1000 resultados para Escoamentos bifásicos gás-líquido
Gas-liquid two-phase flow is very common in industrial applications, especially in the oil and gas, chemical, and nuclear industries. As operating conditions change such as the flow rates of the phases, the pipe diameter and physical properties of the fluids, different configurations called flow patterns take place. In the case of oil production, the most frequent pattern found is slug flow, in which continuous liquid plugs (liquid slugs) and gas-dominated regions (elongated bubbles) alternate. Offshore scenarios where the pipe lies onto the seabed with slight changes of direction are extremely common. With those scenarios and issues in mind, this work presents an experimental study of two-phase gas-liquid slug flows in a duct with a slight change of direction, represented by a horizontal section followed by a downward sloping pipe stretch. The experiments were carried out at NUEM (Núcleo de Escoamentos Multifásicos UTFPR). The flow initiated and developed under controlled conditions and their characteristic parameters were measured with resistive sensors installed at four pipe sections. Two high-speed cameras were also used. With the measured results, it was evaluated the influence of a slight direction change on the slug flow structures and on the transition between slug flow and stratified flow in the downward section.
No trabalho realizado nesta tese, procedeu-se ao estudo hidrodinâmico de uma
coluna de borbulhamento de recirculação externa do líquido (CREL), que permitiu ampliar o
conhecimento já existente sobre este tipo de colunas. Para realizar este estudo utilizaram-se
líquidos viscosos Newtonianos, nomeadamente soluções aquosas de glicerina com
viscosidades entre 0,007 e 0,522 Pa.s. Para a gama de caudais de ar injectados, 1,5x10-5
até 1,35x10-4 m3/s, o ar ascendia ao longo da coluna de borbulhamento sob a forma de
bolhas tubulares. Após a realização dos ensaios, verificou-se que o regime de escoamento
do líquido entre bolhas tubulares variou desde o tipo laminar até transição (1,9
Multiphase flows in ducts can adopt several morphologies depending on the mass fluxes and the fluids properties. Annular flow is one of the most frequently encountered flow patterns in industrial applications. For gas liquid systems, it consists of a liquid film flowing adjacent to the wall and a gas core flowing in the center of the duct. This work presents a numerical study of this flow pattern in gas liquid systems in vertical ducts. For this, a solution algorithm was developed and implemented in FORTRAN 90 to numerically solve the governing transport equations. The mass and momentum conservation equations are solved simultaneously from the wall to the center of the duct, using the Finite Volumes Technique. Momentum conservation in the gas liquid interface is enforced using an equivalent effective viscosity, which also allows for the solution of both velocity fields in a single system of equations. In this way, the velocity distributions across the gas core and the liquid film are obtained iteratively, together with the global pressure gradient and the liquid film thickness. Convergence criteria are based upon satisfaction of mass balance within the liquid film and the gas core. For system closure, two different approaches are presented for the calculation of the radial turbulent viscosity distribution within the liquid film and the gas core. The first one combines a k- Ɛ one-equation model and a low Reynolds k-Ɛ model. The second one uses a low Reynolds k- Ɛ model to compute the eddy viscosity profile from the center of the duct right to the wall. Appropriate interfacial values for k e Ɛ are proposed, based on concepts and ideas previously used, with success, in stratified gas liquid flow. The proposed approaches are compared with an algebraic model found in the literature, specifically devised for annular gas liquid flow, using available experimental results. This also serves as a validation of the solution algorithm
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This note has as objective to present the advantages of the use of syringe-type pumps for the feeding of liquid reactants, together with mass flow controllers for gases, instead of the saturators, as it is generally accomplished. Among the advantages, the system with syringe pumps presents a greater flexibility in flow control as well as in composition compared with the system that uses saturator. In addition, the flow of the liquid reactants is known with precision in the syringe pump system.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia de seletividade cinética, para os pseudocomponentes do petróleo em escoamento gás-liquido em colunas de bolhas usando a Fluidodinâmica Computacional (CFD). Uma geometria cilíndrica de 2,5m de altura e 0,162m de diâmetro foi usada tanto na validação fluidodinâmica com base em dados experimentais da literatura, como na análise cinética do reator operando em dois modos distintos em relação a fase líquida: batelada e contínuo. Todos os casos de estudo operam em regime heterogêneo de escoamento, com velocidade superficial do gás igual a 8 cm/s e diâmetro médio de bolhas de 6 mm. O modelo fluidodinâmico validado apresentou boa concordância com os dados experimentais, sendo empregado como base para a implementação do modelo cinético de rede de Krishna e Saxena (1989). A análise da hidroconversão foi realizada a 371ºC, e os resultados mostraram o comportamento esperado para o processo reativo estudado, definindo-se os tempos (batelada) e posições axiais (contínuo) de coleta ideal para os pseudocomponentes leves. Em síntese, ressaltase o uso da ferramenta CFD no entendimento, desenvolvimento e otimização de processos.
Está sendo implementado, no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear-IEN, um projeto de estudos de viabilidade da utilização de técnicas ultra-sônicas para medições de escoamentos bifásicos, ampliando as aplicações do ultra-som na área de pesquisa e na área industrial de medição de fluidos. Na primeira etapa do projeto, foi realizado um estudo preliminar do efeito da velocidade do escoamento em um circuito experimental a água fechado, sobre uma onda ultra-sônica que atravessava o líquido. Foi utilizado um sistema capaz de medir a diferença de tempo de trânsito entre ondas ultra-sônicas da ordem de 1 ns, utilizando técnicas de processamento de sinais. As diferentes velocidades da água obtidas, variando-se a vazão do circuito, foram relacionadas com as velocidades da onda ultra-sônica. Foi observado que a variação da temperatura da água influenciava a velocidade da onda ultra-sônica, de maneira inversa à velocidade do líquido. Pelo experimento realizado, concluiu-se que o dispositivo ultra-sônico montado pode ser adequado para medir a velocidade de escoamento da água no circuito experimental.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
O uso estratégico de sistemas bifásicos para preservação das vantagens da catálise homogênea tem se mostrado uma alternativa tecnológica interessante, já que se aliam altas atividades e seletividades, com a possibilidade de recuperação/re-utilização do sistema catalítico. O sistema catalítico Rh(acac)(CO)2/Sulfoxantphos imobilizado no líquido iônico hidrofóbico 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio (BMI.PF6) promove a reação de hidroformilação de olefinas pesadas com seletividades em aldeídos superiores a 98%. A regiosseletividade deste sistema é fortemente dependente da natureza do líquido iônico e da fase móvel envolvidos na reação. Estudos sobre transferência de massa gás/líquido também foram realizados e demonstraram que CO é mais solúvel do que H2 no BMI.PF6, na ordem de duas vezes mais, nas condições reacionais utilizadas. A formação do complexo de catalítico em BMI.PF6 foi monitorada por infravermelho (HPIR) e ressonância magnética nuclear (HPNMR) in situ. As mesmas espécies catalíticas ee e ea-(difosfina)Rh(CO)2H observadas em solventes orgânicos foram formadas no BMI.PF6. O uso de HPIR sob condições de hidroformilação mostrou que o equilíbrio dinâmico ee:ea segue um comportamento semelhante ao observado em meio homogêneo onde solventes orgânicos clássicos, como o tolueno, são utilizados.
This work intends to analyze the behavior of the gas flow of plunger lift wells producing to well testing separators in offshore production platforms to aim a technical procedure to estimate the gas flow during the slug production period. The motivation for this work appeared from the expectation of some wells equipped with plunger lift method by PETROBRAS in Ubarana sea field located at Rio Grande do Norte State coast where the produced fluids measurement is made in well testing separators at the platform. The oil artificial lift method called plunger lift is used when the available energy of the reservoir is not high enough to overcome all the necessary load losses to lift the oil from the bottom of the well to the surface continuously. This method consists, basically, in one free piston acting as a mechanical interface between the formation gas and the produced liquids, greatly increasing the well s lifting efficiency. A pneumatic control valve is mounted at the flow line to control the cycles. When this valve opens, the plunger starts to move from the bottom to the surface of the well lifting all the oil and gas that are above it until to reach the well test separator where the fluids are measured. The well test separator is used to measure all the volumes produced by the well during a certain period of time called production test. In most cases, the separators are designed to measure stabilized flow, in other words, reasonably constant flow by the use of level and pressure electronic controllers (PLC) and by assumption of a steady pressure inside the separator. With plunger lift wells the liquid and gas flow at the surface are cyclical and unstable what causes the appearance of slugs inside the separator, mainly in the gas phase, because introduce significant errors in the measurement system (e.g.: overrange error). The flow gas analysis proposed in this work is based on two mathematical models used together: i) a plunger lift well model proposed by Baruzzi [1] with later modifications made by Bolonhini [2] to built a plunger lift simulator; ii) a two-phase separator model (gas + liquid) based from a three-phase separator model (gas + oil + water) proposed by Nunes [3]. Based on the models above and with field data collected from the well test separator of PUB-02 platform (Ubarana sea field) it was possible to demonstrate that the output gas flow of the separator can be estimate, with a reasonable precision, from the control signal of the Pressure Control Valve (PCV). Several models of the System Identification Toolbox from MATLAB® were analyzed to evaluate which one better fit to the data collected from the field. For validation of the models, it was used the AIC criterion, as well as a variant of the cross validation criterion. The ARX model performance was the best one to fit to the data and, this way, we decided to evaluate a recursive algorithm (RARX) also with real time data. The results were quite promising that indicating the viability to estimate the output gas flow rate from a plunger lift well producing to a well test separator, with the built-in information of the control signal to the PCV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The measurement of flow through the prediction of differential pressure is widely used in industrial day-to-day, this happens mainly due to the fact that it is used for various types of fluids, such as gas flow and liquid with viscosity distinct even flow of fluids with particles in suspension. The suitability of this equipment for measuring mass flow in two-phase flow is of paramount importance for technological development and reliability of results. When it comes to two-phase flow the relationship between the fluids and their interactions are of paramount importance in predicting the flow. In this paper, we propose the use of concentric orifice plate used in small diameter pipes of 25.4 mm order where a two-phase flow flows between water-air. The measurement of single-phase flow was made with the use of data in NBR 5167-1 which was used to Stolz equation for measuring discharge coefficient. In the two-phase flow was used two correlations widely used in the prognosis of mass flow, the pattern of Zhang (1992) and the model of Chisholm (1967), to the homogeneous flow model. It was observed that the behavior found in Zhang model are consistent more realistic way the mass flow of two-phase flow, since the model Chisholm extrapolate the parameters for the downstream pressure P2, the orifice plate, and the rated discharge coefficient. The use of the change in pressure drop P1-P2 and discharge coefficient, led to a better convergence of the values obtained for the two-phase air-water stream.