724 resultados para Educational dimension
Esta pesquisa apresenta as imagens da escola como mediadoras do processo formativo dos jovens no ensino da Arte em diálogo com a história, memória e ambientes intraescolares. Inscreve-se no debate produzido pela linha de pesquisa em Educação e Linguagens. Analisa a formação dos jovens numa turma do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio na Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio “Hunney Everest Piovesan”, localizada no município de Cariacica no Estado do Espírito Santo. O estudo foi realizado em 2013 e tem como objetivo analisar as imagens escolares como mediadoras na formação dos estudantes do Ensino Médio no ensino da Arte em diálogo com a história, memória e ambientes intraescolares. Ao mesmo tempo, por meio de trabalho colaborativo, contribui para (re)construção da história da instituição, significando-a junto aos alunos e comunidade escolar. Por meio de intervenção artística com imagens da escola propõe reflexão crítica, analisando a formação dos jovens no terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. Para compreender os conceitos de mediação e meio social, estabelece um diálogo com as obras de Lev Semenovith Vigotski. A partir dos estudos de Maria Ciavatta e Schütz–Foerste procura entender a mediação imagética e sua dimensão educativa. Dialoga ainda com Frago, Escolano e Buffa, ampliando as reflexões sobre os ambientes intraescolares, dimensionando a imagética desses espaços e o senso de pertencimento à escola a partir da impregnação pela história e memória. A investigação pauta-se nos referenciais do método qualitativo e colaborativo de pesquisa. A produção dos dados contou com o recolhimento e análise documental de um conjunto de fontes primárias e secundárias formadas por livro de registro de funcionários da escola da década de 1970, diários de classe, recortes de jornais, convites de formaturas e registros fotográficos escolares dessa mesma década até a atualidade. Além desses documentos históricos, foram analisadas entrevistas de antigos alunos e questionários dos alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio da instituição. Relata brevemente experiências de curto intercâmbio acadêmico realizado na Universidade de Ancara, na Turquia, com o objetivo de ampliar os horizontes de referência sociocultural, em especial com o contexto educacional do Ensino Médio euroasiático, identificando os espaços de formação dos jovens no contexto turco e suas relações com a educação brasileira. Esta experiência apresentada não integra a análise desta dissertação, mas projeta a discussão para novos estudos. A análise se elabora a partir da triangulação, entre outros, do referencial teórico com o processo de intervenção, produção de dados e no debate acadêmico em diferentes contextos. A partir da caminhada acadêmica permeada pela história e memória, inferimos que as imagens escolares medeiam o processo formativo dos jovens do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio no ensino da Arte. Contribuem para o cultivo da memória escolar, enquanto presença impregnada pela história da instituição, por meio da imagética dos seus ambientes intraescolares. Constatamos ainda que as imagens colaboram para o (re)conhecimento por parte desses sujeitos do seu papel ativo, autônomo e transformador da realidade escolar na qual estão inseridos.
No centro desta reflexão teórica situa-se a conjuntura sociopolítica que fez (re)emergir o 1.º ciclo do ensino básico como “problema” de política educativa, ou seja, como terreno prioritário para o Estado, através do Governo, formular e executar um “modelo” de operacionalização da política de “Escola a Tempo Inteiro” (ETI). Analisamos esta política reportando-a a referenciais de representação de um “novo modelo educativo” (dimensão educativa), de um “novo paradigma de escola pública” (dimensão política) e de uma “nova conceção de administração da educação” (dimensão administrativa). O recurso ao quadro heurístico da “análise das políticas públicas” permite pôr em evidência as representações e a ação governativas. At the centre of this theoretical reflection is the socio-political conjuncture that (re)emerged the 1st. cycle of basic education as an education policy “problem”, that is to say, a priority ground to the State, through the Government, create and implement an operational “model” for “full-time school” policy. We analyse this policy by referring to the referential representation of a “new educational model” (educational dimension), a “new paradigm of public school” (political dimension) and a “new conception of educational administration” (administrative dimension). The use of the heuristic framework of “public policy analysis” allows us to highlight the representations and governmental action.
No centro desta reflexão teórica situa-se a conjuntura sociopolítica que fez (re)emergir o 1.º ciclo do ensino básico como “problema” de política educativa, ou seja, como terreno prioritário para o Estado, através do Governo, formular e executar um “modelo” de operacionalização da política de “Escola a Tempo Inteiro” (ETI). Analisamos esta política reportando-a a referenciais de representação de um “novo modelo educativo” (dimensão educativa), de um “novo paradigma de escola pública” (dimensão política) e de uma “nova conceção de administração da educação” (dimensão administrativa). O recurso ao quadro heurístico da “análise das políticas públicas” permite pôr em evidência as representações e a ação governativas.
The work of this thesis would like to investigate two particular questions about the care of underage: on the one hand, the maltreatment, and the mother's desire on the other hand. About the first, this proposal try to underscore the elaborate irregularity and disparity related to this phenomenon and his historical evolution. The objective's thesis propose to underline that the abuse crosses the crisis of educational dimension inside and outside the family. We are talking about a type of crisi that places at the origin of a specific clinic and that it is about the maltreatment designated, at the same time, to cope with the educational void and with the ill-treated under age's hardships. The so-called clinic of the maltreatment horns, therefore, with the purpose to join and to set in order the normative and educational aspects. However, the prescriptive requirement is intended to measure against the same one crisis in a paradoxical way; the laws and the juveniles court must make up for the lack absence of the rules that characterized the maltreatment, getting around to use the typical reference that traditionally were been at the base of the educational way's construction. The same crimes on underage often found in the father the responsibility. The requirements and the therapeutic needs has utilized the theoretical construct of the trauma as the key line of clinical practice. On the one hand, the trauma was been paired controversially to the psychoanalytical concepts as the notion of the phantom, in the same manner that the objective truth is been opposed to the notion of the imagination and fantasy; on the other hand, the trauma was gotten to be the mark and the characteristic that defined the individual identity of the mistreated persons, regardless of the person's clinical structure or, generally, regardless of the their individual position. Both the normative demand and therapeutic converge on the idealization of the imaginary figure that is able to supply to every type of maltreatment: the mother. This position is connected on theoretical construct well-established in the mythology, that associated the mother figure to a natural dimension; this is related to the second point at issue: the mother's desire. The awareness of the mother figure in natural and idealized terms describes accusingly and negatively the trauma, without seeing the difference between trauma that helps to give a structure to the individual position from the trauma solely devastating. The mother's mythology, therefore, is in an evident antagonism with the female figure and woman's sexuality. In these way the maltreatment's clinic suggests that a woman is able to be a mother only when she doesn't appreciate the rule of female. This situation preclusives a comparison with own sexuality and gives to the women a complex of castration. The clinic cases reported highlight as these difficulties are the expression of the familiarity's heredity that wasn't been sufficiently elaborated. This condition (into the relation between mother and his child) turn the infant in the incapacity to symbolized and it doesn't help him to accede to the positive trauma, to the language and to the edipic rule; this is the reason why the child toils difficulties to approach to own personality and to orient himself in the relation with his body, with the body of the adults and the same age children.
Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game
Can be declared that throughout the historical trajectory of the Brazilian Social Work, the men in the Social Work profession, women in the Social Work profession in his/her professional activity, present an educational dimension that runs through various social and occupational spaces, particularly in the area of Social Assistance Policy. Based on this premise, this present Dissertation, problematize the educational dimension present on the interventional process, in Social Work on the ambit of the Social Assistance Policy in Natal / RN city Brazil in the contemporary scene. Having thus, specific objectives that orientate the research of the interventional process of Social Work in the social assistance policy, analyzing of the apprehension of Social Work professionals on the educational dimension, in their daily work professional and the verification of the relationship between the educational dimension, to the professional action of both men in the Social Work profession and women in the Social Work profession and the concretization of social rights on the ambit of the social assistance policy. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological procedures used for this research, are substantiated on a critical-dialectical perspective and a qualitative and quantitative approach, from of the application of field research, of the non-participant observation, of the semi-structure, of the review of literature bibliographic and documental. Thus, considering that both women in the social work profession and men in the social work profession are an organic intellectuals who in their daily professional work promotes an intellectual and moral reform of their users, the results of this research, synthesize and show that the educational dimension in both professional work and social assistance, which have partner-historics, whose imbrication allows, contradictorily, by a side, a reaffirmation of the dominant culture, and by other side, a direction linked to the construction of an emancipatory culture in the pursuit of the materializing of social rights and a new sociability
Este estudo estabelece a interface entre teatro e educação com a perspectiva de evidenciar os elementos significativos da dimensão educativa do Grupo de Teatro do Instituto Universidade Popular UNIPOP. Decorre, portanto, de dois movimentos que estão imbricados, o primeiro diz respeito à origem do Grupo de Teatro da UNIPOP e o segundo, volta-se para a dimensão educativa desse Grupo. O estudo tem sua fundamentação metodológica na pesquisa qualitativa, focando a formação humana a partir da experiência vivida pelo Grupo de Teatro da Universidade Popular, com o objetivo de identificar os elementos significativos que emergem da dimensão educativa da experiência teatral dessa instituição. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o teatro, como linguagem artística, pode contribuir para formação humana por meio da criação artística, sendo, portanto, as práticas teatrais potencialmente práticas educativas. Os principais autores que forneceram idéias básicas à constituição teórica deste estudo foram Freire, Boal e Baron. Sob a inspiração da etnometodologia, adotou-se como procedimentos de investigação sobre a experiência do Grupo e coleta de informações a observação, a análise documental, a entrevista, figuras e fotografias como ilustração de eventos. No âmbito da relação entre teatro e educação materializada na experiência Grupo de Teatro da UNIPOP três elementos significativos emergiram durante a investigação e são explicitadas e analisadas ao longo do estudo: a história de vida como elemento de cena, a reflexibilidade do teatro e o processo colaborativo entre os participantes do grupo.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
The present doctoral dissertation deals with two significant case studies of Italian holiday camps which appear as interesting architectural experiences that reflect both the pedagogic and educational programmes of the fascist regime, and the discussion on the constructive and expressive principles that characterize the Italian architecture during the Thirties. The research explains the colony "XXVIII October for the sons of the Italian workers living abroad", today known as "Le Navi" ("The Ships"), built in Cattolica in 1934 and projected by the Roman architect Clemente Busiri Vici, and the feminine colony "for the sons of the Italian workers living abroad" built in 1934 in Tirrenia and projected by the architects Mario Paniconi and Giulio Pediconi. These holiday camps are the sole buildings commissioned directly by the Department in the Italian Foreign Office with the aim of offering a seaside stay to the sons of the Italians living in the colonies who, probably, could visit Italy only one time in their life. Firstly, the work illustrates the most relevant themes concerning these holiday camps, such as the representative intents that the buildings evoked to the children attending the places. Sun-bathing and group gymnastics were some of the rituals in the communal life, where order and discipline gave a precise internal organization to the spaces. Over the correspondence to practical functions, the figures and the forms of the different spaces of the buildings involve the children in an educational dimension. Subsequently, the function of the Department in the Italian Foreign Office and the planning and constructive ideas of the two colonies will be introduced. These colonies were conceived by a precise social project with educational, welfare and therapeutic aims. The elements, the spaces and the volumes create a fixed and theatrical scene of the life, full of ideological, political and celebratory overtones. Finally, the research shows that the relation between the architectural shape of the buildings and the rituals performed by fascist tutors produces an ideal space, extraneous to the external world that could influence the behavior of the children. The plan is to transmit to the children an image of Italy that will remain engraved in their minds once they have returned to their countries. In these projects there is the intent to transmit the image of "italianity" abroad. The way to do this was to plan for them a scenery which contains all the architectural elements of Italian cities. The holiday camps are proposed a sort of microcosm that appears as an "evocation" of the places and the spaces of Italian cities. The buildings appear as veritable "cities of childhood".
La ricerca si colloca all’interno di un complesso intervento di cooperazione internazionale realizzato in El Salvador tra il 2009 e il 2014. Il Progetto di cooperazione è stato promosso dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione dell’Università di Bologna e finanziato dalla Cooperazione Italiana. L’esperienza studiata rappresenta un esempio di promozione dell’inclusione nei sistemi scolastici di Paesi del Sud del mondo e si propone due obiettivi: 1) analizzare il processo di cambiamento della prospettiva di intervento promossa dalla cooperazione internazionale, evidenziando la dimensione educativa che sostiene processi di empowerment e ownership delle istituzioni locali; 2) contribuire al dibattito sull’ “inclusive education”, sostenendo processi di inclusione scolastica e sociale rivolti a tutti coloro che si trovano in situazione di svantaggio psico-fisico e/o socio-culturale. Le politiche locali del Ministero dell’Educazione dal 2009 hanno promosso un modello educativo con l’obiettivo di garantire il diritto all’educazione per tutti nella scuola pubblica. Lo studio costituisce un'indagine di tipo valutativo sul processo di sviluppo della scuola inclusiva in El Salvador, supportato dall’intervento di cooperazione internazionale. La ricerca utilizza in modo integrato strumenti di natura quantitativa (questionari) e qualitativa (interviste). Dai dati raccolti emerge come il processo di cooperazione sia stato caratterizzato dal principio della pari dignità tra esperti internazionali e autorità politiche e tecniche locali. Inoltre, la ricerca ha consentito di verificare come la cultura dell'inclusione si sia radicata in modo diffuso nella percezione della missione della scuola e il suo ruolo tra i protagonisti del sistema scolastico. Alla luce dei risultati, appare fondamentale continuare a investire sulla formazione tecnica delle figure chiave del sistema educativo; facilitare il processo di inclusione dei disabili nelle scuole regolari con una parallela trasformazione delle scuole speciali in centri di supporto all’integrazione; promuovere una sinergia di azione formativa tra il ministero, mondo accademico e della formazione professionale.
Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural, 2016.
Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.
Lo spazio pubblico urbano potrebbe essere visto come una scenografia mutevole in cui la società rappresenta sé stessa. Soprattutto nei centri storici della città, si perde l’identità di luoghi specifici, così come la coscienza dei cittadini, che porta ad un uso improprio dello spazio causato principalmente dall’assenza di una cultura architettonica. In questo senso, l’obiettivo finale dell’architettura è quello di essere educativa nello spiegare il motivo per cui è stata concepita. La tesi di ricerca tenta di studiare la dimensione educativa e la forza che l’architettura ha nell’influenzare comportamenti spontanei e non spontanei. L’obiettivo è trovare metodi di progettazione e legali in grado di migliorare gli spazi pubblici in termini di qualità della vita dei suoi utenti. Il riconoscimento e la trasmissione dell’architettura, attraverso l’uso dell’architettura stessa, tenta di arginare un’assenza di cultura architettonica e un uso sempre più improprio dei suoi spazi. La domanda a cui, dunque, si tenta di rispondere è: Può la dimensione evocativa dell’architettura stimolare processi di rigenerazione urbana? La tesi si sviluppa in tre parti: la prima presenta alcune riflessioni teoriche sulla progettazione dello spazio pubblico alle quali fanno riferimento altrettanti progetti portati avanti nei mesi di ricerca Dai workshops realizzati sono emerse diverse problematiche riguardo l’effettiva realizzazione di tali progetti evidenziando soprattutto una carenza di tipo normativo che fa “cadere” gli entusiasmi legati al completamento delle opere per la comunità e di conseguenza decade il valore teorico dei progetti. Per questo motivo, nella seconda parte, si tenta di approfondire il tema legislativo per trovare soluzioni alternative agli arresti burocratici che sovente disincentivano le azioni corali della cittadinanza. La terza parte si concentrerà su un progetto per un’area di Bologna da riqualificare, i Prati di Caprara, per i quali si sfrutteranno tutte le conoscenze teoriche precedentemente esposte.