1000 resultados para Escrita no Brasil Colonial
O Grupo de Pesquisa A Escrita no Brasil Colonial estuda, ao longo dos últimos dez anos, documentos literários e não literários no contexto lusitano e brasileiro dos séculos XVI ao XVIII. Há muitos registros de textos escritos em latim, nessa época, que dialogam com os problemas da terra, da literatura, da religião, das atividades artesanais e que foram produzidos tanto tanto em manifestações coletivas, como as academias histórico-literárias, quanto individualmente, por autores que optaram por expor suas idéias nesse idioma. Apresentaremos, neste texto, alguns letrados do Brasil Colonial que recorreram ao latim como expressão literária.
Este livro reúne 15 artigos escritos em tempos diferentes, agora reunidos num único volume publicado sob os auspícios do Centro de História de Além-Mar. Econtram-se, contudo, unidos por um denominador comum, o Brasil colonial, e por uma época predominante, o século XVIII. Partindo da noção de que o conhecimento é uma forma de poder, a autora pretende entender como a utilização do saber produzido ao longo de setecentos foi particularmente útil na governação da América Portuguesa, utilizado por governantes como meio de controlo do espaço, da natureza e da humanidade. Este conhecimento permitiu também o descobrimento da colónia brasileira pelos europeus de setecentos, com repercussões evidentes na formação de uma consciência europeia e na formulação de imagens sobre o Império Português e os portugueses, que acentuaram as diferenças culturais, políticas, económicas e científicas existentes, pondo em causa uma visão uniforme da Europa das Luzes.
This article discusses the processes inherent in the production of salpeter in Colonial Brazil. In the main, the texts seen here present recipes accompanied by chemical explanations of the processes which denote a knowledge of science at the time. Various difficulties confronting the authors, however, prevented an effective contribution to the development of techniques for the production of salpeter. Consequenttly, at the end of the Nineteenth Century, Brazilian rulers are still facing many problems to obtain this precious material.
European naturalists explored Brazil in long scientific expeditions and published accounts that make up a rich and still largely untapped historiographic source for the understanding of the history of chemistry. The production of indigo dye, the manufacture of limestone, extraction and purification of saltpeter and the production of salt are discussed. Lime was used to whitewash walls and, mixed with whale oil, as cement to glue stones in buildings of the colonial period. It was prepared by burning seashells in specifically designed ovens. Saltpeter was produced by reacting naturally occurring calcium and magnesium nitrate with potassium-rich wood ashes to yield KNO3. NaCl was obtained by evaporating seawater under the sun. Indigo, a native plant, was cultivated and processed to produce the renowned dye, which was exported to Europe.
Gunpowder played a significant role in colonial Brazil. This reached a climax in the eighteenth century, when the country's large gold output enticed the greed of many. The French invasion of Rio de Janeiro in 1711 made the city's defense even more pressing to the metropolis. Brigadier Alpoim symbolized this reaction. He was a leading Luso-Brazilian engineer of that century, whose multiple activities set him apart in colonial life. These activities included a pioneer role in teaching the manufacture and use of gunpowder, about which he wrote extensively during the first half of the eighteenth century. His work is thus among the first to treat chemical technology in the colony at such an early age.
Potassium carbonate, or potash, was the most important industrial chemical of the 18th century. It was essential for producing glass, soap, saltpeter, dyes, several drugs, and also used for bleaching linens, paper, and sugar. We examine here a book in which Brazilian author José Mariano da Conceição Veloso gathered his translations into Portuguese of English and French articles, letters, patents, and pamphlets with instructions on how to prepare potash. We discuss especially his version of Richard Watson's essay entitled 'Of saline substances', and Veloso's own 'Flora Alographica', a description of the Brazilian plants that could be used to prepare potash.
A instituição Recolhimento Feminino surgiu em todo o Império Português e foram de suma importância para a solução de múltiplas problemáticas que envolveram as mulheres. Questões que vão desde os desejos de devoção ao salvador, passando pela educação pura e simples até os enclausuramentos forçados. Seus perfis foram diferenciados. O mais famoso que abrigou as filhas dos funcionários reais que feneceram nas conquistas, o do Castelo de Lisboa, até os mais simples, como o da Paraíba. Houve aqueles que buscaram recuperar as prostitutas e mulheres perdidas, chamados de Recolhimento das Convertidas e aqueles que se esmeraram em promover uma educação para o casamento. Não importa qual a configuração que cada casa dessas alcançou ao longo do tempo, todas sem exceção estiveram voltadas a proteger a honra feminina e consequentemente a da família no Antigo Regime.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The information technology and the increasing interest in the American Latin studies, especially about Brazil, are the objective of these reflections. In the research about the colonial period in Brazil, a group of works, systematized and divulged by electronic means, beyond the usual sources – Portuguese, Italian and Brazilian Universities and Institutes – are from Europe and North America, and its access is facilitated by the worldwide network. Platforms and collections such as Europeana and others less known constitute important sources to the studies of this field. We will comment here some fundamentals to contribute to the subject sources of colonial Brazil.
This paper wishes to reintroduce, in a brief manner, a subject which has been neglected in the recent past: the history of Classical Studies in colonial Brazil. As an introduction to this complex issue, it aims at a historical review of the ideal of humanitas in the Academias of the eighteenth century. The presence of this ideal in the Academias is seen as a result of the classical education of the Brazilian people, a process which begins with the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in 1549 and 1553. In our discussion, we shall use the ideas of Dante Tringali (1994), Fernando de Azevedo (1958), Antônio Cândido (1977), José Aderaldo Castello (1969), among others.