997 resultados para Finishing process


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Surface finish is an important factor in creating the durable metal components, and fatigue strength can be improved if compressive residual stresses are produced in the surface. Burnishing is a finishing process and compressive residual stresses are induced during the process. The present study of minimizing the surface roughness based on the experimental work, and finite element model was developed to evaluate the analytical results. Commercial purity Mild Steel and Aluminium were selected as work specimens and a high carbon high chromium roller was used as a tool for the burnishing process.


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The generation of effluent from the finishing process in textile industry is a serious environmental problem and turned into an object of study in several scientific papers. Contamination with dyes and the presences of substances that are toxic to the environment characterize this difficult treatment effluent. Several processes have already been evaluated to remove and even degrade such pollutants are examples: coagulation-flocculation, biological treatment and advanced oxidative processes, but not yet sufficient to enable the recovery of dye or at least of the recovery agent. An alternative to this problem is the cloud point extraction that involves the application of nonionic surfactants at temperatures above the cloud point, making the water a weak solvent to the surfactant, providing the agglomeration of those molecules around the dyes molecules by affinity with the organic phase. After that, the formation of two phases occurred: the diluted one, poor in dye and surfactant, and the other one, coacervate, with higher concentrations of dye and surfactants than the other one. The later use of the coacervate as a dye and surfactant recycle shows the technical and economic viability of this process. In this paper, the cloud point extraction is used to remove the dye Reactive Blue from the water, using nonionic surfactant nonyl phenol with 9,5 etoxilations. The aim is to solubilize the dye molecules in surfactant, varying the concentration and temperature to study its effects. Evaluating the dye concentration in dilute phase after extraction, it is possible to analyze thermodynamic variables, build Langmuir isotherms, determine the behavior of the coacervate volume for a surfactant concentration and temperature, the distribution coefficient and the dye removal efficiency. The concentration of surfactant proved itself to be crucial to the success of the treatment. The results of removal efficiency reached values of 91,38%, 90,69%, 89,58%, 87,22% and 84,18% to temperatures of 65,0, 67,5, 70,0, 72,5 and 75,0°C, respectively, showing that the cloud point extraction is an efficient alternative for the treatment of wastewater containing Reactive Blue


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Nas últimas duas décadas, as cerâmicas avançadas têm sido exaustivamente utilizadas em aplicações na indústria devido às suas propriedades de elevada resistência ao desgaste e dureza. Entretanto, ainda se tem um alto custo agregado ao acabamento da peça. Esse acabamento geralmente é feito pelo processo de retificação, único processo economicamente viável que produz superfícies de elevada qualidade e precisão geométrica. Nesse contexto, as empresas vêm buscando a otimização no processo de retificação como, por exemplo, a redução do fluxo de fluido de corte utilizado, o que também visa atender exigências mundiais de preservação ambiental. Desta forma, este projeto pretendeu explorar a técnica da Mínima Quantidade de Lubrificação (MQL) na retificação cilíndrica externa de mergulho em cerâmicas com rebolos diamantados. Foram utilizados dois métodos de refrigeração: o convencional e o MQL, com três avanços de corte para cada caso. Foram usados um bocal convencional e um bocal para o MQL, tendo este um uniformizador de saída do jato. Foram analisadas como variáveis de saída: a emissão acústica, relação G, aspecto da superfície via microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), rugosidade e circularidade. Assim, embora a refrigeração convencional ainda apresente os melhores resultados em comparação com a refrigeração com MQL, esta última pode atender os requisitos necessários para diversas aplicações, em especial quando utilizadas baixas espessuras equivalentes de corte (h eq). Além disso, a técnica de MQL possui a vantagem de gerar um menor impacto ambiental em comparação com a lubrificação convencional, devido ao uso mínimo de fluido de corte cujo descarte é cada vez mais regulamentado e custoso.


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Grinding is a finishing process in machining operations, and the topology of the grinding tool is responsible for producing the desired result on the surface of the machined material The tool topology is modeled in the dressing process and precision is therefore extremely important This study presents a solution in the monitoring of the dressing process, using a digital signal processor (DSP) operating in real time to detect the optimal dressing moment To confirm the monitoring efficiency by DSP, the results were compared with those of a data acquisition system (DAQ) and offline processing The method employed here consisted of analyzing the acoustic emission and electrical power signal by applying the DPO and DPKS parameters The analysis of the results allowed us to conclude that the application of the DPO and DPKS parameters can be substituted by processing of the mean acoustic emission signal, thus reducing the computational effort


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Grinding process is usually the last finishing process of a precision component in the manufacturing industries. This process is utilized for manufacturing parts of different materials, so it demands results such as low roughness, dimensional and shape error control, optimum tool-life, with minimum cost and time. Damages on the parts are very expensive since the previous processes and the grinding itself are useless when the part is damaged in this stage. This work aims to investigate the efficiency of digital signal processing tools of acoustic emission signals in order to detect thermal damages in grinding process. To accomplish such a goal, an experimental work was carried out for 15 runs in a surface grinding machine operating with an aluminum oxide grinding wheel and ABNT 1045 e VC131 steels. The acoustic emission signals were acquired from a fixed sensor placed on the workpiece holder. A high sampling rate acquisition system at 2.5 MHz was used to collect the raw acoustic emission instead of root mean square value usually employed. In each test AE data was analyzed off-line, with results compared to inspection of each workpiece for burn and other metallurgical anomaly. A number of statistical signal processing tools have been evaluated.


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Grinding is a parts finishing process for advanced products and surfaces. However, continuous friction between the workpiece and the grinding wheel causes the latter to lose its sharpness, thus impairing the grinding results. This is when the dressing process is required, which consists of sharpening the worn grains of the grinding wheel. The dressing conditions strongly affect the performance of the grinding operation; hence, monitoring them throughout the process can increase its efficiency. The objective of this study was to estimate the wear of a single-point dresser using intelligent systems whose inputs were obtained by the digital processing of acoustic emission signals. Two intelligent systems, the multilayer perceptron and the Kohonen neural network, were compared in terms of their classifying ability. The harmonic content of the acoustic emission signal was found to be influenced by the condition of dresser, and when used to feed the neural networks it is possible to classify the condition of the tool under study.


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Grinding is a workpiece finishing process for advanced products and surfaces. However, the constant friction between workpiece and grinding wheel causes the latter to lose its sharpness, thereby impairing the result of the grinding process. When this occurs, the dressing process is essential to sharpen the worn grains of the grinding wheel. The dressing conditions strongly influence the performance of the grinding operation; hence, monitoring them throughout the process can increase its efficiency. The purpose of this study was to classify the wear condition of a single-point dresser using intelligent systems whose inputs were obtained by digitally processing acoustic emission signals. Two multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks were compared for their classification ability, one using the root mean square (RMS) statistics and another the ratio of power (ROP) statistics as input. In this study, it was found that the harmonic content of the acoustic emission signal is influenced by the condition of the dresser, and that the condition of the tool under study can be classified by using the aforementioned statistics to feed a neural network. © IFAC.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Idag är det vanligt att företagen konkurrerar med produkter som innefattar en fysisk vara som har utvidgats med olika tjänster för att kunna tillfredsställa kundens behov. I takt med detta ökar produkternas komplexitet och högre krav ställs på leverantörerna. Denna utveckling har lett till att många företag som tillverkar produkter med hög variation måste arbeta helt kundorderstyrt för att kunna tillgodose kundernas ökande krav. Företagen som tillverkar dessa komplexa produkter har en tillverkning som karaktäriseras av hög variation och låg volym vilket benämns med förkortningen HVLV. Utmaningen för dessa HVLV-företag ligger i att ha en hög produktmixflexibilitet med så låg resursanvändning som möjligt. För att effektivisera verksamheten har många företag därför intresserat sig för Lean production som har visat sig vara ett framgångsrikt koncept för tillverkande företag runt om i världen som effektiviserat sin produktion. Ett flertal artiklar har uppmärksammat begränsningar vid implementeringen av Lean production i HVLV-miljöer. Artiklar pekar vidare på behovet av ytterligare forskning kring Lean productions applicerbarhet i HVLV-miljöer och detta var uppkomsten till examensarbetets bakgrund och syfte. En fallstudie har genomförts på Tibrokök som är ett företag med en helt kundorderstyrd produktion som kännetecknas av HVLV. Med hjälp av fallstudien syftar examensarbetet till att undersöka om verktygen processkartläggning inkl. tidsstudier och layoutflödesdiagram kan bidra till att skapa förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i en enskild tillverkningsprocess i en HVLV-miljö. Trots att verktygen har behövt anpassas något så anses de ha varit användbara och bidragande till skapandet av förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i denna HVLV-miljö. Detta eftersom vi kunde identifiera många orsaker till slöseri samt ta fram ett förslag som skapar effektiviseringar av Tibroköks ytbehandlingsprocess i det framtida läget.


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A consciencialização ambiental vem assumindo um papel preponderante na construção civil. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de materiais sustentáveis e ecológicos é essencial para a satisfação de fabricantes e consumidores, respeitando diversos requisitos: níveis reduzidos de poluição e toxicidade, durabilidade dos materiais, possibilidade de reutilização e/ou reciclagem, a proveniência das matérias-primas e a possibilidade de contaminação do ar no interior dos edifícios. As declarações ambientais de produto (DAP) permitem informar o consumidor do desempenho ambiental dos materiais dos produtos. Assim, ao longo de todo o processo de fabrico são registados os consumos de recursos e emissões ambientais e, através da metodologia de avaliação de ciclo de vida, é quantificada a contribuição resultante para impactes ambientais. Esta dissertação visa analisar os possíveis impactes ambientais no decurso do processo de produção de um pavimento flutuante de cortiça, constituído por cortiça, High Density Fibreboard (HDF) e acabamento de superfície, denominado Artcomfort Floating NPC e elaborar de um relatório de suporte, que servirá de base para a DAP do pavimento Artcomfort Floating NPC do sistema do Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU). Esta dissertação inclui um relatório de fundo, para a avaliação do ciclo de vida do pavimento flutuante Artcomfort Floating NPC da empresa Amorim Revestimentos, que servirá de base para a elaboração da declaração ambiental de produto (DAP) do mesmo. Para tal, recorreu-se ao software SimaPro para análise dos impactes ambientais das várias fases do processo de fabrico do pavimento em estudo, sendo as fases consideradas, a produção da camada base de cortiça aglomerada, camada backing de cortiça aglomerada, montagem da sanduiche, placa pintada, placa acabada e corte e embalagem. A fase que tem maior contribuição para os impactes ambientais do processo de fabrico do produto, em todas as categorias de impacte analisadas, com exceção da depleção dos recursos abióticos sem combustíveis fósseis, foi a fase de montagem da sanduiche.


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In this study, the effects of helium or a helium/oxygen mixture atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on the adsorption of chitosan onto the cotton fabric were investigated. Fabrics were treated with plasma prior to a chitosan finishing process, whereby fabrics were surface coated using a pad/dry/cure method. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, surface energy analyser and contact angle measurements were used to investigate the changes on the cotton surface. Furthermore, antimicrobial activity of the cotton fabric was evaluated. The results showed that plasma pre-treatment enhanced the chitosan adsorption to the cotton surface through physical bonding and there was weak evidence of chemical bonding interactions. A combination of plasma and chitosan treatment did not show any significant differences on the antimicrobial properties compared to chitosan only treated fabric. Plasma treatment changed the fibres physically and enhanced the surface energy and thickness of chitosan distributed on the fibres.


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Over the last three decades, researchers have responded to the demands of industry to manufacture mechanical components with geometrical tolerance, dimensional tolerance, and surface finishing in nanometer levels. The new lapgrinding process developed in Brazil utilizes lapping kinematics and a flat grinding wheel dressed with a single-point diamond dresser in agreement with overlap factor (U(d)) theory. In the present work, the influences of different U(d) values on dressing (U(d) = 1, 3 e 5) and grain size of the grinding wheel made of silicon carbide (SiC = 800, 600 e 300 mesh) are analyzed on surface finishing of stainless steel AISI 420 flat workpieces submitted to the lapgrinding process. The best results, obtained after 10 minutes of machining, were: average surface roughness (Ra) 1.92 nm; 1.19 mu m flatness deviation of 25.4 mm diameter workpieces and mirrored surface finishing. Given the surface quality achieved, the lapgrinding process can be included among the ultra-precision finishing processes and, depending on the application, the steps of lapping followed by polishing can be replaced by the proposed abrasive process.