962 resultados para Embryonic development


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Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity during the successful development of a fertilized egg into a whole organism. To date, the mechanism of DSB repair in postimplantation embryos has been largely unknown. In the present study, using a cell-free repair system derived from the different embryonic stages of mice, we find that canonical nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), one of the major DSB repair pathways in mammals, is predominant at 14.5 day of embryonic development. Interestingly, all four types of DSBs tested were repaired by ligase IV/XRCC4 and Ku-dependent classical NHEJ. Characterization of end-joined junctions and expression studies further showed evidences for canonical NHEJ. Strikingly, in contrast to the above, we observed noncanonical end joining accompanied by DSB resection, dependent on microhomology and ligase III in 18.5-day embryos. Interestingly, we observed an elevated expression of CtIP, MRE11, and NBS1 at this stage, suggesting that it could act as a switch between classical end joining and microhomology-mediated end joining at later stages of embryonic development. Thus, our results establish for the first time the existence of both canonical and alternative NHEJ pathways during the postimplantation stages of mammalian embryonic development. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The embryonic development in Clarias gariepinus was studied under laboratory conditions. The developmental stages of eggs starting from first cleavage were examined microscopically. Photomicroscope was used to take important stages of segmentation, blastulation, differentiation of embryo and hatching. The films of the photograph were developed and printed for each stage produced. The accurate timing and detailed description of each stage was done. The results show that the blastodisc (Polar cap) appeared about 35 minutes after fertilization and the first cleavage dividing the blastodisc into two blastomeres occurs 15 minutes after polar cap formation. Details of the developmental stages of embryos and the timing from one stage to the other were described. The larva shook off the shell and emerged completely from the egg case about 22 hours after fertilization at a water temperature of 25.1 degree C. The accurate determination of the time of initiation of first mitosis is of great importance in fish culture and breeding especially in the production of tetraploids


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Investigations on the control of the embryonic and post-embryonic development of arthropods have formed an intensively studied field of zoological research for a long time, Here in especially favourable cases the causal chain from the operation of external factors on the influence of physiological mechanisms, eg. of the hormone variety, is known right through to its primary influences. A comparative approach to the relevant questions was in the main only made in the case of the insects. For crustacea , investigations are available almost exclusively only for the malacostraca. This study examines the influence of the factors of temperature and photoperiod on the entire development of Cyclops vicinus. Tests were made on whether the light-darkness change serves as a regulator for a possible existing molting rhythm - a question which for the entire arthropods has been settled only very rarely. The basic material for the cultures that were examined originates from Lake Constance.


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Experimental studies were carried out on the transformation of matter and energy during embryonic development of the isopod Crustacea Asellus aquaticus L. under two constant temperatures. Material for the experiments was collected in the quarry lakes of the Kurasovshchin-zone (city-Minsk) at 9°C in April and at 18°C in June, 1977. The rate of consumption of oxygen per specimen by eggs and embryos of Asellus aquaticus was observed and dynamics of the basic biological characteristics during embryonic development studied.


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Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) is hexagrammid fish that inhabits the temperate and subarctic North Pacific Ocean and neighboring seas (Fig. 1). This highly abundant fish is a critically important prey species (Sinclair and Zeppelin, 2002; Zenger, 2004) that supports a directed commercial trawl fishery (Lowe et al., 2006). Atka mackerel is a demersal spawner and males provide parental care to eggs (Zolotov, 1993). During breeding periods, sexually mature males aggregate on the bottom at nesting sites where they establish territories (Lauth et al., in press). Sexually mature females periodically visit male nesting territories from July to October to spawn batches of demersal egg masses (McDermott and Lowe, 1997; McDermott et al., 2007). Individual nests may consist of multiple egg masses deposited by different females, and males defend nesting territories for a protracted period lasting from the time territories are being established until all eggs within the territory are completely hatched (Lauth et al., 2007). Knowledge about the timing of the reproductive cycle and the use of spawning habitat are important for understanding population structure and the dynamics of stock recruitment, which in turn are important factors in the management of Atka mackerel populations.


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UV irradiation and cold shock were applied on the eggs of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, to produce haploid,. gynogen and triploid embryos. A comparative account of the various features· of embryonic development in chromosomally manipulated groups viz. haploid, gynogen and triploid and non-manipulated normal diploid group of H fossilis has been discussed. A slow development and delayed hatching were observed in gynogen and triploid embryos compared to those in normal diploid (control) groups. Mass mortality was observed in all chromosomally manipulated groups particularly during the gastrulation stage. The hatchlings of the gynogen, triploid and normal diploid were similar in overall appearance.


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Honey Gourami, Colisa sota, has high ornamental as well as food value. The natural resources of this species are gradually declining, due to destruction of its habitat, over fishing for aquarium trade and human consumption. The fish was bred in captivity under controlled environment. It laid about 200-400 eggs in bubble nest built by the male. Hatching started within 28-30hrs. after egg laying. The hatchlings became free swimming by 3rd to 4th day of hatching. The male showed territoriality and parental care by guarding the eggs and hatchlings. The larval survival was 30-35%. The breeding behavior, embryonic and post embryonic development of the fish were studied.


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A laboratory toxic experiment was conducted to examine dose-dependent effects of extracted microcystins (MCs) on embryonic development, larval growth and histopathological changes of southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis). Fertilized eggs were incubated in solutions with four concentrations of MCs (0, 1, 10, 100 mu g MC-LReq l(-1)). Higher MCs retarded egg development (2-10 h delays) and larval growth, reduced hatching rate (up to 45%), and caused high malformation rate (up to 15%) and hepatocytes damage (characterized by disorganization of cell structure and a loss of adherence between hepatocytes, cellular degeneration with vacuolar hepatocytes and marginal nuclei, even hepatocellular necrosis). A 10 mu g MC-LReql(-1) is close to a high concentration in natural cyanobacterial blooms, suggesting a possible existence of such toxic effects in eutrophic waters. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Asian yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica (Cantor), is a potential aquaculture target in China owing to the higher values for food and remedy than other species of turtle. In this study, color and morphological changes of fertilized eggs were observed during embryogenesis, and the effects of incubation temperature on embryonic development were analyzed. Both calcium layer and membrane layer are thicker in the middle portion of egg-shell than that in the terminal portion, and become thinner after embryo hatching than before embryonic development. Significant change in the white spot and subsequent white ring on the eggshell occurs during embryonic development. Of five different incubation temperatures used to investigate the effects of incubation temperatures on embryonic development, 29.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C was optimal for embryo survival and development. Moreover, the incubation temperature of 33.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C was harmful effect to embryonic development. The data provide important and useful information for husbandry and management of the Asian yellow pond turtle. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The development of phenoloxidase during amphioxus embryogenesis was spectrophotometrically and histochemically studied for the first time in the present study. It was found that (1) PO activity initially appeared in the general ectoderm including the neural ectoderm and the epidermal ectoderm at the early neurala stage but not in the mesoderm or the endoderm, and (2) PO activity disappeared in the neural plate cells but remained unchanged in the epidermal cells when the neural plate was morphologically quite distinct from the rest of the ectoderm. It is apparent that PO could serve as a marker enzyme for differentiation of the neural ectoderm from the epidermal ectoderm during embryonic development of amphioxus. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.