987 resultados para Exposure therapy
In therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), prolonged exposure (PE) to stimuli associated with an original trauma experience is considered a state-of-the-art treatment method. The present case report outlines the use of Foa and Rothbaum's (1998) manual for this type of treatment in the year-long, 40-session treatment of Caroline, an adult female victim of child sexual abuse. The manual was supplemented by Caspar's (1995, 2007) Plan Analysis technique for individualized case formulation and treatment planning, along with Caspar's concept of the Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship (MOTR). As indicated by standardized, quantitative measures, by changes in the client's behavior patterns, and by the client's subjective report, the treatment was very effective. An analysis of the therapy process illustrates the importance of a combination of manual-based procedures with individualized case formulations and interventions. The case is discussed in the context of enhancing the cognitive-behavioral treatment of PTSD.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by traumatic events that are outside the range of usual human experience including (but not limited to) military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage and terrorist attacks. Initial data suggests that at least 1 out of 6 Iraq War veterans are exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. Virtual Reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been used with reports of positive outcomes. The aim of the current paper is to present the rationale and brief description of a Virtual Iraq PTSD VR therapy application and present initial findings from its use with PTSD patients. Thus far, Virtual Iraq consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy environment. User-centered design feedback needed to iteratively evolve the system was gathered from returning Iraq War veterans in the USA and from a system deployed in Iraq and tested by an Army Combat Stress Control Team. Results from an open clinical trial at San Diego Naval Medical Center of the first 18 treatment completers indicate that 14 no longer meet PTSD diagnostic criteria at post-treatment, with only one not maintaining treatment gains at 3 month follow-up. Clinical tests are also currently underway at Ft. Lewis, Emory University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Walter Reed Army Medical Center and 10 other sites. Other sites are preparing to use the application for a variety of PTSD and VR research purposes.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by exposure to traumatic events including (but not limited to) military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage and terrorist attacks. Initial data suggest that at least 1 out of 6 Iraq War veterans are exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. Virtual reality (VR) delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been used with reports of positive outcomes. The aim of the current paper, is to present the rationale and brief description of a Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan PTSD VR therapy application and present initial findings from its use with PTSD patients. Thus far, Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy environment. User-centered design feedback, needed to iteratively evolve the system, was gathered from returning Iraq War veterans in the USA and from a system deployed in Iraq and tested by an Army Combat Stress Control Team. Results from an open clinical trial at San Diego Naval Medical Center of the first 20 treatment completers indicate that 16 no longer met PTSD screening criteria at post-treatment, with only one not maintaining treatment gains at 3 month follow-up.
Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) developed using immersive or semi-immersive virtual environments present a usability problem for practitioners. To meet practitioner requirements for lower cost and portability VRET programs must often be ported onto desktop environments such as the personal computer (PC). However, success of VRET has been shown to be linked to presence, and the environment's ability to evoke the same reactions and emotions as a real experience. It is generally accepted that high-end virtual environments ( VEs) are more immersive than desktop PCs, but level of immersion does not always predict level of presence. This paper reports on the impact on presence of porting a therapeutic VR application for Schizophrenia from the initial research environment of a semi-immersive curved screen to PC. Presence in these two environments is measured both introspectively and across a number of causal factors thought to underlie the experience of presence. Results show that the VR exposure program successfully made users feel they were present in both platforms. While the desktop PC achieved higher scores on presence across causal factors participants reported they felt more present in the curved screen environment. While comparison of the two groups was statistically significant for the PQ but not for the IPQ, subjective reports of experiences in the environments should be considered in future research as the success of VRET relies heavily on the emotional response of patients to the therapeutic program.
BACKGROUND: Preclinical and clinical studies indicate that the administration of glucocorticoids may promote fear extinction processes. In particular, it has been shown that glucocorticoids enhance virtual reality based exposure therapy of fear of heights. Here, we investigate whether glucocorticoids enhance the outcome of in vivo exposure-based group therapy of spider phobia. METHODS: In a double blind, block-randomized, placebo-controlled, between-subject study design, 22 patients with specific phobia of spiders were treated with two sessions of in vivo exposure-based group therapy. Cortisol (20 mg) or placebo was orally administered 1 hr before each therapy session. Patients returned for a follow-up assessment one month after therapy. RESULTS: Exposure-based group therapy led to a significant decrease in phobic symptoms as assessed with the Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ) from pretreatment to immediate posttreatment and to follow-up. The administration of cortisol to exposure therapy resulted in increased salivary cortisol concentrations and a significantly greater reduction in fear of spiders (FSQ) as compared to placebo at follow-up, but not immediately posttreatment. Furthermore, cortisol-treated patients reported significantly less anxiety during standardized exposure to living spiders at follow-up than placebo-treated subjects. Notably, groups did not differ in phobia-unrelated state-anxiety before and after the exposure sessions and at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that adding cortisol to in vivo exposure-based group therapy of spider phobia enhances treatment outcome.
One might choke if they observed the lack of research on choking phobia. McNally's (1994) review of the literature on choking phobia found only 25 studies addressing the treatment of choking phobia. The vast majority of these were case studies and none were randomized controlled trials. A search of the literature since then yielded only a few more studies. Given the dearth of information available about choking phobia and its treatment, it is important to document cases treated successfully with novel approaches. My goal in this paper is therefore to illustrate the use of exposure therapy augmented by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT; e.g., see Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999; Hayes and Strosahl, 2004) in the treatment of an adult male presenting with fear of choking and to offer suggestions for the optimal treatment of choking phobia. To my knowledge, there are no documented cases of elements of ACT being used in the treatment of choking phobia to be found in the literature.
Possible mechanisms of adverse drug effects in asthma include worsening of cellular hyperplasia and stimulation of extracellular matrix deposition. In this study, salbutamol, dexamethasone and beclomethasone were investigated to ascertain their ability to induce mitogenesis and stimulate fibronectin expression in cultured canine airway smooth muscle cells. In cells maintained in serum-free media for 72 h, salbutamol(1 nM-10 mu M) caused mitogenesis. The control cells had 2.57 +/- 0.34 x 10(5) cells per mi (mean +/- SEM, N = 13), while salbutamol (1 mu M) caused a maximal increase in cell number to 3.57 +/- 0.23 x 10(5) cells/ml (P < 0.01). In cells stimulated to replicate by addition of either fetal bovine serum or canine serum, no additional mitogenic effect of salbutamol was seen. Salbutamol did not have a detectable quantitative effect on fibronectin matrix expression. The glucocorticoids, beclomethasone and dexamethasone, significantly altered fibronectin expression by cultured airway smooth muscle cells. Beclomethasone increased fibronectin expression, while dexamethasone decreased expression.
Craving is considered the main variable associated with relapse after smoking cessation. Cue Exposure Therapy (CET) consists of controlled and repeated exposure to drug-related cues with the aim of extinguishing craving responses. Some virtual reality (VR) environments, such as virtual bars or parties, have previously shown their efficacy as tools for eliciting smoking craving. However, in order to adapt this technology to smoking cessation interventions, there is a need for more diverse environments that enhance the probability of generalization of extinction in real life. The main objective of this study was to identify frequent situations that produce smoking craving, as well as detecting specific craving cues in those contexts. Participants were 154 smokers who responded to an ad hoc self-administered inventory for assessing craving level in 12 different situations. Results showed that having a drink in a bar/pub at night, after having lunch/dinner in a restaurant and having a coffee in a cafe or after lunch/dinner at home were reported as the most craving-inducing scenarios. Some differences were found with regard to participants' gender, age, and number of cigarettes smoked per day. Females, younger people, and heavier smokers reported higher levels of craving in most situations. In general, the most widely cited specific cues across the contexts were people smoking, having a coffee, being with friends, and having finished eating. These results are discussed with a view to their consideration in the design of valid and reliable VR environments that could be used in the treatment of nicotine addicts who wish to give up smoking.
Cue exposure therapy has been reported to be an effective intervention for reducing binge eating behavior in patients with eating disorders and obesity. However, in vivo food exposure conducted in the therapist's office presents logistical problems and lacks ecological validity. This study proposes the use of virtual reality technology as an alternative to in vivo exposure, and assesses the ability of different virtual environments to elicit anxiety and craving for food in a non-clinical sample. The results show that exposure to virtual environments provokes changes in reported craving for food. High-calorie food cues are the ones that elicit the highest increases in craving.
Aims To describe, in the context of DSM-V, how a focus on addiction and compulsion is emerging in the consideration of pathological gambling (PG). Methods A systematic literature review of evidence for the proposed re-classification of PG as an addiction. Results Findings include: (i) phenomenological models of addiction highlighting a motivational shift from impulsivity to compulsivity associated with a protracted withdrawal syndrome and blurring of the ego-syntonic/ego-dystonic dichotomy; (ii) common neurotransmitter (dopamine, serotonin) contributions to PG and substance use disorders (SUDs); (iii) neuroimaging support for shared neurocircuitries between behavioural and substance addictions and differences between obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), impulse control disorders (ICDs) and SUDs; (iv) genetic findings more closely related to endophenotypic constructs such as compulsivity and impulsivity than to psychiatric disorders; (v) psychological measures such as harm avoidance identifying a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD; (vi) community and pharmacotherapeutic trials data supporting a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD. Adapted behavioural therapies, such as exposure therapy, appear applicable to OCD, PG or SUDs, suggesting some commonalities across disorders. Conclusions PG shares more similarities with SUDs than with OCD. Similar to the investigation of impulsivity, studies of compulsivity hold promising insights concerning the course, differential diagnosis and treatment of PG, SUDs, and OCD.
Aim: The landscape metaphor allows viewing corrective experiences (CE) as pathway to a state with relatively lower 'tension' (local minimum). However, such local minima are not easily accessible but obstructed by states with relatively high tension (local maxima) according to the landscape metaphor (Caspar & Berger, 2012). For example, an individual with spider phobia has to transiently tolerate high levels of tension during an exposure therapy to access the local minimum of habituation. To allow for more specific therapeutic guidelines and empirically testable hypotheses, we advance the landscape metaphor to a scientific model which bases on motivational processes. Specifically, we conceptualize CEs as available but unusual trajectories (=pathways) through a motivational space. The dimensions of the motivational state are set up by basic motives such as need for agency or attachment. Methods: Dynamic system theory is used to model motivational states and trajectories using mathematical equations. Fortunately, these equations have easy-to-comprehend and intuitive visual representations similar to the landscape metaphor. Thus, trajectories that represent CEs are informative and action guiding for both therapists and patients without knowledge on dynamic systems. However, the mathematical underpinnings of the model allow researchers to deduct hypotheses for empirical testing. Results: First, the results of simulations of CEs during exposure therapy in anxiety disorders are presented and compared to empirical findings. Second, hypothetical CEs in an autonomy-attachment conflict are reported from a simulation study. Discussion: Preliminary clinical implications for the evocation of CEs are drawn after a critical discussion of the proposed model.
Objective. To review professional literature regarding treatment modalities of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst female Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) veterans, to assess the efficacy of these treatment options, and to summarize implications of the findings from this literature. Design. Systematic review of published literature. Data sources. Medline, Pubmed, Psycinfo. Review Methods. Articles selected for the literature review pertain to the treatment options of female OIF or OEF veterans who have a diagnosis of PTSD. In addition, other relevant articles, such as articles that discuss the prevalence of the problem, access to care, and similar treatment modalities for PTSD in other war settings, were selected for background information for the review. Results. The search strategy identified 1,305 potential journal articles, taken from thorough searches in Medline, Pubmed, and Psycinfo. These articles were then imported into Refworks. Following final screening, there were 18 articles included in the systematic review and 28 articles used as background information. The remaining articles were excluded following screening of abstract and/or full text of articles. Treatment modalities presented in these trials include: Exposure Therapy (average of 68% reduction in PTSD symptoms), Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (23% reduction), Body-Oriented Therapy (57% reduction), Electroconvulsive Therapy (35% reduction), Holographic Reprocessing (47% reduction), a self-defense training program (13% reduction), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (65% reduction) and a variety of pharmacotherapies (antipsychotics at 81% reduction, sympatholytic drug at 100% reduction). Outcomes of the studies included in this systematic review were measured by using personal assessment of whether there was a reduction in symptoms of PTSD, based on the results in each study. Conclusion. Overall, all of the treatment modalities investigated in the systematic review proved to be somewhat effective in relieving the burden of symptoms of PTSD amongst female veterans of OIF/OEF. In addition to pharmacotherapy, which had the highest reduction in PTSD symptoms, both the Exposure Therapy and the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques proved to have the most positive results. As all of the therapies had a positive effect on this population, to some degree, a study needs to be done in the future to compare and contrast the efficacy of each therapy intervention when applied to a standardized population.^
The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in muscle regeneration is still not well known. To investigate the effects of laser irradiation during muscle healing. For this purpose, 63 rats were distributed to 3 groups: non-irradiated control group (CG); group irradiated at 10 J/cm(2) (G10); and group irradiated at 50 J/cm(2) (G50). Each group was divided into 3 different subgroups (n=7), and on days 7, 14 and 21 post-injury the rats were sacrificed. Seven days post-surgery, the CG showed destroyed zones and extensive myofibrillar degeneration. For both treated groups, the necrosis area was smaller compared to the CG. On day 14 post-injury, treated groups demonstrated better tissue organization, with newly formed muscle fibers compared to the CG. On the 21(st) day, the irradiated groups showed similar patterns of tissue repair, with improved muscle structure at the site of the injury, resembling uninjured muscle tissue organization. Regarding collagen deposition, the G10 showed an increase in collagen synthesis. In the last period evaluated, both treated groups showed statistically higher values in comparison with the CG. Furthermore, laser irradiation at 10 J/cm(2) produced a down-regulation of cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox-2) immunoexpression on day 7 post-injury. Moreover, Cox-2 immunoexpression was decreased in both treated groups on day 14. Laser therapy at both fluencies stimulated muscle repair through the formation of new muscle fiber, increase in collagen synthesis, and down-regulation of Cox-2 expression.
To date, the published controlled trials on exposure to alcohol cues have had an abstinence treatment goal. A modification of cue exposure (CE) for moderation drinking, which incorporated priming doses of alcohol, could train participants to stop drinking after 2 to 3 drinks. This study examined the effects of modified CE within sessions, combined with directed homework practice. Nondependent problem drinkers who requested a moderation drinking goal were randomly allocated to modified CE or standard cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for alcohol abuse. Both interventions were delivered in 6 90-min group sessions. Eighty-one percent of eligible participants completed treatment and follow-up assessment. Over 6 months, CE produced significantly greater reductions than CBT in participants' reports of drinking frequency and consumption on each occasion. No pretreatment variables significantly predicted outcome, The modified CE procedure appears viable for nondependent drinkers who want to adopt a moderate drinking goal.