929 resultados para GERMAN HOSPITALS


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BACKGROUND Due to the implementation of the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system, the competitive pressure on German hospitals increased. In this context it has been shown that acute pain management offers economic benefits for hospitals. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the competitive situation, the ownership and the economic resources required on structures and processes for acute pain management. MATERIAL AND METHODS A standardized questionnaire on structures and processes of acute pain management was mailed to the 885 directors of German departments of anesthesiology listed as members of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin). RESULTS For most hospitals a strong regional competition existed; however, this parameter affected neither the implementation of structures nor the recommended treatment processes for pain therapy. In contrast, a clear preference for hospitals in private ownership to use the benchmarking tool QUIPS (quality improvement in postoperative pain therapy) was found. These hospitals also presented information on coping with the management of pain in the corporate clinic mission statement more often and published information about the quality of acute pain management in the quality reports more frequently. No differences were found between hospitals with different forms of ownership in the implementation of acute pain services, quality circles, expert standard pain management and the implementation of recommended processes. Hospitals with a higher case mix index (CMI) had a certified acute pain management more often. The corporate mission statement of these hospitals also contained information on how to cope with pain, presentation of the quality of pain management in the quality report, implementation of quality circles and the implementation of the expert standard pain management more frequently. There were no differences in the frequency of using the benchmarking tool QUIPS or the implementation of recommended treatment processes with respect to the CMI. CONCLUSION In this survey no effect of the competitive situation of hospitals on acute pain management could be demonstrated. Private ownership and a higher CMI were more often associated with structures of acute pain management which were publicly accessible in terms of hospital marketing.


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Enterococci have been implicated in severe human infections as a consequence of associated determinants of virulence and antimicrobial resistance. The majority of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE(fm)) connected to outbreaks worldwide pertains to the clonal complex 17 (CC17). In Brazil, the majority of VRE(fm) involved in outbreaks reported so far are not related to CC17. VRE(fm) strains responsible for an outbreak and sporadic cases in hospitals located in the city of Campinas, Brazil, were compared to other VRE(fm) strains in the country. Twenty-two out of 23 E. faecium were vancomycin-resistant and harboured the vanA gene. One vancomycin-susceptible E. faecium (VSE(fm)) strain was included in this study because it was isolated from a patient who one week later harboured a VRE(fm). All strains, except VSE, showed the same alteration in the VanA element characterised by deletion of the left extremity of the transposon and insertion of IS1251 between the vanS and vanH genes. Genes codifying virulence factors such as collageneadhesin protein, enterococcal surface protein and hyaluronidase were detected in the VRE(fm) and VSE(fm) studied. Both pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed that VRE(fm) and VSE(fm) strains have a clonal relationship. New sequence types (STs) were identified by MLST as ST447, ST448, ST478 and ST412 but all belonged to the CC17. The present study revealed that VRE(fm) outbreaks in Brazil were caused by strains that did not share a common evolutionary history, and that VRE(fm) strains belonging to CC17 could be predominant in Brazil as in other countries. (C) 2011 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diese Dissertation basiert auf einem theoretischen Artikel und zwei empirischen Studien.rnrnDer theoretische Artikel: Es wird ein theoretisches Rahmenmodell postuliert, welches die Kumulierung von Arbeitsunterbrechung und deren Effekte untersucht. Die meisten bisherigen Studien haben Unterbrechungen als isoliertes Phänomen betrachtet und dabei unberücksichtigt gelassen, dass während eines typischen Arbeitstages mehrere Unterbrechungen gleichzeitig (oder aufeinanderfolgend) auftreten. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird diese Lücke gefüllt, indem der Prozess der kumulierenden Unterbrechungen untersucht wird. Es wird beschrieben,rninwieweit die Kumulation von Unterbrechungen zu einer neuen Qualität vonrn(negativen) Effekten führt. Das Zusammenspiel und die gegenseitige Verstärkung einzelner Effekte werden dargestellt und moderierende und mediierende Faktoren aufgezeigt. Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, eine Verbindung zwischen kurzfristigen Effekten einzelner Unterbrechungen und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch die Arbeitsbedingung ‚Unterbrechungen‘rnherzustellen.rnrnStudie 1: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, inwieweit Unterbrechungen Leistung und Wohlbefinden einer Person innerhalb eines Arbeitstages beeinflussen. Es wurde postuliert, dass das Auftreten von Unterbrechungen die Zufriedenheit mit der eigenen Leistung vermindert und das Vergessen von Intentionen und das Irritationserleben verstärkt. Geistige Anforderung und Zeitdruck galten hierbei als Mediatoren. Um dies zu testen, wurden 133 Pflegekräften über 5 Tage hinweg mittels Smartphones befragt. Mehrebenenanalysen konnten die Haupteffekte bestätigen. Die vermuteten Mediationseffekte wurden für Irritation und (teilweise) für Zufriedenheit mit der Leistung bestätigt, nicht jedoch für Vergessen von Intentionen. Unterbrechungen führen demzufolge (u.a.) zu negativen Effekten, da sie kognitiv anspruchsvoll sind und Zeit beanspruchen.rnrnStudie 2: In dieser Studie wurden Zusammenhänge zwischen kognitiven Stressorenrn(Arbeitsunterbrechungen und Multitasking) und Beanspruchungsfolgen (Stimmung und Irritation) innerhalb eines Arbeitstages gemessen. Es wurde angenommen, dass diese Zusammenhänge durch chronologisches Alter und Indikatoren funktionalen Alters (Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität und Aufmerksamkeit) moderiert wird. Ältere mit schlechteren Aufmerksamkeitsund Arbeitsgedächtnisleistungen sollten am stärksten durch die untersuchten Stressoren beeinträchtigt werden. Es wurde eine Tagebuchstudie (siehe Studie 1) und computergestützternkognitive Leistungstests durchgeführt. Mehrebenenanalysen konnten die Haupteffekte für die abhängigen Variablen Stimmung (Valenz und Wachheit) und Irritation bestätigen, nicht jedoch für Erregung (Stimmung). Dreifachinteraktionen wurden nicht in der postulierten Richtung gefunden. Jüngere, nicht Ältere profitierten von einem hohen basalen kognitivenrnLeistungsvermögen. Ältere scheinen Copingstrategien zu besitzen, die mögliche kognitive Verluste ausgleichen. rnrnIm Allgemeinen konnten die (getesteten) Annahmen des theoretischen Rahmenmodellsrnbestätigt werden. Prinzipiell scheint es möglich, Ergebnisse der Laborforschung auf die Feldforschung zu übertragen, jedoch ist es notwendig die Besonderheiten des Feldes zu berücksichtigen. Die postulieren Mediationseffekte (Studie 1) wurden (teilweise) bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass der volle Arbeitstag untersucht werden muss und dass sehr spezifische abhängige Variablen auch spezifischere Mediatoren benötigen. Des Weiteren konnte in Studie 2 bestätigt werden, dass die kognitive Kapazität eine bedeutsamernRessource im Umgang mit Unterbrechungen ist, im Arbeitskontext jedoch auch andere Ressourcen wirken.


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RÉSUMÉ Il existe dans la pratique de prescription des médicaments de grandes variations entre les hôpitaux. Ces variations sont d'origines multifactorielles, comme par exemple des traditions de prescriptions locales, des considérations pharmato-économiques, la disponibilité d'un médicament, des différences de population, la prévalence d'une maladie, etc. Les études disponibles sur les pratiques de prescription sont souvent réduites à un centre unique, à une région ou à un pays. L'emploi de méthodes et de définitions particulières a jusqu'à pressent limité des comparaisons plus étendues entre les pays et régions. Le but de cette étude est de comparer la pratique de prescription de nouveaux médicaments psychotropes dans des cliniques suisses et allemandes. Cinq hôpitaux psychiatriques ont été sélectionnés, faisant tous partie du projet AMSP, et représentant des cliniques suisses, allemandes, de niveau universitaire ou non. Des données sur 572 patients et 1745 prescriptions ont été collectées durant un jour précis. Les comparaisons ont été ajustées pour l'âge et le sexe. Une différence significative (p <0.001) a été trouvée dans la prescription de nouveaux médicaments antidépresseurs, les cliniciens suisses en donnant en moyenne plus (65.2%) que les allemands (48.3%). Aucune différence significative n'a été démontrée dans la prescription des nouveaux médicaments antipsychotiques atypiques. Il semble en conséquence que les psychiatres suisses ont une propension plus élevée à prescrire des nouveaux médicaments antidépresseurs. Cela semble être dû à des différences de traditions de prescriptions nationales ou régionales. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour investiguer les influences économiques sur la pratique de prescription dans des cliniques suisses et allemandes. SUMMARY Obiective: There are great variations between hospitals in the way drugs are prescribed and these variations may be due to multiple factors such as local prescribing traditions, pharmacoeconomic considerations, drug availability; regional differences of population, disease prevalence etc. Available studies on prescribing habits have, besides studies performed in a unique centre, until now often been restricted to single countries or regions and the comparisons across countries or regions have often been limited by the use of diverse methodologies and definitions. The aim of the present study was to compare drug prescriptions between German and Swiss psychiatric services with regard to their preference of newer psychotropics. Material, method: Five psychiatric hospitals, associated to the AMSP-project, were chosen to represent Swiss and German clinics, university and non-university settings. Data were available from one index day on 572 patients and 1745 prescriptions. The comparisons were adjusted for age and gender. Results: There was a significant difference (p < 0.001) with regard to the prescription of newer antidepressants (NAD), Swiss clinicians giving proportionally more (65.2 %) than the German psychiatrists (48.3 %). No significant difference was, on the other hand, found as to the proportion of atypical antipsychotics, the lack of difference being due to the higher proportion of clozapine among the atypical antipsychotics in Germany. Conclusion: There seems therefore to be a higher propensity for Swiss hospital psychiatrists to prescribe newer antidepressants. This seems to be due to national or regional prescribing traditions. Further studies are needed to investigate the economical influences on antidepressant prescribing in Swiss and German clinics.)


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In Germany, hospitals can deliver data from patients with pelvic fractures selectively or twofold to two different trauma registries, i.e. the German Pelvic Injury Register (PIR) and the TraumaRegister DGU(®) (TR). Both registers are anonymous and differ in composition and content. We describe the methodological approach of linking these registries and reidentifying twofold documented patients. The aim of the approach is to create an intersection set that benefit from complementary data of each registry, respectively. Furthermore, the concordance of data entry of some clinical variables entered in both registries was evaluated.


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Premature birth, chronic lung disease of prematurity (CLD), congenital heart disease and immunodeficiency predispose to a higher morbidity and mortality in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. This study describes the preterms hospitalised with RSV infection from the prospective German DSM RSV Paed database. The DMS RSV Paed database was designed for the prospective multicentre documentation and analysis of clinically relevant aspects of the management of inpatients with RSV infection. This study covers six consecutive RSV seasons (1999-2005); the surveillance took place in 14 paediatric hospitals in Germany. Of the 1,568 prospectively documented RSV infections, 26% (n=406) were observed in preterms [vs. 1,162 children born at term (74%)] and 3% (n=50) had CLD, of which 49 had received treatment in the last 6 months ('CLDplus'). A significantly higher proportion in the preterm group had congenital heart disease, nosocomial infection, and neuromuscular impairment. There were significantly more children older than 24 months in the preterm group. The attributable mortality was 0.2% (n=2) in children born at term vs. 1.2% (n=5) in the preterm group (p=0.015) [preterm plus CLD 8.0% (n=4 of 50); McIntosh grade 1, 8.6% (n=3 of 35) and McIntosh Grade 4, 15% (n=3 of 20)]. Eight patients were categorized as 'palivizumab failures'. In the multivariate analysis, premature birth, CLD(plus), and nosocomial infection were significantly and independently associated with the combined outcome 'complicated course of disease'. In conclusion, this is the first prospective multicentre study from Germany that confirms the increased risk for severe RSV disease in preterms, in particular in those with CLD treated in the last 6 months before the onset of the infection. From the perspective of our results, the statements of the German Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases considering the use of passive immunisation (2003) seem reasonable.


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BACKGROUND: Nosocomially acquired respiratory syncytial virus infections (RSV-NI) may cause serious problems in hospitalized paediatric patients. Hitherto, prospectively collected representative data on RSV-NI from multicenter studies in Germany are limited. METHODS: The DMS RSV Ped database was designed for the prospective multicenter documentation and analysis of clinically relevant aspects of the management of inpatients with RSV-infection. The study covered six consecutive seasons (1999-2005); the surveillance took place in 14 paediatric hospitals in Germany. RESULTS: Of the 1568 prospectively documented RSV-infections, 6% (n=90) were NI and 94% (n=1478) were community acquired (CA). A significantly higher proportion in the NI group displayed additional risk factors like prematurity, chronic lung disease, mechanical ventilation (med. history), congenital heart disease, and neuromuscular impairment. Of all NI, 55% occurred in preterms (30.6% of all RSV-infections in preterms with severe chronic lung disease of prematurity were NI). Illness severity as well as the total mortality, but not the attributable mortality was significantly higher in the NI group. In the multivariate analysis, NI was significantly associated with the combined outcome 'complicated course of disease'. CONCLUSION: This is the first prospective multicenter study from Germany, which confirms the increased risk of a severe clinical course in nosocomially acquired RSV-infection. Of great concern is the high rate of (preventable) NI in preterms, in particular in those with severe chronic lung disease or with mechanical ventilation due to other reasons.


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BACKGROUND The WHO-surgical checklist is strongly recommended as a highly effective yet economically simple intervention to improve patient safety. Its use and potentially influential factors were investigated as little data exist on the current situation in Switzerland. METHODS A cross-sectional online survey with members (N = 1378) of three Swiss professional associations of invasive health care professionals was conducted in German, French, and Italian. The survey assessed use of, knowledge of and satisfaction with the WHO-surgical checklist. T-Tests and ANOVA were conducted to test for differences between professional groups. Bivariate correlations were computed to test for associations between measures of knowledge and satisfaction. RESULTS 1090 (79.1%) reported the use of a surgical checklist. 346 (25.1%) use the WHO-checklist, 532 (38.6%) use the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation recommendations to avoid Wrong Site Surgery, and 212 (15.7%) reported the use of other checklists. Satisfaction with checklist use was generally high (doctors: 71.9% satisfied, nurses: 60.8% satisfied) and knowledge was moderate depending on the use of the WHO-checklist. No association between measures of subjective and objective knowledge was found. CONCLUSIONS Implementation of a surgical checklist remains an important task for health care institutions in Switzerland. Although checklist use is present in Switzerland on a regular basis, a substantial group of health care personnel still do not use a checklist as a routine. Influential factors and the associations among themselves need to be addressed in future studies in more detail.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY To establish at what stage Swiss hospitals are in implementing an internal standard concerning communication with patients and families after an error that resulted in harm. METHODS Hospitals were identified via the Swiss Hospital Association's website. An anonymous questionnaire was sent during September and October 2011 to 379 hospitals in German, French or Italian. Hospitals were asked to specify their hospital type and the implementation status of an internal hospital standard that decrees that patients or their relatives are to be promptly informed about medical errors that result in harm. RESULTS Responses from a total of 205 hospitals were received, a response rate of 54%. Most responding hospitals (62%) had an error disclosure standard or planned to implement one within 12 months. The majority of responding university and acute care (75%) hospitals had introduced a disclosure standard or were planning to do so. In contrast, the majority of responding psychiatric, rehabilitation and specialty (53%) clinics had not introduced a standard. CONCLUSION It appears that Swiss hospitals are in a promising state in providing institutional support for practitioners disclosing medical errors to patients. This has been shown internationally to be one important factor in encouraging the disclosure of medical errors. However, many hospitals, in particular psychiatric, rehabilitation and specialty clinics, have not implemented an error disclosure policy. Further research is needed to explore the underlying reasons.


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This article deals with the activity of defining information of hospital systems as fundamental for choosing the type of information systems to be used and also the organizational level to be supported. The use of hospital managing information systems improves the user`s decision -making process by allowing control report generation and following up the procedures made in the hospital as well.


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A multicenter descriptive study was carried out in two steps: an interview with providers involved in the medication processes, and then non-participating observation of their environment and practices. Only one hospital was found to have a bar-coding, dispensing system connected to a computerized prescription system. fit all participating hospitals at least 90% of the drugs were dispensed and distributed as unit doses, but in none of them did pharmacists assess prescriptions. The study findings showed that the processes of drug dispensing and distribution in Brazilian hospitals encounter several problems, mostly associated to work environment conditions and inadequacy in drug ordering and requests.


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To the Editor: The increase in medical graduates expected over the next decade presents a huge challenge to the many stakeholders involved in providing their prevocational and vocational medical training. 1 Increased numbers will add significantly to the teaching and supervision workload for registrars and consultants, while specialist training and access to advanced training positions may be compromised. However, this predicament may also provide opportunities for innovation in the way internships are delivered. Although facing these same challenges, regional and rural hospitals could use this situation to enhance their workforce by creating opportunities for interns and junior doctors to acquire valuable experience in non-metropolitan settings. We surveyed a representative sample (n = 147; 52% of total cohort) of Year 3 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery students at the University of Queensland about their perceptions and expectations of their impending internship and the importance of its location (ie, urban/metropolitan versus regional/rural teaching hospitals) to their future training and career plans. Most students (n = 127; 86%) reported a high degree of contemplation about their internship choice. Issues relating to career progression and support ranked highest in their expectations. Most perceived internships in urban/metropolitan hospitals as more beneficial to their future career prospects compared with regional/rural hospitals, but, interestingly, felt that they would have more patient responsibility and greater contact with and supervision by senior staff in a regional setting (Box). Regional and rural hospitals should try to harness these positive perceptions and act to address any real or perceived shortcomings in order to enhance their future workforce.2 They could look to establish partnerships with rural clinical schools3 to enhance recruitment of interns as early as Year 3. To maximise competitiveness with their urban counterparts, regional and rural hospitals need to offer innovative training and career progression pathways to junior doctors, to combat the perception that internships in urban hospitals are more beneficial to future career prospects. Partnerships between hospitals, medical schools and vocational colleges, with input from postgraduate medical councils, should provide vertical integration4 in the important period between student and doctor. Work is underway to more closely evaluate and compare the intern experience across regional/rural and urban/metropolitan hospitals, and track student experiences and career choices longitudinally. This information may benefit teaching hospitals and help identify the optimal combination of resources necessary to provide quality teaching and a clear career pathway for the expected influx of new interns.


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Objective: To determine the number of overseas visitors admitted to Queensland hospitals for water-related injuries over three years, the causes of their injuries, the resulting conditions treated, and the type of hospitals to which they were admitted. Design: Retrospective analysis of admissions of overseas visitors to Queensland hospitals over the three financial years 1995/96, 1996/97 and 1997/98. Patients: 296 overseas visitors admitted for water-related injuries, identified from hospital records by their usual place of residence. Main outcome measures: Number of admissions, causes of injuries, conditions treated. and bed days occupied by these patients at different types of hospitals (metropolitan, regional and rural public hospitals, and private hospitals). Results: The 296 overseas visitors accounted for a total of 596 separate admissions, many of these the result of patients with decompression illness being admitted several times to a regional hospital hyperbaric chamber for treatment as day patients. The largest number of injuries involved the use of diving equipment. The main conditions treated were decompression illness (54.7%), fractures and dislocations (15.5%), and drowning and non-fatal submersion (14.9%). Overall, overseas visitors admitted to hospital following a water-related incident occupied 1215 bed days; 90% of these admissions were to regional hospitals. Conclusions: The main reason for admission of overseas visitors is for decompression illness, suggesting that the prevention of injuries among scuba divers requires further coordinated efforts by health and tourism authorities.