933 resultados para Frictional Forces


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"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"


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The effect of friction and interparticle cohesion forces on the gas-solid flow hydrodynamics was discussed. A proposed interparticle cohesion and frictional force terms have been tested in a continuum fully developed flow model to investigate their effect on the general hydrodynamic features of vertical duct flow. It was observed that both terms have direct effect on lowering the material carryover, which implies a reduced bed expansion in freely bubbling column. The parametric analysis shows that cohesion and frictional forces are high when compared to kinetic stress and hence it can play a major role in describing the hydrodynamics features of the flow.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Approach slab pavement at integral abutment (I-A) bridges are prone to settlement and cracking, which has been long recognized by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). A commonly recommended solution is to integrally attach the approach slab to the bridge abutment. This study sought to supplement a previous project by instrumenting, monitoring, and analyzing the behavior of an approach slab tied to a integral abutment bridge. The primary objective of this investigation was to evaluate the performance of the approach slab. To satisfy the research needs, the project scope involved reviewing a similar previous study, implementing a health monitoring system on the approach slab, interpreting the data obtained during the evaluation, and conducting periodic visual inspections of the bridge and approach slab. Based on the information obtained from the testing, the following general conclusions were made: the integral connection between the approach slab and the bridge appears to function well with no observed distress at this location and no relative longitudinal movement measured between the two components; the measured strains in the approach slabs indicate a force exists at the expansion joint and should be taken into consideration when designing both the approach slab and the bridge and the observed responses generally followed an annual cyclic and/or short term cyclic pattern over time; the expansion joint at one side of the approach slab does not appear to be functioning as well as elsewhere; much larger frictional forces were observed in this study compared to the previous study.


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Diplomityö on osa Savonia-amk:n koneosaston TOVI-projektia, jossa metsä-konevalmistaja Ponsse Oyj on mukana. Työssä tutkittiin Ponsse Oyj:n metsäkoneen harvesteripäätä. Tavoitteena oli harvesteripään puun syöttöliikkeessä syntyvien mekaanisten häviöiden selvittäminen. Mekaanisilla häviöillä tarkoitamme karsintaterien kitkavoimia ja syöttörullien vierintävastusta.Edellisten lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia puun syöttöliikkeen simuloitavuutta monikappaledynamiikkaan perustuvalla simu-lointiohjelmistolla. Työ toteutettiin mittaamalla harvesteripään hydraulisten toimilaitteiden paineita, puun syötön aikana. Mittasimme myös puun ja harvesteripään välistä liikematkaa, nopeutta, kiihtyvyyttä, sekä puun paksuutta. Mittausten lisäksi harvesteripäästä rakennettiin simulointimalli. Mitattujen paineiden avulla laskettiin vastaavien toimilaitteiden synnyttämät voimat ja momentit. Simulointimallilla toistettiin mittaustapahtumat, käyttäen mittausten avulla laskettuja voimia ja momentteja. Mallin kitkakertoimien ja vierintävastusten avulla simuloidut ja mitatut liikematkat haettiin yhteneviksi. Toisin sanoen, simulointimalli verifioitiin todellisuutta vastaavaksi, jolloin simulointimallista voitiin lukea syntyneet häviöt.


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Le protocole pour le greffage irréversible du copolymère amphiphile polystyrène-b-poly (acrylate de sodium) PS-b-PANa, sur un substrat de mica et de silice hydrophobe a été développé, en utilisant la méthode de greffage à partir de solution. Les propriétés de surface du bloc chargé ont été évaluées. L’effet de la force ionique sur le gonflement des chaînes a été investigué par ellipsométrie. Les forces d’interaction entre les surfaces recouvertes du copolymère ont été évaluées par la technique SFA. Les profils de force ont démontré être stables et nettement répulsifs en compression et décompression, montrant l’irréversibilité du greffage. Les forces de frottement entre les brosses de PANa sont élevées, mais aucune évidence d’endommagement de la surface n’a été observée. La comparaison entre le comportement à la surface des chaînes de l’acide polyacrylique PAA et celles du PANa, obtenues par deux méthodes de greffage différentes, est également investiguée.


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This paper develops a novel method of actuation for robotic hands. The solution employs Bowden cable routed to each joint as the means by which the finger is actuated. The use of Bowden cable is shown to be feasible for this purpose, even with the changing frictional forces associated with it's use. This method greatly simplifies the control of the hand by removing the coupling between joints, and allows for direct and accurate translation between the joints and the motors driving the Bowden wires. The design also allows for two degrees of freedom (with the same centre of rotation) to be realised in the largest knuckle of each finger, meaning biological finger kinematics are more accurately emulated.


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This paper describes a novel method of actuation for robotic hands. The solution employs a Bowden cable routed to each joint. The use of a Bowden cable is shown to be feasible for this purpose, ever, with the changing frictional forces associated with it. This method greatly simplifies the control of the hand by removing the coupling between joints, and provides for direct and accurate translation between the joints and the servo motors driving the cables. The design also allows for two degrees of freedom with the same centre of rotation to be realized in the largest knuckle of each finger; thus biological finger kinematics are more closely emulated.


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This paper examines the normal force between two opposing polyelectrolyte brushes and the interpenetration of their chains that is responsible for sliding friction. It focuses on the special case of semi-dilute brushes in a salt-free theta solvent, for which Zhulina and Borisov [J. Chem. Phys., {\bf 107}, 5952, (1997)] have derived analytical predictions using the classical strong-stretching theory (SST) introduced by Semenov and developed by Milner, Witten and Cates. Interestingly, the SST predicts that the brushes contract maintaining a polymer-free gap as they are compressed together, which provides an explanation for the ultra-low frictional forces observed in experiment. We examine the degree to which the SST predictions are affected by chain fluctuations by employing self-consistent field theory (SCFT). While the normal force is relatively unaffected, fluctuations are found to have a strong impact on brush interpenetration. Even still, the contraction of the brushes does significantly prolong the onset of interpenetration, implying that a sizeable normal force can be achieved before the sliding friction becomes significant.


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Classical strong-stretching theory (SST) predicts that, as opposing polyelectrolyte brushes are compressed together in a salt-free theta solvent, they contract so as to maintain a finite polymer-free gap, which offers a potential explanation for the ultra-low frictional forces observed in experiments even with the application of large normal forces. However, the SST ignores chain fluctuations, which would tend to close the gap resulting in physical contact and in turn significant friction. In a preceding study, we examined the effect of fluctuations using self-consistent field theory (SCFT) and illustrated that high normal forces can still be applied before the gap is destroyed. We now look at the effect of adding salt. It is found to reduce the long-range interaction between the brushes but has little effect on the short-range part, provided the concentration does not enter the salted-brush regime. Consequently, the maximum normal force between two planar brushes at the point of contact is remarkably unaffected by salt. For the crossed-cylinder geometry commonly used in experiments, however, there is a gradual reduction because in this case the long-range part of the interaction contributes to the maximum normal force.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A TAS (Técnica do Arco Segmentado) representa uma alternativa à mecânica de deslizamento, muitas vezes dificultada pela incerteza da quantidade de força de atrito envolvida em cada sistema de forças utilizado. Nesse contexto, sabe-se que poucos cursos de Ortodontia no Brasil têm ensinado efetivamente a filosofia e o modo de trabalhar com a TAS. Portanto, este trabalho procura elucidar a forma de raciocínio das relaçÕes entre força e momento manipuladas na TAS, bem como mostrar a forma de confecção e utilização de mola "T" do grupo B, onde objetiva-se a movimentação recíproca dos segmentos posterior e anterior e, por fim, apresentar um caso clínico tratado com esse tipo de mecânica.


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Despite favourable gravitational instability and ridge-push, elastic and frictional forces prevent subduction initiation fromarising spontaneously at passive margins. Here,we argue that forces arising fromlarge continental topographic gradients are required to initiate subduction at passivemargins. In order to test this hypothesis,we use 2Dnumerical models to assess the influence of the Andean Plateau on stressmagnitudes and deformation patterns at the Brazilian passive margin. The numerical results indicate that “plateau-push” in this region is a necessary additional force to initiate subduction. As the SE Brazilianmargin currently shows no signs of self-sustained subduction, we examined geological and geophysical data to determine if themargin is in the preliminary stages of subduction initiation. The compiled data indicate that the margin is presently undergoing tectonic inversion, which we infer as part of the continental–oceanic overthrusting stage of subduction initiation. We refer to this early subduction stage as the “Brazilian Stage”, which is characterized by N10 kmdeep reverse fault seismicity at themargin, recent topographic uplift on the continental side, thick continental crust at themargin, and bulging on the oceanic side due to loading by the overthrusting continent. The combined results of the numerical simulations and passivemargin analysis indicate that the SE Brazilian margin is a prototype candidate for subduction initiation.


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Nowadays offshore wind turbines represents a valid answer for energy production but with an increasing in costs mainly due to foundation technology required. Hybrid foundations composed by suction caissons over which is welded a tower supporting the nacelle and the blades allows a strong costs reduction. Here a monopod configuration is studied in a sandy soil in a 10 m water depth. Bearing capacity, sliding resistance and pull-out resistance are evaluated. In a second part the installation process occurring in four steps is analysed. considering also the effect of stress enhancement due to frictional forces opposing to penetration growing at skirt sides both inside and outside. In a three dimensional finite element model using Straus7 the soil non-linearity is considered in an approximate way through an iterative procedure using the Yokota empirical decay curves.


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At Engabreen, Norway, an instrumented panel containing a decimetric obstacle was mounted flush With the bed surface beneath 210 m of ice. Simultaneous measurements of normal and shear stresses, ice velocity and temperature were obtained as dirty basal ice flowed past the obstacle. Our measurements were broadly consistent with ice thickness, flow conditions and bedrock topography near the site of the experiment. Ice speed 0.45 m above the bed was about 130 mm d(-1), much less than the surface velocity of 800 mm d(-1) Average normal stress on the panel was 1.0-1.6 MPa, smaller than the expected ice overburden pressure. Normal stress was larger and temperature was lower on the stoss side than on the lee side, in accord with flow dynamics and equilibrium thermodynamics. Annual differences in normal stresses were correlated with changes in sliding speed and ice-flow direction. These temporal variations may have been caused by changes in ice rheology associated with changes in sediment concentration, water content or both. Temperature and normal stress were generally correlated, except when clasts presumably collided with the panel. Temperature gradients in the obstacle indicated that regelation was negligible, consistent with the obstacle size. Melt rate was about 10% of the sliding speed. Despite high sliding speed, no significant ice/bed separation was observed in the lee of the obstacle. Frictional forces between sediment particles in the ice and the panel, estimated from Hallet's (1981) model, indicated that friction accounted for about 5% of the measured bed-parallel force. This value is uncertain, as friction theories are largely untested. Some of these findings agree with sliding theories, others do not.