963 resultados para Hmg Box


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The Sox gene family (Sry like HMG box gene) is characterised by a conserved DNA sequence encoding a domain of approximately 80 amino acids which is responsible for sequence specific DNA binding. We initially published the identification and partial cDNA sequence of murine Sox18, a new member of this gene family, isolated from a cardiac cDNA library. This sequence allowed us to classify Sox18 into the F sub-group of Sox proteins, along with Sox7 and Sox17. Recently, we demonstrated that mutations in the Sox18 activation domain underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defects in the mouse mutation, ragged (Ra) (Pennisi et al., 2000. Mutations in Sox18 underlie cardiovascular and hair follicle defecs in ragged mice. Nat. Genet. 24, 434-437). Ra homozygotes lack vibrissae and coat hairs, have generalised oedema and an accumulation of chyle in the peritoneum. Here we have investigated the genomic sequences encoding Sox18. Screening of a mouse genomic phage library identified four overlapping clones, we sequenced a 3.25 kb XbaI fragment that defined the entire coding region and approximately 1.5 kb of 5' flanking sequences. This identified (i) an additional 91 amino acids upstream of the previously designated methionine start codon in the original cDNA, and (ii);ln intron encoded within the HMG box/DNA binding domain in exactly the same position as that found in the Sox5, -13 and -17 genes. The Sox18 gene encodes a protein of 468 aa. We present evidence that suggests HAF-2, the human HMG-box activating factor-2 protein, is the orthologue of murine Sox18. HAF-2 has been implicated in the regulation of the Human IgH enhancer in a B cell context. Random mutagenesis coupled with GAL4 hybrid analysis in the activation domain between amino acids 252 and 346, of Sox18, implicated the phosphorylation motif, SARS, and the region between amino acid residues 313 and 346 as critical components of Sox18 mediated transactivation. Finally, we examined the expression of Sox18 in multiple adult mouse tissues using RT-PCR. Low-moderate expression was observed in spleen, stomach, kidney, intestine, skeletal muscle and heart. Very abundant expression was detected in lung tissue. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two candidate genes for controlling thymocyte differentiation, T-cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef-1), encode closely related DNA-binding HMG-box proteins. Their expression pattern is complex and largely overlapping during embryogenesis, yet restricted to lymphocytes postnatally. Here we generate two independent germline mutations in Tcf-1 and find that thymocyte development in (otherwise normal) mutant mice is blocked at the transition from the CD8+, immature single-positive to the CD4+/CD8+ double-positive stage. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the immature single-positive cells in the mutants are not in the cell cycle and the number of immunocompetent T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs is reduced. We conclude that Tcf-1 controls an essential step in thymocyte differentiation.


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Members of the Sox gene family of transcription factors are defined by the presence of an 80 amino acid homology domain, the High Mobility Group (HMG) box. Here we report the cloning and initial analysis of murine Sox-13 . The 984 amino acids Sox-13 protein contains a single HMG box, a leucine zipper motif and a glutamine-rich stretch. These characteristics are shared with another member of the Sox gene family, Sox-6. High level embryonic expression of Sox-13 occurs uniquely in the arterial walls of 13.5 days post coitum (dpc) mice and later. Low level expression was observed in the inner ear of 13.5 dpc mice and in a limited number of cells in the thymus of 16.5 dpc mice, from which Sox-13 was originally cloned. At 18.5 dpc, Sox-13 is expressed in the tracheal epithelium below the vocal cord and in the hair follicles. The Sox-13 protein binds to the consensus HMG box motif, AACAAAG, but does not transactivate transcription through a concatamer of this motif. Sox-13, like other members of the Sox family likely plays an important role in development.


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Tcf/Lef family transcription factors are the downstream effectors of the Wingless/Wnt signal transduction pathway. Upon Wingless/Wnt signalling, β-catenin translocates to the nucleus, interacts with Tcf (1–3) and thus activates transcription of target genes (4,5). Tcf factors also interact with members of the Groucho (Grg/TLE) family of transcriptional co-repressors (6). We have now tested all known mammalian Groucho family members for their ability to interact specifically with individual Tcf/Lef family members. Transcriptional activation by any Tcf could be repressed by Grg-1, Grg-2/TLE-2, Grg-3 and Grg-4 in a reporter assay. Specific interactions between Tcf and Grg proteins may be achieved in vivo by tissue- or cell type-limited expression. To address this, we determined the expression of all Tcf and Grg/TLE family members in a panel of cell lines. Within any cell line, several Tcfs and TLEs are co-expressed. Thus, redundancy in Tcf/Grg interactions appears to be the rule. The ‘long’ Groucho family members containing five domains are repressors of Tcf-mediated transactivation, whereas Grg-5, which only contains the first two domains, acts as a de-repressor. As previously shown for Drosophila Groucho, we show that long Grg proteins interact with histone deacetylase-1. Although Grg-5 contains the GP homology domain that mediates HDAC binding in long Grg proteins, Grg-5 fails to bind this co-repressor, explaining how it can de-repress transcription.


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HMG box containing protein 1 (HBP1) is a high mobility group domain transcriptional repressor that regulates proliferation in differentiated tissues. We have found mouse Hbp1 to be expressed strongly in the embryonic mouse testis from approximately 12.5 days post coitum, compared with low levels of expression in the embryonic ovary. Expression of Hbp1 is maintained in the developing testis beyond the onset of spermatogenesis after birth. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showed that expression of Hbp1 in the XY gonad is localized within the developing testis cords, the precursors of the seminiferous tubules. Expression of Hbp1 is not apparent in testis cords of gonads from homozygous We mutant embryos, which lack germ cells. In situ hybridisation analysis on cryosectioned embryonic testis indicated that Hbp1 expression resembles that of the germ cell marker Oct4. We conclude that Hbp1 is up-regulated specifically in germ cells of the developing XY gonad. The expression of Hbp1 in XY germ cells appears to correlate with the onset of mitotic arrest in these cells. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Many kinds of transcription factors and regulators play key roles in a variety of developmental processes. In the present survey, genes encoding proteins with conserved HMG-box, bZip domains, and some types of zinc finger motifs were surveyed in the completely sequenced genome of Ciona intestinalis. In the present analysis, 21 HMG-box-containing genes and 26 bZip genes were identified as well as four small groups of zinc finger genes in the Ciona genome. The results also showed that a less redundant set of genes is present in the Ciona genome compared with vertebrate genomes. In addition, cDNA clones for almost all genes identified have been cloned and distributed as a Ciona intestinalis Gene Collection Release I. The present comprehensive analysis therefore provides a means to study the role of these transcription factors in developmental processes of basal chordates.


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Recently, we demonstrated that mutations in the Sry-related HMG box gene Sox18 underlie vascular and hair follicle defects in the mouse allelic mutants ragged (Ra) and RaJ. Ra mice display numerous anomalies in the homozygote including, oedema, peritoneal secretions, and are almost completely naked. Sox18 and the MADS box transcription factor, Mef2C, are expressed in developing endothelial cells. Null mutants in Sox18 and Mef2c display overlapping phenotypic abnormalities, hence, we investigated the relationship between these two DNA binding proteins. We report here the direct interaction between MEF2C and SOX18 proteins, and establish that these proteins are coexpressed in vivo in endothelial cell nuclei. MEF2C expression potentiates SOX18-mediated transcription in vivo and regulates the function of the SOX18 activation domain. Interestingly, MEF2C fails to interact or co-activate transcription with the Ra or RaJ mutant SOX18 proteins. These results suggest that MEF2C and SOX18 may be important partners directing the transcriptional regulation of vascular development. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Embryonic development of tendons is in close association with that of cartilage and bone. Although these tissues are derived from mesenchymal progenitor cells which also give rise to muscle and fat, their fates clearly diverse in early embryonic stages, Transcription factors may play pivotal roles in the process of determination and differentiation of tendon cells as well as other cells in the skeletal system. Scleraxis, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor. is expressed in mesenchymal progenitors that later form connective tissues including tendons. Sox9 is an HMG-box containing transcription factor, which is expressed at high levels in chondrocytes. We hypothesized that the two transcription factors regulate the fate of cells that interact with each other at the interface between the two tissues during divergence of their differentiation pathways, To address this point, we investigated scleraxis and Sox9 rnRNA expression during mouse embyogenesis focusing on the coordinated development of tendons and skeletons, In the early stage of mesenchymal tissue development at 10.5 d.p.c., scleraxis and Sox9 transcripts were expressed in the mesenchymal progenitor cells in the appendicular and axial mesenchyme. At 11.5 d.p.c.. scleraxis transcripts were observed in the mesenchymal tissue surrounding skeletal primordia which express Sox9. From this stage, scleraxis expression was closely associated with, but distinct from, formation of skeletal primordia, At 13.5 d.p.c., scleraxis was expressed broadly in the interface between muscle and skeletal primordia while Sox9 expression is confined within the early skeletal primordia. Then. at 15.5 d.p.c., scleraxis transcripts were more restricted to tendons. These observations revealed the presence of temporal and spatial association of scleraxis expression during embryonic development of tendon precursor cells in close association with that of So,0 expression in chondrogenic cells in skeletal tissues. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Genetic experiments established that p63 is crucial for the development and maintenance of pluristratified epithelia. In the RNA interference (RNAi) screening for targets of p63 in keratinocytes, we identified the transcription factor, High Mobility Group (HMG) box protein 1 (HBP1). HBP1 is an HMG-containing repressor transiently induced during differentiation of several cell lineages. We investigated the relationship between the two factors: using RNAi, overexpression, chromatin immunoprecipitations and transient transfections with reporter constructs, we established that HBP1 is directly repressed by p63. This was further confirmed in vivo by evaluating expression in p63 knockout mice and in transgenics expressing p63 in basal keratinocytes. Consistent with these findings, expression of HBP1 increases upon differentiation of primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells in culture, and it is higher in the upper layers of human skin. Inactivation of HBP1 by RNAi prevents differentiation of keratinocytes and stratification of organotypic skin cultures. Finally, we analyzed the keratinocyte transcriptomes after HBP1 RNAi; in addition to repression of growth-promoting genes, unexpected activation of differentiation genes was uncovered, coexisting with repression of other genes involved in epithelial cornification. Our data indicate that suppression of HBP1 is part of the growth-promoting strategy of p63 in the lower layers of epidermis and that HBP1 temporally coordinates expression of genes involved in stratification, leading to the formation of the skin barrier.


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In most mammals, male development is triggered by the transient expression of the SRY gene, which initiates a cascade of gene interactions ultimately leading to the formation of a testis from the indifferent fetal gonad. Mutation studies have identified several genes essential for early gonadal development. We report here a molecular study of the SRY, DAX1, SF1 and WNT4 genes, mainly involved in sexual determination, in Brazilian 46,XX and 46,XY sex-reversed patients. The group of 46,XX sex-reversed patients consisted of thirteen 46,XX true hermaphrodites and four 46,XX males, and was examined for the presence of the SRY gene and for the loss of function (inactivating mutations and deletions) of DAX1 and WNT4 genes. In the second group consisting of thirty-three 46,XY sex-reversed patients we investigated the presence of inactivating mutations in the SRY and SF1 genes as well as the overexpression (duplication) of the DAX1 and WNT4 genes. The SRY gene was present in two 46,XX male patients and in none of the true hermaphrodites. Only one mutation, located outside homeobox domain of the 5' region of the HMG box of SRY (S18N), was identified in a patient with 46,XY sex reversal. A novel 8-bp microdeletion of the SF1 gene was identified in a 46,XY sex-reversed patient without adrenal insufficiency. The dosage of DAX1 and WNT4 was normal in the sex-reversed patients studied. We conclude that these genes are rarely involved in the etiology of male gonadal development in sex-reversed patients, a fact suggesting the presence of other genes in the sex determination cascade.


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Male sex determination in humans is controlled by the SRY gene, which encodes a transcriptional regulator containing a conserved high mobility group box domain (HMG-box) required for DNA binding. Mutations in the SRY HMG-box affect protein function, causing sex reversal phenotypes. In the present study, we describe a 19-year-old female presenting 46,XY karyotype with hypogonadism and primary amenorrhea that led to the diagnosis of 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis. The novel p.E89K missense mutation in the SRY HMG-box was identified as a de novo mutation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that p.E89K almost completely abolished SRY DNA-binding activity, suggesting that it is the cause of SRY function impairment. In addition, we report the occurrence of the p.G95R mutation in a 46,XY female with complete gonadal dysgenesis. According to the three-dimensional structure of the human SRY HMG-box, the substitution of the conserved glutamic acid residue by the basic lysine at position 89 introduces an extra positive charge adjacent to and between the positively charged residues R86 and K92, important for stabilizing the HMG-box helix 2 with DNA. Thus, we propose that an electrostatic repulsion caused by the proximity of these positive charges could destabilize the tip of helix 2, abrogating DNA interaction.


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The genus Paracoccidioides includes the thermodimorphic species Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and P. lutzii, both of which are etiologic agents of paracoccidioidomycosis, a systemic mycosis that affects humans in Latin America. Despite the common occurrence of a sexual stage among closely related fungi, this has not been observed with Paracoccidioides species, which have thus been considered asexual. Molecular evolutionary studies revealed recombination events within isolated populations of the genus Paracoccidioides, suggesting the possible existence of a sexual cycle. Comparative genomic analysis of all dimorphic fungi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated the presence of conserved genes involved in sexual reproduction, including those encoding mating regulators such as MAT, pheromone receptors, pheromone-processing enzymes, and mating signaling regulators. The expression of sex-related genes in the yeast and mycelial phases of both Paracoccidioides species was also detected by realtime PCR, with nearly all of these genes being expressed preferentially in the filamentous form of the pathogens. In addition, the expression of sex-related genes was responsive to the putative presence of pheromone in the supernatants obtained from previous cocultures of strains of two different mating types. In vitro crossing of isolates of different mating types, discriminated by phylogenetic analysis of the α-box (MAT1-1) and the high-mobility-group (HMG) domain (MAT1-2), led to the identification of the formation of young ascocarps with constricted coiled hyphae related to the initial stage of mating. These genomic and morphological analyses strongly support the existence of a sexual cycle in species of the genus Paracoccidioides. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology.


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Articular cartilage injuries and degeneration affect a large proportion of the population in developed countries world wide. Stem cells can be differentiated into chondrocytes by adding transforming growth factor-beta1 and dexamethasone to a pellet culture, which are unfeasible for tissue engineering purposes. We attempted to achieve stable chondrogenesis without any requirement for exogenous growth factors. Human mesenchymal stem cells were transduced with an adenoviral vector containing the SRY-related HMG-box gene 9 (SOX9), and were cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel scaffold composite. As an additional treatment, mechanical stimulation was applied in a custom-made bioreactor. SOX9 increased the expression level of its known target genes, as well as its cofactors: the long form of SOX5 and SOX6. However, it was unable to increase the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Mechanical stimulation slightly enhanced collagen type X and increased lubricin expression. The combination of SOX9 and mechanical load boosted GAG synthesis as shown by (35)S incorporation. GAG production rate corresponded well with the amount of (endogenous) transforming growth factor-beta1. Finally, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein expression was increased by both treatments. These findings provide insight into the mechanotransduction of mesenchymal stem cells and demonstrate the potential of a transcription factor in stem cell therapy.


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The transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and Wnt/wingless pathways play pivotal roles in tissue specification during development. Activation of Smads, the effectors of TGFβ superfamily signals, results in Smad translocation from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where they act as transcriptional comodulators to regulate target gene expression. Wnt/wingless signals are mediated by the DNA-binding HMG box transcription factors lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1/T cell-specific factor (LEF1/TCF) and their coactivator β-catenin. Herein, we show that Smad3 physically interacts with the HMG box domain of LEF1 and that TGFβ and Wnt pathways synergize to activate transcription of the Xenopus homeobox gene twin (Xtwn). Disruption of specific Smad and LEF1/TCF DNA-binding sites in the promoter abrogates synergistic activation of the promoter. Consistent with this observation, introduction of Smad sites into a TGFβ-insensitive LEF1/TCF target gene confers cooperative TGFβ and Wnt responsiveness to the promoter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TGFβ-dependent activation of LEF1/TCF target genes can occur in the absence of β-catenin binding to LEF1/TCF and requires both Smad and LEF1/TCF DNA-binding sites in the Xtwn promoter. Thus, our results show that TGFβ and Wnt signaling pathways can independently or cooperatively regulate LEF1/TCF target genes and suggest a model for how these pathways can synergistically activate target genes.


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The SOX family of transcription factors are found throughout the animal kingdom and are important in a variety of developmental contexts. Genome analysis has identified 20 Sox genes in human and mouse, which can be subdivided into 8 groups, based on sequence comparison and intron-exon structure. Most of the SOX groups identified in mammals are represented by a single SOX sequence in invertebrate model organisms, suggesting a duplication and divergence mechanism has operated during vertebrate evolution. We have now analysed the Sox gene complement in the pufferfish, Fugu rubripes, in order to shed further light on the diversity and origins of the Sox gene family. Major differences were found between the Sox family in Fugu and those in humans and mice. In particular, Fugu does not have orthologues of Sry, Sox,15 and Sox30, which appear to be specific to mammals, while Sox19, found in Fugu and zebrafish but absent in mammals, seems to be specific to fishes. Six mammalian Sox genes are represented by two copies each in Fugu, indicating a large-scale gene duplication in the fish lineage. These findings point to recent Sox gene loss, duplication and divergence occurring during the evolution of tetrapod and teleost lineages, and provide further evidence for large-scale segmental or a whole-genome duplication occurring early in the radiation of teleosts. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.