1000 resultados para Experimental leishmaniasis


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The fact that drugs currently used in the treatment of Leishmania are highly toxic and associated with acquired resistance has promoted the search for new therapies for treating American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL). In this study, BALB/c mice were injected in the hind paw with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and subsequently treated with a combination of nitric oxide (NO) donor (cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)imN(NO)](PF6)(3)) (Ru-NO), given by intraperitoneal injection, and oral Brazilian propolis for 30 days. Ru-NO reached the center of the lesion and increased the NO level in the injured hind paw without lesion exacerbation. Histological and immunological parameters of chronic inflammation showed that this combined treatment increased the efficacy of macrophages, determined by the decrease in the number of parasitized cells, leading to reduced expression of proinflammatory and tissue damage markers. In addition, these drugs in combination fostered wound healing, enhanced the number of fibroblasts, pro-healing cytokines and induced collagen synthesis at the lesion site. Overall, our findings suggest that the combination of the NO donor Ru-NO and Brazilian propolis alleviates experimental ATL lesions, highlighting a new therapeutic option that can be considered for further in vivo investigations as a candidate for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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La descripción macroscópica del proceso de patogénesis en hamsters inoculados subcutáneamente en nariz con Sporothrix schenckii ó Leishmania mexicana spp. proporcionó bases para diferenciar estos dos microorganismos en un modelo animal utilizado comunmente para estudiarlos. Observaciones secuenciales durante 150 días permitieron afirmar que en las infecciones causadas por estos patógenos se presentaron edema y eritema como signos primarios, seguidos de alopecia, necrosis y ulceración. La producción de pus fué una característica distintiva para el S. schenckii. Estos signos clínicos se observaron más temprano en la esporotricosis que en la infección por L. mexicana, mostrando diferencias estadísticas significantes en días promedio de aparición. El presente trabajo muestra que las lesiones producidas tanto por el S. schenckii como la L. mexicana en este modelo experimental comparten signos clínicos, pero el tiempo de aparición de los mismos y su frecuencia relativa permiten diferenciarlas. Las condiciones de inoculación como: cepa de los microorganismos, dosis del inóculo, sitio y vía de inoculación, deben tenerse presentes en la evaluación de su comportamiento experimental.


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The cellular nature of the infiltrate in cutaneous lesion of rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was characterized by immunohistochemistry. Skin biopsies from infected animals with active or healing lesions were compared to non-infected controls (three of each type) to quantitate inflammatory cell types. Inflammatory cells (composed of a mixture of T lymphocyte subpopulations, macrophages and a small number of natural killer cells and granulocytes) were more numerous in active lesions than in healing ones. T-cells accounted for 44.7 ± 13.1% of the infiltrate in active lesions (versus CD2+= 40.3 ± 5.7% in healing lesions) and T-cell ratios favor CD8+ cells in both lesion types. The percentage of cells expressing class II antigen (HLA-DR+) in active lesions (95 ± 7.1%) was significantly higher (P < 0.005) from the healing lesions (42.7 ± 12.7%). Moreover, the expression of the activation molecules CD25 (@ 16%), the receptor for interleukin-2, suggests that many T cells are primed and proliferating in active lesions. Distinct histopathological patterns were observed in lesions at biopsy, but healing lesions contained more organized epithelioid granulomas and activated macrophages, followed by fibrotic substitution. The progression and resolution of skin lesions appears to be very similar to that observed in humans, confirming the potential for this to be used as a viable model to study the immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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The leishmaniases are a group of diseases transmitted by the bite of Leishmania infected female phlebotomine sand flies. The diseases occur in different forms: localized, diffuse and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Inside macrophages, the main host cells of the obligate intracellular Leishmania parasites, nitric oxide synthase and arginase can regulate parasite killing or growth. In experimental leishmaniasis, we previously reported that non-healing disease is associated with higher arginase activity at site of pathology, correlating with local suppression of T cell function. To test whether these data translate to human leishmaniasis, the following study was initiated: I first tested the hypothesis that local suppression of T cell responses observed in persistent CL is associated with arginase induced L-arginine depletion. The results showed that arginase activity is increased at site of pathology compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of LCL patients and intact skin of healthy controls. The phenotype of arginase expressing cells was identified in both compartments as CD15+ CD14|0W low-density granulocytes (LDGs). Finally, high arginase activity at site of pathology observed in cutaneous lesions of patients coincides with downregulation of CD3Ç, CD4 and CD8 molecules in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at site of pathology. We concluded that increased arginase levels in lesions of LCL patients might contribute to CL pathogenesis by impairing T cell effector function at site of pathology. Next, it was tested whether arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell function through depletion of L- arginine. The results showed that higher level of arginase activity in the PBMC coincides with active phase of VL. Cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were also found to be LDGs. Importantly, increased arginase activity and frequency of degranulated neutrophils coincided with lower plasma L-arginine levels. Furthermore, downregulation of CD3Ç, in T cells correlated with low plasma arginine levels. VL/HIV co-infection is a frequently reported leishmaniasis complication in Ethiopia associated with poor prognosis, with up to 40% mortality rate and high relapse rate. Arginase activity was significantly increased in PBMCs and plasma of VL patients co-infected with HIV than in those having VL alone. Similarly, cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were found to be LDGs. In summary, the results presented here show that increased arginase activity is a marker of disease severity in human leishmaniasis with and without HIV; further, these results suggest that arginase mediated L-arginine depletion may inhibit T cell function and contribute to impaired control of infection. - Les leishmanioses sont un groupe de maladies transmises par la piqûre de mouches des sables femelles, appelées phlébotomes, ayant été infectées par Leishmania. Les maladies se manifestent sous différentes formes: la leishmaniose cutanée localisée, la leishmaniose diffuse et mucocutanée et la leishmaniose viscérale (LV). A l'intérieur des macrophages, les principales cellules hôtes des parasites, l'oxyde nitrique synthase et l'arginase, peuvent contrôler, soit la mort du parasite, soit sa croissance. Pour la leishmaniose expérimentale, nous avons déjà rapporté que le développement de lesions qui ne guérissent pas est associé à une activité plus grande d'arginase au site d'infection, en corrélation avec la suppression locale de la fonction des cellules T. Pour vérifier si ces données pouvaient s'appliquer à la leishmaniose humaine, j'ai d'abord vérifié l'hypothèse selon laquelle la suppression locale des réponses des cellules T observée dans la CL persistante, est associée à la la diminution de L- arginine induite par l'arginase. Les résultats ont montré que l'activité arginase est augmentée au site d'infection, par rapport aux cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (CMSP) de patients LCL et à la peau intacte des contrôles sains. Le phénotype de cellules exprimant l'arginase a été identifié dans les deux compartiments comme des granulocytes CD15+ et CD 14" de basse densité (LDG). Enfin, l'activité arginase élevée au site de la pathologie, observée dans les lésions cutanées de patients, coïncide avec la reduction dde l'expression des molécules CD3Ç, CD4 et CD8 dans les cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ au site de pathologie . Nous avons conclu que l'augmentation des niveaux d'arginase dans les lésions de patients LCL pourrait contribuer à la pathogenèse de la CL, en altérant la fonction effectrice des celllules T au site de la pathologie. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié si l'arginase, une enzyme associée à l'immunosuppression, était plus élevée chez les patients atteints de VL et si elle contribuait à la mauvaise fonction des cellules T par la depletion en L-arginine. Les résultats ont montré qu'un niveau plus élevé de l'activité arginase dans les PBMC correspond à la phase active de la VL. Les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP se sont révélées à être de type LDG . Il est important de souligner que l'augmentation de l'activité arginase et la fréquence des neutrophiles dégranulés a coïncidé avec des niveaux inférieurs de L-arginine plasmatique. En outre, la suppression de CD3Ç dans les cellules T correlle avec de faibles niveaux d'arginine plasmatique . Il a été fréquement rapporté que la co-infection VL/VIH est une complication de la leishmaniose en Ethiopie, associée à un mauvais prognostic, un taux de mortalité pouvant atteindre 40% et un pourcentage élevé de rechutes. L'activité de l'arginase a beaucoup plus augmentée dans les CMSP et le plasma de patients atteints de VL et co-infectés par le VIH, que chez ceux seulement attaints de VL. De même, les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP sont aussi des LDG. En résumé, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de l'arginase est un marqueur de gravité de la la leishmaniose humaine, avec ou sans VIH ; en outre, ces résultats suggèrent que la déplétion de L-arginine par l'arginase pourrait inhiber la fonction des cellules T et contribuer à un contrôle réduit de l'infection. - Les Leishmanioses sont des maladies parasitaires transmises par la piqûre d'une mouche des sables femelle (phlébotome) infectée par Leishmania. La maladie se manifeste sous différentes formes cliniques : la leishmaniose viscérale, une maladie progressive mortelle en l'absence de traitement, la leishmaniose muco-cutanée (MCL), la leishmaniose cutanée diffuse (LCD ) maladie mutilante, qui peut être de longue durée et la leishmaniose cutanée localisée maladie dont on guérit mais laissant une cicatrice inesthétique à vie. La maladie est largement répandue, elle affecte les populations les plus pauvres dans 98 pays et 350 millions de personnes à risque. Globalement on estime à 500.000 les nouveaux cas de la forme viscérale et 1-1.5 million ceux de la leishmaniose cutanée. La leishmaniose est fortement endémique en Ethiopie et se manifeste dans les formes viscérale et cutanée. Le parasite Leishmania infecte et se multiplie dans les cellules du système immunitaire, principalement les macrophages. Les macrophages sont capables de tuer le parasite Leishmania s'ils reçoivent des instructions correctes de la part d'autres cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes. Les macrophages expriment deux enzymes importants, appelés oxide nitrique synthase inductible (iNOS ) et l'arginase, qui sont respectivement associés à la promotion de la mort du parasite et la multiplication. L'enzyme iNOS présent dans les macrophages métabolise l'arginine afin de générer de l'oxyde d'azote (NO) , une molécule effectrice nécessaire pour tuer le parasite . Au contraire, lorsque les macrophages sont activés d'une certaine manière conduisant à l'augmention de la régulation de l'arginase, ils métabolisent l'arginine en polyamines qui favorisent la croissance du parasite. Au cours du développement de la leishmaniose, les lymphocytes ne parviennent pas à transmettre aux macrophages les signaux nécessaires pour tuer le parasite. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui sont la cause de ce défaut, ne sont pas bien compris. En utilisant des modèles animaux, nous avons montré la régulation à la hausse de l'arginase au site de la pathologie, qui s'est traduit par l'altération de la fonction effectrice des lymphoctes. Nous avons initié des études de leishmaniose humaine en Ethiopie afin d'identifier le rôle de l'arginase dans la sévérité de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent, que l'arginase est fortement augmentée dans la lésion des patients CL, et dans le sang des patients VL et ceux co-infectés par VL / VIH. Le niveau d' arginase régulée à la hausse coincide avec l'expression inférieure d'une molécule de signalisation dans les lymphocytes, qui est essentielle à leur bon fonctionnement. En VL actif, l'augmentation d'arginase se traduit par la diminution de l'arginine qui est indispensable à la synthèse de NO et au bon fonctionnement des lymphocytes. Ainsi, l'incapacité des lymphocytes à envoyer des signaux adéquats aux macrophages pourrait être due à la suppression de l'arginine.


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Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.


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Leishmania (Viannia) shawl was recently characterized and few studies concerning modifications in cellular and humoral immune responses in experimental leishmaniasis have been conducted. In this work, immunopathological changes induced by L. shawl in chronically infected BALB/c mice were investigated. Infected BALB/c mice developed increased lesion size associated with strong inflammatory infiltrate diffusely distributed in the dermis, with highly infected macrophages. The humoral immune response was predominantly directed toward the IgG1 isotype. The functional activity of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed significantly increased TNF-alpha mRNA levels associated with reduced IFN-gamma expression by CD4(+) T cells and the double negative (dn) CD4CD8 cell subset. High IL-4 levels expressed by CD8(+) T cells and dnCD4CD8 and TGF-beta by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were detected, while IL-10 was highly expressed by all three cell subpopulations. Taken together, these results show an evident imbalance between TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma that is unfavorable to amastigote replication control. Furthermore, L. shawi seems to regulate different cell populations to express deactivating cytokines to avoid its own destruction. This study indicates BALB/c mice as a potentially good experimental model for further studies on American cutaneous leishmaniosis caused by L. shawi. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.


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We have studied the role of the immune response in the morphology of the leishmaniotic granuloma induced in the cheek pouch of hamsters, an immunologically privileged site, after inoculation of 3 x 10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Animals were histologically and immunologically evaluated until 120 days after inoculation. Independent of the time of sacrifice, the animals were always non-reactors to the footpad test (FPT). At histology, the introduction of L. mexicana in the cheek pouch leads to an abscess that evolves to a granulomatous reaction rich in amastigote forms, and later it leads to resolution, even in the absence of immune response detectable by FPT. Our results demonstrate that the development of immune response is not preponderant for the control of infection induced by L. mexicana inoculated subcutaneously in the cheek pouch of the hamster. It also suggests that the macrophages present in the leishmaniotic granuloma are capable of eliminating this parasite, even in the absence of immune response evaluated by FPT.


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Two lots of 20 young male guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously in the tarsi with 10 (elevated to fourth potency) amastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis or L. b. guyanensis to study the susceptibility of this Neotropical hystricomorph rodent the autochthonous parasites. Almost 50% of the animals showed lesions in the inoculation site and had parazitations that were infective to hamsters, as shown by inoculating homogenates of the dermal lesion, of the spleen, of the liver, and of the nasal mucosa into hamsters at 20, 40, 60 and 120 days after inoculation of the guinea pig. Smears of the above organs showed the presence of amastigotes. Parasites inoculated into the tarsi were detected early in the skin, spleen, and liver of the guinea pig host. Blood cultures made by cardiopuncture on sacrifice of the guinea pigs were uniformly negative. The nasal mucosa of nearly all animals positive in the skin or viscera was invaded early by the parasites, although with grater frequency between 60 and 120 days post-inoculation. The use of this model for the study of mucocutaneous parasitism by L. brasiliensis is discussed, together with the phenomena of parasitism at a distance from the inoculation site, the temperature of the body regions affected, and the possible genetic influence on susceptibility of the guinea pig to L. brasiliensis.


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Experimental leishmaniasis offers a well characterized model of T helper type 1 cell (Th1)-mediated control of infection by an intracellular organism. Susceptible BALB/c mice aberrantly develop Th2 cells in response to infection and are unable to control parasite dissemination. The early CD4(+) T cell response in these mice is oligoclonal and reflects the expansion of Vbeta4/ Valpha8-bearing T cells in response to a single epitope from the parasite Leishmania homologue of mammalian RACK1 (LACK) antigen. Interleukin 4 (IL-4) generated by these cells is believed to direct the subsequent Th2 response. We used T cells from T cell receptor-transgenic mice expressing such a Vbeta4/Valpha8 receptor to characterize altered peptide ligands with similar affinity for I-Ad. Such altered ligands failed to activate IL-4 production from transgenic LACK-specific T cells or following injection into BALB/c mice. Pretreatment of susceptible mice with altered peptide ligands substantially altered the course of subsequent infection. The ability to confer a healer phenotype on otherwise susceptible mice using altered peptides that differed by a single amino acid suggests limited diversity in the endogenous T cell repertoire recognizing this antigen.


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Seven rhesus macaques were infected intradermally with 10(7) promastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) major. All monkeys developed a localized, ulcerative, self-healing nodular skin lesion at the site of inoculation of the parasite. Non-specific chronic inflammation and/or tuberculoid-type granulomatous reaction were the main histopathological manifestations of the disease. Serum Leishmania-specific antibodies (IgG and IgG1) were detected by ELISA in all infected animals; immunoblot analyses indicated that numerous antigens were recognized. A very high degree of variability was observed in the parasite-specific cell-mediated immune responses [as detected by measuring delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction, in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production] for individuals over time post challenge. From all the recovered monkeys (which showed resolution of the lesions after 11 weeks of infection), 57.2% (4/7) and 28.6% (2/7) animals remained susceptible to secondary and tertiary infections, respectively, but the disease severity was altered (i.e. lesion size was smaller and healed faster than in the primary infection). The remaining monkeys exhibited complete resistance (i.e. no lesion) to each rechallenge. Despite the inability to consistently detect correlates of cell-mediated immunity to Leishmania or correlation between resistance to challenge and DTH, lymphocyte transformation or IFN-gamma production, partial or complete acquired resistance was conferred by experimental infection. This primate model should be useful for measuring vaccine effectiveness against the human disease.


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Leishmaniasis causes significant morbidity and mortality, constituting an important global health problem for which there are few effective drugs. Given the urgent need to identify a safe and effective Leishmania vaccine to help prevent the two million new cases of human leishmaniasis worldwide each year, all reasonable efforts to achieve this goal should be made. This includes the use of animal models that are as close to leishmanial infection in humans as is practical and feasible. Old world monkey species (macaques, baboons, mandrills etc.) have the closest evolutionary relatedness to humans among the approachable animal models. The Asian rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) are quite susceptible to leishmanial infection, develop a human-like disease, exhibit antibodies to Leishmania and parasite-specific T-cell mediated immune responses both in vivo and in vitro, and can be protected effectively by vaccination. Results from macaque vaccine studies could also prove useful in guiding the design of human vaccine trials. This review summarizes our current knowledge on this topic and proposes potential approaches that may result in the more effective use of the macaque model to maximize its potential to help the development of an effective vaccine for human leishmaniasis.


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The polar hydroethanolic extract from Selaginella sellowii(SSPHE) has been previously proven active on intracellular amastigotes (in vitro test) and now was tested on hamsters infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis (in vivo test). SSPHE suppressed a 100% of the parasite load in the infection site and draining lymph nodes at an intralesional dose of 50 mg/kg/day × 5, which was similar to the results observed in hamsters treated with N-methylglucamine antimonate (Sb) (28 mg/Kg/day × 5). When orally administered, SSPHE (50 mg/kg/day × 20) suppressed 99.2% of the parasite load in infected footpads, while Sb suppressed 98.5%. SSPHE also enhanced the release of nitric oxide through the intralesional route in comparison to Sb. The chemical fingerprint of SSPHE by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection and tandem mass spectrometry showed the presence of biflavonoids and high molecular weight phenylpropanoid glycosides. These compounds may have a synergistic action in vivo. Histopathological study revealed that the intralesional treatment with SSPHE induced an intense inflammatory infiltrate, composed mainly of mononuclear cells. The present findings reinforce the potential of this natural product as a source of future drug candidates for American cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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During a blood meal, Lutzomyia intermedia sand flies transmit Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite causing tegumentary leishmaniasis. In experimental leishmaniasis, pre-exposure to saliva of most blood-feeding sand flies results in parasite establishment in absence of any skin damages in mice challenged with dermotropic Leishmania species together with saliva. In contrast, pre-immunization with Lu. intermedia salivary gland sonicate (SGS) results in enhanced skin inflammatory exacerbation upon co-inoculation of Lu. intermedia SGS and L. braziliensis. These data highlight potential unique features of both L. braziliensis and Lu. intermedia. In this study, we investigated the genes modulated by Lu. intermedia SGS immunization to understand their potential impact on the subsequent cutaneous immune response following inoculation of both SGS and L. braziliensis. The cellular recruitment and global gene expression profile was analyzed in mice repeatedly inoculated or not with Lu. intermedia. Microarray gene analysis revealed the upregulation of a distinct set of IFN-inducible genes, an immune signature not seen to the same extent in control animals. Of note this INF-inducible gene set was not induced in SGS pre-immunized mice subsequently co-inoculated with SGS and L. braziliensis. These data suggest the parasite prevented the upregulation of this Lu. intermedia saliva-related immune signature. The presence of these IFN-inducible genes was further analyzed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) sampled from uninfected human individuals living in a L. braziliensis-endemic region of Brazil thus regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites. PBMCs were cultured in presence or absence of Lu. intermedia SGS. Using qRT-PCR we established that the IFN-inducible genes induced in the skin of SGS pre-immunized mice, were also upregulated by SGS in PBMCs from human individuals regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites, but not in PBMCs of control subjects. These data demonstrate that repeated exposure to Lu. intermedia SGS induces the expression of potentially host-protective IFN-inducible genes.