995 resultados para GNU RADIO


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En el presente proyecto se ha procedido a implantar la herramienta de procesado software GNU Radio en la tarjeta EVMK2H, que es un módulo de evaluación fabricado por Texas Instruments que incorpora un System on Chip (SoC) 66AK2H14 de la familia Keystone II, el cual dispone de 4 núcleos ARM y 8 núcleos DSP. Previamente a la instalación de GNU Radio, hubo que configurar la tarjeta, así como instalar el software necesario. De igual manera, se realizó una primera aproximación para comprender el funcionamiento de los sistemas de comunicación entre núcleos de que hace uso la tarjeta, y de los que se hizo uso posteriormente en el proyecto. Tras el portado de GNU Radio se ha comprobado el correcto funcionamiento del mecanismo de comunicación entre núcleos ARM y DSP con un par de aplicaciones de prueba. ABSTRACT. In the present project it was performed the implementation of the software processing toolkit GNU Radio into the EVMK2H board, which is an evaluation module from Texas Instruments that includes a 66AK2H14 System on Chip (SoC) from the Keystone II family, that provides 4 ARM cores and 8 DSP cores. Before installing GNU Radio, it was necessary to configure the board, and as well installing other needed software. Also, a first approach was performed to understand the way the communication system between cores included in the board works, which was used later in the project. After porting GNU Radio, some test applications have been written to test the correct operation of the communication mechanism between ARM and DSP cores.


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The Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technology which provides a novel way to subjugate the issue of spectrum underutilization caused due to the fixed spectrum assignment policies. In this paper we report the design and implementation of a soft-real time CR MAC, consisting of multiple secondary users, in a frequency hopping (Fit) primary scenario. This MAC is capable of sensing the spectrum and dynamically allocating the available frequency bands to multiple CR users based on their QoS requirements. As the primary is continuously hopping, a method has also been implemented to detect the hop instant of the primary network. Synchronization usually requires real time support, however we have been able to achieve this with a soft-real time technique which enables a fully software implementation of CR MAC layer. We demonstrate the wireless transmission and reception of video over this CR testbed through opportunistic spectrum access. The experiments carried out use an open source software defined radio package called GNU Radio and a basic radio hardware component USRP.


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Telecommunications have been in constant evolution during past decades. Among the technological innovations, the use of digital technologies is very relevant. Digital communication systems have proven their efficiency and brought a new element in the chain of signal transmitting and receiving, the digital processor. This device offers to new radio equipments the flexibility of a programmable system. Nowadays, the behavior of a communication system can be modified by simply changing its software. This gave rising to a new radio model called Software Defined Radio (or Software-Defined Radio - SDR). In this new model, one moves to the software the task to set radio behavior, leaving to hardware only the implementation of RF front-end. Thus, the radio is no longer static, defined by their circuits and becomes a dynamic element, which may change their operating characteristics, such as bandwidth, modulation, coding rate, even modified during runtime according to software configuration. This article aims to present the use of GNU Radio software, an open-source solution for SDR specific applications, as a tool for development configurable digital radio.


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In current communication systems, there are many new challenges like various competitive standards, the scarcity of frequency resource, etc., especially the development of personal wireless communication systems result the new system update faster than ever before, the conventional hardware-based wireless communication system is difficult to adapt to this situation. The emergence of SDR enabled the third revolution of wireless communication which from hardware to software and build a flexible, reliable, upgradable, reusable, reconfigurable and low cost platform. The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) products are commonly used with the GNU Radio software suite to create complex SDR systems. GNU Radio is a toolkit where digital signal processing blocks are written in C++, and connected to each other with Python. This makes it easy to develop more sophisticated signal processing systems, because many blocks already written by others and you can quickly put them together to create a complete system. Although the main function of GNU Radio is not be a simulator, but if there is no RF hardware components,it supports to researching the signal processing algorithm based on pre-stored and generated data by signal generator. This thesis introduced SDR platform from hardware (USRP) and software(GNU Radio), as well as some basic modulation techniques in wireless communication system. Based on the examples provided by GNU Radio, carried out some related experiments, for example GSM scanning and FM radio station receiving on USRP. And make a certain degree of improvement based on the experience of some investigators to observe OFDM spectrum and simulate real-time video transmission. GNU Radio combine with USRP hardware proved to be a valuable lab platform for implementing complex radio system prototypes in a short time. RESUMEN. Software Defined Radio (SDR) es una tecnología emergente que está creando un impacto revolucionario en la tecnología de radio convencional. Un buen ejemplo de radio software son los sistemas de código abierto llamados GNU Radio que emplean un kit de herramientas de desarrollo de software libre. En este trabajo se ha empleado un kit de desarrollo comercial (Ettus Research) que consiste en un módulo de procesado de señal y un hardaware sencillo. El módulo emplea un software de desarrollo basado en Linux sobre el que se pueden implementar aplicaciones de radio software muy variadas. El hardware de desarrollo consta de un microprocesador de propósito general, un dispositivo programable (FPGA) y un interfaz de radiofrecuencia que cubre de 50 a 2200MHz. Este hardware se conecta al PC por medio de un interfaz USB de 8Mb/s de velocidad. Sobre la plataforma de Ettus se pueden ejecutar aplicaciones GNU radio que utilizan principalmente lenguaje de programación Python para implementarse. Sin embargo, su módulo de procesado de señal está construido en C + + y emplea un microprocesador con aritmética de coma flotante. Por lo tanto, los desarrolladores pueden rápida y fácilmente construir aplicaciones en tiempo real sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica de alta capacidad. Aunque su función principal no es ser un simulador, si no puesto que hay componentes de hardware RF, Radio GNU sirve de apoyo a la investigación del algoritmo de procesado de señales basado en pre-almacenados y generados por los datos del generador de señal. En este trabajo fin de máster se ha evaluado la plataforma de hardware de DEG (USRP) y el software (GNU Radio). Para ello se han empleado algunas técnicas de modulación básicas en el sistema de comunicación inalámbrica. A partir de los ejemplos proporcionados por GNU Radio, hemos realizado algunos experimentos relacionados, por ejemplo, escaneado del espectro, demodulación de señales de FM empleando siempre el hardware de USRP. Una vez evaluadas aplicaciones sencillas se ha pasado a realizar un cierto grado de mejora y optimización de aplicaciones complejas descritas en la literatura. Se han empleado aplicaciones como la que consiste en la generación de un espectro de OFDM y la simulación y transmisión de señales de vídeo en tiempo real. Con estos resultados se está ahora en disposición de abordar la elaboración de aplicaciones complejas.


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The increased demand for using the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) unlicensed frequency spectrum has caused interference problems and lack of resource availability for wireless networks. Cognitive radio (CR) have emerged as an alternative to reduce interference and intelligently use the spectrum. Several protocols were proposed aiming to mitigate these problems, but most have not been implemented in real devices. This work presents an architecture for Intelligent Sensing for Cognitive Radios (ISCRa), and a spectrum decision model (SDM) based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which uses as input a database with local spectrum behavior and a database with primary users information. For comparison, a spectrum decision model based on AHP, which employs advanced techniques in its spectrum decision method was implemented. Another spectrum decision model that considers only a physical parameter for channel classification was also implemented. Spectrum decision models evaluated, as well as ISCRa's architecture were developed in GNU-Radio framework and implemented on real nodes. Evaluation of SDMs considered metrics of: delivery rate, latency (Round Trip Time - RTT) and handoff. Experiments on real nodes showed that ISCRa architecture with ANN based SDM increased packet delivery rate and presented fewer frequency variation (handoff) while maintaining latency. Considering higher bandwidth as application's Quality of Service requirement, ANN-SDM obtained the best results when compared to other SDM for cognitive radio networks (CRN).


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli toteuttaa optinen radiolinkki hyödyntäen ohjelmistoradiota. Työn alkuosassa käydään läpi ohjelmistoradiota yleisellä tasolla sekä yleisesti nykyisin käytössä olevia optisia tiedonsiirtotapoja. Työn keskiosassa käsitellään työhön käytettävä laitteisto ja ohjelmistot sekä optisen radioetuasteen suunnittelu ja toteutus. Työn loppuosassa analysoidaan toteutetun etuasteen toimintaa. Ohjelmistoradio, yleisemmin ohjelmallisesti määritetty radiolaite, jonka toiminnallisuutta, kuten modulaatioita, suodattimia ja kommunikointiin käytettävää taajuuskaistaa, pystytään muuttamaan ohjelmallisesti ilman laitteistomuutoksia. Useimmiten ohjelmistoradioiden toiminnallisuus määrätään ohjelmoimalla ohjelmistoradio-oheislaitteen ohjelmoitavia porttipiirejä, eli FPGA-piirejä. Optisen radioetuasteen suunnittelun pohjana käytettiin audiokäyttöön tarkoitettua infrapunalähetintä ja – vastaanotinta, jotka muokattiin toimimaan näkyvän valon aallonpituuksilla. Ohjelmistoradio-oheislaitteena toimi Ettus USRP1 varustettuna matalataajuisilla lähetin- ja vastaanotintytärkorteilla. Ohjelmistoradion ohjelmointiympäristönä toimi Linux Ubuntu, ja ohjelmistona GNURadio sekä sen graafinen ohjelmointikäyttöliittymä Gnu Radio Companion. Tutkielman lopputuloksena saatiin aikaan piirilevylle rakennettu optisen radioetuasteen prototyyppi, jolla pystyttiin siirtämään digitaalista audiota 300 kbps tiedonsiirtonopeudella muutamien senttimetrien matkalla pimeässä tilassa.


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Un sistema de SDR (Software Defined Radio) es un sistema de radio programable que delega gran parte del procesamiento hecho clásicamente en hardware,en software corriendo en un ordenador. Dos ventajas inmediatas de un dispositivo de SDR frente a un dispositivo de radio tradicional son el abaratamiento del coste del hardware (menos y menos complejo) y la facilidad de modificación de la funcionalidad específica de la radio (implementaciones software, tan simple como programar cualquier protocolo deseado). Debido al abaratamiento de estos productos y su facilidad de programación e interconexión con un ordenador personal, el mundo de la radiocomunicación es bastante más accesible. Cuando un dominio es poco conocido o accesible, es típico que los sistemas no sean seguros por diseño, sino por oscuridad. Si en un corto periodo de tiempo la accesibilidad a ese dominio aumenta considerablemente, los sistemas seguros por oscuridad se encuentran en peligro. Este trabajo pretende estudiar si efectivamente, al ser más accesible el dominio de la radiocomunicación debido a la accesibilidad de los dispositivos de SDR, ciertos sistemas se encuentran expuestos. La investigación del estado del arte y el estudio práctico de sistemas públicos en el ámbito local, nos permitirá entender hasta qué punto existen riesgos reales. Si se encuentra en el ámbito local una vulnerabilidad en algún sistema, se documentará y se propondrá una posible forma de aprovecharla y solucionarla.


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Music composition using prominent broadcast speeches across the whole twentieth century in commemoration of the centenary of Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission. The work is based on creating music from the found objects of melody derived from spoken intonation. Recordings of the speeches are accompanied throughout by live instrumental music.


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This article explores the role of radio sound in establishing what I term ‘affective rhythms’ in everyday life. Through exploring the affective qualities of radio sound and its capacity for mood generation in the home, this article explores personal affective states and personal organisation. The term affective rhythm relates both to mood, and to routine. It is the combination of both that allows the possibility of thinking about sound and affect, and how they relate to, and integrate with, routine everyday life. The notion of ‘affective rhythm’ forces us to consider the idea of mood in the light of the routine nature of everyday domestic life.


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In this paper, we present recent results with using range from radio for mobile robot localization. In previous work we have shown how range readings from radio tags placed in the environment can be used to localize a robot. We have extended previous work to consider robustness. Specifically, we are interested in the case where range readings are very noisy and available intermittently. Also, we consider the case where the location of the radio tags is not known at all ahead of time and must be solved for simultaneously along with the position of the moving robot. We present results from a mobile robot that is equipped with GPS for ground truth, operating over several km.


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Radio Program. Talkin with Tiga Bayles, 98.9 AM National Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS), 9.00-10.00am, Wednesday 21 July 2010. (1 hour program).----- Bronwyn Fredericks discssed the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Strategy was launched at the Australian Women’s Health Network (AWHN) National Conference in Hobart on the 19 May 2010. Within this radio interview the background of the Strategy is discussed, funding, who did the consultations and the writing. In the interview Bronwyn Fredericks outlines the process of the Strategy’s development and its uses for the future.----- It is important to note that this Strategy does not replace other national or State and Territory documents which identify priorities and needs. The aim is to supplement existing work.