77 resultados para Gaumist quarrel


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La littérature québécoise du XIXe siècle souffre de lourds préjugés que la critique contemporaine semble difficilement dépasser. Il est principalement reproché aux auteurs d’écrire de mauvais romans, privilégiant le fond au détriment de la forme. Pourtant, la lecture des œuvres publiées durant cette période indique clairement que certains écrivains font un usage massif de références à la culture classique. Ce recours intertextuel systématique leur permet d’inscrire le littéraire dans leurs œuvres tout en les rattachant aux genres épique et bucolique. Or, l’intertextualité gréco latine intervient précisément dans une période agitée par des querelles sur l’enseignement des œuvres classiques dans les collèges. Au cœur de cette polémique, une mouvance intellectuelle marquée par les idées de Monseigneur Gaume reproche à la littérature païenne de pervertir la jeunesse et prône un enseignement exclusif du latin chrétien. L’ampleur du débat dans la presse de l’époque est telle que les écrivains – qui ont tous été scolarisés dans des collèges classiques – ne pouvaient en aucun cas l’ignorer. La présente thèse étudie ainsi le dialogue intertextuel mené dans la production littéraire québécoise entre 1850 et 1870. Analysant l’image et la fonction de la culture gréco-latine dans les milieux littéraires québécois durant toute la querelle gaumiste, elle projette un nouvel éclairage sur les textes et met en évidence le savant travail littéraire effectué par leurs auteurs.


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In this essay Alison Donnell returns to the material object of Edward Baugh's essay, published in the pages of the Trinidadian little magazine Tapia in 1977, in order to re-read the force of its arguments in the context of its own politicocultural history and to assess the significance of its publication venue. Donnell attends to Baugh's own standing in the highly charged field of Caribbean literary criticism as a critic of both Walcott and Naipaul, and acknowledges his creative contribution to this field as a poet. She also considers how, in the years between the original publication of Baugh's article and its republication, the questions of historical invisibility have entered newly disputed territories that demand attention to how gender, indigeneity, spirituality, and sexuality shape ideas of historical and literary legitimacy, in addition to those foundational questions around a politics of race and class.


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Purpose Data indicate that 19% of male adolescents living in Switzerland carried a weapon in the last 12 months. The main objective of this research is to compare the characteristics of male adolescents carrying a weapon and having used it in a fight from those who have carried but not used it in the previous 12 months. Methods Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) data base, a survey including 7,548[3,710 males] in-school adolescents aged 16-20 years in Switzerland. Only males declaring having carried a weapon (N = 711; 19.2% of the sample) were included in the analysis. Three groups were created: those not having used a weapon (WO; N = 538 subjects), those having used a weapon in a fight once or twice (W12; N = 127), and those having used a weapon in a fight 3 or more times (W3+; N = 46). Multinomial logistic regression was performed to compare the 3 groups on individual, family, school, and social factors using WO as the reference category. Analyses were performed with STATA9. Results are presented as relative risk ratios (RRR). Results W12 males were significantly more likely to perceive their puberty as advanced compared to their peers (RRR: 2.1), to be foreign born (RRR: 2.6), to live in an urban environment (RRR: 1.9), to be in vocational school (RRR: 4.7), to have a poor school connectedness (RRR: 1.8), to skip classes (RRR: 2.1) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 5.3). W3+ males were significantly more likely to be foreign born (RRR: 3.6) and to live in an urban environment (RRR: 2.4), to be current users of illegal drugs other than cannabis (RRR: 3.8) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 4.1). No differences were found between groups for tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis use. Conclusions Within a national sample of Swiss youth aged 16-20 years, almost one fifth of male adolescents have carried a weapon in the previous 12 months. Nevertheless, most of them (75.7%) have never used a weapon in a fight. Whether they carry a weapon for defense purposes or as a manly behavior remains to be elucidated. However, urban foreign-born adolescents who quarrel while intoxicated are the most at risk of using a weapon in a fight, and therefore culturally-sensitive prevention approaches need to be developed to decrease violence in this specific population of youth. Having school problems or using illegal drugs other than cannabis seem to differentiate between those who use it in a fight occasionally (once or twice) and those who do it more often.


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Ce mémoire portera sur un aspect négligé de la querelle analogie-anomalie, la position des soi-disant anomalistes. On s'appliquera en effet à confronter le portrait de l'anomaliste présenté par Varron dans son De Lingua Latina, qui passe souvent pour être Cratès de Mallos, à ce que nous connaissons du grammairien à travers les scholies homériques. En un premier temps seront résumés et analysés les livres 8 à 10 du De Lingua Latina, seul témoignage positif au sujet de la querelle. Au deuxième chapitre seront examinés puis rejetées les sources grecques que la critique moderne a jugées perninentes à la reconstruction de la querelle. Une attention particulière sera accordée à l'école empiriste, à laquelle on a voulu associer la supposée école anomaliste. L'attaque de la grammaire par Sextus Empiricus (Adversus Mathematicos I) sera aussi abordée en détail et ce traité antigrammatical sera mis en parallèle avec le livre 8 du De Lingua Latina. Au troisième chapitre la querelle sera enfin remise dans son contexte original, celui des éditions alexandrines et pergaméennes des auteurs classiques, en particulier Homère. Après une historique du développement de la diorthose (correction des manuscrits d'Homère) de Zénodote à Aristarque, un survol des leçons qui sont attribuées à Cratès montrera le désaccord entre les deux protagonistes de la querelle sur la pratique de l'analogie dans l'édition d'un nouveau texte de la poésie homérique. L'apparition d'anomalies grammaticales dans les leçons de Cratès s'explique par la théorie littéraire euphoniste dont il était partisan.


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Cette thèse montre comment s’est constituée la figure du génie en France au cours des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, en mettant en évidence les paradoxes qui lui ont permis de devenir l’une des notions fondamentales de la modernité. Cette analyse s’articule autour de trois axes principaux. D’abord, il s’agit d’interroger les circonstances de l’invention du terme « génie » dans la langue française, en insistant sur son bagage culturel gréco-latin. La notion de génie apparaît alors comme intimement liée au génie de la langue française et à son histoire. Ensuite, l’analyse s’intéresse au rôle que la notion de génie joue dans le cadre régulateur de la théorie poétique à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Le génie, qui se définit alors comme une aptitude naturelle à l’exercice d’une régularité normée du faire, n’a cependant de valeur que si cette régularité est transgressée, dépassée. Cette relation fait apparaître le paradoxe social que représente le génie, considéré à la fois comme exceptionnel et exemplaire. Ce paradoxe du génie est ensuite analysé dans le cadre du développement des théories esthétiques au XVIIIe siècle, fondées sur une expérience communautarisante du beau. Cette problématique est étudiée au regard de l’intérêt des philosophes sensualistes pour le problème que constitue le génie, en particulier quant aux mécanismes de l’invention et de la découverte. À l’issue de ce parcours, il apparaît que le génie est à la fois problématique pour les théories qui tentent de le circonscrire et unificateur pour la communauté qu’il permet d’illustrer.


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A negociação é um processo complexo que ocorre diariamente no quotidiano de todos os actores organizacionais. Enquanto processo de resolução de conflitos, a negociação, implica uma actividade de intersecção social entre diversos actores, quando duas ou mais partes se desentendem e têm comportamentos e atitudes divergentes, a negociação envolve a gestão destes aspectos de modo que ambas as partes resolvam os interesses aceitáveis para ambas. Nesse sentido, em pleno acto de negociação via telefone, a qualidade do atendimento telefónico, num primeiro contacto com o cliente transmite a imagem da empresa é fundamental para o desenrolar da chamada. Actualmente existem milhares de equipas de telemarketing nas empresas, que tem como função divulgar e comercializar produtos e serviços através do contacto telefónico. Na elaboração deste trabalho, é possível verificar que num processo de negociação via telefone os colaboradores devem adoptar os seus comportamentos em função das situações que estão a experienciar, quer as mesmas se revelem positivas ou negativas. Ainda outro conceito que abordamos é o conflito, o mesmo encontra-se presente em diferentes sistemas sociais, desde o individual, o familiar, o grupal, o organizacional ao internacional, entre outros. Os conflitos surgem por diversas razões no dia-a-dia das organizações e até mesmo no quotidiano da nossa vida pessoal, vivemos o conflito de diferentes maneiras. O conflito ocorre, normalmente, mais como um processo contínuo e sequencial do que como um facto isolado. Geralmente, o conflito surge quando uma ou ambas as partes vê ou pressentem ameaçados os seus planos ou escolhas. É ainda mencionado o conceito telemarketing que surgiu nos anos 80 nos EUA, significando vendas por telefone.


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This paper highlights the struggle Nigerian playwright 'Zulu Sofola underwent to impart her message. She attempted to confront gender oppression through tradition without contradicting herself in her play, 'Wedlock of the Gods.' ‘Zulu Sofola wrote commentaries about social problems and the influence of Western culture. Her goal was to maintain a traditional framework in the face of encroaching Western perspectives. She advocated enacting change through tradition, irrespective of Western ideologies about change. Sofola focused on gender oppression as a social problem. She intended to address gender oppression rooted in tradition by teaching traditional customs to her audience in order for audiences to make informed and progressive decisions about what to change within traditional practices. Thus, her traditionalist approach to change requires cognizance and recognition of tradition as an initial step. Sofola argued against the influences of Westernization that shift the focus of change from confronting customs through tradition to confronting customs through Western ideology.


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This study analyzes the possibility of organizational change in the security activity in organizations, assuming a new paradigm: management of risks and loss prevention. Based in this, two different analytical problems had structuralized the research: A) To demonstrate the absence of an activity regulated between the public and private security, presenting as it is played and justifying by means of historical and methodological aspects the responsibility of the actors on the losses generated for the current form of management; B) the challenge of the management of risks and loss prevention, leaving of the estimated one that the acceptability of treatment of the risks is based not only by the evaluation technique, but mainly in the involved intuitive aspects in the decision made. In general lines, the intention to carry through a theoretical quarrel and an analysis of the speech of controllers of organizations, to the end, is to arrive at the conclusion of that if it cannot more admit the different sides of security and a bigger universe, where if does not have to look for to only decide the urgent problem, but also to participate and to contribute in the life of the organization, by means of a cycle of accompaniment of risks based in preventive activities. Moreover, a new involved approach in the process of understanding of the heuristically ones of the organization brings the possibility of uneven benefits in that it concerns to provide actions that if locate inside of one continuum, whose extremities are in playing activities with a maximum degree of risks displaying the life of the organization the concretion of a starter fact of damages and keeping the activity end of the organization stopped in the search of a degree of risk next to zero.


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o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar se as ações sociais, com viés educativo, promovidas por Fumas Centrais Elétricas, promovem a cidadania. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa-descritiva, com dados coletados a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com 34 (trinta e quatro) pessoas, sendo 8 (oito) empregados da instituição e 26 (vinte e seis) das comunidades participantes dos projetos por ela desenvolvidos. Esta divisão deveu-se à necessidade de confrontar as visões de cada grupo quanto ao entendimento do significado de cidadania. Os depoimentos revelaram uma riqueza de interpretações, havendo uma predominância conceitual que a nós surpreendeu. Constatamos que, apesar da maioria afirmar conhecer o termo, há uma dificuldade em defini-lo - passagem do conhecimento tácito para o explícito -, como se a sua amplitude e complexidade conceitual não coubessem em poucas palavras. Concluímos apresentando sugestões de um trabalho que possibilite uma discussão mais ampla sobre o tema a fim de permitir uma atuação mais pontual e efetiva em busca da emancipação.


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O presente estudo foi concebido com o intuito de levantar e compilar informações, do ponto de vista conceitual, para a fundamentação da crítica quanto à influência e interferência dos meios de comunicação de massa nos assuntos de segurança pública, uma dupla temática real, mas não problematizada. Abordam-se os aspectos relativos ao histórico da instituição policial e sua estrutura permanente em contextos diferenciados, bem como a premência por um modelo que melhor se adapte ao sistema democrático, ao Estado de Direito. Enfocam-se questões referentes à visão dos meios de comunicação enquanto agentes econômicos e políticos, à liberdade de imprensa, às responsabilidades da mídia e à ética na comunicação. Constata-se, na pesquisa, que a conjunção dos temas 'meios de comunicação e aparato policial' carece de tratamento sistematizado, no meio literário, acadêmico. Busca-se, portanto, trazê-la à discussão, considerando o poder adquirido pela mídia nos últimos tempos e sua penetração na dinâmica social e no próprio aparato policial. Evidencia-se, ainda, a resultante dessa relação para o trato dos assuntos de segurança pública, relegados ao plano comercial da notícia e tratados sob a ótica de mercadoria com potencial gerador de altos índices de audiência.


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The concern with the environment is not a recent phenomenon, however, during some time the quarrel over ambient elements did not succeed to reach similar importance as subjects like productivity and quality. The diagnosis of ambient problems with serious consequences in the whole world contributed to renew the concern with the environment and the ambient element acquired high importance in daily activities and in the activities of manufacture and commerce. During many years the ambient politics and regulations were seen as limits to the production or expansion of the productive activities. In the present work we developed a study which demonstrates, in fact this picture is not real. Therefore it is possible to act in efficient considering ambient and economics. A concept that searchs to add efficiency in operations, productiveness and economics to the respect with the environment is the ecoefficiency. In the present work a study of case in the area of ecoefficiency was developed and presents some innovations developed and adopted in the oil industry that had contributed for the company to reach greater efficiency using natural resources, with lesser losses and greater production of demanded derivatives of oil and thus contributing for higher productive, economic and ambient efficiency.


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O trabalho descreve e analisa o histórico e o funcionamento de cinco programas de disseminação de experiências de governos locais no Brasil, à luz da discussão sobre reforma do Estado num contexto de descentralização de competências e de redemocratização pós-regime militar. Destaca a influência desses programas na formação de quadros para a administração pública, entendida em sentido amplo, e na constituição de redes de organizações e pessoas dedicadas à produção de conhecimentos e à busca pela disseminação de experiências de governos locais coerentes com a perspectiva e com os objetivos das distintas organizações responsáveis pelos programas analisados.