120 resultados para Egress


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One of the most important factors determining the development of atherosclerosis is the amount of LDL particles in the circulation. In general, LDL particles are clinically regarded as “bad cholesterol” since these particles get entrapped within the vascular wall, leading to atherosclerosis. Circulating HDL particles are conversely regarded as “good cholesterol” because of their ability to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for secretion as bile salts. Once inside the artery wall LDL particles are engulfed by macrophages, resulting in macrophage foam cells. If the macrophage foam cells are not able to efflux the cholesterol back into the bloodstream, the excessive cholesterol ultimately leads to cell death, and the deposition of cellular debris within the atherosclerotic lesion. The cells ability to secrete cholesterol is mainly dependent on the ABCA1 transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) which transfers cellular cholesterol to extracellular apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I) particles, leading to the generation of nascent HDL particles. The process of atherosclerotic plaque development is therefore to a large extent a cellular one, in which the capacity of the macrophages in handling the excessive cholesterol load determines the progression of lesion development. In this work we have studied the cellular mechanisms that regulate the trafficking of LDL-derived cholesterol from endosomal compartments to other parts of the cell. As a basis for the study we have utilized cells from patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease, a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NPC1 and NPC2 genes. In these cells, cholesterol is entrapped within the endosomal compartment, and is not available for efflux. By identifying proteins that bypass the cholesterol trafficking defect, we were able to identify the small GTPase Rab8 as an important protein involved in ABCA1 dependent cholesterol efflux. In the study, we show that Rab8 regulates cholesterol efflux in human macrophages by facilitating intracellular cholesterol transport, as well as by regulating the plasma membrane availability of ABCA1. Collectively, these results give new insight in to atherosclerotic lesion development and intracellular cholesterol processing.


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This paper examines the influence of exit availability on evacuation time for a narrow body aircraft under certification trial conditions using computer simulation. A narrow body aircraft which has previously passed the certification trial is used as the test configuration. While maintaining the certification requirement of 50% of the available exits, six different exit configurations are examined. These include the standard certification configuration (one exit from each exit pair) and five other exit configurations based on commonly occurring exit combinations found in accidents. These configurations are based on data derived from the AASK database and the evacuation simulations are performed using the airEXODUS evacuation simulation software. The results show that the certification practice of using half the available exits predominately down one side of the aircraft is neither statistically relevant nor challenging. For the aircraft cabin layout examined, the exit configuration used in certification trial produces the shortest egress times. Furthermore, three of the six exit combinations investigated result in predicted egress times in excess of 90 seconds, suggesting that the aircraft would not satisfy the certification requirement under these conditions.


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This paper examines the influence of exit availability on evacuation time for narrow body aircraft under certification trial conditions using computer simulation. A narrow body aircraft which has previously passed the certification trial is used as the test configuration. While maintaining the certification requirement of 50% of the available exits, six different configurations are examined. These include the standard certification and five other exit configurations based on commonly occurring exit combinations found in accidents. These configurations are based on data derived from the AASK database and the evacuation simulations are performed using the airEXODUS evacuation software. The results show that the certification practise of using half of the available exits predominately down one side of the aircraft is neither statistically relevant nor challenging. For the aircraft cabin layout examined, the exit configuration used in certification trial produces the shortest egress times. Furthermore, three of the six exit combinations investigated result in predicted egress times in excess of 90 seconds, suggesting that the aircraft would not satisfy the certification requirement under these conditions.


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The protozoan parasite Plasmodium is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes and undergoes obligatory development within a parasitophorous vacuole in hepatocytes before it is released into the bloodstream. The transition to the blood stage was previously shown to involve the packaging of exoerythrocytic merozoites into membrane-surrounded vesicles, called merosomes, which are delivered directly into liver sinusoids. However, it was unclear whether the membrane of these merosomes was derived from the parasite membrane, the parasitophorous vacuole membrane or the host cell membrane. This knowledge is required to determine how phagocytes will be directed against merosomes. Here, we fluorescently label the candidate membranes and use live cell imaging to show that the merosome membrane derives from the host cell membrane. We also demonstrate that proteins in the host cell membrane are lost during merozoite liberation from the parasitophorous vacuole. Immediately after the breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, the host cell mitochondria begin to degenerate and protein biosynthesis arrests. The intact host cell plasma membrane surrounding merosomes allows Plasmodium to mask itself from the host immune system and bypass the numerous Kupffer cells on its way into the bloodstream. This represents an effective strategy for evading host defenses before establishing a blood stage infection.


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Neospora caninum represents an important pathogen causing stillbirth and abortion in cattle and neuromuscular disease in dogs. Nitazoxanide (NTZ) and its deacetylated metabolite tizoxanide (TIZ) are nitro-thiazolyl-salicylamide drugs with a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic activity in vitro and in vivo. In order to generate compounds potentially applicable in food and breeding animals, the nitro group was removed, and the thiazole-moiety was modified by other functional groups. We had shown earlier that replacement of the nitro-group by a bromo-moiety did not notably affect in vitro efficacy of the drugs against N. caninum. In this study we report on the characterization of two bromo-derivatives, namely Rm4822 and its de-acetylated putative metabolite Rm4847 in relation to the nitro-compounds NTZ and TIZ. IC(50) values for proliferation inhibition were 4.23 and 4.14 microM for NTZ and TIZ, and 14.75 and 13.68 microM for Rm4822 and Rm4847, respectively. Complete inhibition (IC(99)) was achieved at 19.52 and 22.38 microM for NTZ and TIZ, and 18.21 and 17.66 microM for Rm4822 and Rm4847, respectively. However, in order to exert a true parasiticidal effect in vitro, continuous culture of infected fibroblasts in the presence of the bromo-thiazolide Rm4847 was required for a period of 3 days, while the nitro-compound TIZ required 5 days continuous drug exposure. Both thiazolides induced rapid egress of N. caninum tachyzoites from their host cells, and egress was inhibited by the cell membrane permeable Ca(2+)-chelator BAPTA-AM. Host cell entry by N. caninum tachyzoites was inhibited by Rm4847 but not by TIZ. Upon release from their host cells, TIZ-treated parasites remained associated with the fibroblast monolayer, re-invaded neighboring host cells and resumed proliferation in the absence of the drug. In contrast, Rm4847 inhibited host cell invasion and respective treated tachyzoites did not proliferate further. This demonstrated that bromo- and nitro-thiazolides exhibit differential effects against the intracellular protozoan N. caninum and bromo-thiazolides could represent a valuable alternative to the nitro-thiazolyl-salicylamide drugs.


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Recent observations using multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) have uncovered an unexpectedly high lymphocyte motility within peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs). Lymphocyte-expressed intracellular signaling molecules governing interstitial movement remain largely unknown. Here, we used MP-IVM of murine PLNs to examine interstitial motility of lymphocytes lacking the Rac guanine exchange factor DOCK2 and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)gamma, signaling molecules that act downstream of G protein-coupled receptors, including chemokine receptors (CKRs). T and B cells lacking DOCK2 alone or DOCK2 and PI3Kgamma displayed markedly reduced motility inside T cell area and B cell follicle, respectively. Lack of PI3Kgamma alone had no effect on migration velocity but resulted in increased turning angles of T cells. As lymphocyte egress from PLNs requires the sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 1, a G(alphai) protein-coupled receptor similar to CKR, we further analyzed whether DOCK2 and PI3Kgamma contributed to S1P-triggered signaling events. S1P-induced cell migration was significantly reduced in T and B cells lacking DOCK2, whereas T cell-expressed PI3Kgamma contributed to F-actin polymerization and protein kinase B phosphorylation but not migration. These findings correlated with delayed lymphocyte egress from PLNs in the absence of DOCK2 but not PI3Kgamma, and a markedly reduced cell motility of DOCK2-deficient T cells in close proximity to efferent lymphatic vessels. In summary, our data support a central role for DOCK2, and to a lesser extent T cell-expressed PI3Kgamma, for signal transduction during interstitial lymphocyte migration and S1P-mediated egress.


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Lymphoid organ hypertrophy is a hallmark of localized infection. During the inflammatory response, massive changes in lymphocyte recirculation and turnover boost lymphoid organ cellularity. Intriguingly, the exact nature of these changes remains undefined to date. Here, we report that hypertrophy of Salmonella-infected Peyer's patches (PPs) ensues from a global "shutdown" of lymphocyte egress, which traps recirculating lymphocytes in PPs. Surprisingly, infection-induced lymphocyte sequestration did not require previously proposed mediators of lymphoid organ shutdown including type I interferon receptor and CD69. In contrast, following T-cell receptor-mediated priming, CD69 was essential to selectively block CD4+ effector T-cell egress. Our findings segregate two distinct lymphocyte sequestration mechanisms, which differentially rely on intrinsic modulation of lymphocyte egress capacity and inflammation-induced changes in the lymphoid organ environment.


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The serine and threonine kinase MST1 is the mammalian homolog of Hippo. MST1 is a critical mediator of the migration, adhesion, and survival of T cells; however, these functions of MST1 are independent of signaling by its typical effectors, the kinase LATS and the transcriptional coactivator YAP. The kinase NDR1, a member of the same family of kinases as LATS, functions as a tumor suppressor by preventing T cell lymphomagenesis, which suggests that it may play a role in T cell homeostasis. We generated and characterized mice with a T cell-specific double knockout of Ndr1 and Ndr2 (Ndr DKO). Compared with control mice, Ndr DKO mice exhibited a substantial reduction in the number of naïve T cells in their secondary lymphoid organs. Mature single-positive thymocytes accumulated in the thymus in Ndr DKO mice. We also found that NDRs acted downstream of MST1 to mediate the egress of mature thymocytes from the thymus, as well as the interstitial migration of naïve T cells within popliteal lymph nodes. Together, our findings indicate that the kinases NDR1 and NDR2 function as downstream effectors of MST1 to mediate thymocyte egress and T cell migration.


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The herpes simplex virus (HSV) UL31 gene encodes a conserved member of the herpesvirus nuclear egress complex that not only functions in the egress of DNA-containing capsids from the nucleus, but is also required for optimal viral genome expression, replication and packaging into capsids. Here, we report that the UL31 protein from HSV-2 and the orthologous protein, ORF69, from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) are recruited to sites of DNA damage. Recruitment of UL31 to sites of DNA damage occurred in HSV-2 infected cells, but did not require other viral proteins. The N-terminus of UL31 contains sequences resembling a poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding motif. As protein poly-ADP ribosylation (PARylation) is a hallmark of the DNA damage response we examined the relationship between PARylation and UL31 recruitment to DNA damage. While the PAR polymerase (PARP)1/2 inhibitor, olaparib, prevented UL31 recruitment to damaged DNA, KU55933 inhibition of signaling through the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) DNA damage response pathway had no effect. These findings were further supported by experiments demonstrating direct and specific interaction between HSV-2 UL31 and PAR using purified components. Co-transfection with the viral kinase Us3, known to phosphorylate UL31, inhibited UL31 recruitment to DNA damage but also prevented the recruitment of other proteins recruited to DNA damage sites. The viral E3 ubiquitin ligase ICP0 was observed to co-localize with UL31 in transfected cells in a manner that is independent of the PAR-binding ability of UL31. However, inhibition of PARP1/2/3 did not reduce the ability of HSV-2 to replicate and we observed reduced PAR levels in the nuclei of infected cells. This study reveals a previously unrecognized function for UL31 orthologs and may suggest that the recognition of PAR by UL31 is coupled to the nuclear egress of herpesvirus capsids, influences viral DNA replication and packaging, or possibly modulates the DNA damage response mounted by virally infected cells.


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Thesis (Master, Biomedical & Molecular Sciences) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-23 15:03:30.807


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The early stages of the building design process are when the most far reaching decisions are made regarding the configuration of the proposed project. This paper examines methods of providing decision support to building designers across multiple disciplines during the early stage of design. The level of detail supported is at the massing study stage where the basic envelope of the project is being defined. The block outlines on the building envelope are sliced into floors. Within a floor the only spatial divisions supported are the “user” space and the building core. The building core includes vertical transportation systems, emergency egress and vertical duct runs. The current focus of the project described in the paper is multi-storey mixed use office/residential buildings with car parking. This is a common type of building in redevelopment projects within and adjacent to the central business districts of major Australian cities. The key design parameters for system selection across the major systems in multi-storey building projects - architectural, structural, HVAC, vertical transportation, electrical distribution, fire protection, hydraulics and cost – are examined. These have been identified through literature research and discussions with building designers from various disciplines. This information is being encoded in decision support tools. The decision support tools communicate through a shared database to ensure that the relevant information is shared across all of the disciplines. An internal data model has been developed to support the very early design phase and the high level system descriptions required. A mapping to IFC 2x2 has also been defined to ensure that this early information is available at later stages of the design process.


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Ergonomic and biomechanical conditions of ingress-egress were investigated and modelled for lorry drivers. A variable buck and a motion capture system were developped and built. Ingress - egress motion was captured and analyzed for conditons representitive for a majority of lorries, and a cohort of male subjects. A fuzzy-neural network classifier was developed to assess the motion and advise optimum dimensions for lorry package design, based on minimum human stress and optimum comfort.