243 resultados para Heliothis-armigera Hubner
We examined the effect of age-specific fecundity, mated status, and egg load on host-plant selection, by Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions. The physiological state of a female moth (number of mature eggs produced) greatly influences her host-plant specificity and propensity to oviposit (oviposition motivation). Female moths were less discriminating against cowpea (a low-ranked host) relative to maize (a high-ranked host) as egg load increased. Similarly, increased egg load led to a greater propensity to oviposit on both cowpea and maize. Distribution of oviposition with age of mated females peaked shortly after mating and declined steadily thereafter until death. Most mated females (88%) carried only a single spermatophore, a few females (12%) contained two. The significance of these findings in relation to host-plant selection by H. armigera, and its management, are discussed.
We investigated the role of chemoreception in the host selection and oviposition behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera in the laboratory using five cotton genotypes and synthetic volatile terpenes. Female moths oviposited on substrates treated with methanol, ethanol, acetone and pentane extracts of leaves, squares and flowers of the cotton genotypes. Phytochemicals soluble in pentane were the most efficient in eliciting oviposition behaviour. In a two-way bioassay, pentane extracts of leaves or squares of a Multiple Host-plant Resistance genotype (MHR11), Deltapine commercial (DP90), and Smith Red Leaf (SRL) received significantly more eggs than solvent-treated controls. Extracts of squares of the native genotype Gossypium nelsonii did not receive more eggs. Females preferred DP90 and MHR11 to SRL and G. nelsonii. Female moths also laid more eggs on pentane extracts of MHR11 flowers than MHR11 leaves from preflowering, early flowering and peak-flowering plants. In a flight chamber, female moths used olfactory cues at short range to mediate oviposition and discrimination between host plants. Egg-laying, mated females were attracted at a distance (1.5 m) to volatile compounds released by whole plants and odours emanating from filter papers treated with synthetic volatile terpenes. Individually, the terpenes did not stimulate any significant oviposition response. However, there was a significant oviposition response to a mixture of equal volumes of the terpenes (trans-beta-caryophyllene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, beta-bisabolol, and alpha-humulene). Conversely, antennectomised (moths with transected antennae), egg-laying, mated females did not stimulate any significant oviposition response. The significance of these findings in relation to H. armigera hostplant selection are discussed.
Microsatellites were used to analyse 68 collections of Helicoverpa armigera in the Dawson/Callide Valleys in central Queensland. The study aimed to evaluate the genetic structure in this region over a 12-month period (September 2000-August 2001). The results detected genetic shifts in H. armigera collections, with genetic changes occurring month by month. Collections in any month were genetically distant from the preceding month's collections. There was no observed difference between collections of H. armigera from the Biloela region and those found in the Theodore region of central Queensland. The data support the current area-wide management strategies for H. armigera by reinforcing the importance and contribution of local management practices. The study also indicates a need for the continuation of regional or Australia-wide approaches to management of the low levels of immigration that are occurring, and for future high pest pressure years.
We investigated the oviposition preference and larval performance of Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions to determine if the oviposition preference of individual females on maize, cowpea and cotton correlates with offspring performance on the leaves of the same host plants. The host-plant preference hierarchy of females did not correlate with their offspring performance. Female moths chose host plants that contributed less to their offspring fitness. Plant effects accounted for the largest amount of variation in offspring performance, while the effects of female (family) was low. The offspring of most females (80%, n = 10) were broadly similar, but 20% (two out of 10), showed marked difference in their offspring performance across the host-plant species. Similarly, there was no relation between larval feeding preference and performance. However, like most laboratory experiments, our experi-mental design does not allow the evaluation of ecological factors (for example, natural enemies, host abundance, etc.) that can play an important role in larval performance in the field. Overall, the results highlight the importance of carrying out preference performance analysis on the individual or family level, rather than pooling individuals to obtain average population data.
The recent report of an ecdysis-triggering hormone (ETH) in the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta and several other Lepidoptera prompted the search for the homologous hormone in the pest noctuid, Helicoverpa armigera. In M. sexta, ETH is produced in a large cell that forms part of a three-cell epitracheal gland complex found near each of the the larval and pupal spiracles. The homologous glands were found in H. armigera and an ecdysis-triggering function of the gland contents was confirmed by the induction of premature ecdysis after injection of a crude gland extract into pupae.
The survival, development and feeding responses of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaflets were evaluated under choice and no-choice conditions. Neem leaflets provided to starving fourth-instar larvae were chewed, but larvae expectorated most of the material. The weight of surviving larvae decreased and no fourth instars completed development on neem leaflets alone. Larvae resumed feeding when transferred to cotton leaves after 5 days of feeding on neem leaflets. Fourth instars strongly discriminated between neem leaflets and cotton leaves when offered a choice. Early sixth instars decreased in weight and had delayed development when feet only on neem leaflets. Mure than one-half lived for more than 2 weeks and some completed development to adults. Neem is an unacceptable non-host plant species for H. armigera.
Helicoverpa armigera oviposition preference for, and larval development on sorghum hybrids with differing resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola, were investigated. When H. armigera larvae were fed seed of resistant and susceptible hybrids in the laboratory there were no differences in larval and pupal sizes or the rate of development. The same result was recorded when larvae fed on panicles on plants in a glasshouse. On some sampling occasions, significantly more eggs were laid on panicles of resistant hybrids in the field. This occurred when plants were in plots and also in a mixed planting. Midge-resistance status did not affect levels of egg parasitism. In a field study using recombinant inbred lines between a midge-resistant and a midge-susceptible line, no relationship was found between level of resistance and oviposition of H. armigera. We conclude that, although midge-resistant hybrids are sometimes preferred for oviposition by H. armigera, the resistance per se does not determine this preference. Egg survival, larval survival, development and resultant damage are not significantly affected by the midge-resistance status of the host.
Trichogramma australicum larvae develop most rapidly in younger eggs of its host, the pest lepidopteran Helicoverpa armigera . To establish how the developmental stage of the host affects the diet of T. australicum , larvae were fixed in situ in eggs of H. armigera of different ages and the structure of the egg contents and parasitoid gut contents examined histologically. Larvae feeding on newly laid host eggs contain primarily yolk particles in their gut, while larvae feeding on older hosts contain necrotic cells and yolk particles. The gut of T. australicum larvae does not contain organised tissue remnants, indicating that larvae feed primarily by sucking food into their pharynx and feed best on a mixture of particulate semisolids in a liquid matrix. Secretory structures of T. australicum larvae that could be involved in modifying the host environment were examined. The hindgut is modified to form an anal vesicle with a number of attributes suggesting that it may be a specialised secretory structure. The paired salivary glands open to the exterior via a common duct.
When investigating strategies for Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) control, it is important to understand oviposition behaviour. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was sown into standing wheat (Triticum astivum L.) stubble in a closed arena to investigate the effect of stubble on H. armigera moth behaviour and oviposition. Infrared cameras were used to track moths and determine whether stubble acted as a physical barrier or provided camouflage to cotton plants, thereby reducing oviposition. Searching activity was observed to peak shortly before dawn (03:00 and 04:00 h) and remained high until just after dawn (4 h window). Moths spent more time resting on cotton plants than spiralling above them, and the least time flying across the arena. While female moths spent more time searching for cotton plants growing in wheat stubble, the difference in oviposition was not significant. As similar numbers of eggs were laid on cotton plants with stubble (3.5/plant SE +/- 0.87) and without stubble (2.5/plant SE +/- 0.91), wheat stubble does not appear to provide camouflage to cotton plants. There was no significant difference in the location of eggs deposited on cotton plants with and without stubble, although more eggs were laid on the tops of cotton leaves in wheat stubble. As the spatial and temporal distribution of eggs laid on the cotton plant is a crucial component of population stability, eggs laid on the upper side of leaves on cotton plants may be more prone to fatalities caused by environmental factors such as wind and rain. Therefore, although stubble did not influence the number of eggs laid, it did affect their distribution on the plant, which may result in increased mortality of eggs on cotton plants sown into standing wheat stubble.
This study provides comprehensive documentation of silk production in the pest moth Helicoverpa armigera from gland secretion to extrusion of silk thread. The structure of the silk glands, accessory structures and extrusion apparatus are reported. The general schema of the paired silk glands follows that found for Lepidoptera. Morphology of the duct, silk press, muscle attachments and spigot are presented as a three-dimensional reconstruction and the cuticular crescent-shaped profile of the silk press is demonstrated in both open and closed forms with attendant muscle blocks, allowing advances in our knowledge of how the silk press functions to regulate the extrusion of silk. Growth of the spigot across instars is documented showing a distinctive developmental pattern for this extrusion device. Its shape and structure are related to use and load-bearing activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.