999 resultados para Fermentative process


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This study evaluates the potential for using different effluents for simultaneous H-2 and CH4 production in a two-stage batch fermentation process with mixed microflora. An appreciable amount of H-2 was produced from parboiled rice wastewater (23.9 mL g(-1) chemical oxygen demand [COD]) and vinasse (20.8 mL g(-1) COD), while other effluents supported CH4 generation. The amount of CH4 produced was minimum for sewage (46.3 mL g(-1) COD), followed by parboiled rice wastewater (115.5 mL g(-1) COD) and glycerol (180.1 mL g(-1) COD). The maximum amount of CH4 was observed for vinasse (255.4 mL g(-1) COD). The total energy recovery from vinasse (10.4 kJ g(-1) COD) corresponded to the maximum COD reduction (74.7 %), followed by glycerol (70.38 %, 7.20 kJ g(-1) COD), parboiled rice wastewater (63.91 %, 4.92 kJ g(-1) COD), and sewage (51.11 %, 1.85 kJ g(-1) COD). The relatively high performance of vinasse in such comparisons could be attributed to the elevated concentrations of macronutrients contained in raw vinasse. The observations are based on kinetic parameters of H-2 and CH4 production and global energy recovery of the process. These observations collectively suggest that organic-rich effluents can be deployed for energy recovery with sequential generation of H-2 and CH4.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background The use of lignocellulosic constituents in biotechnological processes requires a selective separation of the main fractions (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin). During diluted acid hydrolysis for hemicellulose extraction, several toxic compounds are formed by the degradation of sugars and lignin, which have ability to inhibit microbial metabolism. Thus, the use of a detoxification step represents an important aspect to be considered for the improvement of fermentation processes from hydrolysates. In this paper, we evaluated the application of Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOPs) for the detoxification of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate with the goal of improving ethanol bioproduction by Pichia stipitis yeast. Aiming to reduce the toxicity of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate, different treatment conditions were analyzed. The treatments were carried out according to a Taguchi L16 orthogonal array to evaluate the influence of Fe+2, H2O2, UV, O3 and pH on the concentration of aromatic compounds and the fermentative process. Results The results showed that the AOPs were able to remove aromatic compounds (furan and phenolic compounds derived from lignin) without affecting the sugar concentration in the hydrolysate. Ozonation in alkaline medium (pH 8) in the presence of H2O2 (treatment A3) or UV radiation (treatment A5) were the most effective for hydrolysate detoxification and had a positive effect on increasing the yeast fermentability of rice straw hemicellulose hydrolysate. Under these conditions, the higher removal of total phenols (above 40%), low molecular weight phenolic compounds (above 95%) and furans (above 52%) were observed. In addition, the ethanol volumetric productivity by P. stipitis was increased in approximately twice in relation the untreated hydrolysate. Conclusion These results demonstrate that AOPs are a promising methods to reduce toxicity and improve the fermentability of lignocellulosic hydrolysates.


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Recently lipases have been increasing in prominence due to its wide industrial application. The lipase production can be influenced by different variables such as the producing microorganism, carbon sources, aeration and agitation conditions, inductor type and the geometry of the reactor. Biosurfactants are composites of surface active produced by microbial cells which reduce superficial and interfacial tensions. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of different process variables in the lipase production during a fermentative process. The results showed that the concomitant production of lipases and biosurfactant was possible in different cultivation conditions.


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Brazil is renowned for its biodiversity; however, its economy is based on exotic plants, extraction and unsustainable use of natural resources. This issue was addressed in a recent QN review entitled "Chemistry without Borders." In order to explore the potential of Brazilian biodiversity fully, sustainable development is required in key technological areas, such as biotechnology. This research field is consistent with the green chemistry and white technology principles. Therefore, biotechnology is a sustainable alternative to conventional technologies and is expected to account for 20% of global chemicals by 2020. Brazil is the second largest grower of biotech crops and biodiesel, but its main activities rely on the fermentative process. In order to stimulate the national biotechnology development, the Brazilian Federal Government launched a national policy for biotechnology in 2007 and the National Committee of Biotechnology was created. Among the outstanding biotechnological processes, biocatalysis is one of the most important alternatives to conventional processing, and this field has changed dramatically with the advent of recombinant DNA technology in the 1970s, when large quantities of enzymes were accessible. The direct evolution methodology in the 1990s was a breakthrough and allowed tailoring of enzymes possessing high stability and stereoselectivity. However, about 60 years after the first industrial enzymatic biotransformation of steroids, the full potential of biocatalysis is far from being achieved. Future challenges in this field concern the multienzyme cascade reactions associated with optimized chemoenzymatic processes, and some recent industrial application of biocatalysts are also highlighted in this perspective.


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The microbiota of the human gastrointestinal tract plays a key role in nutrition and health. Through the process of fermentation, gut bacteria metabolize various substrates (principally dietary components) to end products such as short-chain fatty acids and gases. This anaerobic metabolism is thought to contribute positively toward host daily energy requirements. However, under certain circumstances, the fermentative process may produce undesirable metabolites. This may cause the onset of gut disorders that can be manifest through both acute and chronic conditions. Moreover, the gut flora may become contaminated by transient pathogens that serve further to upset the normal community structure. There has been a recent increase in the use of dietary components that help to maintain, or even improve, the gut microflora "balance." Probiotics are live microbial feed supplements added to appropriate food vehicles (usually fermented milks), whereas prebiotics are dietary carbohydrates that have a selective metabolism in the colon and serve to increase numbers of bacteria seen as desirable. Because of their purported health-promoting properties, lactic acid-producing bacteria, including bifidobacteria, are the usual target organisms. The market value and biological potential of both approaches are enormous. This article will summarize how efficacious types can be identified.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Among the main challenges in the beer industrial production is the market supply at the lowest cost and high quality, in order to ensure the expectations of customers and. consumers The beer fermentation stage represents approximately 70% of the whole time necessary to its production, having a obligatoriness of strict process controls to avoid becoming bottleneck in beer production. This stage is responsible for the formation of a series of subproducts, which are responsible for the composition of aroma/bouquet existing in beer and some of these subproducts, if produced in larger quantities, they will confer unpleasant taste and odor to the final product. Among the subproducts formed during the fermentation stage, total vicinal diketones is the main component, since it is limiting for product transfusion to the subsequent steps, besides having a low perception threshold by the consumer and giving undesirable taste and odor. Due to the instability of main raw materials quality and also process controls during fermentation, the development of alternative forms of beer production without impacting on total fermentation time and final product quality is a great challenge to breweries. In this work, a prior acidification of the pasty yeast was carried out, utilizing for that phosphoric acid, food grade, reducing yeast pH of about 5.30 to 2.20 and altering its characteristic from flocculent to pulverulent during beer fermentation. An increase of six times was observed in amount of yeast cells in suspension in the second fermentation stage regarding to fermentations by yeast with no prior acidification. With alteration on two input variables, temperature curve and cell multiplication, which goal was to minimize the maximum values for diketones detected in the fermenter tank, a reduction was obtained from peak of formed diacetyl and consequently contributed to reduction in fermentation time and total process time. Several experiments were performed with those process changes in order to verify the influence on the total fermentation time and total vicinal diketones concentration at the end of fermentation. This experiment reached as the best production result a total fermentation time of 151 hours and total vicinal diketone concentration of 0.08 ppm. The mass of yeast in suspension in the second phase of fermentation increased from 2.45 x 106 to 16.38 x 106 cells/mL of yeast, which fact is key to a greater efficiency in reducing total vicinal diketones existing in the medium, confirming that the prior yeast acidification, as well as the control of temperature and yeast cell multiplication in fermentative process enhances the performance of diketones reduction and consequently reduce the total fermentation time with diketones concentration below the expected value (Max: 0.10 ppm)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar o efeito de inoculantes bacterianos em silagens produzidas com plantas de milho em diferentes estádios de maturidade quanto às perdas fermentativas e estabilidade aeróbia. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x5, e avaliaram-se dois inoculantes (Silobac® e Maize All®) e uma silagem controle em 5 estádios de maturação fisiológica do milho, com 4 repetições. Verificou-se efeito positivo dos inoculantes quanto às perdas fermentativas, e a adição de Silobac® e Maize All® promoveram perda de matéria seca (PMS) 1,78 e 1,75 pontos percentuais a menos que a silagem controle (7,95%). As silagens produzidas com 2/3 de linha de leite e camada negra (CN) apresentaram menor PMS, o que se deve principalmente a menor produção de efluente. A silagem que levou maior tempo para apresentar quebra da estabilidade aeróbia foi aquela produzida a partir de plantas de milho no estádio camada negra e inoculada com Maize All®, ao passo que se notou menor estabilidade para outras silagens inoculadas com esse mesmo produto em virtude do aumento no teor de umidade das silagens. Os inoculantes utilizados neste trabalho são eficientes em diminuir as perdas de MS durante o processo fermentativo, contudo, contribuem com maior aporte de nutrientes nas silagens, o que resulta em menor estabilidade após a abertura dos silos. Silagens produzidas com maior concentração de MS apresentam menores perdas de MS durante a fermentação, assim como são mais estáveis em contato com o oxigênio.


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A farinha de mandioca e o fubá de milho foram avaliados como matérias-primas alternativas na obtenção de uma bebida fermento-destilada, visando gerar informações úteis à aplicação industrial. Os substratos foram caracterizados e comparou-se a eficiência da mosturação, o perfil de açúcares no mosto, bem como as curvas de fermentação dos substratos. Os resultados demonstraram que o conteúdo de amido foi de 78,1 % para o fubá de milho e 92,7 % para a farinha de mandioca. Quanto ao rendimento da mosturação foi de 57, 4 % para o milho e 66,4 % para a mandioca, sendo que o perfil de açúcares no mosto demonstrou que 95 % dos açúcares presentes no mosto de mandioca foi glicose e o restante pequenas porcentagens de dextrinas e maltose. Já o perfil do mosto de milho apresentou cerca de 85 % de glicose , 10 % de dextrinas e cerca de 4 % de maltose. Para o processo fermentativo, observou -se que o consumo de açúcares no mosto de mandioca foi mais rápido que no mosto de milho.


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Em virtude da progressiva substituição dos adjuntos amiláceos pelos xaropes com alta concentração de maltose nas cervejarias brasileiras, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar hidrolisados de milho e de mandioca, como adjunto de malte, na fabricação de cerveja tipo Pilsen, em escala de laboratório. Os hidrolisados foram produzidos a partir de amido de milho e fécula de mandioca, sendo que na liqüefação e sacarificação da fração amilácea destes produtos foram utilizadas, respectivamente, as enzimas comerciais Termamil (alfa amilase bacteriana) e Fungamil (alfa amilase fúngica). Na fabricação das cervejas, a proporção de malte e hidrolisado foi de 2 para 1, na base do extrato. O mosto foi produzido pelo processo de infusão e após resfriamento e clarificação foi inoculado com levedura cervejeira de baixa fermentação. A fermentação transcorreu a 10 °C até 90% de atenuação do extrato aparente fermentável. As cervejas foram engarrafadas e, em seguida, maturadas a 0 °C, por 14 dias. Terminado o processo de fabricação, as cervejas foram analisadas química e sensorialmente. A semelhança na composição química dos hidrolisados de milho e de mandioca refletiu na composição química dos mostos e das cervejas. Não houve diferença estatística entre os mostos e entre as cervejas testadas para todos os parâmetros químicos analisados. Também, não existiu diferença sensorial entre as cervejas produzidas com hidrolisado de milho e hidrolisado de mandioca. Concluiu-se que a fécula de mandioca apresenta potencial de uso como matéria prima para a fabricação de xarope de maltose de uso cervejeiro e que há elevada probabilidade de sucesso no uso desse xarope para a fabricação de cervejas.


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A água de umidificação de malte, resultante da moagem úmida, pode ser usada como matéria prima na fabricação de cerveja. Há, entretanto, cervejarias que descartam esse subproduto, e conseqüentemente, o extrato nele contido. em função disso, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a possibilidade de ganho de rendimento na mosturação e alterações nas características químicas e sensoriais da bebida, em virtude do uso dessa água. Cervejas do tipo Pilsen foram produzidas de duas formas: com e sem água de umidificação de malte. Utilizou-se como matéria prima malte, lúpulo, xarope de maltose, água destilada e água de umidificação de malte. O mosto foi produzido pelo processo de infusão, separado do bagaço de malte por filtração convencional e fervido durante 60 minutos. Após seu resfriamento e clarificação o mosto foi inoculado com levedura de baixa fermentação (1,3g/l, ps) e colocado para fermentar a 10°C. A fermentação foi encerrada com 90% da atenuação limite. em seguida, a cerveja foi engarrafada e maturada a 0°C por 14 dias. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento do rendimento de mosturação, em função do uso da água de umidificação de malte, foi estatisticamente não significativo. A utilização dessa água praticamente não alterou as características químicas e sensoriais da cerveja, havendo apenas um leve aumento na intensidade de cor da bebida (7,1 x 8,0 EBC). Considerando, no entanto, que a água de umidificação de malte obtida em nível industrial apresenta maior concentração de extrato em relação àquela produzida em laboratório, espera-se que o uso da primeira traga ganho de rendimento industrial sem alterações significativas nas características da cerveja.


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Pectate lyase (PL) was produced by the filamentous fungus Penicillium viridicatum RFC3 in solid-state cultures of a mixture of orange bagasse and wheat bran (1 : 1 w/w), or orange bagasse, wheat bran and sugarcane bagasse (1 : 1 : 0.5 w/w), and in a submerged liquid culture with orange bagasse and wheat bran (3%) as the carbon source. PL production was highest (1,500U mL -1 or 300Ug -1 of substrate) in solid-state fermentation (SSF) on wheat bran and orange bagasse at 96 hours. PL production in submerged fermentation (SmF) was influenced by the initial pH of the medium. With the initial pH adjusted to 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5, the peak activity was observed after 72, 48, and 24 hours of fermentation, respectively, when the pH of the medium reached the value 5.0. PL from SSF and SmF were loaded on Sephadex-G75 columns and six activity peaks were obtained from crude enzyme fromSSF and designated PL I, II, III, IV, V, andVI, while five peaks were obtained fromcrude enzyme fromSmF and labeled PL I', II', III', IV', and VII'. Crude enzyme and fraction III from each fermentative process were tested further. The optimum pH for crude PL from either process was 5.5, while that for PL III was 8.0. The maximum activity of enzymes from SSF was observed at 35°C, but crude enzyme was more thermotolerant than PL III, maintaining its maximum activity up to 45°C. Crude enzyme from SmF and PL III' showed thermophilic profiles of activity, with maximum activity at 60 and 55°C, respectively. In the absence of substrate, the crude enzyme from SSF was stable over the pH range 3.0-10.0 and PL III was most stable in the pH range 4.0-7.0. Crude enzyme from SmF retained 70%-80% of its maximum activity in the acid-neutral pH range (4.0-7.0), but PIII showed high stability at alkaline pH (7.5-9.5). PL from SSF was more thermolabile than that from SmF. The latter maintained 60% of its initial activity after 1 h at 55°C. The differing behavior of the enzymes with respect to pH and temperature suggests that they are different isozymes. Copyright © 2010 Viviani Ferreira et al.