964 resultados para Future society


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In the past canals were developed, and some rivers were heavily altered, driven by the need for good transportation infrastructure. Major investments were made in navigation locks, weirs and artificial embankments, and many of these assets are now reaching the end of their technical lifetime. Since then the concept of integrated water resource management (IWRM) emerged as a concept to manage and develop water-bodies in general. Two pressing problems arise from these developments: (1) major reinvestment is needed in order to maintain the transportation function of these waterways, and (2), it is not clear how the implementation of the concept of IWRM can be brought into harmony with such reinvestment. This paper aims to illustrate the problems in capital-intensive parts of waterway systems, and argues for exploring value-driven solutions that rely on the inclusion of multiple values, thus solving both funding problems and stakeholder conflicts. The focus on value in cooperative strategies is key to defining viable implementation strategies for waterway projects.


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Global climate change will affect all domains of person-environment relations. Tackling climate change will require social change that can be motivated by people’s imaginings of the future of their society where such social change has occurred. We use the “collective futures” framework to examine whether beliefs about the future of society are related to present-day intentions to take climate change action. Participants from two Brazilian samples imagined their society in 2050 where climate change was mitigated and then rated how this future society would differ from Brazilian society today in terms of societal-level dysfunction and development and personal-level traits and values. To the extent that participants believed preventing climate change would result in societal development and more competence traits, they were more willing to engage in environmental citizenship activities. Individual differences in future time perspective also impacted environmental citizenship intention. Societal development and consideration of future consequences seem to be distinct routes by which future thinking influence climate change action.


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We identified the active ingredients in people’s visions of society’s future (“collective futures”) that could drive political behavior in the present. In eight studies (N = 595), people imagined society in 2050 where climate change was mitigated (Study 1), abortion laws relaxed (Study 2), marijuana legalized (Study 3), or the power of different religious groups had increased (Studies 4-8). Participants rated how this future society would differ from today in terms of societal-level dysfunction and development (e.g., crime, inequality, education, technology), people’s character (warmth, competence, morality), and their values (e.g., conservation, self-transcendence). These measures were related to present-day attitudes/intentions that would promote/prevent this future (e.g., act on climate change, vote for a Muslim politician). A projection about benevolence in society (i.e., warmth/morality of people’s character) was the only dimension consistently and uniquely associated with present-day attitudes and intentions across contexts. Implications for social change theories, political communication, and policy design are discussed.


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Despite ongoing controversies regarding possible directions for the nuclear plants program throughout Japan since the Fukushima disaster, little has been researched about people's belief structure about future society and what may affect their attitudes toward different policy options. Beyond policy debates, the present study focused on how people see a future society according to the assumptions of different policy options. A total of 125 students at Japanese universities were asked to compare a future society with society today in which one of alternative policies was adopted (i.e., shutdown or expansion of nuclear reactors) in terms of characteristics of individuals and society in general. While perceived dangerousness of nuclear power predicted attitudes and behavioural intentions to make personal sacrifices for nuclear power policies, beliefs about the social consequences of the policies, especially on economic development and dysfunction, appeared to play stronger roles in predicting those measures. The importance of sociological dimensions in understanding how people perceive the future of society regarding alternative nuclear power policies, and the subtle discrepancies between attitudes and behavioural intentions, are discussed.


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The requirement that primary school children appreciate fully the pivotal role played by engineering in the sustainable development of future society is reflected in the literature with much attention being paid to the need to spark childrens engineering imagination early-on in their school careers. Moreover, UK policy documents highlight the value of embedding engineering into the school curriculum, arguing that programmes aimed at inspiring children through a process of real-life learning experiences are vital pedagogical tools in promoting engineering to future generations. Despite such attention, engineering education at school-level remains sporadic, often reliant on individual engineering-entrepreneurs such as teachers who, through personal interest, get children involved in what are usually extra-curriculum, time-limited engineering focused programmes and competitions. This paper briefly discusses an exploratory study aimed at investigating the issues surrounding embedding engineering into the primary school curriculum. It gives some insight into the perceptions of various stakeholders in respect of the viability and value of introducing engineering education into the primary school curriculum from the age of 6 or 7. A conceptual framework of primary level engineering education, bringing together the theoretical, pedagogical and policy related phenomena influencing the development of engineering education is proposed. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to avert future societal disaster, childrens engineering imagination needs to be ignited from an early age and that to do this primary engineering education needs to be given far more educational, social and political attention. © 2009 Authors.


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The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Cololins deals with a dystopian future society in which a punitive ruling elite provide 'entertainment' for the masses in the form of mediatised 'games' featuring young people who must fight to kill one another until there is only one winner. The purpose of these games is to remind the populace of the power of the government and its ability to dispose of any who dare defy it. In acknowledging violent 'games' as virtual entertainments which can be used to political effect, Collins suggests that they possess a disturbing capacity to undermine ethical perspective on the human,the humane and the real. Drawing on Baudrillard's ideas about simulation and simulacra as well as Elaine Scarry's and Susan Sontag's concerns for media representations of the body in pain, this paper discusses the ways in which the texts highlight the dangers of virtual modes while also risking perpetuating their entertainment value.


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The deep sea is often viewed as a vast, dark, remote, and inhospitable environment, yet the deep ocean and seafloor are crucial to our lives through the services that they provide. Our understanding of how the deep sea functions remains limited, but when treated synoptically, a diversity of supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural services becomes apparent. The biological pump transports carbon from the atmosphere into deep-ocean water masses that are separated over prolonged periods, reducing the impact of anthropogenic carbon release. Microbial oxidation of methane keeps another potent greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere while trapping carbon in authigenic carbonates. Nutrient regeneration by all faunal size classes provides the elements necessary for fueling surface productivity and fisheries, and microbial processes detoxify a diversity of compounds. Each of these processes occur on a very small scale, yet considering the vast area over which they occur they become important for the global functioning of the ocean. The deep sea also provides a wealth of resources, including fish stocks, enormous bioprospecting potential, and elements and energy reserves that are currently being extracted and will be increasingly important in the near future. Society benefits from the intrigue and mystery, the strange life forms, and the great unknown that has acted as a muse for inspiration and imagination since near the beginning of civilization. While many functions occur on the scale of microns to meters and timescales up to years, the derived services that result are only useful after centuries of integrated activity. This vast dark habitat, which covers the majority of the globe, harbour processes that directly impact humans in a variety of ways; however, the same traits that differentiate it from terrestrial or shallow marine systems also result in a greater need for integrated spatial and temporal understanding as it experiences increased use by society. In this manuscript we aim to provide a foundation for informed conservation and management of the deep sea by summarizing the important role of the deep sea in society.


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El presente trabajo logra exponer los diferentes futuros escenarios laborales que viven los egresados de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario. Para esto se ha recurrido al uso de metodología la prospectiva, unidos a un sólido marco teórico, a la utilización de la herramienta Mic Mac y a la opinión de expertos en el tema. En la actualidad, la problemática que viven la mayoría de los egresados radica en la falta de experiencia a la hora de ser admitidos en un puesto laboral, lo cual se representa en el aumento del desempleo y un malestar para su vida laboral. Esta es la razón por la cual se percibió la necesidad de hacer este estudio, para esclarecer cómo es la realidad de los profesionales, y al final poder proporcionar una alternativa para la mejora de los escenarios. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que el futuro es incierto y que todos los escenarios experimentados son resultado de estudios científicos y no de realidades comprobadas.


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There is a contemporary shift in the institutional context of 'disabled' children's education in the United Kingdom from segregated special to mainstream schools. This change is tied to wider deinstitutionalised or reinstitutionalised geographies of disabled people, fragile globalised educational 'inclusion' agendas, and broader concerns about social cohesiveness. Although coeducating children is expected to transform negative representations of (dis)ability in future society, there are few detailed explorations of how children's everyday sociospatial practices (re)produce or transform dominant representations of (dis)ability. With this in mind, children's contextual and shifting performances of (dis)ability in two case study school playground (recreational) spaces are explored. The findings demonstrate that children with mind-body differences are variously (dis)abled, in comparison with sociospatially shifting norms of ability, which have body, learning, and emotional-social facets. The discussion therefore places an emphasis on the need to incorporate 'intellectual' and 'emotional' differences more fully into geographical studies of disability and identity. The paper has wider resonance for transformative expectations placed on colocating children with a variety of 'axes of difference' (such as gender, 'race, ethnicity, and social class) in schools.


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Terminal: A Miracle Play with Popular Music from the End of the World is a film and live performance project exploring the politics of post-apocalyptic fiction. A theatrical staging of a morality play for end times and future folk music, it recasts eschatology, as a foundational myth for a future society. Post-apocalyptic writing and cinema are grounded in an ethos of survivalism. Invoking Rousseau’s state of nature, or time before government, these fictions propose violent scenarios in which nuclear holocaust, environmental catastrophe and other disasters generate an individualistic politics of pure pragmatism, negating the possibility of democratic deliberation. Terminal narrates this familiar scenario, but at the same time questions its validity. The film, shot on black and white VHS at Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbarn in Cumbria, dramatises a series of conversations between future-historical archetypes about the needs and pressures of the situation in which they find themselves at the end of the world. The performers then gather to play worshipful songs about acid rain, radiation sickness and eating the dog, using a mix of conventional, obscure and makeshift instruments In the tradition of books such as Russell Hoban’s Riddley Walker and Arthur M. Miller Jr.’s A Canticle for Liebowitz, Terminal imagines artistic expression and new folk traditions for a world to come after the apocalypse. If, as Slavoj Žižek would have it, it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to think of the end of capitalism, the project juxtaposes these two endpoints to test out how alternative scenarios might emerge from the collaborative practice of making theatre and music against a setting of social collapse.


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19 Briefe zwischen Lisa Witherell (geb. Richter) und Max Horkheimer, 1963-1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Werner Wittayer (stud. phil.) und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 4 Drucksachen vom Landtagspräsidenten Otto Witte an Max Horkheimer, 1952-1954; 2 Briefe an Otto Witte von Max Horkheimer, 1952-1953; 1 Todesanzeige, 1963; 4 Briefe zwischen der Studentin Ulrike Wittenberg und Max Horkheimer, 1972-1973; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Karl A. Wittfogel und Max Horkheimer, 1972; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Kurt Debus und Max Horkheimer, 1967; 3 Briefe zwischen David Wodlinger und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Herman Wohlstein und Max Horkheimer, 1965; 16 Briefe an Johanna Woitschach von Max Horkheimer, 1970-1973 (die Briefe an Max Horkheimer wurden zurückverlangt); 1 Brief von Ernst Wolf an Max Horkheimer, San Francisco, 1954; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Diplom-Psychologen Heinz E. Wolf und Max Horkheimer, 1958; 13 Briefe zwischen dem Oberstudiendirektor Oskar Wolfenstädter und Max Horkheimer, 1968-1969; 4 Briefe zwischen der Ordensschwester Katherine Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 25 Briefe zwischen Margo H. Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1962-1973; 11 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Max Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 1960; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Manfred Wolfson und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 6 Briefe von der Physiotherapeutin Helga Wolk an Max Horkheimer, 1970-1971; 13 Briefe zwischen Hedwig G. de Wollenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1966-1970; 1 Brief an den Professor Günther Wollheim von Max Horkheimer, 1965; 4 Briefe zwischen Johanna Wopperer-Ege und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 5 Briefe zwischen Anton Wopperer und Max Horkheimer, 1969-1970; 3 Briefe an die World Future Society von Max Horkheimer, 1969-1973; 2 Briefe zwischen dem World Jewish Congress und Max Horkheimer, 1970; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Professor Theodor Würtenberger und Max Horkheimer, 1964; 3 Briefe zwischen der Würtembergischen Landesbibliothek und Max Horkheimer, 1969; 16 Briefe zwischen Rösle Wüstholz und Max Horkheimer, 1951-1959; 2 Briefe zwischen Christoph Wulf und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief an Jssy Wygoda von Max Horkheimer, 1964; 2 Briefe zwischen Dr. Hans von Wyl und Max Horkheimer, 1971; 2 Briefe zwischen Jacques Wyler und Max Horkheimer, 1973; 1 Brief von Gisela Wysocki an Max Horkheimer, o.J. (1973?);


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El presente artículo realiza un estudio de diversas películas pertenecientes al género de ciencia ficción, focalizando la atención en los escenarios futuros para el libro y las bibliotecas. A partir del concepto "imaginario social", se exploran las representaciones que se construyen desde el presente sobre el devenir de la cultura impresa en el contexto del creciente proceso de transformación tecnológica. Los films seleccionados componen una muestra que incorpora obras de diferentes momentos en la historia del género de ciencia ficción en relación a las problematizaciones sobre los vínculos entre tecnología y sociedad. Los ejes de análisis giran en torno a la desaparición, la transformación y las permanencias del libro y las bibliotecas. Se concluye que desde el imaginario social contemporáneo, materializado en las películas analizadas, se presenta un futuro en el que conviven elementos de la cultura del libro y la lectura con importantes modificaciones originadas por las innovaciones técnicas. Respecto al profesional de la información, si bien no hay indicaciones de cambios radicales en sus funciones, sí existen planteamientos inquietantes sobre el desplazamiento de lo humano por lo virtual


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El presente artículo realiza un estudio de diversas películas pertenecientes al género de ciencia ficción, focalizando la atención en los escenarios futuros para el libro y las bibliotecas. A partir del concepto "imaginario social", se exploran las representaciones que se construyen desde el presente sobre el devenir de la cultura impresa en el contexto del creciente proceso de transformación tecnológica. Los films seleccionados componen una muestra que incorpora obras de diferentes momentos en la historia del género de ciencia ficción en relación a las problematizaciones sobre los vínculos entre tecnología y sociedad. Los ejes de análisis giran en torno a la desaparición, la transformación y las permanencias del libro y las bibliotecas. Se concluye que desde el imaginario social contemporáneo, materializado en las películas analizadas, se presenta un futuro en el que conviven elementos de la cultura del libro y la lectura con importantes modificaciones originadas por las innovaciones técnicas. Respecto al profesional de la información, si bien no hay indicaciones de cambios radicales en sus funciones, sí existen planteamientos inquietantes sobre el desplazamiento de lo humano por lo virtual