977 resultados para Emulsão. Óleo de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii). Óleo de rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw). Atividade antimicrobiana


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The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body and accounts for about 16% of body weight. The body protection against the external environment microorganisms is one of its most important functions, however is necessary that the skin remain intact for this function be exercised, so that when there is an injury on the skin, the process of restructuring needs to be starts, however this restructuration may also be compromised due to some diseases, justifying even more the need for the development of topical products that promote or accelerate the skin healing. Thus the aim of this study was to extract bullfrog oil and to develop a suitable topical emulsion. Two different oil samples were extracted by hot or organic solvent process. Titration techniques and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry were used to characterize the bullfrog oil. The required hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLBr) of bullfrog oil was determined and a pseudo-ternary phase diagram was constructed. The stability of the topical emulsion was evaluated. Then, cellular viability was determined by MTT assay using normal fibroblasts (3T3) and melanoma (B16F10) cells lines. The hot extraction yield was 60.6%. The major polyunsaturated compounds found were Eicosapentaenoic acid (17.6%) and Arachidonic acid (8.4%). HLBr study demonstrated the presence of stable systems with HLB ranging from 12.1 to 13.5 and the pseudo-ternary phase diagram showed mainly emulsion systems (62%). Topical emulsion showed 390 nm, polydispersity 0.05, zeta potential -25 mV and remained stable for ninety days. The bullfrog oil and topical emulsion did not showed citotoxicity in normal fibroblasts cells. However, these systems showed significantly inhibition of melanoma cells growth. In conclusion, the bullfrog oil presented desirable chemical characteristics required to be used for the development of a pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.


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Natural oils have shown a scientific importance due to its pharmacological activity and renewable character. The copaiba (Copaifera langsdorffii) and Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana Shaw) oils are used in folk medicine particularly because the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Emulsion could be eligible systems to improve the palatability and fragrance, enhance the pharmacological activities and reduce the toxicological effects of these oils. The aim of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of emulsions based on copaiba (resin-oil and essential-oil) and bullfrog oils against fungi and bacteria which cause skin diseases. Firstly, the essential oil was extracted from copaiba oil-resin and the oils were characterized by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Secondly, emulsion systems were produced. A microbiological screening test with all products was performed followed (the minimum inhibitory concentration, the bioautography method and the antibiofilm determination). Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. krusei and C. tropicalis American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and clinical samples were used. The emulsions based on copaiba oil-resin and essential oil improved the antimicrobial activity of the pure oils, especially against Staphylococcus e Candida resistant to azoles. The bullfrog oil emulsion and the pure bullfrog oil showed a lower effect on the microorganisms when compared to the copaiba samples. All the emulsions showed a significant antibiofilm activity by inhibiting the cell adhesion. Thus, it may be concluded that emulsions based on copaiba and bullfrog oils are promising candidates to treatment of fungal and bacterial skin infections


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfometricamente a neoangiogênese de retalhos cutâneos subdérmicos em ratos tratados com óleo de copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii) em pomada a 10%. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, composto por três recursos farmacológicos. Foram utilizadas dez repetições para cada recurso, e cada animal foi considerado uma unidade experimental. Trinta ratos Wistar foram submetidos à elevação do retalho cutâneo dorsal subdérmico e distribuídos em três grupos: grupo controle absoluto, no qual os animais não receberam nenhum tratamento; grupo controle, no qual os animais receberam tratamento tópico diário com pomada com apenas veículo (glicerina e vaselina); e grupo tratado, no qual os animais foram tratados diariamente com óleo de copaíba em pomada a 10%. Os ratos foram tratados e observados por oito dias após o ato operatório. No oitavo dia de pós-operatório, realizou-se a análise macroscópica do retalho e foram coletados fragmentos das porções cranial, média e caudal do retalho cutâneo para análise histopatológica. A análise morfométrica mostrou diferença significativa para o número de novos vasos sanguíneos nas partes média e caudal do retalho cutâneo no grupo tratado. O óleo de copaíba mostra-se eficiente no aumento da neoangiogênese em retalhos cutâneos subdérmicos de ratos.


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Óleo de Copaifera multijuga Hayne, in natura e as frações foram avaliados quanto às suas atividades fungitóxicas, frente a cinco espécies de fungos filamentosos do gênero Aspergillus e três espécies de leveduras do gênero Candida. Concentrações de óleo resina e de óleo essencial na faixa de 0,08 mg mL-1 a 1,6 mg mL-1 foram usadas para as análises qualitativa e quantitativas. As amostras foram dispostas sobre discos de papel de 5 mm de diâmetro e distribuídos sobre o meio Saboraud em placas de Petri, inoculadas com esporos dos microrganismos e incubadas a 28ºC durante 10 dias. Utilizou-se uma solução com 1,6 mg mL-1 de nitrato de miconazol como controle positivo. Os resultados qualitativos mostraram que o óleo resina apresentou boa atividade, porém uma das frações do óleo essencial se mostrou altamente efetivo contra C. parapsilosis IOC - 2882, A.flavus IOC-3874 e A. tamarii IOC-187 com halos de inibição de 16,0±1,4 mm, 19,5±2,1 mm e 12,5±3,5 mm, respectivamente. Já a avaliação quantitativa mostrou que 0,3 mg mL-1 do óleo resina inibiu o crescimento de A. flavus e C. parapsilosis, enquanto que 0,08 mg mL-1 da fração do óleo essencial atingiu esta mesma atividade.


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Óleo de Copaifera multijuga Hayne, in natura e as frações foram avaliadas quanto às atividades fungitóxicas in vitro, frente a cinco espécies de fungos filamentosos do gênero Aspergillus e três espécies de leveduras do gênero Candida. Concentrações de óleo resina e de óleo essencial na faixa de 0,08 mg mL-1 a 1,6 mg mL-1 foram usadas para as análises qualitativa e quantitativas. As amostras foram dispostas sobre discos de papel de 5 mm de diâmetro e distribuídos sobre o meio Saboraud em placas de Petri, inoculadas com esporos dos microorganismos e incubadas a 28ºC durante 10 dias. Utilizou-se solução com 1,6 mg mL-1 de nitrato de miconazol como controle positivo. Os resultados qualitativos mostraram que o óleo resina apresentou boa atividade fungistática, porém uma das frações do óleo essencial se mostrou altamente efetiva contra Candida parapsilosis IOC-2882, Aspergillus flavus IOC-3874 e A tamarii IOC-187 com halos de inibição de 16,0±1,4 mm, 19,5±2,1 mm e 12,5±3,5 mm, respectivamente. Já a avaliação quantitativa mostrou que 0,3 mg mL-1 do óleo resina inibiu o crescimento de A. flavus e C. parapsilosis, enquanto que 0,08 mg mL-1 da fração do óleo essencial atingiu esta mesma atividade.


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In recent decades, the generation of solid and liquid waste has increased substantially due to increased industrial activity that is directly linked to economic growth. For that is the most efficient process, it is inevitable generation of such wastes. In the oil industry, a major waste generated in oil exploration is produced water, which due to its complex composition and the large amount generated, has become a challenge, given the restrictions imposed by environmental laws regarding their disposal, making if necessary create alternatives for reuse or treatment in order to reduce the content of contaminants and reduce the harmful effects to the environment. This water can be present in free form or emulsified with the oil, when in the form of an emulsion of oil-water type, it is necessary to use chemicals to promote the separation and flotation is the treatment method which has proved to be more efficient, for it can remove much of the emulsified oil when compared to other methods. In this context, the object of this work was to study the individual effects and interactions of some physicochemical parameters of operations, based on previous work to a flotation cell used in the separation of synthetic emulsion oil / water in order to optimize the efficiency of the separation process through of the 24 full factorial design with center point. The response variables to evaluate the separation efficiency was the percentage of color and turbidity removal. The independent variables were: concentration of de-emulsifying, oil content in water, salinity and pH, these being fixed, minimum and maximum limits. The analysis of variance for the equation of the empirical model, was statistically significant and useful for predictive purposes the separation efficiency of the floater with R2 > 90%. The results showed that the oil content in water and the interaction between the oil content in water and salinity, showed the highest values of the estimated effects among all the factors investigated, having great and positive influence on the separation efficiency. By analyzing the response surface was determined maximum removal efficiency above 90% for both measured for turbidity as a measure of color when in a saline medium (30 g/L), the high oil concentrations (306 ppm) using low concentrations of de-emulsifying (1,1 ppm) and at pH close to neutral


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background Natural antioxidants present in common foods and beverages have drawn great attention to cancer prevention due to its health benefits, remarkable lack of toxicity and side effects. Copaifera langsdorffii, known as “copaiba”, “capaiva”, or “pau-de-óleo“, belongs to the Leguminosae family and occurs in fields and grasslands in the northern and northeastern parts of Brazil. Biological studies of Copaifera corroborate its widespread use by the population. This paper describes the effects of C. langsdorffii leaves hydroalcoholic extract on the 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced DNA damage and aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of male Wistar rats. Methods The hydroalcoholic extract of C. langsdorffii was administered to rats by gavage at daily doses of 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg body weight. To evaluate DNA damage by the comet assay, animals received the C. langsdorffii extract for seven days and a single subcutaneous injection (sc) of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at a dose of 40 mg/kg on day 7. Animals were sacrificed 4 h after injection of DMH, to assess DNA damage. For the ACF assay, animals were acclimatized for one week (week 1) and then treated with the C. langsdorffii extract five times a week for four weeks (weeks 2 to 5). The rats received sc injections of DMH (40 mg/kg) on days 2 and 5 of weeks 2 and 3, to induce ACF. Animals were euthanized at week 5; i.e., four weeks after the first DMH treatment. Results Animals treated with different doses of the C. langsdorffii extract combined with DMH had significantly lower frequency of DNA damage as compared with the positive control (animals treated with DMH only). The percentage of reduction in the frequency of DNA damage ranged from 14.30% to 38.8%. The groups treated with 40 and 80 mg/kg C. langsdorffii extract during and after DMH treatment presented significantly lower numbers of ACF and aberrant crypts compared with the control. Conclusion The C. langsdorffii extract significantly reduced the extent of DNA damage and ACF induced by DMH, suggesting that the extract has a protective effect against colon carcinogenesis.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Os fatores ambientais podem causar estresse nas plantas acarretando alterações no metabolismo ou desenvolvimento, consequentemente modifica as condições ótimas que afetam o ciclo de vida e induz respostas em todos os níveis funcionais do organismo. A seca é um fator que tem grande influência nas plantas. Algumas espécies arbóreas desenvolveram mecanismos morfológicos, fisiológicos e bioquímicos para superar eventual suprimento inadequado de água. A espécie estudada, Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. está presente em formações vegetais de transição do cerrado stricto senso para a floresta semidecídua. Essa característica possibilita analisar respostas fisiológicas perante os efeitos sazonais da seca presente nestas formações florestais. O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar as respostas fisiológicas de Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. Em relação ao contraste hídrico característico de floresta estacional semidecídua. Para compreeender os efeitos desta sazonalidade avaliamos alguns parâmetros ecofisiológicos como Condutância Estomática (gs), Conteúdo Relativo de Água (Relative Water Content –RWC), Déficit Pressão de Vapor (DPV), potencial água foliar (Ψw) e fluorescência da clorofila. As avaliações foram feitas ao final da época úmida (FEU), final da época seca (FES) e início da época úmida (IEU) ao longo de 3 períodos do dia 5:00h (Predawn – PD), 12:00h (Midday – MD) e 17:00h (Afternoon – AF). Após as análises observamos queda de gs e aumento do DPV, valores constantes de RWC e Ψw foliar no FES. Mesmo em condições de déficit hídrico as plantas não apresentaram mecanismos de fotoinibição


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of soil samples collected under the canopies of three specimens of Copaifera langsdorffii the germination of Lactuca sativa and survey the natural seed bank according to seasonality. To test the allelopathic effect was carried experiments of pre and post-emergence with seeds of L. sativa and to quantify the stock of seeds, soil samples were collected from three specimens at three distances from the stem (1, 2 and 3 m) and at three depths (0-5, 5-10 and 10-15cm) in the region of savanna in the dry and wet seasons. The samples tested in bioassay of pre-emergence no significant influence on germinability, mean germination time and mean germination speed, but showed a difference in the synchronism of germination, these data were independent of sampling station. In test for post-emergence was observed statistical difference in the parameters evaluate (length of primary roots and hypocotyls) in both seasons. To quantify the natural seed bank were macroscopic analysis of each soil sample with the help of stereoscopic microscope. The analysis of the natural seed bank showed a larger number of seeds in the 0-5cm and in distance of 2m for both seasons. The results suggest the presence of allelochemical substances in soil samples collected under the canopy of Copaifera langsdorffii.