567 resultados para FBG interrogation
The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and their application as sensors is reported. The strain and temperature characteristic results for a number of chirped and uniform gratings written into three different host fibres are presented. The static and dynamic temperature response of a commercially available temperature compensated grating is reported. A five sensor wavelength division multiplexed fibre Bragg grating strain measurement system with an interrogation rate of 25 Hz and resolution of 10 was constructed. The results from this system are presented. A novel chirped FBG interrogation method was implemented in both the 1.3 and 1.5 m telecommunication windows. Several single and dual strain sensor systems, employing this method, were constructed and the results obtained from each are reported and discussed. These systems are particularly suitable for the measurement of large strain. The results from a system measuring up to 12 m and with a potential measurement range of 30 m are reported. This technique is also shown to give an obtainable resolution of 20 over a measurement range of 5 000 for a dual sensor system. These systems are simple, robust, passive and easy to implement. They offer low cost, high speed and, in the case of multiple sensors, truly simultaneous interrogation. These advantages make this technique ideal for strain sensing in SMART structures. Systems based on this method have been installed in the masts of four superyachts. A system, based on this technique, is currently being developed for the measurement of acoustic waves in carbon composite panels. The results from an alternative method for interrogating uniform FBG sensors are also discussed. Interrogation of the gratings was facilitated by a specifically written asymmetric grating which had a 15 nm long linearly sloped spectral edge. This technique was employed to interrogate a single sensor over a measurement range of 6 m and two sensors over a range of 4.5 me. The results obtained indicated achievable resolutions of 47 and 38 respectively.
Over the last decade advances and innovations from Silicon Photonics technology were observed in the telecommunications and computing industries. This technology which employs Silicon as an optical medium, relies on current CMOS micro-electronics fabrication processes to enable medium scale integration of many nano-photonic devices to produce photonic integrated circuitry. However, other fields of research such as optical sensor processing can benefit from silicon photonics technology, specially in sensors where the physical measurement is wavelength encoded. In this research work, we present a design and application of a thermally tuned silicon photonic device as an optical sensor interrogator. The main device is a micro-ring resonator filter of 10 $\mu m$ of diameter. A photonic design toolkit was developed based on open source software from the research community. With those tools it was possible to estimate the resonance and spectral characteristics of the filter. From the obtained design parameters, a 7.8 x 3.8 mm optical chip was fabricated using standard micro-photonics techniques. In order to tune a ring resonance, Nichrome micro-heaters were fabricated on top of the device. Some fabricated devices were systematically characterized and their tuning response were determined. From measurements, a ring resonator with a free-spectral-range of 18.4 nm and with a bandwidth of 0.14 nm was obtained. Using just 5 mA it was possible to tune the device resonance up to 3 nm. In order to apply our device as a sensor interrogator in this research, a model of wavelength estimation using time interval between peaks measurement technique was developed and simulations were carried out to assess its performance. To test the technique, an experiment using a Fiber Bragg grating optical sensor was set, and estimations of the wavelength shift of this sensor due to axial strains yield an error within 22 pm compared to measurements from spectrum analyzer. Results from this study implies that signals from FBG sensors can be processed with good accuracy using a micro-ring device with the advantage of ts compact size, scalability and versatility. Additionally, the system also has additional applications such as processing optical wavelength shifts from integrated photonic sensors and to be able to track resonances from laser sources.
We report the development of a WDM optical sensor array interrogation system using the radiation modes from a BFBG. We present results indicating 70nm bandwidth, with 0.2um RMS noise and a minimum WDM spacing of 30um. We further show the system to be polarization independent.
A technique for interrogating multiplexed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors using an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is described. The approach considerably extends the sensing range from that achieved previously, while providing a strain resolution of 17nevHz at 30 Hz.
We experimentally investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate the FBG sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to the AWG containing integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the wavelength-dependent transmission profile of an AWG channel passband, giving a usable range of 500 µe and a dynamic strain resolution of 96 ne Hz-1/2 at 13 Hz. The second approach utilizes wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in several neighbouring AWG channels an improved range of 1890 µe was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilizing a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection, providing an improved dynamic strain resolution of 17 ne Hz-1/2 at 30 Hz.
This thesis presents a novel high-performance approach to time-division-multiplexing (TDM) fibre Bragg grating (FBG) optical sensors, known as the resonant cavity architecture. A background theory of FBG optical sensing includes several techniques for multiplexing sensors. The limitations of current wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) schemes are contrasted against the technological and commercial advantage of TDM. The author’s hypothesis that ‘it should be possible to achieve TDM FBG sensor interrogation using an electrically switched semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)’ is then explained. Research and development of a commercially viable optical sensor interrogator based on the resonant cavity architecture forms the remainder of this thesis. A fully programmable SOA drive system allows interrogation of sensor arrays 10km long with a spatial resolution of 8cm and a variable gain system provides dynamic compensation for fluctuating system losses. Ratiometric filter- and diffractive-element spectrometer-based wavelength measurement systems are developed and analysed for different commercial applications. The ratiometric design provides a low-cost solution that has picometre resolution and low noise using 4% reflective sensors, but is less tolerant to variation in system loss. The spectrometer design is more expensive, but delivers exceptional performance with picometre resolution, low noise and tolerance to 13dB system loss variation. Finally, this thesis details the interrogator’s peripheral components, its compliance for operation in harsh industrial environments and several examples of commercial applications where it has been deployed. Applications include laboratory instruments, temperature monitoring systems for oil production, dynamic control for wind-energy and battery powered, self-contained sub-sea strain monitoring.
We demonstrate a novel and simple sensor interrogation scheme for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing systems. In this scheme, a chirped FBG based Sagnac loop is used as a wavelength-dependent receiver, and a stable and linear readout response is realised. It is a signijkant advantage of this scheme that the sensitivity and the measurement wavelength range can be easily adjhsted by controlling the chirp of the FBG or using an optical delay line in the Sagnac loop.
A novel high-frequency fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing interrogation system by using fiber Sagnac-loop-based microwave photonic filtering is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By adopting the microwave photonic filtering, the wavelength shift of sensing FBG can be converted into amplitude variation of the modulated electronic radio-frequency (RF) signal. In the experiment, the strain applied onto the sensing FBG has been demodulated by measuring the intensity of the recovered RF signal, and by modulating the RF signal with different frequencies, different interrogation sensitivities can be achieved.
Optical fibre strain sensors using Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) are poised to play a major role in structural health monitoring in a variety of application from aerospace to civil engineering. At the heart of technology is the optoelectronic instrumentation required to convert optical signals into measurands. Users are demanding compact, lightweight, rugged and low cost solutions. This paper describes development of a new device based on a blazed FBG and CCD array that can potentially meet the above demands. We have shown that this very low cost technique may be used to interrogate a WDM array of sensor gratings with highly accurate and highly repeatable results unaffected by the polarisation state of the radiation. In this paper, we present results showing that sensors may be interrogated with an RMS error of 1.7pm, drift below 0.12pm and dynamic range of up to 65nm.
We demonstrate a novel and simple sensor interrogation scheme for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing systems. In this scheme, a chirped FBG based Sagnac loop is used as a wavelength-dependent receiver, and a stable and linear readout response is realised. It is a signijkant advantage of this scheme that the sensitivity and the measurement wavelength range can be easily adjhsted by controlling the chirp of the FBG or using an optical delay line in the Sagnac loop.
A technique for interrogating multiplexed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors using an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is described. The approach considerably extends the sensing range from that achieved previously, while providing a strain resolution of 17nε/√Hz at 30 Hz.
We experimentally investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate the FBG sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to the AWG containing integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the wavelength-dependent transmission profile of an AWG channel passband, giving a usable range of 500 με and a dynamic strain resolution of 96 nε Hz-1/2 at 13 Hz. The second approach utilizes wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in several neighbouring AWG channels an improved range of 1890 με was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilizing a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection, providing an improved dynamic strain resolution of 17 nε Hz -1/2 at 30 Hz. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.
A novel time-division-multiplexed Bragg grating interrogation system is presented, utilising a semiconductor optical amplifier within a resonating cavity. Without fast electronics, closely spaced low reflectivity gratings are interrogated with high signal power and low noise.
We investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and interferometric sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate both the FBG and interferometric sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to an AWG with integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. To interrogate interferometric sensors we investigated the dual wavelength technique to measure the distance of a Fabry-Perot cavity, which produced a maximum unambiguous range of 1440μm with an active sensor. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the reflected light intensity in an AWG channel passband from a narrow bandwidth grating, giving a usable range of 500με and a dynamic strain resolution of 96nε/√Hz at 30Hz. The second approach utilises wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in corresponding AWG channels an improved range of 1890με was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilising a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection providing a dynamic strain resolution of 17nε/√Hz at 30Hz.