906 resultados para Electrophoretic profile
Workers of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Lepeletier, 1836) develop their ovaries and lay eggs, therefore the production of vitellogenin is expected. In electrophoretic profiles only fat body extracts from nurse workers and ovary extracts from newly-emerged workers show protein with molecular mass similar to vitellogenin. However, an increase in the protein content was detected in forager fat body. This increase was attributed to storage of vitellogenin or other proteins in the previous phase and not discharged into the hemolymph or to an effect of the increased titre of juvenile hormone in this phase of worker life over the fat body functioning.
Estudaram-se o perfil eletroforético das proteínas liquóricas e a cota de albumina em cães sem e com cinomose na fase neurológica e não-neurológica. A punção da cisterna magna para a obtenção de amostras de liquor realizou-se em 30 cães. Analisaram-se teores de proteínas totais, cota de albumina e fracionamento eletroforético das proteínas liquóricas em gel de agarose. Os resultados foram semelhantes nos cães normais e nos cães com cinomose sem sinais neurológicos e significativamente elevados no grupo de cães com cinomose apresentando sinais neurológicos. O estudo do quadro protéico do líquido cérebroespinhal foi útil e contribuiu significativamente na detecção de lesões ao sistema nervoso central e de danos à barreira hematoencefálica durante a fase neurológica da cinomose.
Workers of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Lepeletier, 1836) develop their ovaries and lay eggs, therefore the production of vitellogenin is expected. In electrophoretic profiles only fat body extracts from nurse workers and ovary extracts from newly-emerged workers show protein with molecular mass similar to vitellogenin. However, an increase in the protein content was detected in forager fat body. This increase was attributed to storage of vitellogenin or other proteins in the previous phase and not discharged into the hemolymph or to an effect of the increased titre of juvenile hormone in this phase of worker life over the fat body functioning.
Studies of the hemoglobin pattern in Brazilian reptiles are important for determining ecological and phylogenetic relationships, but they are scarce. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 7 males and 18 females of Rhinoclemmys punctularia. The hematological profile was based on the total hemoglobin and hematocrit values. The hemoglobin profile was obtained using electrophoretic procedures at different pH, isoelectric focusing, globin chain electrophoresis, and HPLC. The hematocrit (31 ± 2%) and total hemoglobin (7.5 ± 0.2 g/dL) values did not indicate gender variations. Alkaline pH electrophoresis of the total blood samples treated with 1% saponin demonstrated the presence of four well-defined hemoglobin fractions, one major component (fraction I), showing cathodic migration and three others faster than fraction I with anodic migration. When the samples were precipitated with chloroform, only two hemoglobin fractions were observed, similar to fractions I and III from the first procedure. Isoelectric focusing and HPLC showed the same pattern. With acid and neutral pH electrophoresis, two fractions with anodic migration were observed. The globin chain identification at alkaline pH showed two fractions, but four fractions were observed at acidic pH, suggesting that different polypeptide chains are involved in the hemoglobin molecule. The chromatographic separation of the total blood sample demonstrated that the major fraction comprised 81.9% and the minor 18.1%. The results obtained demonstrated a similarity between these hemoglobin components and those of some Chelidae reported in the literature for both land and aquatic animals, reflecting the adaptation to environmental conditions. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Insect mandibular glands are always associated to the mandibles; they are part of the salivary glandular system. The mandibular glands are composed by a reservoir associated to the secretory cells, with each secretory cell connected to the reservoir by means of individual canaliculi. These glands play an important role in the production of pheromones, which are compounds involved in defense, communication, and reproduction of the colony. Mandibular glands of soldiers and major and minor workers of the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa were processed for different histochemical tests, total protein content, and protein electrophoretic profile determination. The histochemical tests detected the presence of lipids, DNA/RNA, polysaccharides, and proteins at different regions of the gland. The protein electrophoretic profiles showed that the total protein content as well as the number of peptides of each caste follow a progressive order in relation to the size of the individual. Thus, we suggest that the production of secretion is directly linked to the task that the individual performs in the colony.
This study evaluated serum protein fractions, HDL-cholesterol, total immunoglobulin G and total immunoglobulin E levels in patients with acute and chronic paracoccidioidomycosis, by means of electrophoresis, enzymatic reaction and immunoenzymatic assay. The results demonstrated elevated levels of total immunoglobulin G, total immunoglobulin E, alpha-2 and gamma-globulins, which were more evident in acute than in chronic PCM, but no increase in HDL-cholesterol levels. There was a correlation between the levels of total immunoglobulin E and gamma-globulins and the alpha-2 and beta-globulin fractions in the acute form and between beta and gamma-globulins in both the acute and the chronic form. In conclusion, changes in total immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin E levels and in the electrophoretic profile may be important markers for the prognosis and therapeutic follow-up of PCM cases, especially because protein electrophoresis is a simple laboratory test that can be applied when specific PCM serological tests are not available. In addition, levels of the gamma-globulin fraction greater than 2.0g/dl may suggest that the patient is developing a more severe form of PCM.
INTRODUCTION: Domestic dogs are the most important reservoir in the peridomestic transmission cycle of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. The genetic variability of subpopulations of this parasite circulating in dogs has not been thoroughly analyzed in Brazil, even though this knowledge has important implications in the clinical-epidemiological context. METHODS: The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the phenotypic variability of 153 L. chagasi strains isolated from dogs originating from the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro (n = 57) and Belo Horizonte (n = 96), where the disease is endemic. Strains isolated only from intact skin were selected and analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis using nine enzyme systems (6PG, GPI, NH1 and NH2, G6P, PGM, MDH, ME, and IDHNADP). RESULTS: The electrophoretic profile was identical for all isolates analyzed and was the same as that of the L. chagasi reference strain (MHOM/BR/74/PP75). Phenetic analysis showed a similarity index of one for all strains, with the isolates sharing 100% of the characteristics analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that the L. chagasi populations circulating in dogs from Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte belong to a single zymodeme.
INTRODUCTION: During the period from 2000 to 2002, 79 rotavirus-positive stool samples were collected from children presenting diarrhea in the Western Brazilian Amazon. METHODS: Molecular characterization of the G and P genotypes was performed using RT-PCR and electropherotyping analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: A total of 59 samples were confirmed as group A rotavirus. A long electrophoretic profile was exhibited by the G1P[8], G3P[8], and G4P[8] genotypes. The G1P[8] genotype was found in greater proportion. The short electropherotype was exhibited only by G2 genotype strains. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of the rotavirus genotypes observed was not different from that in other areas of Brazil. This study is the first genotyping of rotavirus in the Western Brazilian Amazon.
Calomys callosus, Rengger 1830 (Rodentia, Cricetidae), a wild rodent found in Central Brazil, was studied to investigate its susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii experimental infection and its humoral immune response against this protozoa. The electrophoretic profile of the serum proteins of C. callosus showed that IgG, which shows no affinity to Protein A, has higher cross reactivity with rat IgG than with IgG from other rodents. The susceptibility assay was performed by inoculation groups of animals with various suspensions of T. gondii tachyzoites from 102 to 106 parasites. All animals died between 3 and 9 days after infection and the kinetics of antibody synthesis was determined. Basically, they recognized predominantly the immunodominant antigen SAG-1 (P30). The immunohistochemistry assays revealed that the liver was the most heavily infected organ, followed by the spleen, lungs, intestine, brain and kidneys. It can be concluded that C. callosus is an excellent experimental model for acute phase of Toxoplasma infection
The biodiversity of rhizobium in soils of the São Francisco Valley is unknown and can be studied using cowpea as trap plants. The objective of this study was to verify the diversity of diazotrophic bacteria that nodulate cowpea in soils of the lower half of the São Francisco River Valley by morphological and genotypic characterization. Seven soil samples (A1, A2, A3, A4, C1, C2 and MC) were collected to capture bacteria associated to five cowpea cultivars (IPA 206, BRS Pujante, BRS Marataoã, Canapu Roxo, and Sempre Verde), in a 5x7 factorial design with three replications. Thirty days after plant emergence, the nodules were collected and the bacteria isolated and analyzed in relation to their growth characteristics in YMA medium. The 581 isolates were grouped in 49 morphologic groups. Of this total, 62.3 % formed colonies in up to three days, 33.4 % grew from the 6th day on, and 4.3 % began to grow 4 to 5 days after incubation. Regarding the formation of acids and alkalis, 63 % acidified the medium, 12 % made it alkaline and 25 % maintained the medium at neutral pH. The highest diversity was observed in the A3 sample and in isolates associated with the cultivars Canapu Roxo and BRS Pujante. Thirty-eight representative isolates were chosen for the genotypic characterization, clustered in four groups based on the restriction analysis of 16s rDNA. This grouping was strongly correlated with the sampling site; 13 rhizobium isolates had an electrophoretic profile distinct from the standard rhizobium strains used in this study.
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the etiologic agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), a chronic disease that affects goats and sheep, characterized by granuloma formation in subcutaneous and internal lymph nodes. CLA causes significant economic losses to commercial goat herds. In this study, we aimed to test secreted antigens secreted from T1 strain bacteria grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth in an indirect ELISA system to determine the presence of specific immunoglobulins against C. pseudotuberculosis. We analyzed the BHI antigen electrophoretic profile and the recognition pattern by infected sheep sera samples. The ELISA results were compared with multiplex PCR assay and IFN-gamma production. The ELISA was able to discriminate between negative and positive animals, with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99%, using microbiological isolation as gold standard. When this assay was compared with multiplex PCR and specific IFN-gamma quantification, six discrepant results were found among thirty-two samples. We concluded that the ELISA using antigens secreted from C. pseudotuberculosis T1 strain growth in BHI broth culture can be used for the serodiagnosis of CLA in sheep.
Ionizing radiation can change the molecular structure and affect the biological properties of biomolecules. This has been employed to attenuate animal toxins. Crotamine is a strongly basic polypeptide (pI 10.3) from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom composed of 42 amino acid residues. It induces skeletal muscle spasms leading to a spastic paralysis of hind limbs in mice. The objective of the present study was to carry out a biochemical study and a toxic activity assay on native and irradiated crotamine. Crotamine was purified from C.d. terrificus venom by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration followed by ion-exchange chromatography, and irradiated at 2 mg/ml in 0.15 M NaCl with 2.0 kGy gamma radiation emitted by a 60Co source. The native and irradiated toxins were evaluated in terms of structure and toxic activity (LD50). Irradiation did not change the protein concentration, the electrophoretic profile or the primary structure of the protein although differences were shown by spectroscopic techniques. Gamma radiation reduced crotamine toxicity by 48.3%, but did not eliminate it.
Low-intensity lasers are used for prevention and management of oral mucositis induced by anticancer therapy, but the effectiveness of treatment depends on the genetic characteristics of affected cells. This study evaluated the survival and induction of filamentation of Escherichia coli cells deficient in the nucleotide excision repair pathway, and the action of T4endonuclease V on plasmid DNA exposed to low-intensity red and near-infrared laser light. Cultures of wild-type (strain AB1157) E. coli and strain AB1886 (deficient in uvrA protein) were exposed to red (660 nm) and infrared (808 nm) lasers at various fluences, powers and emission modes to study bacterial survival and filamentation. Also, plasmid DNA was exposed to laser light to study DNA lesions produced in vitro by T4endonuclease V. Low-intensity lasers:i) had no effect on survival of wild-type E. coli but decreased the survival of uvrA protein-deficient cells,ii) induced bacterial filamentation, iii) did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmids in agarose gels, andiv) did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmids incubated with T4 endonuclease V. These results increase our understanding of the effects of laser light on cells with various genetic characteristics, such as xeroderma pigmentosum cells deficient in nucleotide excision pathway activity in patients with mucositis treated by low-intensity lasers.
Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is an abundant legume in the Brazilian Savanna. Its nuts can be exploited sustainably using its protein and lipid fractions. This study aimed to analyze the proteins of the nuts present in the defatted flour and protein concentrate in terms of their functional properties, the profile of their fractions, and the in vitro digestibility. The flour was defatted with hexane and extracted at the pH of higher protein solubility to obtain the protein concentrate. The electrophoretic profile of the protein fractions was evaluated in SDS-PAGE gel. The functional properties of the proteins indicate the possibility of their use in various foods, like soybeans providing water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, emulsifying properties, and foamability. Globulins, followed by the albumins, are the major fractions of the flour and protein concentrate, respectively. Digestibility was greater for the concentrate than for the defatted flour.
Significant initiatives exist within the global food market to search for new, alternative protein sources with better technological, functional, and nutritional properties. Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) protein isolate was hydrolyzed using a sequential pepsin-pancreatin enzymatic system. Hydrolysis was performed to produce limited (LH) and extensive hydrolysate (EH), each with different degrees of hydrolysis (DH). The effects of hydrolysis were evaluated in vitro in both hydrolysates based on structural, functional and bioactive properties. Structural properties analyzed by electrophoretic profile indicated that LH showed residual structures very similar to protein isolate (PI), although composed of mixtures of polypeptides that increased hydrophobic surface and denaturation temperature. Functionality of LH was associated with amino acid composition and hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance, which increased solubility at values close to the isoelectric point. Foaming and emulsifying activity index values were also higher than those of PI. EH showed a structure composed of mixtures of polypeptides and peptides of low molecular weight, whose intrinsic hydrophobicity and amino acid profile values were associated with antioxidant capacity, as well as inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme. The results obtained indicated the potential of Phaseolus lunatus hydrolysates to be incorporated into foods to improve techno-functional properties and impart bioactive properties.