826 resultados para Gauss-Seidel algorithm
In this work a fuzzy linear system is used to solve Leontief input-output model with fuzzy entries. For solving this model, we assume that the consumption matrix from di erent sectors of the economy and demand are known. These assumptions heavily depend on the information obtained from the industries. Hence uncertainties are involved in this information. The aim of this work is to model these uncertainties and to address them by fuzzy entries such as fuzzy numbers and LR-type fuzzy numbers (triangular and trapezoidal). Fuzzy linear system has been developed using fuzzy data and it is solved using Gauss-Seidel algorithm. Numerical examples show the e ciency of this algorithm. The famous example from Prof. Leontief, where he solved the production levels for U.S. economy in 1958, is also further analyzed.
Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) provide an elegant framework for the analysis of correlated data. Due to the non-closed form of the likelihood, GLMMs are often fit by computational procedures like penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL). Special cases of these models are generalized linear models (GLMs), which are often fit using algorithms like iterative weighted least squares (IWLS). High computational costs and memory space constraints often make it difficult to apply these iterative procedures to data sets with very large number of cases. This paper proposes a computationally efficient strategy based on the Gauss-Seidel algorithm that iteratively fits sub-models of the GLMM to subsetted versions of the data. Additional gains in efficiency are achieved for Poisson models, commonly used in disease mapping problems, because of their special collapsibility property which allows data reduction through summaries. Convergence of the proposed iterative procedure is guaranteed for canonical link functions. The strategy is applied to investigate the relationship between ischemic heart disease, socioeconomic status and age/gender category in New South Wales, Australia, based on outcome data consisting of approximately 33 million records. A simulation study demonstrates the algorithm's reliability in analyzing a data set with 12 million records for a (non-collapsible) logistic regression model.
In this letter, a Box-Cox transformation-based radial basis function (RBF) neural network is introduced using the RBF neural network to represent the transformed system output. Initially a fixed and moderate sized RBF model base is derived based on a rank revealing orthogonal matrix triangularization (QR decomposition). Then a new fast identification algorithm is introduced using Gauss-Newton algorithm to derive the required Box-Cox transformation, based on a maximum likelihood estimator. The main contribution of this letter is to explore the special structure of the proposed RBF neural network for computational efficiency by utilizing the inverse of matrix block decomposition lemma. Finally, the Box-Cox transformation-based RBF neural network, with good generalization and sparsity, is identified based on the derived optimal Box-Cox transformation and a D-optimality-based orthogonal forward regression algorithm. The proposed algorithm and its efficacy are demonstrated with an illustrative example in comparison with support vector machine regression.
A new identification algorithm is introduced for the Hammerstein model consisting of a nonlinear static function followed by a linear dynamical model. The nonlinear static function is characterised by using the Bezier-Bernstein approximation. The identification method is based on a hybrid scheme including the applications of the inverse of de Casteljau's algorithm, the least squares algorithm and the Gauss-Newton algorithm subject to constraints. The related work and the extension of the proposed algorithm to multi-input multi-output systems are discussed. Numerical examples including systems with some hard nonlinearities are used to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed approach through comparisons with other approaches.
In this paper a new nonlinear digital baseband predistorter design is introduced based on direct learning, together with a new Wiener system modeling approach for the high power amplifiers (HPA) based on the B-spline neural network. The contribution is twofold. Firstly, by assuming that the nonlinearity in the HPA is mainly dependent on the input signal amplitude the complex valued nonlinear static function is represented by two real valued B-spline neural networks, one for the amplitude distortion and another for the phase shift. The Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, in which the De Boor recursion is employed to calculate both the B-spline curve and the first order derivatives. Secondly, we derive the predistorter algorithm calculating the inverse of the complex valued nonlinear static function according to B-spline neural network based Wiener models. The inverse of the amplitude and phase shift distortion are then computed and compensated using the identified phase shift model. Numerical examples have been employed to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.
This contribution introduces a new digital predistorter to compensate serious distortions caused by memory high power amplifiers (HPAs) which exhibit output saturation characteristics. The proposed design is based on direct learning using a data-driven B-spline Wiener system modeling approach. The nonlinear HPA with memory is first identified based on the B-spline neural network model using the Gauss-Newton algorithm, which incorporates the efficient De Boor algorithm with both B-spline curve and first derivative recursions. The estimated Wiener HPA model is then used to design the Hammerstein predistorter. In particular, the inverse of the amplitude distortion of the HPA's static nonlinearity can be calculated effectively using the Newton-Raphson formula based on the inverse of De Boor algorithm. A major advantage of this approach is that both the Wiener HPA identification and the Hammerstein predistorter inverse can be achieved very efficiently and accurately. Simulation results obtained are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel digital predistorter design.
In this article we address decomposition strategies especially tailored to perform strong coupling of dimensionally heterogeneous models, under the hypothesis that one wants to solve each submodel separately and implement the interaction between subdomains by boundary conditions alone. The novel methodology takes full advantage of the small number of interface unknowns in this kind of problems. Existing algorithms can be viewed as variants of the `natural` staggered algorithm in which each domain transfers function values to the other, and receives fluxes (or forces), and vice versa. This natural algorithm is known as Dirichlet-to-Neumann in the Domain Decomposition literature. Essentially, we propose a framework in which this algorithm is equivalent to applying Gauss-Seidel iterations to a suitably defined (linear or nonlinear) system of equations. It is then immediate to switch to other iterative solvers such as GMRES or other Krylov-based method. which we assess through numerical experiments showing the significant gain that can be achieved. indeed. the benefit is that an extremely flexible, automatic coupling strategy can be developed, which in addition leads to iterative procedures that are parameter-free and rapidly converging. Further, in linear problems they have the finite termination property. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
La ecuación en derivadas parciales de advección difusión con reacción química es la base de los modelos de dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera, y los diferentes métodos numéricos empleados para su resolución han sido objeto de amplios estudios a lo largo de su desarrollo. En esta Tesis se presenta la implementación de un nuevo método conservativo para la resolución de la parte advectiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modela la dispersión de contaminantes dentro del modelo mesoescalar de transporte químico CHIMERE. Este método está basado en una técnica de volúmenes finitos junto con una interpolación racional. La ventaja de este método es la conservación exacta de la masa transportada debido al empleo de la ley de conservación de masas. Para ello emplea una formulación de flujo basado en el cálculo de la integral ponderada dentro de cada celda definida para la discretización del espacio en el método de volúmenes finitos. Los resultados numéricos obtenidos en las simulaciones realizadas (implementando el modelo conservativo para la advección en el modelo CHIMERE) se han comparado con los datos observados de concentración de contaminantes registrados en la red de estaciones de seguimiento y medición distribuidas por la Península Ibérica. Los datos estadísticos de medición del error, la media normalizada y la media absoluta normalizada del error, presentan valores que están dentro de los rangos propuestos por la EPA para considerar el modelo preciso. Además, se introduce un nuevo método para resolver la parte advectivadifusiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modeliza la dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera. Se ha empleado un método de diferencias finitas de alto orden para resolver la parte difusiva de la ecuación de transporte de contaminantes junto con el método racional conservativo para la parte advectiva en una y dos dimensiones. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del método a diferentes situaciones incluyendo casos académicos y reales han sido comparados con la solución analítica de la ecuación de advección-difusión, demostrando que el nuevo método proporciona un resultado preciso para aproximar la solución. Por último, se ha desarrollado un modelo completo que contempla los fenómenos advectivo y difusivo con reacción química, usando los métodos anteriores junto con una técnica de diferenciación regresiva (BDF2). Esta técnica consiste en un método implícito multipaso de diferenciación regresiva de segundo orden, que nos permite resolver los problemas rígidos típicos de la química atmosférica, modelizados a través de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Este método hace uso de la técnica iterativa Gauss- Seidel para obtener la solución de la parte implícita de la fórmula BDF2. El empleo de la técnica de Gauss-Seidel en lugar de otras técnicas comúnmente empleadas, como la iteración por el método de Newton, nos proporciona rapidez de cálculo y bajo consumo de memoria, ideal para obtener modelos operativos para la resolución de la cinética química atmosférica. ABSTRACT Extensive research has been performed to solve the atmospheric chemicaladvection- diffusion equation and different numerical methods have been proposed. This Thesis presents the implementation of an exactly conservative method for the advection equation in the European scale Eulerian chemistry transport model CHIMERE based on a rational interpolation and a finite volume algorithm. The advantage of the method is that the cell-integrated average is predicted via a flux formulation, thus the mass is exactly conserved. Numerical results are compared with a set of observation registered at some monitoring sites in Spain. The mean normalized bias and the mean normalized absolute error present values that are inside the range to consider an accurate model performance. In addition, it has been introduced a new method to solve the advectiondiffusion equation. It is based on a high-order accurate finite difference method to solve de diffusion equation together with a rational interpolation and a finite volume to solve the advection equation in one dimension and two dimensions. Numerical results obtained from solving several problems include academic and real atmospheric problems have been compared with the analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation, showing that the new method give an efficient algorithm for solving such problems. Finally, a complete model has been developed to solve the atmospheric chemical-advection-diffusion equation, adding the conservative method for the advection equation, the high-order finite difference method for the diffusion equation and a second-order backward differentiation formula (BDF2) to solve the atmospheric chemical kinetics. The BDF2 is an implicit, second order multistep backward differentiation formula used to solve the stiff systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from atmospheric chemistry. The Gauss-Seidel iteration is used for approximately solving the implicitly defined BDF solution, giving a faster tool than the more commonly used iterative modified Newton technique. This method implies low start-up costs and a low memory demand due to the use of Gauss-Seidel iteration.
A modified radial basis function (RBF) neural network and its identification algorithm based on observational data with heterogeneous noise are introduced. The transformed system output of Box-Cox is represented by the RBF neural network. To identify the model from observational data, the singular value decomposition of the full regression matrix consisting of basis functions formed by system input data is initially carried out and a new fast identification method is then developed using Gauss-Newton algorithm to derive the required Box-Cox transformation, based on a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for a model base spanned by the largest eigenvectors. Finally, the Box-Cox transformation-based RBF neural network, with good generalisation and sparsity, is identified based on the derived optimal Box-Cox transformation and an orthogonal forward regression algorithm using a pseudo-PRESS statistic to select a sparse RBF model with good generalisation. The proposed algorithm and its efficacy are demonstrated with numerical examples.
In this brief, a new complex-valued B-spline neural network is introduced in order to model the complex-valued Wiener system using observational input/output data. The complex-valued nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product from two univariate B-spline neural networks, using the real and imaginary parts of the system input. Following the use of a simple least squares parameter initialization scheme, the Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, which incorporates the De Boor algorithm, including both the B-spline curve and the first-order derivatives recursion. Numerical examples, including a nonlinear high-power amplifier model in communication systems, are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.
In this paper we introduce a new Wiener system modeling approach for memory high power amplifiers in communication systems using observational input/output data. By assuming that the nonlinearity in the Wiener model is mainly dependent on the input signal amplitude, the complex valued nonlinear static function is represented by two real valued B-spline curves, one for the amplitude distortion and another for the phase shift, respectively. The Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, which incorporates the De Boor algorithm, including both the B-spline curve and the first order derivatives recursion. An illustrative example is utilized to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
A simple and effective algorithm is introduced for the system identification of Wiener system based on the observational input/output data. The B-spline neural network is used to approximate the nonlinear static function in the Wiener system. We incorporate the Gauss-Newton algorithm with De Boor algorithm (both curve and the first order derivatives) for the parameter estimation of the Wiener model, together with the use of a parameter initialization scheme. The efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated using an illustrative example.
We develop a complex-valued (CV) B-spline neural network approach for efficient identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems. The CV nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product of two univariate B-spline neural networks. With the aid of a least squares parameter initialisation, the Gauss-Newton algorithm effectively estimates the model parameters that include the CV linear dynamic model coefficients and B-spline neural network weights. The identification algorithm naturally incorporates the efficient De Boor algorithm with both the B-spline curve and first order derivative recursions. An accurate inverse of the CV Wiener system is then obtained, in which the inverse of the CV nonlinear static function of the Wiener system is calculated efficiently using the Gaussian-Newton algorithm based on the estimated B-spline neural network model, with the aid of the De Boor recursions. The effectiveness of our approach for identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems is demonstrated using the application of digital predistorter design for high power amplifiers with memory
Este trabalho desenvolve um método numérico para a solução de escoamentos bidimensionais em torno de geometrias automobilísticas utilizando o método de diferenças finitas. O código computacional resolve as equações de Navier-Stokes e de Euler para uma distribuição adequada dos pontos discretos na malha. O método de integração empregado baseia-se no esquema explícito de Runge-Kutta de 3 estágios para as equações da quantidade de movimento e no de sub-relaxações sucessivas para a pressão na base Gauss-Seidel. Utilizou-se a técnica dos contornos virtuais em coordenadas cartesianas para resolver o escoamento sobre uma geometria simplificada, com a superfície coincidente com a malha computacional, e uma geometria automobilística mais complexa (BMW). Para a certificação da técnica empregada, optou-se pela utilização da teoria do escoamento potencial e pela comparação com dados experimentais encontrados na literatura e outros coletados em túnel de vento em escala reduzida. Houve dificuldade nesta comparação devido à falta de artigos relativos às simulações numéricas de escoamentos sobre automóveis e na aplicação da técnica dos contornos virtuais em geometrias complexas. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, com boas perspectivas para trabalhos futuros, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento da área.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)