957 resultados para Funcionamento familiar - Family functioning
Este estudo visa aprofundar o conhecimento sistmico, relativamente problemtica do comportamento anti-social numa perspectiva do seu funcionamento familiar. Procurmos compreender a existncia ou no de comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes nos subsistemas filiais de famlias disfuncionais, de uma comunidade socialmente conotada como estando associada criminalidade. Em termos metodolgicos utilizmos o questionrio sociodemogrfico (Correia, 2009), a FACES II escala de avaliao da adaptabilidade e da coeso familiar (Olson et al., 1981) e a escala do comportamento anti-social e delinquente (Formiga & Gouveia, 2005). Os instrumentos de anlise foram aplicados a 30 famlias, que revelaram maioritariamente ter um nvel de coeso separada, uma adaptabilidade flexvel, correspondendo a um tipo de famlia meio-termo. No entanto, uma anlise individual dos resultados revela que um maior nmero de elementos percepciona a famlia ao nvel da coeso como desmembrada, ao nvel da adaptabilidade como flexvel, e ao nvel do tipo de famlia como extrema, indicando-nos que diferentes elementos percepcionam de forma diferente o funcionamento do seu sistema familiar. Relativamente aos comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, um nmero considervel de elementos afirma praticar comportamentos anti-sociais, sendo o nmero de prticas delinquentes inferior. Apesar de no existir um nmero elevado de famlias extremas, conclumos que os elementos que pertencem a famlias tendencialmente disfuncionais, praticam maioritariamente comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, sendo que os primeiros prevalecem relativamente aos segundos. /
Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a perceo do funcionamento familiar em diferentes tipologias familiares famlias nucleares intactas, monoparentais e reconstitudas. Participantes: Participaram neste estudo 1089 pessoas, adultos e adolescentes num total de 387 famlias. Instrumentos: Escala de Avaliao da Adaptabilidade e Coeso Familiar (FACES IV) e a Escala Familiar de Autorresposta Verso II (SFI). Resultados: As famlias nucleares intactas percecionam-se como sendo mais coesas, flexveis, saudveis/competentes, com uma melhor comunicao e menos desmembradas em comparao com as famlias monoparentais. Os pais percecionam a famlia como sendo mais coesa, emaranhada, flexvel, com uma melhor comunicao e menos desmembrada do que os filhos. Os participantes com um rendimento superior a 600 euros percecionam as suas famlias como sendo mais flexveis e referem-se mais participantes do que os sujeitos com um rendimento inferior a 600 euros. Existem diferenas nas famlias nucleares intactas e monoparentais, que se encontram nas diferentes etapas do ciclo vital, nas dimenses coeso, flexibilidade, emaranhamento, rigidez, subescala catica e comunicao. / Purpose: This study aims to analyze the perception of family functioning in different family typologies - intact nuclear families and single parents families as well as reconstituted families. Participants: The study included 1089 people, adults and adolescents in a total of 387 families. Instruments: Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV) and the Self-Report Family Inventory - Version II (SFI). Results: The intact nuclear families perceive themselves as being more cohesive, flexible, healthy/competent, with better communication and less disengaged when compared to single parents families. Parents perceive the family as being more cohesive, enmeshed, flexible, with better communication and less disengaged than their children. Participants with an income higher than 600 euros per month perceive their families as being more flexible and refer being more satisfied than participants with less than 600 euros of income per month. There are differences in intact nuclear and single parent families at different stages of the life cycle in the cohesion, flexibility, enmeshed, rigid, chaotic and communication subscales.
Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA- Instituto Universitrio para obteno de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clnica
Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Little is known about the effect of clinical characteristics, parental psychopathology, family functioning, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) followed up in a naturalistic setting. Data from cultures outside the United States are extremely scarce. This is a longitudinal study using a nonrandom assignment, quasi-experimental design. One hundred twenty-five children with ADHD were treated with methylphenidate according to standard clinical procedures, and followed up for 6 months. The severity of ADHD symptoms was assessed by the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham rating scale. In the final multivariate model, ADHD combined subtype (P < 0.001) and comorbidity with oppositional defiant disorder (P = 0.03) were both predictors of a worse clinical response. In addition, the levels of maternal ADHD symptoms were also associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.001). In the context of several adverse psychosocial factors assessed, only undesired pregnancy was associated with poorer response to methylphenidate in the final comprehensive-model (P = 0.02). Our study provides evidence for the involvement of clinical characteristics, maternal psychopathology, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate. Clinicians may consider adjuvant strategies when negative predictors are present to increase the chances of success with methylphenidate treatment.
Objective: The authors investigated differences between twins in nine pairs of female monozygotic twins in the Australian Twin Registry who were discordant for lifetime bulimia nervosa. Method: The twins affected and unaffected by lifetime bulimia nervosa were compared on self-report measures, including a measure of parental bonding, four measures of temperament, and six early-childhood medical conditions. Results: No twins had current bulimia nervosa, and there was no difference in weight or eating status between the affected and unaffected twins. The affected twins reported significantly lower self-esteem and less warmth but more overprotection by their mothers during childhood. Conclusions: Although limited by the small number of discordant twin pairs and the inability to detect causal relationships, these results suggest that environmental influences that promote low self-esteem may also increase the risk for bulimia nervosa. These temperamental differences may explain the discrepancies in parenting or perceived parenting.
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between family functioning and depressive symptoms among institutionalized elderly. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study of quantitative character. A total of 107 institutionalized elderly were assessed using a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Geriatric Depression Scale (to track depressive symptoms) and the Family APGAR (to assess family functioning). The correlation coefficient of Pearson’s, the chi-square test and the crude and adjusted logistic regression were used in the data analysis with a significance level of 5 %. The institutionalized elderly with depressive symptoms were predominantly women and in the age group of 80 years and older. Regarding family functioning, most elderly had high family dysfunctioning (57 %). Family dysfunctioning was higher among the elderly with depressive symptoms. There was a significant correlation between family functioning and depressive symptoms. The conclusion is that institutionalized elderly with dysfunctional families are more likely to have depressive symptoms.
Objective: To classify families of elderly with depressive symptoms regarding their functioning and to ascertain the presence of an association between these symptoms, family functioning and the characteristics of the elderly. Method: This was an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study performed with 33 teams of the Family Health Strategy in Dourados, MS. The sample consisted of 374 elderly divided into two groups (with and without depressive symptoms). The instruments for data collection were a sociodemographic instrument, the GeriatricDepression Scale (15 items) and the Family Apgar. Results: An association was observed between depressive symptoms and family dysfunction, female gender, four or more people living together, and physical inactivity. Conclusion: The functional family may represent effective support for the elderly with depressive symptoms, because it offers a comfortable environment that ensures the well-being of its members. The dysfunctional family can barely provide necessary care for the elderly, which can exacerbate depressive symptoms.

BACKGROUND: The psychological transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next remains unclear. The present study aims to identify possible mechanisms explaining this transmission among families of Holocaust Survivors (HS). We hypothesized that the high level of depressive and anxiety disorders (DAD) among HS impairs family systems, which results in damaging coping strategies of their children (CHS) yielding a higher level of DAD. METHODS: 49 CHS completed the Resilience Scale for Adults, the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25, the 13-Item Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale. We test a mediation model with Family types as the predictor; coping strategies (i.e. Resilience or SOC) as the mediator; and DAD as the outcome variable. RESULTS: Results confirm that the CHS׳ family types are more often damaged than in general population. Moreover, growing in a damaged family seems to impede development of coping strategies and, therefore, enhances the occurrence of DAD. LIMITATIONS: The present investigation is correlational and should be confirmed by other prospective investigations. CONCLUSIONS: At a theoretical level we propose a mechanism of transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next through family structure and coping strategies. At a clinical level, our results suggest to investigate the occurrence of trauma among parents of patients consulting for DAD and to reinforce their coping strategies.
Cette tude vise examiner la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilises durant la priode de l'enfance et les dimensions principales du du trouble dficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivit (TDAH) l'adolescence, soit linattention, lhyperactivit et limpulsivit. Les pratiques spcifiques parentales (engagement, pratiques parentales approprie, supervision, punitions corporelles, discipline approprie, discipline svre et incohrente, discipline verbale positive, flicitations et rcompenses, et les attentes claires) et les aspects du fonctionnement familial (communication, rsolution de problmes, rles dans la famille, sensibilit affective, engagement affectif, contrle comportemental) ont t examins par rapport l'inattention et d'hyperactivit. Trente-six enfants de 6 9 ans et leurs parents ont particip une tude longitudinale de 5 ans. Il y a un manque d'tudes longitudinales dans ce domaine et cette tude vise combler cette lacune. Les rsultats ne montrent pas de rsultats significatifs dans la relation entre les pratiques parentales utilises dans l'enfance et les symptmes principaux de l'hyperactivit et l'inattention l'adolescence. Les tudes futures devraient se concentrer sur la relation entre la psychopathologie parentale et les principaux symptmes du TDAH de l'enfance l'adolescence, ainsi que l'impact des pratiques parentales sur ces principaux symptmes.
O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar a relao entre o funcionamento familiar, as prticas parentais e o comportamento dos adolescentes. Para a concretizao do objectivo deste trabalho, foi elaborado um protocolo de investigao (questionrio de dados sociodemogrficos, um inqurito de avaliao do comportamento: YSR; um que avalia o funcionamento familiar : FACES III e outro que avalia as prticas parentais : QLP-A) , aplicado em duas escolas pblicas co Concelho de Lisboa, inseridas em reas scio-econmico-culturais diferenciadas. Atravs dos resultados encontrados [a ansiedade_depresso (T=.502; P=.041), no isolamento (T=.915; P=.000), nos problemas sociais (T=2.822; P=.004) apresentam valores mais elevados na Escola de Interveno Prioritria, escola com projecto TEIP. Na escola de nveis socioeconmicos mais elevados, as dimenses que apresentaram valores superiores foram em dimenses que remetem para as atitudes dos pais perante os filhos : na proteco pai (T=.440; P=.004) e na proteco me (T=.005; P=.000)]. possvel confirmar a existncia dessa influnica. Para alm dessa influncia, constatmos ainda que o meio envolvente em que as famlias se inserem influencia tambm as atitudes parentais perante os seus filhos. Ou seja, quando os nveis socioeconmicos so mais favorveis, as suas atitudes de educao e socializao perante os filhos tambm sero mais adequadas.
Objective. To compare mental health, coping and family-functioning in parents of young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and no known mental health problems. Method. Parents of young people with OCD (N=28), other anxiety disorders (N=28), and no known mental health problems (N=62) completed the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993), the Coping Responses Inventory (Moos, 1990), and the McMaster family assessment device (Epstein, Baldwin, & Bishop, 1983). Results. Parents of children with OCD and anxiety disorders had poorer mental health and used more avoidant coping than parents of non-clinical children. There were no group differences in family-functioning. Conclusion. The similarities across the parents of clinically referred children suggest that there is a case for encouraging active parental involvement in the treatment of OCD in young people.
Il presente lavoro comincia con una descrizione dettagliata del McMaster Model of Family Functionig (MMFF), modello che al suo interno integra una teoria multidimensionale sul funzionamento familiare, diversi strumenti di auto ed etero valutazione e chiare indicazioni terapeutiche racchiuse allinterno della Problem Centered System Therapy of the Family (PCSTF). Grazie alla sua completezza il Modello fornisce ai clinici metodi coerenti, pratici ed empiricamente validi per valutare e trattare le famiglie, essi inoltre, sono stati formulati in modo da essere adattabili a differenti setting clinici e di ricerca, applicabili ad unampia gamma di problematiche e verificabili empiricamente. Obiettivo finale della presente ricerca stato quello di porre le basi per lesportazione del MMFF in Italia e poter quindi procedere alla sua applicazione in ambito clinico. La ricerca cominciata alla Brown University con la traduzione dallinglese allitaliano del Family Assessment Device (FAD), uno degli strumenti di autovalutazione compresi nel MMFF, ed in seguito continuata con la validazione del suddetto strumento in un campione di 317 soggetti appartenenti alla popolazione generale italiana. Il FAD si dimostrato uno strumento valido ed affidabile, in grado quindi di fornire valutazioni stabili e coerenti anche nella sua versione italiana. Il passo successivo stato caratterizzato dalla somministrazione di FAD, Symptom Questionnaire (SQ) e delle Psychological Well-Being scales (PWB) a 289 soggetti reclutati nella popolazione generale. In accordo con il modello bipsicosociale che vede lambiente familiare come il pi immediato gruppo di influenza psicosociale dello stato di benessere o malessere dellindividuo, i nostri dati confermano una stretta relazione tra scarso funzionamento familiare, spesso espresso attraverso difficolt di comunicazione, di problem solving e scarso coinvolgimento affettivo e distress psicologico esperito con sintomi depressivi, ansiogeni ed ostilit. I nostri dati sottoliano inoltre come un funzionamento familiare positivo sia altamente correlato ad elevati livelli di benessere psicologico. Obiettivo della parte finale del lavoro ed anche il pi importante, stato quello di esplorare lefficacia della Problem Centered Systems Therapy of the Family nella gestione della perdita di efficacia degli antidepressivi nel trattamento della depressione ricorrente. 20 soggetti con diagnosi di depressione maggiore ricorrente secondo il DSM-IV sono stati randomizzati a due diverse condizioni di trattamento: 1) aumento del dosaggio dellantidepressivo e clinical management, oppure 2) mantenimento dello stesso dosaggio di antidepressivo e PCSTF. I dati di questo studio mettono in evidenza come, nel breve termine, PCSTF e farmacoterapia sono ugualmente efficaci nel ridurre la sintomatologia depressiva. Diversamente, ad un follow-up di 12 mesi, la PCSTF si dimostrata altamente superiore allaumento del farmaco ner prevenire le ricadute. Nel gruppo sottoposto allaumento del farmaco infatti ben 6 soggetti su 7 ricadono entro lanno. Nel gruppo assegnato a terapia familiare invece solo 1 soggetto su 7 ricade. Questi risultati sono in linea con i dati della letteratura che sottolineano lelevata probabilit di una seconda ricaduta dopo laumento dellantidepressivo allinterno di una farmacoterapia di mantenimento e suggeriscono lefficacia dellutilizzo di strategie psicoterapiche nella prevenzione della ricaduta in pazienti con depressione ricorrente.
This article describes a study of the outcomes of home-based family preservation services for abusive and neglectful families in Los Angeles County. It focuses on changes in family functioning during the 3 month service period and one year after case closing. Families known to the public child welfare agency were referred to the project based on caseworker judgement of the need for services rather than on the criteria of imminent risk of placement. Two hundred forty families were randomly assigned to either the service group receiving family preservation services from two non-profit agencies or to the comparison group receiving regular public agency services. Both caseworkers and families reported small but significant improvements in family functioning for the service group families, but not for the comparison group families. Study findings also suggest the aspects of family functioning most changed by services, the characteristics of families most affected by services, and variables which predicted service success.