995 resultados para Field instrumentation


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The loss of valuable water resources due to pipe failure has become a major problem in Australia, especially in areas under high level of water restrictions. Generally pipe failure occurs due to a combination of physical and environmental factors. Stresses induced by shrinking and swelling of reactive soils are one of the major factors affecting the performance of buried pipes. This paper presents the details of a field instrumentation undertaken to monitor the performance of an in-service water reticulation pipe buried in a reactive soil and subjected to seasonal climatic changes.


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Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used by many industries because of their ability to manage sensors and control external hardware. The problem with commercially available systems is that they are restricted to a local network of users that use proprietary software. There was no Internet development guide to give remote users out of the network, control and access to SCADA data and external hardware through simple user interfaces. To solve this problem a server/client paradigm was implemented to make SCADAs available via the Internet. Two methods were applied and studied: polling of a text file as a low-end technology solution and implementing a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) socket connection. Users were allowed to login to a website and control remotely a network of pumps and valves interfaced to a SCADA. This enabled them to sample the water quality of different reservoir wells. The results were based on real time performance, stability and ease of use of the remote interface and its programming. These indicated that the most feasible server to implement is the TCP/IP connection. For the user interface, Java applets and Active X controls provide the same real time access.


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Field monitoring is an important means for understanding soil behaviour and its interaction with buried structures such as pipeline. This paper details the successful instrumentation of a section of an in-service cast iron water main buried in an area of reactive clay where frequent water pipe breakage has been observed. The instrumentation included measurement of pipe strain; pipe water pressure and temperature; soil pressure, temperature, moisture content and matric suction, as well as the meteorological conditions on site. The data generally indicated that changes in soil temperature, suction and moisture content were directly related to the local climatic variations. The suction and moisture content data indicated that the soil profile at the site down to around 700 mm, and probably down to 1000 mm, is affected by changes in surface weather, while soil conditions below this depth appear to be more stable. Analysis of pipe strain indicated that the pipe behaves like a cantilever beam, with the top experiencing predominantly tensile strains during summer. Subsequently, these trends reduce to compressive strains as soil swelling occurs due to increase of moisture content with the onset of winter.


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Field instrumentation of an in-service cast iron gas pipe buried in a residential area is detailed in this paper. The aim of the study was to monitor the long-term pipe behavior to understand the mechanisms of pipe bending in relation to ground movement as a result of seasonal fluctuation of soil moisture content. Field data showed that variation of soil temperature, suction, and moisture content are closely related to the prevailing climate. Change of soil temperature is generally related to the ambient air temperature, with a variation of approximately −3°C −3°C per meter depth from the ground surface in summer (decrease with depth) and winter (increase with depth). Seasonal cyclic variation in moisture content was observed with maxima in February and March, and a minimum around September. The pipe top was under tensile strain during summer and subsequently subjected to compressive strain as soil swelling occurred as a result of increase in moisture content. The study suggests that downward pipe bending occurs in summer because of soil shrinkage, while upward pipe bending occurs in winter when the soil swells.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do comportamento dos aterros instrumentados que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da instrumentação de campo serão discutidos e retroanalisados, juntamente com dados disponíveis na literatura, buscando-se a definição de parâmetros confiáveis, representativos do comportamento da argila compressível da região em estudo. O Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro é uma rodovia projetada que servirá como ligação entre as 5 principais rodovias que cortam o município do Rio de Janeiro. Dada a magnitude da obra e a ocorrência de significativas espessuras de solos moles em alguns trechos da região, determinados aterros que compõem a rodovia foram instrumentados com placas de recalque e inclinômetros, instalados em diferentes estações de monitoramento, no intuito de avaliar os deslocamentos verticais e horizontais dos aterros durante o processo construtivo. De posse de parâmetros confiáveis, procede-se à simulação numérica do processo construtivo de um dos aterros, a partir do programa PLAXIS, de elementos finitos. Os resultados numéricos são confrontados com a instrumentação de campo (fornecida por placas de recalque) e com os resultados de previsões teóricas (teoria de adensamento unidimensional). Em projetos de aterros sobre solos compressíveis, a instrumentação geotécnica é de grande importância, pois permite acompanhar o desenvolvimento de todo o processo construtivo, e as deformações decorrentes da sobrecarga imposta pelo lançamento de camadas de aterro. A imposição de um carregamento sobre solos de alta compressibilidade e baixa resistência pode acarretar em grandes deformações ao longo do tempo, além de rupturas indesejáveis do solo de fundação. Os resultados comprovaram que a modelagem numérica mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada para a previsão dos recalques totais e tempos de adensamento. A definição de parâmetros representativos, com base em ensaios executados em amostras de boa qualidade, é o primeiro passo para a previsão coerente da evolução dos recalques com o tempo. A retroanálise do comportamento de aterros sobre solos moles permite a reavaliação das premissas de projeto, uma vez que as limitações das teorias de análise e a dificuldade na seleção de parâmetros, muitas vezes acarretam em estimativas de recalque incoerentes com as observações de campo.


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A previsão do comportamento de resíduos constituiu-se em um desafio geotécnico, uma vez que estes materiais apresentam uma resposta distinta dos materiais usualmente encontrados em depósitos naturais. A análise dos recalques da fundação, decorrentes da sobrecarga imposta pelo alteamento, é complexa, tendo em vista que o adensamento de resíduos pressupõe grandes deformações, invalidando o uso de teorias clássicas de adensamento. Atualmente, no Brasil, a técnica de disposição de resíduos de bauxita prevê uma operação inicial de lançamento no interior de lagos artificiais, em forma de polpa. Após o esgotamento do lago e ressecamento do resíduo, inicia-se o lançamento pelo método a montante. Neste método, a polpa é lançada sobre o resíduo pré-existente, que se encontra em processo de adensamento. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo reproduzir numericamente o comportamento de áreas de resíduos durante a etapa de alteamento a montante. A pesquisa tem como enfoque 2 áreas de resíduos de bauxita. Uma delas encontra-se em fase de reabilitação e dispõe de instrumentação de campo (recalques e deslocamentos horizontais). A outra se encontra em fase de operação do alteamento e dispõe de dados experimentais. Desta forma, a metodologia consistiu na reprodução numérica do processo de alteamento da área instrumentada e comparação dos resultados com a instrumentação de campo, com objetivo de avaliar o modelo numérico e os parâmetros do resíduo. Posteriormente, realizou-se a previsão do comportamento do resíduo de fundação da área em fase de alteamento. Os parâmetros geotécnicos foram definidos a partir de um extenso programa de ensaios de campo e laboratório, executado no local em estudo, fazendo-se uso de um tratamento estatístico dos dados experimentais. Os resultados numéricos mostraram a potencialidade do programa na previsão do comportamento de áreas de resíduos durante o alteamento a montante, com previsões de recalques e deslocamentos horizontais coerentes com a instrumentação de campo.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise numérica do comportamento dos aterros instrumentados que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da instrumentação de campo serão retroanalisados, juntamente com dados disponíveis na literatura, buscando-se a definição de parâmetros confiáveis, representativos do comportamento da argila compressível da região em estudo. O Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro é uma rodovia projetada que servirá como ligação entre as principais rodovias que cortam o município do Rio de Janeiro. Devido a presença de grandes espessuras de solo compressível em alguns trechos da região, cortados pelo traçado da rodovia, instrumentos de monitoramento, como placas de recalque e inclinômetros, foram utilizados para avaliar os deslocamentos verticais e horizontais dos aterros durante o processo construtivo. Para este trabalho foram selecionados trechos de aterros representativos, devido à magnitude dos recalques, qualidade do resultado da instrumentação e diferentes métodos construtivos. A partir da análise dos parâmetros de projeto e dos parâmetros encontrados na literatura, procede-se à simulação numérica do processo construtivo dos aterros selecionados com o programa PLAXIS, de elementos finitos, através de modelagem bidimensional. Os resultados numéricos são confrontados com a instrumentação de campo (placas de recalque e inclinômetros) e com os resultados de previsões teóricas (teoria de adensamento unidimensional). Os resultados comprovaram que a modelagem numérica mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada para a previsão dos recalques totais, tempos de adensamento e ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo. A retroanálise do comportamento de aterros sobre solos moles permite a reavaliação das premissas de projeto, uma vez que as limitações das teorias de análise e a dificuldade na seleção de parâmetros, muitas vezes acarretam em estimativas de recalque incoerentes com as observações de campo.


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O presente trabalho aborda o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas em estacas, através do estudo de caso de encontros da Ponte do Rio Capivari nas obras do Arco Metropolitano. Neste caso específico as estacas foram construídas previamente a execução de aterros em terra armada e para minimizar o efeito de Tschebotarioff o solo foi reforçado com colunas de brita. Com embasamento na revisão bibliográfica apresentada foi realizada a análise pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. Esta análise, realizada pelo programa computacional Plaxis, teve como foco principal a obtenção dos deslocamentos e momentos fletores nas estacas para os dois casos analisados: sem colunas de brita e com solo homogêneo equivalente (com colunas de brita). Foi possível verificar a influência da introdução das colunas de brita na redução dos momentos fletores e deslocamentos horizontais nas estacas dos encontros. Realizou-se ainda uma simulação em que as estacas seriam construídas após a realização dos aterros em terra armada onde pode-se constatar que o efeito de sobrecargas assimétricas seria mitigado. Foi efetuada também a comparação entre os deslocamentos provenientes de dados coletados da instrumentação de campo (inclinômetros) e os obtidos pelas análises numéricas, estando os mesmos compatíveis entre si, demonstrando que a metodologia adotada para simulação das colunas de brita no Método dos Elementos finitos foi adequada.


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For structural health monitoring it is impractical to identify a large structure with complete measurement due to limited number of sensors and difficulty in field instrumentation. Furthermore, it is not desirable to identify a large number of unknown parameters in a full system because of numerical difficulty in convergence. A novel substructural strategy was presented for identification of stiffness matrices and damage assessment with incomplete measurement. The substructural approach was employed to identify large systems in a divide-and-conquer manner. In addition, the concept of model condensation was invoked to avoid the need for complete measurement, and the recovery process to obtain the full set of parameters was formulated. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated numerically through multi-storey shear buildings subjected to random force. A fairly large structural system with 50 DOFs was identified with good results, taking into consideration the effects of noisy signals and the limited number of sensors. Two variations of the method were applied, depending on whether the sensor could be repositioned. The proposed strategy was further substantiated experimentally using an eight-storey steel plane frame model subjected to shaker and impulse hammer excitations. Both numerical and experimental results have shown that the proposed substructural strategy gave reasonably accurate identification in terms of locating and quantifying structural damage.


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The pumping of fluids in pipelines is the most economic and safe form of transporting fluids. That explains why in Europe there was in 1999 about 30.000 Km [7] of pipelines of several diameters, transporting millíons of cubic meters of crude oil end refined products, belonging to COCAWE (assaciation of companies of petroleum of Europe for health, environment and safety, that joint several petroleum companies). In Brazil they are about 18.000 Km of pipelines transporting millions of cubic meters of liquids and gases. In 1999, nine accidents were registered to COCAWE. Among those accidents one brought a fatal victim. The oil loss was of 171 m3, equivalent to O,2 parts per million of the total of the transported volume. Same considering the facts mentioned the costs involved in ao accident can be high. An accident of great proportions can bríng loss of human lives, severe environmental darnages, loss of drained product, loss . for dismissed profit and damages to the image of the company high recovery cost. In consonance with that and in some cases for legal demands, the companies are, more and more, investing in systems of Leak detection in pipelines based on computer algorithm that operate in real time, seeking wíth that to minimize still more the drained volumes. This decreases the impacts at the environment and the costs. In general way, all the systems based on softWare present some type of false alarm. In general a commitment exists betWeen the sensibílity of the system and the number of false alarms. This work has as objective make a review of thé existent methods and to concentrate in the analysis of a specific system, that is, the system based on hydraulic noise, Pressure Point Analyzis (PPA). We will show which are the most important aspects that must be considered in the implementation of a Leak Detection System (LDS), from the initial phase of the analysis of risks passing by the project bases, design, choice of the necessary field instrumentation to several LDS, implementation and tests. We Will make na analysis of events (noises) originating from the flow system that can be generator of false alarms and we will present a computer algorithm that restricts those noises automatically


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This paper presents laboratory and in situ studies carried out on a 200 000 m(3) large clayey silt compacted embankment. Laboratory studies carried out on undeformed block samples included index tests, strength tests and water retention curves using the filter paper technique. Grain size analyses with and without a deflocculating agent clearly showed the existence of grain clusters, which appear to be naturally formed. Field instrumentation installed at depths from 0.25 m to 1.0 m included tensiometers, equitensiometers, time domain reflectometry and geothermometers. Pluviometer data from a nearby weather station are also used to analyse the field data. The ranges of water content and suction values were measured, both of which correlated well with the pluviometer data. The water retention curves including laboratory and field data showed a bimodal shape, consistent with the presence of microand macropores shown in the grain size analysis.


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Retaining walls design involves factors such as plastification, loading and unloading, pre-stressing, excessive displacements and earth and water thrust. Furthermore, the interaction between the retained soil and the structure is rather complex and hard to predict. Despite the advances in numerical simulation techniques and monitoring of forces and displacements with field instrumentation, design projects are still based on classical methods, whose simplifying assumptions may overestimate structural elements of the retaining wall. This dissertation involves a three-dimensional numerical study on the behavior of a retaining wall using the finite element method (FEM). The retaining wall structure is a contiguous bored pile wall with tie-back anchors. The numerical results were compared to data obtained from field instrumentation. The influence of the position of one or two layers of anchors and the effects of the construction of a slab bounded at the top of the retaining wall was evaluated. Furthermore, this study aimed at investigating the phenomenon of arching in the soil behind the wall. Arching was evaluated by analyzing the effects of pile spacing on horizontal stresses and displacements. Parametric analysis with one layers of anchors showed that the smallest horizontal displacements of the structure were achieved for between 0.3 and 0.5 times the excavation depth. Parametric analyses with two anchor layers showed that the smallest horizontal displacements were achieve for anchors positioned in depths of 0.4H and 0.7H. The construction of a slab at the top of the retaining wall decreased the horizontal displacements by 0.14% times the excavation depth as compared to analyses without the slab. With regard to the arching , analyzes showed an optimal range of spacing between the faces of the piles between 0.4 and 0.6 times the diameter of the pile


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One of the challenges the tidal power industry faces, is the requirement of cost effective, reliable but highly accurate acquisition of flow data. Different methods are required , applications range over different spatial and temporal scales. This report assembles in the first sections, theoretical background information on acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and RADAR measurements. The use of existing expertise in field tests of marine vehicles is discussed next, followed by a discussion of issues relating to recreating field conditions in laboratory environments. The last three sections present practical applications of various methods performed in field conditions. While progress has been made over the last years, this overview highlights the challenges in full scale field measurements and knowledge gaps in the industry.


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"October 1980."