r = 0.65). CONCLUSION: Thus, we concluded that maximal distance covered during Hoff test cannot provides a valid prediction of the anaerobic threshold speed.


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Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate a possible association between the distance covered in the Hoff test with parameters of maximal oxygen uptake (V_O2MAX), anaerobic threshold, anaerobic fitness, and body composition of professional adult soccer players. Methods Twenty-five professional soccer players (20 ± 3 years) participated in the study. On different days the athletes performed: a graded incremental exercise test in a laboratory to measure V_O2MAX; a specific soccer field test called the Hoff test; a running anaerobic sprint test (RAST); an incremental test on an oval circuit to determine the velocity relative to anaerobic threshold (VAnT) and an estimation of body composition. Results The average V_O2MAX corresponded to 4.1 ± 0.1 L min-1 (54.1 ± 1.2 mL kg-1 min-1 ). The average distance covered during the Hoff test was 1,442.4 ± 30.0 m. The distance covered during the Hoff test showed significant correlations with absolute and expressed in an appropriated scale V_O2MAX (r = 0.44, p = 0.02; r = 0.42, p = 0.02, respectively) while no significant differences were found with body composition, VAnT and RAST variables. Conclusions The present study demonstrated that the distance covered during the Hoff test has weak correlation with V_O2MAX determined in treadmill running, and no correlation with VAnT, body composition and RAST outcomes, probably due to the non-specificity of the proposed tests when associated with the Hoff test.


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