713 resultados para Funcionamento familiar - Family functioning


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Este estudo visa aprofundar o conhecimento sistmico, relativamente problemtica do comportamento anti-social numa perspectiva do seu funcionamento familiar. Procurmos compreender a existncia ou no de comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes nos subsistemas filiais de famlias disfuncionais, de uma comunidade socialmente conotada como estando associada criminalidade. Em termos metodolgicos utilizmos o questionrio sociodemogrfico (Correia, 2009), a FACES II escala de avaliao da adaptabilidade e da coeso familiar (Olson et al., 1981) e a escala do comportamento anti-social e delinquente (Formiga & Gouveia, 2005). Os instrumentos de anlise foram aplicados a 30 famlias, que revelaram maioritariamente ter um nvel de coeso separada, uma adaptabilidade flexvel, correspondendo a um tipo de famlia meio-termo. No entanto, uma anlise individual dos resultados revela que um maior nmero de elementos percepciona a famlia ao nvel da coeso como desmembrada, ao nvel da adaptabilidade como flexvel, e ao nvel do tipo de famlia como extrema, indicando-nos que diferentes elementos percepcionam de forma diferente o funcionamento do seu sistema familiar. Relativamente aos comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, um nmero considervel de elementos afirma praticar comportamentos anti-sociais, sendo o nmero de prticas delinquentes inferior. Apesar de no existir um nmero elevado de famlias extremas, conclumos que os elementos que pertencem a famlias tendencialmente disfuncionais, praticam maioritariamente comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, sendo que os primeiros prevalecem relativamente aos segundos. /


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Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a perceo do funcionamento familiar em diferentes tipologias familiares famlias nucleares intactas, monoparentais e reconstitudas. Participantes: Participaram neste estudo 1089 pessoas, adultos e adolescentes num total de 387 famlias. Instrumentos: Escala de Avaliao da Adaptabilidade e Coeso Familiar (FACES IV) e a Escala Familiar de Autorresposta Verso II (SFI). Resultados: As famlias nucleares intactas percecionam-se como sendo mais coesas, flexveis, saudveis/competentes, com uma melhor comunicao e menos desmembradas em comparao com as famlias monoparentais. Os pais percecionam a famlia como sendo mais coesa, emaranhada, flexvel, com uma melhor comunicao e menos desmembrada do que os filhos. Os participantes com um rendimento superior a 600 euros percecionam as suas famlias como sendo mais flexveis e referem-se mais participantes do que os sujeitos com um rendimento inferior a 600 euros. Existem diferenas nas famlias nucleares intactas e monoparentais, que se encontram nas diferentes etapas do ciclo vital, nas dimenses coeso, flexibilidade, emaranhamento, rigidez, subescala catica e comunicao. / Purpose: This study aims to analyze the perception of family functioning in different family typologies - intact nuclear families and single parents families as well as reconstituted families. Participants: The study included 1089 people, adults and adolescents in a total of 387 families. Instruments: Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV) and the Self-Report Family Inventory - Version II (SFI). Results: The intact nuclear families perceive themselves as being more cohesive, flexible, healthy/competent, with better communication and less disengaged when compared to single parents families. Parents perceive the family as being more cohesive, enmeshed, flexible, with better communication and less disengaged than their children. Participants with an income higher than 600 euros per month perceive their families as being more flexible and refer being more satisfied than participants with less than 600 euros of income per month. There are differences in intact nuclear and single parent families at different stages of the life cycle in the cohesion, flexibility, enmeshed, rigid, chaotic and communication subscales.


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Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA- Instituto Universitrio para obteno de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clnica


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Objective: Parental illness (PI) may have adverse impacts on youth and family functioning. Research in this area has suffered from the absence of a guiding comprehensive framework. This study tested a conceptual model of the effects of PI on youth and family functioning derived from the Family Ecology Framework (FEF; Pedersen & Revenson, 2005). Method. A total of 85 parents with multiple sclerosis and 127 youth completed questionnaires at Time 1 and 12 months later at Time 2. Results. Structural equation modeling results supported the FEF with regards to physical-illness disability. Specifically, the proposed mediators (role redistribution, stress, and stigma) were implicated in the processes that link parental disability to several domains of youth adjustment. The results suggest that the effects of parental depression (PD) are not mediated through these processes; rather, PD directly affects family functioning, which in turn mediates the effects onto youth adjustment. Family functioning further mediated between PD and youth well-being and behavioral-social difficulties. Conclusions. Although results support the effects of parental-illness disability on youth and family functioning via the proposed mediational mechanisms, the additive effects of PD on youth physical and mental health occur through direct and indirect (via family functioning) pathways, respectively.


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In this paper two studies are reported which compare (a) the perceptions of family functioning held by clinic and non-clinic adolescents, and (b) the perceptions of family functioning held by adolescents and their mothers in clinic and non-clinic families. In Study 1, matched group of clinic and non-clinic adolescents were compared on their responses to a 30-item scale (ICPS) designed to measure three factors of family functioning: Intimacy (high vs. low), Parenting Style (democratic vs. controlled) and Conflict (high vs. low). Clinic and non-clinic adolescents were also compared on their responses to a multi-dimensional measure of adolescent self-concept. Although there was little difference between the two groups of adolescents in terms of their perceptions of family functioning, there were strong relationships between the self-concept variables and the family functioning variables. In Study 2, comparisons were made between the perceptions of family functioning held by mothers and adolescents for both clinical and non-clinic families. There were no differences between the two groups of adolescents in terms of their perceptions of family functioning, although there were clear differences between the two groups of mothers. In addition, clinic adolescents and their mothers did not differ in their perceptions of the family, whereas adolescents in the non-clinic group saw their families significantly as less intimate and more conflicted than did their mothers.


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Few studies have examined the effects of parental MS on children, and those that have suffered from numerous methodological weaknesses, some of which are addressed in this study. This study investigated the effects of parental MS on children by comparing youth of a parent with MS to youth who have no family member with a serious health condition on adjustment outcomes, caregiving, attachment and family functioning. A questionnaire survey methodology was used. Measures included youth somatisation, health, pro-social behaviour, behavioural-social difficulties, caregiving, attachment and family functioning. A total of 126 youth of a parent with MS were recruited from MS Societies in Australia and, were matched one-to-one with youth who had no family member with a health condition drawn from a large community sample. Comparisons showed that youth of a parent with MS did not differ on any of the outcomes except for peer relationship problems: adolescent youth of a parent with MS reported lower peer relationship problems than control adolescents. Overall, results did not support prior research findings suggesting adverse impacts of parental MS on youth.


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While the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) still are not fully understood, increasingly research focuses on interventions and treatment of children diagnosed with ASD. Considerably less attention is paid to family systems, family functioning, and family needs. This paper takes a family system perspective exploring how families with children on the autism spectrum function during the particularly stressful period of the diagnosis process and thereafter. Recommendations made in this paper include the need for empirical studies that address in detail family systems, family needs, the assessment and diagnostic process, service provision, social support networks, and additional stressful life events. Furthermore, the development of a family functioning assessment tools is called for in order to promote child-family-centred assessment and intervention. Details of an ongoing comparative study are outlined that will make a contribution to family studies and autism research field with a specific focus on the diagnosis


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Background: Late preterm infants (LPIs), born at 34 + 0 to 36 + 6 weeks of gestation contribute a significant proportion of all neonatal intensive care (NIC) admissions and are regarded as being at risk of adverse outcomes compared to term-born infants.<br/><br/>Aim: To explore the health outcomes and family functioning of LPIs who required neonatal intensive care, at three years of age.<br/><br/>Study design and subjects: This cohort study included 225 children born late preterm, between 1 January and 31 December 2006 in Northern Ireland. Children admitted for NIC (study group, n = 103) were compared with children who did not require NIC or who required special care only for up to three days (comparison group, n = 122).<br/><br/>Outcome measures<br/>Health outcomes were measured using the Health Status Questionnaire, health service usage by parent report and family functioning using the PedsQL Family Impact Module.<br/><br/>Results: LPIs who required NIC revealed similar health outcomes at three years in comparison to those who did not. Despite this, more parents of LPIs who required NIC reported visiting their GP and medical specialists during their child's third year of life. Differences in family functioning were also observed with mothers of LPIs who required NIC reporting, significantly lower levels of social and physical functioning, increased difficulties with communication and increased levels of worry.<br/><br/>Conclusions: LPIs were observed to have similar health outcomes at three years of age regardless of NIC requirement. The increase in GP and medical specialist visits and family functioning difficulties observed among those infants who required NIC merits further investigation.<br/><br/>Abbreviations: LPI, late preterm infant; NIC, neonatal intensive care; HSQ, Health Status Questionnaire; GP, general practitioner


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Numerosos estudos sugerem que na ocorrncia de acontecimentos de vida negativos e/ou stressantes, o suporte social desempenha um papel preponderante na sua resoluo adequada (Lewis, Byrd, & Ollendick, 2012). A ocorrncia de acontecimentos de vida stressantes tende a influenciar a dinmica individual e familiar do indivduo (Rydell, 2010; Harland, Reijneveld, Brugman, Verloove-Vanhorick, & Verhulst, 2002; Taggart, Taylor, & Mccrum-gardner, 2010). Porm, dos elementos que compem a rede de suporte social das mulheres, o suporte disponibilizado pela famlia considerado como o principal de entre os apoios recebidos (Ell, 1996). Os objetivos principais da presente investigao so: analisar os tipos de apoio social, e investigar as relaes entre a presena de acontecimentos de vida stressantes, a perceo de apoio social e a coeso e adaptabilidade familiares numa amostra de 33 mes de crianas utentes dos servios de psicologia clnica. Especificamente, procuramos estudar a relao entre as caractersticas da rede de suporte social e os acontecimentos de vida stressantes recentes nas participantes; investigar as caractersticas do funcionamento familiar e a sua relao com os acontecimentos vitais stressantes, e estudar eventuais relaes entre as caractersticas da rede de suporte social e a sua relao com a perceo das mes relativamente adaptabilidade e coeso familiares. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a existncia de uma relao entre o funcionamento familiar (determinado pela coeso e adaptabilidade) e a rede de suporte social das participantes. Porm, no foram encontradas relaes estatisticamente significativas entre o funcionamento familiar e a ocorrncia de acontecimentos de vida negativos e ainda entre a rede de suporte social e a presena de acontecimentos de vida negativos. Por outro lado, o suporte tangvel/ material associa-se significativamente a este tipo de acontecimentos. Os resultados encontrados permitem-nos sugerir que o funcionamento familiar desempenha um papel relevante no aumento da rede de suporte social do indivduo.


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A presente investigao teve como objetivos caraterizar os nveis de stresse parental, as caratersticas do funcionamento familiar e eventuais problemas psicopatolgicos, numa amostra de pais de adolescentes que frequentam a consulta de psicologia clnica, e perceber se existiam ou no associaes significativas entre estas variveis e os problemas de expresso exteriorizada e interiorizada manifestada pelos adolescentes. Participaram no estudo 21 adolescentes e os seus respetivos pai/me. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados foram utilizados o Inventrio de Sintomas Psicopatolgicos (BSI), Inventrio de Problemas de Comportamento (YSR), Escala de Avaliao da Adaptabilidade e Coeso Familiares III (FACES III), ndice de Stresse Parental (PSI) e Questionrio de Dados Sociodemogrficos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que mais de metade dos pais apresenta nveis elevados de stresse parental, nveis clnicos de sintomatologia psicopatolgica, e situam-se, no que diz respeito ao funcionamento familiar, no tipo familiar mdio. Os dados indicam ainda que a maior parte dos adolescentes no estudo tendem a manifestar nveis significativos de sintomatologia psicopatolgica. Relativamente s associaes, obtivemos relaes significativas entre a sintomatologia psicopatolgica parental, os nveis de stresse parental e o funcionamento familiar (coeso e adaptabilidades familiares). Da mesma forma observmos associaes significativas entre o stresse parental e os problemas de expresso interiorizada e total de problemas nos adolescentes; e entre a adaptabilidade familiar e os problemas de expresso interiorizada. Ao contrrio do que se esperava, no encontramos relaes significativas entre a psicopatologia parental e os problemas de expresso exteriorizada e interiorizada e total de problemas; entre o stresse parental e o funcionamento familiar; e entre o funcionamento familiar e os problemas de expresso exteriorizada. No presente estudo so discutidos os resultados obtidos, consideradas algumas limitaes e efetuadas propostas de investigaes futuras.


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Cette tude vise examiner la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilises durant la priode de l'enfance et les dimensions principales du du trouble dficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivit (TDAH) l'adolescence, soit linattention, lhyperactivit et limpulsivit. Les pratiques spcifiques parentales (engagement, pratiques parentales approprie, supervision, punitions corporelles, discipline approprie, discipline svre et incohrente, discipline verbale positive, flicitations et rcompenses, et les attentes claires) et les aspects du fonctionnement familial (communication, rsolution de problmes, rles dans la famille, sensibilit affective, engagement affectif, contrle comportemental) ont t examins par rapport l'inattention et d'hyperactivit. Trente-six enfants de 6 9 ans et leurs parents ont particip une tude longitudinale de 5 ans. Il y a un manque d'tudes longitudinales dans ce domaine et cette tude vise combler cette lacune. Les rsultats ne montrent pas de rsultats significatifs dans la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilises dans l'enfance et les symptmes principaux de l'hyperactivit et l'inattention l'adolescence. Les tudes futures devraient se concentrer sur la relation entre la psychopathologie parentale et les principaux symptmes du TDAH de l'enfance l'adolescence, ainsi que l'impact des pratiques parentales sur ces principaux symptmes.


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O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar a relao entre o funcionamento familiar, as prticas parentais e o comportamento dos adolescentes. Para a concretizao do objectivo deste trabalho, foi elaborado um protocolo de investigao (questionrio de dados sociodemogrficos, um inqurito de avaliao do comportamento: YSR; um que avalia o funcionamento familiar : FACES III e outro que avalia as prticas parentais : QLP-A) , aplicado em duas escolas pblicas co Concelho de Lisboa, inseridas em reas scio-econmico-culturais diferenciadas. Atravs dos resultados encontrados [a ansiedade_depresso (T=.502; P=.041), no isolamento (T=.915; P=.000), nos problemas sociais (T=2.822; P=.004) apresentam valores mais elevados na Escola de Interveno Prioritria, escola com projecto TEIP. Na escola de nveis socioeconmicos mais elevados, as dimenses que apresentaram valores superiores foram em dimenses que remetem para as atitudes dos pais perante os filhos : na proteco pai (T=.440; P=.004) e na proteco me (T=.005; P=.000)]. possvel confirmar a existncia dessa influnica. Para alm dessa influncia, constatmos ainda que o meio envolvente em que as famlias se inserem influencia tambm as atitudes parentais perante os seus filhos. Ou seja, quando os nveis socioeconmicos so mais favorveis, as suas atitudes de educao e socializao perante os filhos tambm sero mais adequadas.


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Objective. To compare mental health, coping and family-functioning in parents of young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and no known mental health problems. Method. Parents of young people with OCD (N=28), other anxiety disorders (N=28), and no known mental health problems (N=62) completed the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993), the Coping Responses Inventory (Moos, 1990), and the McMaster family assessment device (Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983). Results. Parents of children with OCD and anxiety disorders had poorer mental health and used more avoidant coping than parents of non-clinical children. There were no group differences in family-functioning. Conclusion. The similarities across the parents of clinically referred children suggest that there is a case for encouraging active parental involvement in the treatment of OCD in young people.