994 resultados para Fracture Criteria


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A general theory of fracture criteria for mixed dislocation emission and cleavage processes is developed based on Ohr's model. Complicated cases involving mixed-mode loading are considered. Explicit formulae are proposed for the critical condition of crack cleavage propagation after a number of dislocation emissions. The effects of crystal orientation, crack geometry and load phase angle on the apparent critical energy release rates and the total number of the emitted dislocations at the initiation of cleavage are analysed in detail. In order to evaluate the effects of nonlinear interaction between the slip displacement and the normal separation, an analysis of fracture criteria for combined dislocation emission and cleavage is presented on the basis of the Peierls framework. The calculation clearly shows that the nonlinear theory gives slightly high values of the critical apparent energy release rate G(c) for the same load phase angle. The total number N of the emitted dislocations at the onset of cleavage given by nonlinear theory is larger than that of linear theory.


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In this paper, a finite element analysis of steady-state dynamic crack growth under Mode I, plane strain, small-scale yielding conditions is performed in a rate dependent plastic material characterized by the over-stress model. The main objective of the paper is to obtain theoretically the dependence of dynamic fracture toughness on crack speed. Crack propagation due to a ductile (micro-void) mechanism or a brittle (cleavage) mechanism, as well as transition from one mode to another are considered. The conversion from ductile to brittle has been observed experimentally but has received very little attention using analytical methods. Local fracture criteria based on strains and stresses are used to describe ductile and brittle fracture mechanisms. The results obtained in this paper are in general agreement with micro-structural observations of mode conversion during fracture initiation. Finally, the particular roles played by material rate sensitivity and inertia are examined in some detail.


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Significant progress in understanding the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses (MGs) was made over the past decade, particularly on mechanisms of plastic deformation. However, recent research thrust has been on exploring the mechanics and physics of fracture. MGs can be very brittle with K-Ic values similar to silicate glasses and ceramics or very tough with K-Ic akin to high toughness crystalline metals. Even the tough MGs can become brittle with structural relaxation following annealing at temperatures close to glass transition temperature (T-g). Detailed experimental studies coupled with complementary numerical simulations of the recent past have provided insights on the micromechanisms of failure as well as nature of crack tip fields, and established the governing fracture criteria for ductile and brittle glasses. In this paper, the above advances are reviewed and outstanding issues in the context of fracture of amorphous alloys that need to be resolved are identified.


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Anisotropic mechanical behavior is investigated for an aluminum alloy of 6K21-IH T4 both in plastic deformation and ductile fracture. Anisotropic plastic deformation is characterized by uniaxial tensile tests of dog-bone specimens, while anisotropy in ductile fracture is illustrated with specimens with a central hole, notched specimens and shear specimens. All these specimens are cut off at every 15º from the rolling direction. The r-values and uniaxial tensile yield stresses are measured from the tensile tests of dog-bone specimens. Then the anisotropic plasticity is modeled by a newly proposed J2-J3 criterion under non-associate flow rule (non-AFR). The testing processes of specimens for ductile fracture analysis are simulated to extract the maximum plastic strain at fracture strokes as well as the evolution of the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter in different testing directions. The measured fracture behavior is described by a shear-controlled ductile fracture criterion proposed by Lou et al. (2014. Modeling of shear ductile fracture considering a changeable cut-off value for stress triaxiality. Int. J. Plasticity 54, 56-80) for different loading directions. It is demonstrated that the anisotropic plastic deformation is described by the J2-J3 criterion with high accuracy in various loading conditions including shear, uniaxial tension and plane strain tension. Moreover, the anisotropy in ductile fracture is not negligible and cannot be modeled by isotropic ductile fracture criteria. Thus, an anisotropic model must be proposed to accurately illustrate the directionality in ductile fracture.


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Piezoelectrics present an interactive electromechanical behaviour that, especially in recent years, has generated much interest since it renders these materials adapt for use in a variety of electronic and industrial applications like sensors, actuators, transducers, smart structures. Both mechanical and electric loads are generally applied on these devices and can cause high concentrations of stress, particularly in proximity of defects or inhomogeneities, such as flaws, cavities or included particles. A thorough understanding of their fracture behaviour is crucial in order to improve their performances and avoid unexpected failures. Therefore, a considerable number of research works have addressed this topic in the last decades. Most of the theoretical studies on this subject find their analytical background in the complex variable formulation of plane anisotropic elasticity. This theoretical approach bases its main origins in the pioneering works of Muskelishvili and Lekhnitskii who obtained the solution of the elastic problem in terms of independent analytic functions of complex variables. In the present work, the expressions of stresses and elastic and electric displacements are obtained as functions of complex potentials through an analytical formulation which is the application to the piezoelectric static case of an approach introduced for orthotropic materials to solve elastodynamics problems. This method can be considered an alternative to other formalisms currently used, like the Stroh’s formalism. The equilibrium equations are reduced to a first order system involving a six-dimensional vector field. After that, a similarity transformation is induced to reach three independent Cauchy-Riemann systems, so justifying the introduction of the complex variable notation. Closed form expressions of near tip stress and displacement fields are therefore obtained. In the theoretical study of cracked piezoelectric bodies, the issue of assigning consistent electric boundary conditions on the crack faces is of central importance and has been addressed by many researchers. Three different boundary conditions are commonly accepted in literature: the permeable, the impermeable and the semipermeable (“exact”) crack model. This thesis takes into considerations all the three models, comparing the results obtained and analysing the effects of the boundary condition choice on the solution. The influence of load biaxiality and of the application of a remote electric field has been studied, pointing out that both can affect to a various extent the stress fields and the angle of initial crack extension, especially when non-singular terms are retained in the expressions of the electro-elastic solution. Furthermore, two different fracture criteria are applied to the piezoelectric case, and their outcomes are compared and discussed. The work is organized as follows: Chapter 1 briefly introduces the fundamental concepts of Fracture Mechanics. Chapter 2 describes plane elasticity formalisms for an anisotropic continuum (Eshelby-Read-Shockley and Stroh) and introduces for the simplified orthotropic case the alternative formalism we want to propose. Chapter 3 outlines the Linear Theory of Piezoelectricity, its basic relations and electro-elastic equations. Chapter 4 introduces the proposed method for obtaining the expressions of stresses and elastic and electric displacements, given as functions of complex potentials. The solution is obtained in close form and non-singular terms are retained as well. Chapter 5 presents several numerical applications aimed at estimating the effect of load biaxiality, electric field, considered permittivity of the crack. Through the application of fracture criteria the influence of the above listed conditions on the response of the system and in particular on the direction of crack branching is thoroughly discussed.


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Fracture mechanics plays an important role in the material science, structure design and industrial production due to the failure of materials and structures are paid high attention in human activities. This dissertation, concentrates on some of the fractural aspects of shaft and composite which have being increasingly used in modern structures, consists four chapters within two parts. Chapters 1 to 4 are included in part 1. In the first chapter, the basic knowledge about the stress and displacement fields in the vicinity of a crack tip is introduced. A review involves the general methods of calculating stress intensity factors are presented. In Chapter 2, two simple engineering methods for a fast and close approximation of stress intensity factors of cracked or notched beams under tension, bending moment, shear force, as well as torque are presented. New formulae for calculating the stress intensity factors are proposed. One of the methods named Section Method is improved and applied to the three dimensional analysis of cracked circular section for calculating stress intensity factors. The comparisons between the present results and the solutions calculated by ABAQUS for single mode and mixed mode are studied. In chapter 3, fracture criteria for a crack subjected to mixed mode loading of two-dimension and three-dimension are reviewed. The crack extension angle for single mode and mixed mode, and the critical loading domain obtained by SEDF and MTS are compared. The effects of the crack depth and the applied force ratio on the crack propagation angle and the critical loading are investigated. Three different methods calculating the crack initiation angle for three-dimension analysis of various crack depth and crack position are compared. It should be noted that the stress intensity factors used in the criteria are calculated in section 2.1.


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Crevasses can be ignored in studying the dynamics of most glaciers because they are only about 20 m deep, a small fraction of ice thickness. In ice shelves, however, s urface crevasses 20 m deep often reach sealevel and bottom crevasses can move upward to sea-level (Clough, 1974; Weertman, 1980). The ice shelf is fractured completely through if surface and basal crevasses meet (Barrett, 1975; Hughes, 1979). This is especially likely if surface melt water fills surface crevasses (Weertman, 1973; Pfeffer, 1982; Fastook and Schmidt, 1982). Fracture may therefore play an important role i n the disintegration of ice shelves. Two fracture criteria which can be evaluated experimentally and applied to ice shelves, are presented. Fracture is then examined for the general strain field of an ice shelf and for local strain fields caused by shear rupture alongside ice streams entering the ice shelf, fatigue rupture along ice shelf grounding lines, and buckling up-stream from ice rises. The effect of these fracture patterns on the stability of Antarctic ice shelves and the West Antarctic ice sheet is then discussed.


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In part 1 of this article, cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was determined to occur between two closely spaced blocky MA particles. Blunt notch, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and precracked Charpy testing were used in this investigation to determine the failure criteria required for cleavage initiation to occur by this mechanism in the IC CG HAZ. It was found that the attainment of a critical level of strain was required in addition to a critical level of stress. This does not occur in the case of high strain rate testing, for example, during precracked Charpy testing. A different cleavage initiation mechanism is then found to operate. The precise fracture criteria and microstructural requirements (described in part I of this article) result in competition between potential cleavage initiation mechanisms in the IC CG HAZ.


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Stationary crack tip fields in bulk metallic glasses under mixed mode (I and II) loading are studied through detailed finite element simulations assuming plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. The influence of internal friction or pressure sensitivity on the plastic zones. notch deformation, stress and plastic strain fields is examined for different mode mixities. Under mixed mode loading, the notch deforms into a shape such that one part of its surface sharpens while the other part blunts. Increase in mode If component of loading dramatically enhances the normalized plastic zone size, lowers the stresses but significantly elevates the plastic strain levels near the notch tip. Higher internal friction reduces the peak tangential stress but increases the plastic strain and stretching near the blunted part of the notch. The simulated shear bands are straight and extend over a long distance ahead of the notch tip under mode II dominant loading. The possible variations of fracture toughness with mode mixity corresponding to failure by brittle micro-cracking and ductile shear banding are predicted employing two simple fracture criteria. The salient results from finite element simulations are validated by comparison with those from mixed mode (I and II) fracture experiments on a Zr-based bulk metallic glass.


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Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) has been widely used in the past for fatigue crack growth studies, but this is acceptable only in situations which are within small scale yielding (SSY). In many practical structural components, conditions of SSY could be violated and one has to look for fracture criteria based on elasto-plastic analysis. Crack closure phenomenon, one of the most striking discoveries based on inelastic deformations during crack growth, has significant effect on fatigue crack growth rate. Numerical simulation of this phenomenon is computationally intensive and involved but has been successfully implemented. Stress intensity factors and strain energy release rates lose their meaning, J-integral (or its incremental) values are applicable only in specific situations, whereas alternate path independent integrals have been proposed in the literature for use with elasto-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) based criteria. This paper presents certain salient features of two independent finite element (numerical) studies of relevance to fatigue crack growth, where elasto-plastic analysis becomes significant. These problems can only be handled in the current day computational environment, and would have been only a dream just a few years ago.


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This paper presents a fully anisotropic analysis of strip electric saturation model proposed by Gao et al. (1997) (Gao, H.J., Zhang, T.Y., Tong, P., 1997. Local and global energy release rates for an electrically yielded crack in a piezoelectric ceramic. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 45, 491-510) for piezoelectric materials. The relationship between the size of the strip saturation zone ahead of a crack tip and the applied electric displacement field is established. It is revealed that the critical fracture stresses for a crack perpendicular to the poling axis is linearly decreased with the increase of the positive applied electric field and increases linearly with the increase of the negative applied electric field. For a crack parallel to the poring axis, the failure stress is not effected by the parallel applied electric field. In order to analyse the existed experimental results, the stress fields ahead of the tip of an elliptic notch in an infinite piezoelectric solid are calculated. The critical maximum stress criterion is adopted for determining the fracture stresses under different remote electric displacement fields. The present analysis indicates that the crack initiation and propagation from the tip of a sharp elliptic notch could be aided or impeded by an electric displacement field depending on the field direction. The fracture stress predicted by the present analysis is consistent with the experimental data given by Park and Sun (1995) (Park, S., Sun, C.T., 1995. Fracture criteria for piezoelectric materials. J. Am. Ceram. Soc 78, 1475-1480).


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Classical fracture mechanics is based on the premise that small scale features could be averaged to give a larger scale property such that the assumption of material homogeneity would hold. Involvement of the material microstructure, however, necessitates different characteristic lengths for describing different geometric features. Macroscopic parameters could not be freely exchanged with those at the microscopic scale level. Such a practice could cause misinterpretation of test data. Ambiguities arising from the lack of a more precise range of limitations for the definitions of physical parameters are discussed in connection with material length scales. Physical events overlooked between the macroscopic and microscopic scale could be the link that is needed to bridge the gap. The classical models for the creation of free surface for a liquid and solid are oversimplified. They consider only the translational motion of individual atoms. Movements of groups or clusters of molecules deserve attention. Multiscale cracking behavior also requires the distinction of material damage involving at least two different scales in a single simulation. In this connection, special attention should be given to the use of asymptotic solution in contrast to the full field solution when applying fracture criteria. The former may leave out detail features that would have otherwise been included by the latter. Illustrations are provided for predicting the crack initiation sites of piezoceramics. No definite conclusions can be drawn from the atomistic simulation models such as those used in molecular dynamics until the non-equilibrium boundary conditions can be better understood. The specification of strain rates and temperatures should be synchronized as the specimen size is reduced to microns. Many of the results obtained at the atomic scale should be first identified with those at the mesoscale before they are assumed to be connected with macroscopic observations. Hopefully, "mesofracture mechanics" could serve as the link to bring macrofracture mechanics closer to microfracture mechanics.


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In this paper, a mathematical model of dynamic fracture in porous ductile materials under intense dynamic general loading is developed. The mathematical model includes the influence of inertial effects and material rate sensitivity, as well as the contribution of surface energy of a void and material work-hardening. In addition, the condition of the void compaction is considered as well. The threshold stresses for the void growth and compaction are obtained. A simple criterion for ductile fracture which is associated with material distention and plastic deformation is adopted. As an application of the theoretical model, the processes of two-dimensional spallation in LY12 aluminum alloy are successfully simulated by means of two-dimensional finite-difference Lagrangian code.


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Singularities of elastic and electric fields are investigated at the tip of a crack on the interface of two anisotropic piezo-electric media under various boundary conditions on the crack surfaces. The Griffith formulae are obtained for increments of energy functionals due to growth of the crack and the notion of the energy release matrix is introduced. Normalization conditions for bases of singular solution are proposed to adapt them to the energy, stress, and deformation fracture criteria. Connections between these bases are determined and additional properties of the deformation basis related to the notion of electric surface enthalpy are established.


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Introduction. The postoperative acute renal failure (ARF) incidence in different kinds of surgery has rarely been studied. Age, cardiac dysfunction, previous renal dysfunction, intraoperative hypoperfusion, and use of nephrotoxic medications are mentioned as risk factors for ARF at the postoperative period. The postoperative ARF definition was based on the creatinine increase by the RIFLE classification (R = risk, I = injury, F = failure, L = loss, E = end stage), which corresponds to a 1.5 creatinine increase, two to three times, respectively, above the basal value. This study aimed to evaluate the postoperative ARF incidence in elderly patients who underwent femur fracture surgery under subarachnoid anesthesia and stratify it by the RIFLE criteria. Methods. Ninety patients older than 65 years under spinal anesthesia with fixed dosage of 15 mg of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine associated with morphine 50 g were studied. Immediate postoperative creatinine was considered basal and compared with maximal creatinine evaluated at 24, 48, and 72 postoperative hours. Results. The mean age of the patients was 80.27 years. ARF incidence was 24.44% and stratified this way: R = 21.11% and I = 3.33%. Conclusions. In conclusion, the postoperative ARF incidence after femur fracture surgery in patients over 65 years was 24.44%. By analyzing the stratification based on the RIFLE classification, the incidence was categorized as Risk (R) = 21.11% and Injury (I) = 3.33%.