1000 resultados para Historical Center


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The city of Guimarães in Portugal is a place of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical center as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study presents the results of a survey conducted in 2010 and 2011 to capture the profile and motivations of tourists visiting Guimarães as a cultural tourism destination. The study addressed two main issues: whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination, and whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimarães. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences. The results suggest that both men and women are aware of the main elements responsible for the city’s World Heritage status. That the destination is a Heritage Site that also offers the opportunity to tour the region has a significant positive effect on male tourists’ choice of Guimarães. Regarding the perceived attributes of the city, results indicate minor gender differences with one exception: Women expressed more apprehension than men regarding the perceived security of the destination.


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The city of Guimar˜aes in Portugal is a place of strong symbolic and cultural significance, and the nomination of its historical center as a World Heritage Site in 2001 enhanced its tourism potential. This study presents the results of a survey conducted in 2010 and 2011 to capture the profile and motivations of tourists visiting Guimar˜aes as a cultural tourism destination. The study addressed two main issues: whether males and females have similar or different preferences in choosing the city as their destination, and whether there are gender differences in the perception of the attributes of Guimar˜aes. A better understanding of the gendered nature of the destination is a valuable cue for shaping products and services according to visitors’ preferences. The results suggest that both men and women are aware of the main elements responsible for the city’s World Heritage status. That the destination is a Heritage Site that also offers the opportunity to tour the region has a significant positive effect on male tourists’ choice of Guimar˜aes. Regarding the perceived attributes of the city, results indicate minor gender differences with one exception: Women expressed more apprehension than men regarding the perceived security of the destination.


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In this Work Project, it will be assessed how Sintra’s sustainability is affected by the consequences of the visitor flow on its urban historical center. Two research questions will support this case study: What is the main problem affecting Sintra as a tourism destination? How sustainable will Sintra be in the next 10-15 years? The main findings suggest Sintra faces an intense seasonal pressure on its historical city center and its sustainability might be seriously affected in the near future, whereby three domains of the destination deserve a serious strategy reassessment: promotion, management, and supply.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial


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This article is based on the presentation of the results of a study made in the city of Girona, with the objective to determinethe perceived image of the historical center. The article as much emphasizes the general image of the city that perceives the tourists,like the most particular image. Also, it is analyzed the different sight seens from the old city and the degree of interest of each oneis determined


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Ce mémoire présente l’étude de cas de la ville de St George, ancienne capitale du protectorat britannique des Bermudes. Sa situation géographique particulière et la présence d’un ensemble architectural colonial britannique et d’ouvrages militaires lui ont récemment valu le titre de Site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ce qui constitue une reconnaissance de la valeur exceptionnelle universelle de cet ensemble urbain. Cette inscription survient au moment où les autorités locales souhaitaient diversifier l’économie de l’archipel en misant davantage sur le tourisme culturel et patrimonial. L’hypothèse centrale de ce mémoire est que la ville St George se révèle, au sens où l’entendent G.J. Ashworth et J.E. Tunbridge dans leur ouvrage The tourist-historic city, un « joyau du patrimoine », ce dernier étant défini comme une petite collectivité territoriale recelant des ressources historiques exceptionnelles qui en définissent de manière notable la morphologie urbaine et l’identité paysagère et orientent les politiques municipales. La recherche, suite à la présentation d’un cadre théorique sur le patrimoine mondial et le tourisme patrimonial, a par ailleurs permis de montrer que le concept de « cité historico-touristique » développé par les mêmes auteurs s’applique aux Bermudes à la condition qu’un transfert d’échelle soit opéré. En effet, nous ne sommes pas en présence d’un espace touristique constitué de deux secteurs d’une même ville qui contribuent, chacun à sa façon, à la définition de l’attractivité touristique, mais plutôt de deux petites villes voisines – St-George et Hamilton, la capitale – qui constituent le substrat d’une cité historico-touristique éclatée.


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El presente estudio de caso se propuso analizar la renovación urbana como estrategia de recuperación del centro histórico de Bogotá, utilizando como objeto de investigación, el proceso de renovación urbana que atravesó el Barrio Santa Bárbara Colonial, hoy conocido como Nueva Santa Fe, en el período 1976 (fecha de planteamiento del proyecto) a 2000 (año en el que se implementa el P.O.T), lo que significa nuevas condiciones en términos urbanos para ejecutar proyectos dentro de la ciudad), para lo cual se va a utilizar el concepto de vivienda, dentro de la renovación urbana, como variable que servirá de hilo conductor en el desarrollo del tema. El concepto de renovación que concierne a esta investigación está enmarcado en la década de los 70s y 80s, para lo cual se hace una breve referencia a la década de los 50s y 60s como antecedente de la creciente tendencia que tuvo la renovación urbana en Europa, continente que ha marcado una fuerte influencia en Latinoamérica y a su vez en Colombia. Con base a dicha estructuración, se da cuenta del tipo de investigación a desarrollar, una investigación cualitativa interesada en reflexionar sobre la forma en que se desarrolló la renovación urbana en el sector, haciendo evidente sus falencias y más adelante, los errores que se siguen cometiendo en los planteamientos actuales que tienen que ver con este tratamiento.


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Esta investigación analiza la construcción del límite sur de la zona patrimonial de Bogotá de los años 80, a partir de dos procesos simultáneos: la demolición de un sector del barrio Santa Bárbara y la patrimonialización de La Candelaria. A pesar de que estos dos sectores de la ciudad hicieron parte de la ciudad antigua y compartieron un origen común, solo La Candelaria logró hacer parte de la zona considerada de valor histórico. Por lo tanto, este proyecto de grado se interesa, principalmente, por conocer por qué el barrio Santa Bárbara fue excluido del relato histórico de la ciudad, a partir del estudio de la discusión sobre su valor histórico que dio paso al uso público del pasado y a una “lucha por la memoria”, en palabras de Elizabeth Jelin.


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This dissertation focuses on the theme of urban revitalization in historical centers. It starts from a survey of international and national concepts and experiences about the subject, in special, the historical center of Ribeira, in Natal, Brazil. It gives more attention to local management and it is dedicated to the study of objectives and actions developed, basically, by two segments that manage works in the district. Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte aims at the economical development of the state and it implies the enlargement of capacity of loading and unloading of the harbor of Natal and the Natal city counsil aims at urban preservation and revitalization. It was analysed speeches ans projects related to Ribeira and it was discovered that Natal has done very little to revitalize its historical center in the last two dacades. It analyses what seemed, or at least, should be a conflict of interests between incompatible projects, revealing both conciliatory proceedings and connivance between the participants in decision making. The conclusion directs attentions to the threat to historical building in the city and the importance of enhancing discussion about the future of our historical sites


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The central question of the research if inserts in thematic current and of relevance for the studies in Preservation and a Conservation of Historical Centers. It analyzes the relations between habitacional use, satisfaction of the inhabitants and preservation of the patrimony constructed in the Historical Center of São Luis-MA It considers that the use is factor that makes possible the transformation of spaces in places , prioritizing the point of view of the user as essential element to the analysis of the reality and that enriches the evaluation technique of the functional and formal aspects of the constructed environment. It is looked to understand the relation man-environment, and mainly, to verify as it happens throughout the process of the occupation and of appropriation of historical buildings destined to habitacional reuse, and still if this appropriation favors the preservation of the Historical Center of São Luís


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The real estate dynamic originates new spatial forms, which can determine new uses and new places. We tried to analyze this work, the spatial transformations in the Ribeira district, Natal / RN, due to the advancement of the housing market that is gradually transforming the landscape with the introduction of new types of housing, especially by verticalization. The verticalization of the neighborhood occurs almost at once, changing the local landscape. Notwithstanding this process, given the rapid growth of Natal in the last two decades and the strategic location of the neighborhood, it is pertinent to note that, if not the process of vertical integration, perhaps the neighborhood had been at the mercy of other urban interventions and other approach the real estate market. The research used as instruments interviews with actors who work in the property market in the town and representatives of organizations that have implemented major legislation in the area, the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) and the Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo (SEMURB) as well as photographs on the area, in order to verify this new configuration that has been consolidated in the district. To support the theoretical discussion, there was a documentary and bibliographical research. In this way, the object of study of this search sees the uniqueness of urban renewal in the district of Ribeira and its relationship with the historic preservation laws and incentives for residential occupation in the neighborhood, especially regarding the vertical building


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This study aims to analyze the process of resignification of Chile Street, in Natal, from the development of a music scene in the late 1990s. Chile Street, as part of the Historic Centre of Natal, had its images constructed from the discursive practices and everyday life of its regular visitors, leading to a series of symbolic and imaging transformations throughout the twentieth century. Initially transformed into glamorous space as a result of urban actions of the new republic of Albuquerque Maranhão, in the early twentieth century, Ribeira and Chile Street, specifically, came to be seen as bohemian area, during the war time"; followed by a marginal phase, it was eventually transformed into the main rocker area of Natal, with the development of a musical scene in the second half of the 1990s. This music scene, its practices, economic interests, cultural events and identity ties created among their practitioners made Chile Street, "in the time of Blackout night club", an "alternative" space. As the historic centers, inserted in the logic of postmodern city marketing, both spaces are dynamic in their practices, as in their images, Chile Street also suffered changes in its meanings and symbols, around the year 2000 when the alternative-underground space became a pop space, where people from various parts of the city began attending its events and places, transforming it into a point of very heterogeneous sociability


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Oficinas para professores do ensino fundamental foram organizadas com a finalidade de elaborar uma Proposta de Educação Ambiental em uma praça pública no centro histórico da cidade de Botucatu, no estado de São Paulo. Tais oficinas basearam-se em informações sobre o município e informações botânicas da Praça Rubião Júnior, em Botucatu, no âmbito da Educação Ambiental. O resultado foi uma proposta de Educação Ambiental para a praça com a participação efetiva dos professores, em que foi possível resgatar a história da cidade e seus aspectos sócio-econômicos. Foi também demarcada uma trilha ecológica nessa praça utilizando-se as plantas presentes no local, as quais foram previamente identificadas. O trabalho com os professores durante a oficina mostrou-se de fundamental importância para a formação desses profissionais e também estimulou seu interesse a respeito da história local. Essa abordagem, articulada com a diversidade cultural local, enriqueceu a proposta de E. A. e trouxe benefícios para a prática educativa.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nesta pesquisa investigo a inserção do Colégio e Igreja dos jesuítas na Belém colonial. Analiso, a partir da perspectiva da arqueologia da arquitetura, a forma como essa edificação se constituiu elemento na paisagem de poder da área mais antiga da cidade. Além disso, estabeleço uma relação analítica desse processo com a criação do Projeto Feliz Lusitânia, no Centro Histórico da capital do Pará. Pautei a investigação na documentação relativa ao período colonial e ao Projeto Feliz Lusitânia. Efetuei a análise dos discursos impressos nessas fontes, no que diz respeito às intenções dos agentes em questão na conformação da paisagem de poder da parte mais antiga de Belém. Utilizei também mapas e imagens que evidenciam a disposição espacial de Belém e a presença do prédio aqui pesquisado. Desse modo, observei as camadas diferenciadas na paisagem local, tendo em vista as manifestações ideológicas impressas na arquitetura.