396 resultados para Granuloma Piogénico
The pyogenic granuloma, a lesion considered hyperplastic regenerative inflammatory reaction is a finding commonly found in the oral cavity, affecting large numbers of individuals, being more prevalent in females. But its pathogenesis is not well defined and may be associated with numerous factors that stimulate tissue proliferation. Correct diagnosis and treatment plan are essential for success in approach, restoring function and aesthetics to the periodontal tissues. In agreement with the literature, the most common treatment and greater predictability is surgical removal, which involves resection of the lesion, together with its base inserted into the underlying tissue, periosteum and bone tissue. However, the excision can promote aesthetic defects, particularly in anterior regions where it is most affected. This article reports on the importance of a correct surgical approach for removal of pyogenic granuloma in the region of the interdental papilla between teeth 42 and 43, resulting in a good anatomical result and aesthetic.
A 34-year-old woman, in her fourth month of pregnancy, presented with an isolated exophytic lesion of the tongue, which had developed 2 months previously and which caused discomfort when swallowing.
The Leishmania genus is formed by parasitic protozoa which are transmitted by the bite of infected female sand flies. Cases of sexual, vertical or transfusional transmission or via infected needles have also been described. In humans, 4 forms of this disease have been described: localised cutaneous (LC), diffuse cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral (1). LC counts for 50–75% of all cases (2), it is the mildest form of the disease and can be caused by any species of Leishmania. In Spain, the most frequent form is the oriental sore caused by L. infantum (2). Most cases resolve spontaneously within one year. In United States and Europe, the incidence is increasing due to tourism and co-infection with HIV. The morphological spectrum of LC is very wide; multiple forms of clinical presentation have been described, although the most characteristic one is the nodular ulcerative lesion, characterised by painless crater-like ulcers with a necrotic base and covered by an adhesive crust. The main complication of LC is its progression in some strains towards the other 3 forms of the disease (3). In patients with AIDS and other diseases associated with immunosuppression the risk of dissemination is much higher than in the immunocompetent. We present a case of LC with clinical and histopathological features similar to a pyogenic granuloma.
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is to report a case of GPCG in a 56-year-old white woman presenting a bleeding nodule on palpation, a red color with small whitish ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, a pedicled base 2.0 cm in diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, which presented mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy the microscopic examination of which identified the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative follow-up revealed a favorable cicatricial repair of the operated area with no recurrence after 9 months of monitoring.
The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis, and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or the periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is report a case of GPCG in a white women, with 56 years old, presenting nodule bleeding to the touch, red and white with small ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, pedicled base with 2.0 cm diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, that it was presented with mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy in which microscopic examination it was identified e presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative presented favorable cicatricial repairing of the operated area without recurrence after two years of monitoring.
INTRODUÇÃO: a aparatologia ortodôntica dificulta a higiene bucal e pode contribuir para a formação de lesões gengivais, como os processos proliferativos gengivais não neoplásicos. Essas lesões, dependendo de alguns fatores - como o tempo de evolução, constituintes histopatológicos e condições bucais -, podem ser reversíveis, em alguns casos, por meio da orientação sobre higiene bucal e da terapia periodontal básica. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes há necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico. OBJETIVO: o propósito deste trabalho é relatar o caso de uma paciente portadora de aparatologia ortodôntica fixa que apresentou duas lesões gengivais distintas, diagnosticadas como granuloma piogênico e hiperplasia gengival inflamatória. Foram discutidas as características clínicas e histopatológicas, incidência e frequência, modalidades terapêuticas e prevenção de ambas as lesões, demonstrando a importância do encaminhamento do material colhido ao exame histopatológico, dada a possibilidade de diversas hipóteses diagnósticas. Em ambas as lesões foi realizada a exérese cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: a lesão na arcada superior, diagnosticada como granuloma piogênico, apresentou recorrência, sendo necessária terapia periodontal básicae repetiçãodoprocedimento cirúrgico. Alesão na arcada inferior foi diagnosticada como hiperplasia gengival, sendo removida cirurgicamente e acompanhada clinicamente, com prescrição de orientação da higiene bucal ao paciente
The purpose of this study was to assess the immunohistochemical expression of CD105 and FvW antibodies in the angiogenesis of oral epidermoid carcinoma (OEC), correlating it with the TNM clinical staging system, seeking a better understanding of its biological behavior and use as an indicator of prognosis.The sample consisted of 30 epidermoid carcinoma (EC) cases, 10 of the floor of the mouth, 10 of the retromolar region and 10 of the tongue, in addition to 10 cases of pyogenic granuloma, which made up the control group. The results showed that mean microvessel counts (MVC) were correspondingly higher in the pyogenic granuloma group (CD105 = 57.26 vessels and FvW = 39.64) than in the EC group (CD105 = 10.09 and FvW = 12.20) and that the differences were statistically significant between the groups for each of the angiogenic biomarkers (p = 0.002 for CD105 and p< 0.001 for FvW). CD105 had better positivity in the pyogenic granuloma group (mean = 57.26 vessels) and for EC, FvW had the highest expression (mean = 12.20 vessels). With respect to EC, the most affected age group was between 51 and 70 years (n = 14; 46.7%), with a representative MVC for both markers. No statistically significant difference was found between the sexes for any of the markers (p = 0.967 for CD105 and p = 0.744 for FvW). Mean CD105 levels were much higher in patients with stage T3 and T4 (17.13) and lower in those with stage N+ (6.36). Mean FvW levels were higher in the patients with stage T1 and T2 (12.23) and lower in patients with T3 and T4 (12.10), but without a statistically significant difference. In regard to anatomic location, a statistically significant difference was observed between FvW sites, with a statistically significant difference between floor of the mouth cases and those located in the retromolar region (p =0.013). Therefore, this study suggests that CD105 expression in OEC angiogenesis, in contrast to other types of malignant neoplasias, may not be correlated with prognosis and tumor aggressiveness, whereas FvW was a more effective antibody for staining this lesion
Angiogenesis, a fundamental mechanism in tumor development, is used for differential diagnosis and prognosis purposes in various neoplasias of the head and neck. This study proposes to assess angiogenic activity using immunohistochemical expression by anti-CD105 and anti-CD34 antibodies in 20 cases of hemangiomas and 20 cases of oral pyogenic granulomas, in addition to determining the usefulness of these markers as one of the differential diagnosis resources for these two oral lesions. The results showed no statistically significant difference between microvascular count (MVC) means determined by anti-CD105 (p = 0.803) and anti-CD34 (p = 0.279) antibodies. The mean number of vessels obtained by MVC in the oral hemangiomas immunostained by anti-CD105 and anti-CD34 was 18.75 and 59.72, respectively, whereas in the oral pyogenic granulomas, the mean number was 20.22 and 48.09 respectively. It was also shown that CD34 was more effective than CD105 in identifying blood vessels. However, it must be pointed out that the anti-CD105 antibody seems to be more related to vascular neoformation. Overall, this assay reinforces the role of angiogenic factors in the etiopathogenesis of hemangiomas and oral pyogenic granulomas, but the results showed that angiogenesis quantification cannot be used as a differential diagnosis parameter between the two lesions analyzed
Vascular anomalies constitute a distinct group of lesions, but they may present similar clinical and histopatological characteristics, which can lead to diagnostic mistakes. This study aimed by histopathology and immunohistochemical expression of human glucose transporter protein (GLUT-1), correctly identify and classify oral vascular anomalies, besides analyzing the immunoexpression of markers proliferation and apoptosis (Ki-67 and Bcl-2). All cases diagnosed as "oral hemangiomas" belonging to the archives of the Service of Pathological Anatomy from the subject of Oral Pathology of the Department of Dentistry (DOD), of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) were reviewed, totalizing 77 cases. Immunohistochemical analysis for GLUT-1 showed that only 26 (33.8%) of the specimens were true infantile hemangiomas (IHs). The 51 (66.2%%) GLUT-1 negative specimens were then reclassified as pyogenic granulomas (PGs) and vascular malformations (VMs) from their histopathologic characteristics,totalizing 26 (33.8%) cases of IHs, 20 (26.0%) of PGs and 31 (40.2) cases of oral VMs. The cases analyzed by the marker Ki-67 showed different median IH (13,85), PG (33,70) and VM (4.55) with statistically significant differences between them (p <0.001). In relation to the protein Bcl-2, the groups also showed different median of the established scores IH (1.00), PG (1.50), VMs (0.0) demonstrating statistically significant differences between them (p<0,001). No statistically significant correlation between the indexes of positivity for Ki-67 and the scores of immunoexpression of Bcl-2 were observed in any group. Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary a careful and parameterized review of cases of vascular anomalies making use of auxiliary tools such as GLUT-1, since the histopathological findings alone, sometimes, are not sufficient to differentiate some anomalies. Furthermore, analysis of the expressions of markers involved in the levels of proliferation of lesions is important for a better understanding of its biological behavior aspect
O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a freqüência da infecção por Candida sp. em biópsias de lesões da mucosa bucal, assim como associar a presença de Candida sp. com lesões malignas e lesões com vários graus de displasia. Foram utilizadas 832 biópsias da mucosa bucal, previamente incluídas em parafinas, cujos blocos foram obtidos dos arquivos da Disciplina de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara da UNESP, no período entre 1990-2001. Três cortes seqüenciais foram corados pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). do total de biópsias 27,2% foram PAS positivas, dessas 83,25% eram provenientes de pacientes do sexo masculino. Houve associação positiva entre infecção com displasia epitelial leve, moderada, severa, carcinoma espinocelular e hiperqueratose (p < 0,05). Não houve associação entre hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, líquen plano, granuloma piogênico (p < 0,05) com infecções fúngicas. A língua foi o sítio mais acometido por infecções em relação a outros sítios (p < 0,05). A partir dos dados quantitativos, concluiu-se que houve correlação positiva de infecção por fungos, lesões displásicas e carcinoma, sendo mais freqüente no sexo masculino. Estes dados não permitem inferir se o fungo causa displasia epitelial e carcinoma, mas confirmam a maior presença de Candida nessas lesões.
Odontoma is a term that refers to a benign tumor of odontogenic and mixed nature, composed of epithelial and mesenchymal components. Histologically, they are compounds of different configurations including dental enamel, dentin, cementum and in some cases the pulp tissue. A slow growing asymptomatic tumor, odontoma is usually discovered through routine radiographic examination. A 3-year old male patient sought care at the School of Dentistry’s Baby Clinic (UNESP-Araçatuba), complaining of “small ball close to the teeth.” During the interview, the mother reported that the lesion was observed soon after a trauma, and evolved in less than one month. An ulcerated lesion with a 0.8 cm diameter was found during intraoral clinical examination. It was located in the inferior and anterior region of the mouth, between teeth 81 and 82, and there was also crown distalization. A radiographic examination showed a radiolucent area and root distance. In the absence of clinical and radiographic characteristics suggesting a case of odontoma, the differential diagnosis was peripheral giant cell lesion and pyogenic granuloma. So the area was punctured. Nonetheless, due to the absence of liquid, the surgical removal of the lesion was performed, followed by histological examination, which showed the definite diagnosis of a suggestive case of emerging odontoma.
O objeto começa abordando as lesões reativas da mucosa bucal, que produzem alteração de volume da mucosa e cessam o crescimento com a remoção do estímulo que desencadeou o processo. Lembra que estímulos físicos, químicos ou biológicos podem produzir uma lesão, dependendo da sua intensidade, do seu tempo de ação e da capacidade de reação individual de cada paciente. Faz uma apresentação sobre o tema, abordando hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, fibroma traumático ou de irrigação, granuloma piogênico, fibroma ossificante periférico e lesão periférica de células gigantes. Enfatiza que as lesões reativas da mucosa bucal normalmente são tratadas por meio da remoção cirúrgica. Entretanto, elas necessitam também que haja a remoção do fator etiológico para sua cura plena e para evitar sua recidiva. Finaliza detalhando as lesões neoplásicas da mucosa bucal, que produzem alteração de volume da mucosa por apresentarem crescimento descoordenado (aumentado) em comparação aos tecidos normais e persistirem crescendo mesmo após a cessação do estímulo que as produziu. Unidade 5 do módulo 7 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.
Tópico 1 – Lesões brancas da mucosa bucal O tópico aborda as principais lesões brancas presentes na mucosa bucal: candidíase bucal; queimaduras químicas e térmicas; úlceras traumáticas, estomatite, candidíase crônica hiperplásica, queiliteactínica, líquen plano reticular, apresentando: causas, tipologia (removíveis ou não por raspagem), tratamentos possíveis. Tópico 2 - Lesões vermelhas na mucosa bucal O tópico aborda as principais lesões vermelhas presentes na mucosa bucal, destacando a candidíase eritomatosa eritoplástica, mostrando características, aspectos para o diagnóstico diferencial, e tratamento por remoção cirúrgica. Tópico 3 – Lesões pigmentadas da mucosa bucal O tópico apresenta as lesões pigmentadas da mucosa bucal: exógenas e endógenas e a mácula melanóica bucal, suas causas e necessidade ou não de tratamento. Tópico 4 – Lesões que levam à alteração de volume da mucosa bucal O tópico trada de lesões reativas da mucosa bucal, como hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, fibroma traumático ou de irritação, granuloma piogênico, fibroma ossificante periférico, lesão periférica de células gigantes, lesões neoplásicas, lipoma, papiloma; suas características e tratamento por remoção cirúrgica. Tópico 5 – Conduta preventiva do câncer bucal O tópico ressalta a relevância que o câncer bucal tem em termos de saúde pública e o papel significativo da AB para sua prevenção. Apresenta as suas características, etiologia, causas, formas de diagnóstico, necessidade de comunicação qualificada com o usuário, fatores de risco, ações de educação em saúde trabalho individual ou coletivo com grupos de apoio, e uma reflexão sobre o tema. Conteúdo Online do módulo de Atenção integral à saúde do adulto: Lesões de mucosa mais frequentes na cavidade bucal. Unidade 4 do módulo 13 para dentista que compõe o Curso de Especialização Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família.
Um eqüino de nove anos de idade apresentou ausência de ar expirado e secreção serossanguinolenta na narina direita, associado a ruído respiratório. Os exames endoscópico e radiológico mostraram uma formação de aproximadamente seis centímetros de diâmetro recoberta por mucosa amarelada, que obstruía a cavidade nasal direita e insinuava-se para a cavidade nasal esquerda. Tal massa foi ressecada por meio de sinusotomia frontal direita. O exame histológico e a cultura revelaram lesão granulomatosa causada por fungos. O tratamento pós-operatório compreendeu associação de antibiótico e antiinflamatório, assim como de lavagens com água destilada e chá de camomila.
P>The Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling pathway is the first system that defends against Leishmania. After recognising Leishmania as nonself, TLRs trigger NF-kappa B expression. NF-kappa B proceeds to the nucleus and promotes the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines. TLR9 is thus an important factor in the induction of an effective immune response against Leishmania. We examined the pattern of TLR9 expression in 12 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis detected by polymerase chain reaction. Normal skin was analysed as a negative control. TLR9 expression was examined in the dermis and epidermis by immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded biopsy tissue. TLR9 expression was primarily observed in the granuloma. The protein was detected in a few cells in the dermis. A lower expression level was detected in the epidermis of patients with leishmaniasis when compared with normal skin. The presence of TLR9 in the skin of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis is associated with granuloma and expressed by macrophages.