954 resultados para Hepatic-clearance
It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.
DNA that enters the circulation is rapidly cleared both by tissue uptake and by DNase-mediated degradation. In this study, we have examined the uptake of linear plasmid DNA in an isolated perfused liver model and following intra-arterial administration to rats. We found that the DNA was rapidly taken up by the isolated perfused liver without degradation. The single-pass extraction ratio was 0.76 +/- 0.05, the mean transit time was 15.3 +/- 3.6 s, and the volume of distribution was 0.29 +/- 0.07 ml/g. Hepatic uptake was saturable and was inhibited by polyinosinic acid or polycationic liposomes but not by condensation of the DNA with polylysine. When the linear plasmid DNA was administered in vivo, plasma half-life was 3.1 +/- 0.2 min, volume of distribution was 670 +/- 85 ml/kg, and clearance was 32 +/- 4 min. Coadministration of cationic liposomes decreased the volume of distribution to 180 +/- 28 ml/kg as well as the half-life (2.6 +/- 0.2 min). By contrast, polyinosinic acid significantly increased the circulating half-life (7.7 +/- 0.5 min), decreased the volume of distribution (95 +/- 17 ml/kg), and partially inhibited DNA degradation. When administered along with the liposomes and the polyinosinic acid, the distribution of plasmid-derived radioactivity decreased in the liver and increased in most other peripheral tissues. This study shows that pharmacological manipulation of the uptake and degradation of DNA can alter its distribution and clearance in vivo. These results may be useful in optimizing gene delivery procedures for in vivo gene therapy.
We have shown that tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasma kallikrein share a common pathway for liver clearance and that the hepatic clearance rate of plasma kallikrein increases during the acute-phase (AP) response. We now report the clearance of tPA from the circulation and by the isolated, exsanguinated and in situ perfused rat liver during the AP response (48-h ex-turpentine treatment). For the sake of comparison, the hepatic clearance of a tissue kallikrein and thrombin was also studied. We verified that, in vivo, the clearance of 125I-tPA from the circulation of turpentine-treated rats (2.2 ± 0.2 ml/min, N = 7) decreases significantly (P = 0.016) when compared to normal rats (3.2 ± 0.3 ml/min, N = 6). The AP response does not modify the tissue distribution of administered 125I-tPA and the liver accounts for most of the 125I-tPA (>80%) cleared from the circulation. The clearance rate of tPA by the isolated and perfused liver of turpentine-treated rats (15.5 ± 1.3 µg/min, N = 4) was slower (P = 0.003) than the clearance rate by the liver of normal rats (22.5 ± 0.7 µg/min, N = 10). After the inflammatory stimulus and additional Kupffer cell ablation (GdCl3 treatment), tPA was cleared by the perfused liver at 16.2 ± 2.4 µg/min (N = 5), suggesting that Kupffer cells have a minor influence on the hepatic tPA clearance during the AP response. In contrast, hepatic clearance rates of thrombin and pancreatic kallikrein were not altered during the AP response. These results contribute to explaining why the thrombolytic efficacy of tPA does not correlate with the dose administered.
Human follicle stimulating hormone is a pituitary glycoprotein that is essential for the maintenance of ovarian follicle development and testicular spermatogenesis. Like other members of the glycoprotein hormone family, it contains a common a subunit and a hormone specific beta subunit. Each subunit contains two glycosylation sites. The specific structures of the oligosaccharides of human follicle stimulating hormone have been shown to influence both the in vitro and in vivo bioactivity. Since the carbohydrate structure of a protein reflects the glycosylation apparatus of the host cells in which the protein is expressed, we examined the isoform profiles, in vitro bioactivity and metabolic clearance of a preparation of purified recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone derived from a stable, transfected Sp2/0 myeloma cell line, and pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. Isoelectric focussing and chromatofocussing studies of human follicle stimulating hormone preparations both showed a more basic isoform profile for the recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. The recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone had a significantly higher radioreceptor activity compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone, consistent with a greater in vitro potency. Pharmacokinetic studies in rats indicated a similar terminal half life (124 min) to that of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone (119 min). Preliminary carbohydrate analysis showed recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone to contain high mannose and/or hybrid type, in addition to complex type carbohydrate chains, terminating with both alpha 2,3 and alpha 2,6 linked sialic acids. These results demonstrate that recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone made in the Sp2/0 myeloma cells is sialylated, has a more basic isoform profile, and has a greater in vitro biological potency compared to those of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone.
In this review paper schistosomal glomerulopathy is defined as an immune-complex disease. The disease appears in 12-15 per cent of the individuals with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Portal hypertension with collateral circulation helps the by pass of the hepatic clearance process and the parasite antigens can bind to antibodies in the circulation and be trapped in the renal glomerulus. Chronic membranousproliferative glomerulonephritis is the most commom lesion present and the nephrotic syndrome is the usual form of clinical presentation. The disease can be experimentally produced, and schistosomal antigens and antibodies, as well as complement, can be demonstrated in the glomerular lesions. Specific treatment of schistosomiasis does not seem to alter the clinical course of schistosomal nephropathy.
Il est rapporté que la biodisponibilité orale de l’amoxicilline chez le porc est environ trois fois moindre que chez l’homme. Pour élucider les raisons de cette différence, la pharmacocinétique artérielle, veineuse porte et urinaire de cet antibiotique a été caractérisée à des doses intragastriques de 4 à 30 mg/kg et différents modèles compartimentaux physiologiques ont été conçus pour l’analyse des données. La biodisponibilité orale de l’amoxicilline est maximale à 4 mg/kg, avec une valeur moyenne de 52%. Les différences porto-systémiques de concentrations plasmatiques d’amoxicilline et la clairance urinaire ont permis de démontrer une augmentation de la clairance hépatique jusqu’à la dose de 30 mg/kg. Un modèle compartimental comprenant deux voies parallèles d’absorption (de type Michaelis- Menten d’accessibilité limitée dans le temps et d’ordre 1), deux compartiments de distribution (central et périphérique) deux voies d’élimination (excrétions urinaire et biliaire) est celui qui prédit le mieux les données observées. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le rôle prépondérant du transporteur saturable PepT1 dans l’absorption orale de l’amoxicilline administrée à faible dose, ainsi que l’importance croissante de l’absorption passive lors d’administration à forte dose.
The alcoholic liver cirrhosis usually causes overall immunological changes which might be attributed to either the hepatic disease itself, to ethanol action and/or to malnourishment of the patient. These immune abnormalities comprise both cellular and humoral immunity, consisting of increased immunoglobulin levels, depressed late-skin response to antigens, lowered proliferative response of lymphocytes to mitogens, lower plasma levels of complement proteins (C3 and C4) and by either lower (IL2 and gamma IF) or increased (IL1, TNF, IL6 and IL8) cytokine levels. Parallel to the systemic immune suppression found in most patients, there is also a concomitant local, genetically based, immune stimulation at the liver level which leads to hepatic self-aggression. The systemic immune-suppression could be responsible for periodical infections or neoplasia found in these patients. The possible factors for the immune exhaustion are: a) lower hepatic clearance of toxins and/or bacteria; b) lower hepatic synthesis of complement components; c) cytokines (IL2 and gamma IF) deficiencies, and d) deficiencies of nutrients related to the antioxidant and/or immune defense mechanisms. The immune stimulation of the liver self aggression is characterized by the preferential migration of cytotoxic T cell and neutrophils to the liver, following stimulatory factors such as Mallory bodies, acetaldehyde and/or antibodies. Moreover, the local increase of cytokines (IL1, TNF, IL6 and IL8) levels would be liable for the local phagocyte chemotaxy (IL8) or part of liver injury (TNF) eased by the lower antioxidant defense of the cirrhotic liver.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) associates with the multifunctional low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein (LRP) and thereby prevents the binding of all known ligands, including alpha 2-macroglobulin and chylomicron remnants. RAP is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, raising the possibility that it functions as a chaperone or escort protein in the biosynthesis or intracellular transport of LRP. Here we have used gene targeting to show that RAP promotes the expression of functional LRP in vivo. The amount of mature, processed LRP is reduced in liver and brain of RAP-deficient mice. As a result, hepatic clearance of alpha 2-macroglobulin is impaired and remnant lipoproteins accumulate in the plasma of RAP-deficient mice that also lack functional LDL receptors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that RAP stabilizes LRP within the secretory pathway. They also suggest a further mechanism by which the activity of an endocytic receptor may be modulated in vivo.
As principais propriedades farmacológicas da Casearia sylvestris, uma espécie de árvore cujas folhas são utilizadas na medicina popular, já foram descritas na literatura. Recentemente foi demonstrada a potente atividade citotóxica in vitro da casearina X (CAS X), o diterpeno clerodânico majoritário isolado das folhas de C. sylvestris, contra linhagens de células tumorais humanas. Apesar dos resultados promissores, sua potente atividade citotóxica in vitro não pode ser extrapolada para uma potente atividade in vivo, a menos que possua boa biodisponibilidade e duração desejável do seu efeito. Tendo em vista que o avanço nas pesquisas de produtos naturais requer a avaliação pré-clínica de propriedades farmacocinéticas, no presente trabalho foi realizada a caracterização in vitro do metabolismo e da absorção intestinal da CAS X, com o objetivo de prever sua biodisponibilidade in vivo. Para os estudos de metabolismo in vitro, foi utilizado o modelo microssomal hepático de ratos e de humanos. Foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a quantificação da CAS X em microssomas, empregando a precipitação de proteínas com acetonitrila no preparo das amostras e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para as análises. O método foi validado de acordo com os guias oficiais da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e da European Medicine Agency (EMA). A CAS X demonstrou ser substrato para as reações de hidrólise mediada pelas carboxilesterases (CES) e apresentou um perfil cinético de Michaelis-Menten. Foram estimados os parâmetros de Vmax e KM, demonstrando que o clearance intrínseco em microssomas hepático de humanos foi 1,7 vezes maior que o de ratos. O clearance hepático foi estimado por extrapolação in vitro-in vivo, resultando em mais de 90% do fluxo sanguíneo hepático em ambas as espécies. Um estudo qualitativo para a pesquisa de metabólitos foi feito utilizando espectrometria de massas, pelo qual foi possível sugerir a formação da casearina X dialdeído como produto de metabolismo. Nos estudos de absorção intestinal in vitro foi utilizado o modelo de monocamadas de células Caco-2. Um método analítico por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas foi desenvolvido e validado de acordo com o EMA, para as etapas de quantificação da CAS X no sistema de células. Os parâmetros cinéticos de permeabilidade aparente absortiva e secretória da CAS X foram estimados em um sistema celular, no qual a atividade hidrolítica da CES foi inibida. Assim, a CAS X foi capaz de permear a monocamada de células Caco-2, provavelmente por transporte ativo, sem a ocorrência de efluxo, mas com significativa retenção do composto dentro das células. Em conjunto, os ensaios in vitro realizados demonstraram a susceptibilidade da CAS X ao metabolismo de primeira passagem, como substrato para as CES específicas expressas no fígado e intestino.
Intravenous challenge with Trypanosoma cruzi can be used to investigate the process and consequences of blood parasite clearance in experimental Chagas disease. One hour after intravenous challenge of chronically infected mice with 5610 6 trypomastigotes, the liver constituted a major site of parasite accumulation, as revealed by PCR. Intact parasites and/or parasite remnants were visualized at this time point scattered in the liver parenchyma. Moreover, at this time, many of liver-cleared parasites were viable, as estimated by the frequency of positive cultures, which considerably diminished after 48 h. Following clearance, the number of infiltrating cells in the hepatic tissue notably increased: initially (at 24 h) as diffuse infiltrates affecting the whole parenchyma, and at 48 h, in the form of large focal infiltrates in both the parenchyma and perivascular spaces. Phenotypic characterization of liver-infiltrating cells 24 h after challenge revealed an increase in Mac1(+), CD8(+) and CD4(+) cells, followed by natural killer (NK) cells. As evidence that liver-infiltrating CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells were activated, increased frequencies of CD69(+) CD8(+), CD69(+) CD4(+) and CD25(+) CD122(+) CD4(+) cells were observed at 24 and 48 h after challenge, and of CD25(-)CD122(+)CD4(+) cells at 48 h. The major role of CD4(+) cells in liver protection was suggested by data showing a very high frequency of interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing CD4(+) cells 24 h after challenge. In contrast, liver CD8(+) cells produced little IFN-gamma, even though they showed an enhanced potential for secreting this cytokine, as revealed by in vitro T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. Confirming the effectiveness of the liver immune response in blood parasite control during the chronic phase of infection, no live parasites were detected in this organ 7 days after challenge.
Predicted area under curve (AUC), mean transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) data have been compared for parent compound and generated metabolite following an impulse input into the liver, Models studied were the well-stirred (tank) model, tube model, a distributed tube model, dispersion model (Danckwerts and mixed boundary conditions) and tanks-in-series model. It is well known that discrimination between models for a parent solute is greatest when the parent solute is highly extracted by the liver. With the metabolite, greatest model differences for MTT and CV2 occur when parent solute is poorly extracted. In all cases the predictions of the distributed tube, dispersion, and tasks-in-series models are between the predictions of the rank and tube models. The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions yields identical predictions to those for the distributed tube model (assuming an inverse gaussian distribution of tube transit times). The dispersion model with Danckwerts boundary conditions and the tanks-in series models give similar predictions to the dispersion (mixed boundary conditions) and the distributed tube. The normalized variance for parent compound is dependent upon hepatocyte permeability only within a distinct range of permeability values. This range is similar for each model but the order of magnitude predicted for normalized variance is model dependent. Only for a one-compartment system is the MIT for generated metabolite equal to the sum of MTTs for the parent compound and preformed metabolite administered as parent.
The conventional convection-dispersion (also called axial dispersion) model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. An extended form of the convection-dispersion model has been developed to adequately describe the outflow concentration-time profiles for vascular markers at both short and long times after bolus injections into perfused livers. The model, based on flux concentration and a convolution of catheters and large vessels, assumes that solute elimination in hepatocytes follows either fast distribution into or radial diffusion in hepatocytes. The model includes a secondary vascular compartment, postulated to be interconnecting sinusoids. Analysis of the mean hepatic transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) of solutes with extraction showed that the discrepancy between the predictions of MTT and CV2 for the extended and conventional models are essentially identical irrespective of the magnitude of rate constants representing permeability, volume, and clearance parameters, providing that there is significant hepatic extraction. In conclusion, the application of a newly developed extended convection-dispersion model has shown that the unweighted conventional convection-dispersion model can be used to describe the disposition of extracted solutes and, in particular, to estimate hepatic availability and clearance in booth experimental and clinical situations.
The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions uses a single parameter, the dispersion number, to describe the hepatic elimination of xenobiotics and endogenous substances. An implicit a priori assumption of the model is that the transit time density of intravascular indicators is approximated by an inverse Gaussian distribution. This approximation is limited in that the model poorly describes the tail part of the hepatic outflow curves of vascular indicators. A sum of two inverse Gaussian functions is proposed as ail alternative, more flexible empirical model for transit time densities of vascular references. This model suggests that a more accurate description of the tail portion of vascular reference curves yields an elimination rate constant (or intrinsic clearance) which is 40% less than predicted by the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions. The results emphasize the need to accurately describe outflow curves in using them as a basis for determining pharmacokinetic parameters using hepatic elimination models. (C) 1997 Society for Mathematical Biology.
Background. Bilioduodenal (BD) and biliojejunal (BJ) derivation induce enterobiliary reflux and bile stasis. Decompression of the excluded loop of the Roux-en-Y (BJD) was proposed to minimize these effects. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of these three modalities of biliary bypass on hepatic lesion repair in rats with secondary biliary fibrosis. Materials and Methods. Rats with 15 d of biliary obstruction underwent BD, BJ, and BJD drainage and were compared with a group submitted to simulated operation (SO) and biliary obstruction (CBO). The serum values of total and fractional bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and aminotransferases (AST and ALT), as well as hepatobiliointestinal excretion determined with (99m)Tc-Disida, were used for comparison. In addition, we used morphometric analyses to estimate the mass of the hepatocytes, bile ducts, and liver fibrosis. We also counted hepatic stellate cells (SC). Results. For each of the three modalities of biliary drainage, there were significant reductions in bilirubin, AST, ALP, and the number of SCs. The recovery of the estimated mass of all histologic components occurred only after BJ and BJD; in the BD group, the estimated hepatocyte mass was reduced compared with the SO group. The residual hepatic radioactivity of (99m)Tc-Disida was greater in the BJD group than in the SO group. Conclusions. The interposition of the jejunal loop between the biliary tree and the intestine may slow hepatobiliary clearance of radioactivity, even though it provides the resolution of cholestasis and is effective in recovering from hepatic lesions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This work studied the structure-hepatic disposition relationships for cationic drugs of varying lipophilicity using a single-pass, in situ rat liver preparation. The lipophilicity among the cationic drugs studied in this work is in the following order: diltiazem. propranolol. labetalol. prazosin. antipyrine. atenolol. Parameters characterizing the hepatic distribution and elimination kinetics of the drugs were estimated using the multiple indicator dilution method. The kinetic model used to describe drug transport (the two-phase stochastic model) integrated cytoplasmic binding kinetics and belongs to the class of barrier-limited and space-distributed liver models. Hepatic extraction ratio (E) (0.30-0.92) increased with lipophilicity. The intracellular binding rate constant (k(on)) and the equilibrium amount ratios characterizing the slowly and rapidly equilibrating binding sites (K-S and K-R) increase with the lipophilicity of drug (k(on) : 0.05-0.35 s(-1); K-S : 0.61-16.67; K-R : 0.36-0.95), whereas the intracellular unbinding rate constant (k(off)) decreases with the lipophilicity of drug (0.081-0.021 s(-1)). The partition ratio of influx (k(in)) and efflux rate constant (k(out)), k(in)/k(out), increases with increasing pK(a) value of the drug [from 1.72 for antipyrine (pK(a) = 1.45) to 9.76 for propranolol (pK(a) = 9.45)], the differences in k(in/kout) for the different drugs mainly arising from ion trapping in the mitochondria and lysosomes. The value of intrinsic elimination clearance (CLint), permeation clearance (CLpT), and permeability-surface area product (PS) all increase with the lipophilicity of drug [CLint (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.08-67.41; CLpT (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.80-5.35; PS (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 14.59-90.54]. It is concluded that cationic drug kinetics in the liver can be modeled using models that integrate the presence of cytoplasmic binding, a hepatocyte barrier, and a vascular transit density function.