984 resultados para Hiv Vaccine


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Replication-defective adenoviruses have been utilized as candidate HIV vaccine vectors Few studies have described the international epidemiology of pre-existing immunity to adenoviruses We enrolled 1904 participants in a cross-sectional serological survey at seven sites in Africa, Brazil, and Thailand to assess neutralizing antibodies (NA) for adenovirus types Ad5, Ad6, Ad26 and Ad36 Clinical trial samples were used to assess NA titers from the US and Europe The proportions of participants that were negative were 14 8%(Ad5), 31 5%(Ad6),41 2%(Ad26) and 53.6% (Ad36) Adenovirus NA titers varied by geographic location and were higher in non-US and non-European settings, especially Thailand In multivariate logistic regression analysis, geographic setting (non-US and non-European settings) was statistically significantly associated with having higher Ad5 titers, participants from Thailand had the highest odds of having high Ad5 titers (adjusted OR = 3 53,95% CI 224,557) Regardless of location. titers of Ad5NA were the highest and Ad36 NA were the lowest Coincident Ad5/6 titers were lower than either Ad5 or Ad6 titers alone Understanding pre-existing immunity to candidate vaccine vectors may contribute to the evaluation of vaccines in international populations (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd


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The initial effort of the Brazilian Ministry of Health to be an active partner in the world effort in the preparation of future accurate human immune deficiency virus (HIV) efficacy trials was the establishment of a multi-centered cohort of homosexual and bisexual men. An open cohort was established to determine the HIV incidence and the socio-behavioral aspects involved in Rio de Janeiro. A total of 318 potential participants, originated from multiple sources (health units, public information, snowball recruitment), were screened and recruitment became effective through the direct involvement of target communities (with the support of Non Governmental Organizations) and the population. Among this group, seropositivity for sexually transmitted diseases was high with 23, 32 and 46% for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B, respectively. The socio-demographic data from the first 200 participants of this HIV negative cohort suggests that the cohort volunteers are an appropriate sample of the general male population of the State of Rio de Janeiro


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Background: Recently, more clinical trials are being conducted in Africa and Asia, therefore, background morbidity in the respective populations is of interest. Between 2000 and 2007, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative sponsored 19 Phase 1 or 2A preventive HIV vaccine trials in the US, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and India, enrolling 900 healthy HIV-1 uninfected volunteers.   Objective To assess background morbidity as reflected by unsolicited adverse events (AEs), unrelated to study vaccine, reported in clinical trials from four continents. Methods All but three clinical trials were double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled. Study procedures and data collection methods were standardized. The frequency and severity of AEs reported during the first year of the trials were analyzed. To avoid confounding by vaccine-related events, solicited reactogenicity and other AEs occurring within 28 d after any vaccination were excluded. Results In total, 2134 AEs were reported by 76% of all participants; 73% of all events were mild. The rate of AEs did not differ between placebo and vaccine recipients. Overall, the percentage of participants with any AE was higher in Africa (83%) compared with Europe (71%), US (74%) and India (65%), while the percentage of participants with AEs of moderate or greater severity was similar in all regions except India. In all regions, the most frequently reported AEs were infectious diseases, followed by gastrointestinal disorders. Conclusions Despite some regional differences, in these healthy participants selected for low risk of HIV infection, background morbidity posed no obstacle to clinical trial conduct and interpretation. Data from controlled clinical trials of preventive interventions can offer valuable insights into the health of the eligible population.


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The only long-term and cost-effective solution to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in the developing world is a vaccine that prevents individuals from becoming infected or, once infected, from passing the virus on to others. There is currently little hope for an AIDS vaccine. Conventional attempts to induce protective antibody and CD8+ lymphocyte responses against HIV and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) have failed. The enormous diversity of the virus has only recently been appreciated by vaccinologists, and our assays to determine CD8+ lymphocyte antiviral efficacy are inadequate. The central hypothesis of a CTL-based vaccine is that particularly effective CD8+ lymphocytes directed against at least five epitopes that are derived from regions under functional and structural constraints will control replication of pathogenic SIV. This would be somewhat analogous to control of virus replication by triple drug therapy or neutralizing antibodies.


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Background: Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) phase IIb vaccine trial (STEP) was prematurely stopped due to a lack of efficacy and two-fold higher incidence of HIV infection among Ad5 seropositive vaccine recipients. We have recently demonstrated that Ad5 immune complexes (Ad5 ICs)-mediated activation of the dendritic cell (DC)-T cell axis was associated with the enhancement of HIV infection in vitro. Although the direct role of Ad5 neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) in the increase of HIV susceptibility during the STEP trial is still under debate, vector-specific NAbs remain a major hurdle for vector-based gene therapies or vaccine strategies. To surmount this obstacle, vectors based on ''rare'' Ad serotypes including Ad6, Ad26, Ad36 and Ad41 were engineered.Methods: The present study aimed to determine whether Ad ICmediated DC maturation could be circumvented using these Advector candidates.Results: We found that all Ad vectors tested forming ICs with plasma containing serotype-specific NAbs had the capacity to 1) mature human DCs as monitored by the up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a), via the stabilization of Ad capsid at endosomal but not lysosomal pH rendering Ad DNA/TLR9 interactions possible and 2) potentiate Ad-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses.Conclusion: In conclusion, despite a conserved DC maturation potential, the low prevalence of serotype-specific NAbs renders rare Ad vectors attractive for vaccine strategies.


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Background: Two or three DNA primes have been used in previous smaller clinical trials, but the number required for optimal priming of viral vectors has never been assessed in adequately powered clinical trials. The EV03/ANRS Vac20 phase I/II trial investigated this issue using the DNA prime/poxvirus NYVAC boost combination, both expressing a common HIV-1 clade C immunogen consisting of Env and Gag-Pol-Nef polypeptide. Methods: 147 healthy volunteers were randomly allocated through 8 European centres to either 3xDNA plus 1xNYVAC (weeks 0, 4, 8 plus 24; n¼74) or to 2xDNA plus 2xNYVAC (weeks 0, 4 plus 20, 24; n¼73), stratified by geographical region and sex. T cell responses were quantified using the interferon g Elispot assay and 8 peptide pools; samples from weeks 0, 26 and 28 (time points for primary immunogenicity endpoint), 48 and 72 were considered for this analysis. Results: 140 of 147 participants were evaluable at weeks 26 and/ or 28. 64/70 (91%) in the 3xDNA arm compared to 56/70 (80%) in the 2xDNA arm developed a T cell response (P¼0.053). 26 (37%) participants of the 3xDNA arm developed a broader T cell response (Env plus at least to one of the Gag, Pol, Nef peptide pools) versus 15 (22%) in the 2xDNA arm (P¼0.047). At week 26, the overall magnitude of responses was also higher in the 3xDNA than in the 2xDNA arm (similar at week 28), with a median of 545 versus 328 SFUs/106 cells at week 26 (P<0.001). Preliminary overall evaluation showed that participants still developed T-cell response at weeks 48 (78%, n¼67) and 72 (70%, n¼66). Conclusion: This large clinical trial demonstrates that optimal priming of poxvirus-based vaccine regimens requires 3 DNA regimens and further confirms that the DNA/NYVAC prime boost vaccine combination is highly immunogenic and induced durable T-cell responses.


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NYVAC-C (vP2010), a recombinant vector expressing HIV subtype C gag, pol, env and nef antigens, was tested in a phase I study in healthy, HIV negative volunteers in London and Lausanne. Twenty-four participants were randomised to receive NYVAC-C (20) or matching placebo (4) at weeks 0 and 4, and assessed for safety and immunogenicity over 48 weeks. There were no serious adverse events, and no clinical or laboratory abnormalities or other events that led to withdrawal, interruption or dose reduction of the NYVAC-C/placebo. Half of the 10 assessed responded in the ELISpot assay under stringent criteria, which informed the sample size for a DNA-NYVAC-C comparison to NYVAC-C alone.


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The HIV vaccine strategy that, to date, generated immune protection consisted of a prime-boost regimen using a canarypox vector and an HIV envelope protein with alum, as shown in the RV144 trial. Since the efficacy was weak, and previous HIV vaccine trials designed to generate antibody responses failed, we hypothesized that generation of T cell responses would result in improved protection. Thus, we tested the immunogenicity of a similar envelope-based vaccine using a mouse model, with two modifications: a clade C CN54gp140 HIV envelope protein was adjuvanted by the TLR9 agonist IC31®, and the viral vector was the vaccinia strain NYVAC-CN54 expressing HIV envelope gp120. The use of IC31® facilitated immunoglobulin isotype switching, leading to the production of Env-specific IgG2a, as compared to protein with alum alone. Boosting with NYVAC-CN54 resulted in the generation of more robust Th1 T cell responses. Moreover, gp140 prime with IC31® and alum followed by NYVAC-CN54 boost resulted in the formation and persistence of central and effector memory populations in the spleen and an effector memory population in the gut. Our data suggest that this regimen is promising and could improve the protection rate by eliciting strong and long-lasting humoral and cellular immune responses.


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Vaccines with limited ability to prevent HIV infection may positively impact the HIV/AIDS pandemic by preventing secondary transmission and disease in vaccine recipients who become infected. To evaluate the impact of vaccination on secondary transmission and disease, efficacy trials assess vaccine effects on HIV viral load and other surrogate endpoints measured after infection. A standard test that compares the distribution of viral load between the infected subgroups of vaccine and placebo recipients does not assess a causal effect of vaccine, because the comparison groups are selected after randomization. To address this problem, we formulate clinically relevant causal estimands using the principal stratification framework developed by Frangakis and Rubin (2002), and propose a class of logistic selection bias models whose members identify the estimands. Given a selection model in the class, procedures are developed for testing and estimation of the causal effect of vaccination on viral load in the principal stratum of subjects who would be infected regardless of randomization assignment. We show how the procedures can be used for a sensitivity analysis that quantifies how the causal effect of vaccination varies with the presumed magnitude of selection bias.


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Current HIV vaccine approaches are focused on immunogens encoding whole HIV antigenic proteins that mainly elicit cytotoxic CD8+ responses. Mounting evidence points toward a critical role for CD4+ T cells in the control of immunodeficiency virus replication, probably due to cognate help. Vaccine-induced CD4+ T cell responses might, therefore, have a protective effect in HIV replication. In addition, successful vaccines may have to elicit responses to multiple epitopes in a high proportion of vaccinees, to match the highly variable circulating strains of HIV. Using rational vaccine design, we developed a DNA vaccine encoding 18 algorithm-selected conserved, ""promiscuous"" ( multiple HLA-DR-binding) B-subtype HIV CD4 epitopes - previously found to be frequently recognized by HIV-infected patients. We assessed the ability of the vaccine to induce broad T cell responses in the context of multiple HLA class II molecules using different strains of HLA class II-transgenic mice (-DR2, -DR4, -DQ6 and -DQ8). Mice displayed CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses of significant breadth and magnitude, and 16 out of the 18 encoded epitopes were recognized. By virtue of inducing broad responses against conserved CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be recognized in the context of widely diverse, common HLA class II alleles, this vaccine concept may cope both with HIV genetic variability and increased population coverage. The vaccine may thus be a source of cognate help for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells elicited by conventional immunogens, in a wide proportion of vaccinees.


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The perspective for the development of anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines became a target sought by several research groups and pharmaceutical companies. However, the complex virus biology in addition to a striking genetic variability and the limited understanding of the immunological correlates of protection have made this an enormous scientific challenge not overcome so far. In this review we presented an updating of HIV-1 subtypes and recombinant viruses circulating in South American countries, focusing mainly on Brazil, as one of the challenges for HIV vaccine development. Moreover, we discussed the importance of stimulating developing countries to participate in the process of vaccine evaluation, not only testing vaccines according to already defined protocols, but also working together with them, in order to take into consideration their local information on virus diversity and host genetic background relevant for the vaccine development and testing, as well as including local virus based reagents to evaluate the immunogenicity of the candidate vaccines.


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Background: Recombinant viruses based on the attenuated vaccinia virus strain NYVAC are promising HIV vaccine candidates as phase I/II clinical trials have shown good safety and immunogenicity profiles. However, this NYVAC strain is non-replicating in most human cell lines and encodes viral inhibitors of the immune system. Methods: With the aim to increase the immune potency of the current NYVAC-C vector (expressing the codon optimized clade C HIV-1 genes encoding gp120 and Gag-Pol-Nef polyprotein), we have generated and characterized three NYVAC-C-based vectors by, 1) deletion of the viral type I IFN inhibitor gene (NYVAC-CdeltaB19R), 2) restoration of virus replication competence in human cells by re-inserting K1L and C7L host range genes (NYVAC-C-KC) and, 3) combination of both strategies (NYVACC- KC-deltaB19R). Results: Insertion of the KC fragment restored the replication competence of the viruses in human cells (HeLa cells and primary dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes), increased the expression of HIV antigens by more than 3-fold compared to the non-replicating homologs, inhibited apoptosis induced by the parental NYVAC-C and retained attenuation in a newborn mouse model. In adult mice, replication-competent viruses showed a limited capacity to replicate in tissues surrounding the inoculation site (ovaries and lymph nodes). After infection of keratinocytes, PBMCs and dendritic cells these viruses induced differential modulation in specific host cell signal transduction pathways, triggering genes important in immune modulation. Conclusion: We have developed improved NYVAC-C-based vectors with enhanced HIV-1 antigen expression, with the ability to replicate in cultured human cells and partially in some tissues, with an induced expression of cellular genes relevant to immune system activation, and which trigger IFN-dependent and independent signalling pathways, while maintaining a safety phenotype. These new vectors are promising new HIV vaccine candidates. These studies were performed within the Poxvirus Tcell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.


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The EuroVacc 02 phase I trial has evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of a prime-boost regimen comprising recombinant DNA and the poxvirus vector NYVAC, both expressing a common immunogen consisting of Env, Gag, Pol, and Nef polypeptide domain from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 clade C isolate, CN54. 40 volunteers were randomized to receive DNA C or nothing on day 0 and at week 4, followed by NYVAC C at weeks 20 and 24. The primary immunogenicity endpoints were measured at weeks 26 and 28 by the quantification of T cell responses using the interferon gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assay. Our results indicate that the DNA C plus NYVAC C vaccine regimen was highly immunogenic, as indicated by the detection of T cell responses in 90% of vaccinees and was superior to responses induced by NYVAC C alone (33% of responders). The vaccine-induced T cell responses were (a) vigorous in the case of the env response (mean 480 spot-forming units/10(6) mononuclear cells at weeks 26/28), (b) polyfunctional for both CD4 and CD8 T cell responses, (c) broad (the average number of epitopes was 4.2 per responder), and (d) durable (T cell responses were present in 70% of vaccinees at week 72). The vaccine-induced T cell responses were strongest and most frequently directed against Env (91% of vaccines), but smaller responses against Gag-Pol-Nef were also observed in 48% of vaccinees. These results support the development of the poxvirus platform in the HIV vaccine field and the further clinical development of the DNA C plus NYVAC C vaccine regimen


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The generation of vaccines against HIV/AIDS able to induce long-lasting protective immunity remains a major goal in the HIV field. The modest efficacy (31.2%) against HIV infection observed in the RV144 phase III clinical trial highlighted the need for further improvement of HIV vaccine candidates, formulation, and vaccine regimen. In this study, we have generated two novel NYVAC vectors, expressing HIV-1 clade C gp140(ZM96) (NYVAC-gp140) or Gag(ZM96)-Pol-Nef(CN54) (NYVAC-Gag-Pol-Nef), and defined their virological and immunological characteristics in cultured cells and in mice. The insertion of HIV genes does not affect the replication capacity of NYVAC recombinants in primary chicken embryo fibroblast cells, HIV sequences remain stable after multiple passages, and HIV antigens are correctly expressed and released from cells, with Env as a trimer (NYVAC-gp140), while in NYVAC-Gag-Pol-Nef-infected cells Gag-induced virus-like particles (VLPs) are abundant. Electron microscopy revealed that VLPs accumulated with time at the cell surface, with no interference with NYVAC morphogenesis. Both vectors trigger specific innate responses in human cells and show an attenuation profile in immunocompromised adult BALB/c and newborn CD1 mice after intracranial inoculation. Analysis of the immune responses elicited in mice after homologous NYVAC prime/NYVAC boost immunization shows that recombinant viruses induced polyfunctional Env-specific CD4 or Gag-specific CD8 T cell responses. Antibody responses against gp140 and p17/p24 were elicited. Our findings showed important insights into virus-host cell interactions of NYVAC vectors expressing HIV antigens, with the activation of specific immune parameters which will help to unravel potential correlates of protection against HIV in human clinical trials with these vectors. IMPORTANCE: We have generated two novel NYVAC-based HIV vaccine candidates expressing HIV-1 clade C trimeric soluble gp140 (ZM96) and Gag(ZM96)-Pol-Nef(CN54) as VLPs. These vectors are stable and express high levels of both HIV-1 antigens. Gag-induced VLPs do not interfere with NYVAC morphogenesis, are highly attenuated in immunocompromised and newborn mice after intracranial inoculation, trigger specific innate immune responses in human cells, and activate T (Env-specific CD4 and Gag-specific CD8) and B cell immune responses to the HIV antigens, leading to high antibody titers against gp140. For these reasons, these vectors can be considered vaccine candidates against HIV/AIDS and currently are being tested in macaques and humans.